author Matthew Wilkes <>
Fri, 15 May 2009 15:29:41 +0200
changeset 2314 0a0e603215d7
parent 2274 1885cda38bb7
child 2322 98fe07a5542f
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Include required antl3 library and check if datastore is available The datastore is checked for availability before requesting it to be cleared. This is because gaeftest uses its own method for ensuring no leakage of data by providing a temporary file as the backend. Reviewed by: Sverre Rabbelier

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Starts an interactive shell with statistic helpers.

__authors__ = [
  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',

import cPickle
import datetime
import operator
import sys
import time

import interactive

def dateFetch(queryGen, last=None, batchSize=100):
  """Iterator that yields an entity in batches.

    queryGen: should return a Query object
    last: used to .filter() for last_modified_on
    batchSize: how many entities to retrieve in one datastore call

  Retrieved from (AppEngine cookbook).

  from google.appengine.ext import db

   # AppEngine will not fetch more than 1000 results
  batchSize = min(batchSize,1000)

  query = None
  done = False
  count = 0

  while not done:
    print count
    query = queryGen()
    if last:
      query.filter("last_modified_on > ", last)
    results = query.fetch(batchSize)
    for result in results:
      count += 1
      yield result
    if batchSize > len(results):
      done = True
      last = results[-1].last_modified_on

def addKey(target, fieldname):
  """Adds the key of the specified field.

  result = target.copy()
  result['%s_key' % fieldname] = target[fieldname].key().name()
  return result

def getEntities(model):
  """Returns all users as dictionary.

  def wrapped():
    gen = lambda: model.all()
    it = interactive.deepFetch(gen)

    entities = [(i.key().name(), i) for i in it]
    return dict(entities)

  return wrapped

def getProps(last=None):
  """Returns all proposals as a list of dictionaries.

  key_order = [
      'link_id', 'scope_path', 'title', 'abstract', 'content',
      'additional_info', '_mentor', 'possible_mentors', 'score',
      'status', '_org', 'created_on', 'last_modified_on']

  from soc.models.student_proposal import StudentProposal

  gen = lambda: StudentProposal.all()

  it = dateFetch(gen, last)

  proposals = [(i.key().name(), i.toDict(key_order)) for i in it]
  if proposals:
    last = i.last_modified_on # last modified entity
    last =

  return dict(proposals), last

def orgStats(target, orgs):
  """Retrieves org stats.

  from soc.logic import dicts

  orgs = [(v.key(), v) for k, v in orgs.iteritems()]
  orgs = dict(orgs)

  grouped = dicts.groupby(target.values(), '_org')

  grouped = [(orgs[k], v) for k, v in grouped.iteritems()]
  popularity = [(k.link_id, len(v)) for k, v in grouped]

  return dict(grouped), dict(popularity)

def countStudentsWithProposals():
  """Retrieves number of Students who have submitted at least one Student Proposal.

  proposals = getStudentProposals()
  students = {}

  for proposal_key in proposals.keys():
    students[proposals[proposal_key].scope_path] = True

  return len(students)

def printPopularity(popularity):
  """Prints the popularity for the specified proposals.

  g = operator.itemgetter(1)

  for item in sorted(popularity.iteritems(), key=g, reverse=True):
    print "%s: %d" % item

def saveValues(values, saver):
  """Saves the specified popularities.

  import logging
  from google.appengine.ext import db

  from soc.models.organization import Organization

  def txn(key, value):
    org = Organization.get_by_key_name(key)
    saver(org, value)

  for key, value in sorted(values.iteritems()):
    print key
    db.run_in_transaction_custom_retries(10, txn, key, value)

  print "done"

def addFollower(follower, proposals, add_public=True, add_private=True):
  """Adds a user as follower to the specified proposals.

    follower: the User to add as follower
    proposals: a list with the StudnetProposals that should be subscribed to
    add_public: whether the user is subscribed to public updates
    add_private: whether the user should be subscribed to private updates

  from soc.models.review_follower import ReviewFollower

  result = []

  for i in proposals:
     properties = {
       'user': follower,
       'link_id': follower.link_id,
       'scope': i,
       'scope_path': i.key().name(),
       'key_name': '%s/%s' % (i.key().name(), follower.link_id),
       'subscribed_public': add_public,
       'subscribed_private': add_private,

     entity = ReviewFollower(**properties)

  return result

def convertProposals(org):
  """Convert all proposals for the specified organization.

