Show "Created by" read-only field in Document Edit view. Update size of TinyMCE widget in Document Edit/Create views. Change user property name to founder in Document model and update files according to this change (now founder is used in Group and Document models). Remove not used variables and imports in views/site/docs/ Refactor EditForm and CreateForm in views/site/docs/ so that EditForm inherits from CreateForm and just extends it.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
Review by: to-be-reviewed
Django validation and HTML form handling.
Default value for field
Field labels
Nestable Forms
FatalValidationError -- short-circuits all other validators on a form
"This form field requires foo.js" and form.js_includes()
from util import ValidationError
from widgets import *
from fields import *
from forms import *
from models import *