author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Fri, 23 Jan 2009 21:20:33 +0000
changeset 935 09f47e08f805
parent 934 9fcc08971efe
child 1007 3b66772d21a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adust the as_table tag to render a pick link if appropriate The templates are adjusted to pass on a 'reference' value, which is the url_name of the view from which the entity should be picked. The as_table (and related) function(s) construct and then pass on this argument and enable takes_contex so that we have access to the context of the enclosing template. We only extract ReferenceProperties that end with '_link_id' since that is how all RP's are currently named. It is not possible to create a field with the same name as the RP, as GAE will try to interpret it's contents as the key of an entity before even calling any function we can override. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Views for Documents.

__authors__ = [
    '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',
    '"Pawel Solyga" <>',

from google.appengine.api import users

from django import forms

from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.logic import validate
from soc.logic.models import user as user_logic
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views.helper import access
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.models import base

import soc.models.document
import soc.logic.models.document
import soc.logic.dicts
import soc.views.helper
import soc.views.helper.widgets

class CreateForm(helper.forms.BaseForm):
  """Django form displayed when Developer creates a Document.

  content = forms.fields.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.TinyMCE(
      attrs={'rows':10, 'cols':40}))

  class Meta:
    """Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form.
    model = soc.models.document.Document

    #: list of model fields which will *not* be gathered by the form
    exclude = ['author', 'created', 'modified_by', 'modified', 'scope']

  def clean_scope_path(self):
    scope_path = self.cleaned_data.get('scope_path')
    # TODO(tlarsen): combine path and link_id and check for uniqueness
    if not validate.isScopePathFormatValid(scope_path):
      raise forms.ValidationError("This scope path is in wrong format.")
    return scope_path

  def clean_link_id(self):
    link_id = self.cleaned_data.get('link_id').lower()
    # TODO(tlarsen): combine path and link_id and check for uniqueness
    if not validate.isLinkIdFormatValid(link_id):
      raise forms.ValidationError("This link ID is in wrong format.")
    return link_id

class EditForm(CreateForm):
  """Django form displayed a Document is edited.

  doc_key_name = forms.fields.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
  created_by = forms.fields.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput(),
  last_modified_by = forms.fields.CharField(
      widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput(), required=False)

class View(base.View):
  """View methods for the Document model.

  def __init__(self, params=None):
    """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

    rights = {}
    rights['any_access'] = [access.allow]
    rights['show'] = [access.checkIsDocumentPublic]

    new_params = {}
    new_params['logic'] = soc.logic.models.document.logic
    new_params['rights'] = rights

    new_params['export_content_type'] = 'text/text'

    new_params['name'] = "Document"

    new_params['edit_form'] = EditForm
    new_params['create_form'] = CreateForm

    params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

    super(View, self).__init__(params=params)

  def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields):
    """See base.View._editPost().

    account = users.get_current_user()
    user = user_logic.logic.getForFields({'account': account}, unique=True)

    if not entity:
      fields['author'] = user
      fields['author'] =

    fields['modified_by'] = user

    super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)

  def _editGet(self, request, entity, form):
    """See base.View._editGet().

    form.fields['created_by'].initial =
    form.fields['last_modified_by'].initial =
    form.fields['doc_key_name'].initial = entity.key().name()

    super(View, self)._editGet(request, entity, form)

  def getMenusForScope(self, entity, params):
    """Returns the featured menu items for one specifc entity.

    A link to the home page of the specified entity is also included.

      entity: the entity for which the entry should be constructed
      params: a dict with params for this View.

    filter = {
        'scope_path': entity.key().name(),
        'is_featured': True,

    entities = self._logic.getForFields(filter)

    submenus = []

    # add a link to the home page
    submenu = (redirects.getHomeRedirect(entity, params), "Home", 'show')

    # add a link to all featured documents
    for entity in entities:
      submenu = (redirects.getPublicRedirect(entity, self._params),
                 entity.short_name, 'show')

    return submenus

view = View()

create = view.create
edit = view.edit
delete = view.delete
list = view.list
public = view.public
export = view.export
pick = view.pick