Fixed GradingRecord and GradingSurveyRecord Logic to load the correct Model.
Contains some data structures.
from webob.util.dictmixin import DictMixin
class EnvironHeaders(DictMixin):
"""An object that represents the headers as present in a
WSGI environment.
This object is a wrapper (with no internal state) for a WSGI
request object, representing the CGI-style HTTP_* keys as a
dictionary. Because a CGI environment can only hold one value for
each key, this dictionary is single-valued (unlike outgoing
def __init__(self, environ):
self.environ = environ
def _trans_name(self, name):
key = 'HTTP_'+name.replace('-', '_').upper()
elif key == 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE':
return key
def _trans_key(self, key):
if key == 'CONTENT_TYPE':
return 'Content-Type'
elif key == 'CONTENT_LENGTH':
return 'Content-Length'
elif key.startswith('HTTP_'):
return key[5:].replace('_', '-').title()
return None
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.environ[self._trans_name(item)]
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
self.environ[self._trans_name(item)] = value
def __delitem__(self, item):
del self.environ[self._trans_name(item)]
def __iter__(self):
for key in self.environ:
name = self._trans_key(key)
if name is not None:
yield name
def keys(self):
return list(iter(self))
def __contains__(self, item):
return self._trans_name(item) in self.environ