    org: the organization for which all proposals will be converted

  from soc.logic.models.student_proposal import logic as proposal_logic
  from soc.logic.models.student_project import logic as project_logic

  proposals = proposal_logic.getProposalsToBeAcceptedForOrg(org)

  print "accepting %d proposals, with %d slots" % (len(proposals), org.slots)

  for proposal in proposals:
    fields = {
        'link_id': 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100)),
        'program': proposal.program,
        'student': proposal.scope,
        'title': proposal.title,
        'abstract': proposal.abstract,
        'mentor': proposal.mentor,

    project = project_logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(fields, silent=True)

    fields = {

    proposal_logic.updateEntityProperties(proposal, fields, silent=True)

  fields = {
      'status': ['new', 'pending'],
      'org': org,

  querygen = lambda: proposal_logic.getQueryForFields(fields)
  proposals = [i for i in interactive.deepFetch(querygen, batchSize=10)]

  print "rejecting %d proposals" % len(proposals)

  fields = {
      'status': 'rejected',

  for proposal in proposals:
    proposal_logic.updateEntityProperties(proposal, fields, silent=True)

def startSpam():
  """Creates the job that is responsible for sending mails.

  from soc.logic.models.job import logic as job_logic
  from soc.logic.models.priority_group import logic as priority_logic
  from soc.logic.models.program import logic as program_logic

  program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName('google/gsoc2009')

  priority_group = priority_logic.getGroup(priority_logic.EMAIL)
  job_fields = {
      'priority_group': priority_group,
      'task_name': 'setupStudentProposalMailing',
      'key_data': [program_entity.key()]}


def reviveJobs(amount):
  """Sets jobs that are stuck in 'aborted' to waiting.

    amount: the amount of jobs to revive

  from soc.models.job import Job

  query = Job.all().filter('status', 'aborted')
  jobs = query.fetch(amount)

  if not jobs:
    print "no dead jobs"

  for job in jobs:
     job.status = 'waiting'
     print "restarted %d" % job.key().id()

def deidleJobs(amount):
  """Sets jobs that are stuck in 'started' to waiting.

    amount: the amount of jobs to deidle

  from soc.models.job import Job

  query = Job.all().filter('status', 'started')
  jobs = query.fetch(amount)

  if not jobs:
    print "no idle jobs"

  for job in jobs:
     job.status = 'waiting'
     print "restarted %d" % job.key().id()

def deleteEntities(model, step_size=25):
  """Deletes all entities of the specified type

  print "Deleting..."
  count = 0

  while True:
    entities = model.all().fetch(step_size)

    if not entities:

    for entity in entities:

    count += step_size

    print "deleted %d entities" % count

  print "Done"

def loadPickle(name):
  """Loads a pickle.

  f = open(name + '.dat')
  return cPickle.load(f)

def dumpPickle(target, name):
  """Dumps a pickle.

  f = open("%s.dat" % name, 'w')
  cPickle.dump(target, f)

def main(args):
  """Main routine.


  from soc.models.organization import Organization
  from soc.models.user import User
  from soc.models.student import Student
  from soc.models.mentor import Mentor
  from soc.models.org_admin import OrgAdmin
  from soc.models.job import Job
  from soc.models.student_proposal import StudentProposal
  from soc.models.student_project import StudentProject

  def slotSaver(org, value):
    org.slots = value
  def popSaver(org, value):
    org.nr_applications = value
  def rawSaver(org, value):
    org.slots_calculated = value

  context = {
      'load': loadPickle,
      'dump': dumpPickle,
      'orgStats': orgStats,
      'printPopularity': printPopularity,
      'saveValues': saveValues,
      'getEntities': getEntities,
      'deleteEntities': deleteEntities,
      'getOrgs': getEntities(Organization),
      'getUsers': getEntities(User),
      'getStudents': getEntities(Student),
      'getMentors': getEntities(Mentor),
      'getOrgAdmins': getEntities(OrgAdmin),
      'getStudentProjects': getEntities(StudentProject),
      'getProps': getProps,
      'countStudentsWithProposals': countStudentsWithProposals,
      'convertProposals': convertProposals,
      'addFollower': addFollower,
      'Organization': Organization,
      'Job': Job,
      'User': User,
      'Student': Student,
      'Mentor': Mentor,
      'OrgAdmin': OrgAdmin,
      'StudentProject': StudentProject,
      'StudentProposal': StudentProposal,
      'slotSaver': slotSaver,
      'popSaver': popSaver,
      'rawSaver': rawSaver,
      'startSpam': startSpam,
      'reviveJobs': reviveJobs,
      'deidleJobs': deidleJobs,

  interactive.remote(args, context)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Usage: %s app_id [host]" % (sys.argv[0],)
