author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Fri, 23 Jan 2009 21:20:33 +0000
changeset 935 09f47e08f805
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adust the as_table tag to render a pick link if appropriate The templates are adjusted to pass on a 'reference' value, which is the url_name of the view from which the entity should be picked. The as_table (and related) function(s) construct and then pass on this argument and enable takes_contex so that we have access to the context of the enclosing template. We only extract ReferenceProperties that end with '_link_id' since that is how all RP's are currently named. It is not possible to create a field with the same name as the RP, as GAE will try to interpret it's contents as the key of an entity before even calling any function we can override. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

This module includes some utility functions for inspecting the layout
of a GDAL data source -- the functionality is analogous to the output
produced by the `ogrinfo` utility.

from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
from django.contrib.gis.gdal.geometries import GEO_CLASSES

def ogrinfo(data_source, num_features=10):
    Walks the available layers in the supplied `data_source`, displaying
    the fields for the first `num_features` features.

    # Checking the parameters.
    if isinstance(data_source, str):
        data_source = DataSource(data_source)
    elif isinstance(data_source, DataSource):
        raise Exception, 'Data source parameter must be a string or a DataSource object.'

    for i, layer in enumerate(data_source):
        print "data source : %s" %
        print "==== layer %s" % i
        print "  shape type: %s" % GEO_CLASSES[layer.geom_type.num].__name__
        print "  # features: %s" % len(layer)
        print "         srs: %s" % layer.srs
        extent_tup = layer.extent.tuple
        print "      extent: %s - %s" % (extent_tup[0:2], extent_tup[2:4])
        print "Displaying the first %s features ====" % num_features

        width = max(*map(len,layer.fields))
        fmt = " %%%ss: %%s" % width
        for j, feature in enumerate(layer[:num_features]):
            print "=== Feature %s" % j
            for fld_name in layer.fields:
                type_name = feature[fld_name].type_name
                output = fmt % (fld_name, type_name)
                val = feature.get(fld_name)
                if val:
                    if isinstance(val, str):
                        val_fmt = ' ("%s")'
                        val_fmt = ' (%s)'
                    output += val_fmt % val
                    output += ' (None)'
                print output

# For backwards compatibility.
sample = ogrinfo