Adust the as_table tag to render a pick link if appropriate
The templates are adjusted to pass on a 'reference' value, which
is the url_name of the view from which the entity should be picked.
The as_table (and related) function(s) construct and then pass on
this argument and enable takes_contex so that we have access to the
context of the enclosing template.
We only extract ReferenceProperties that end with '_link_id' since
that is how all RP's are currently named. It is not possible to
create a field with the same name as the RP, as GAE will try to
interpret it's contents as the key of an entity before even calling
any function we can override.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
Utility functions for handling images.
Requires PIL, as you might imagine.
from django.core.files import File
class ImageFile(File):
A mixin for use alongside django.core.files.base.File, which provides
additional features for dealing with images.
def _get_width(self):
return self._get_image_dimensions()[0]
width = property(_get_width)
def _get_height(self):
return self._get_image_dimensions()[1]
height = property(_get_height)
def _get_image_dimensions(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_dimensions_cache'):
self._dimensions_cache = get_image_dimensions(self)
return self._dimensions_cache
def get_image_dimensions(file_or_path):
"""Returns the (width, height) of an image, given an open file or a path."""
from PIL import ImageFile as PILImageFile
p = PILImageFile.Parser()
if hasattr(file_or_path, 'read'):
file = file_or_path
file = open(file_or_path, 'rb')
while 1:
data =
if not data:
if p.image:
return p.image.size
return None