author Lennard de Rijk <>
Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:36:45 +0200
changeset 2664 06d4f4d06f64
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added registerRole to Role Logic where all roles are registered. This is used to make the use of the role property in the Request Model more easily consistent.

Caching framework.

This package defines set of cache backends that all conform to a simple API.
In a nutshell, a cache is a set of values -- which can be any object that
may be pickled -- identified by string keys.  For the complete API, see
the abstract BaseCache class in django.core.cache.backends.base.

Client code should not access a cache backend directly; instead it should
either use the "cache" variable made available here, or it should use the
get_cache() function made available here. get_cache() takes a backend URI
(e.g. "memcached://") and returns an instance of a backend
cache class.

See docs/cache.txt for information on the public API.

from cgi import parse_qsl
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import signals
from django.core.cache.backends.base import InvalidCacheBackendError

# Name for use in settings file --> name of module in "backends" directory.
# Any backend scheme that is not in this dictionary is treated as a Python
# import path to a custom backend.
    'memcached': 'memcached',
    'locmem': 'locmem',
    'file': 'filebased',
    'db': 'db',
    'dummy': 'dummy',

def get_cache(backend_uri):
    if backend_uri.find(':') == -1:
        raise InvalidCacheBackendError, "Backend URI must start with scheme://"
    scheme, rest = backend_uri.split(':', 1)
    if not rest.startswith('//'):
        raise InvalidCacheBackendError, "Backend URI must start with scheme://"

    host = rest[2:]
    qpos = rest.find('?')
    if qpos != -1:
        params = dict(parse_qsl(rest[qpos+1:]))
        host = rest[2:qpos]
        params = {}
    if host.endswith('/'):
        host = host[:-1]

    if scheme in BACKENDS:
        module = __import__('django.core.cache.backends.%s' % BACKENDS[scheme], {}, {}, [''])
        module = __import__(scheme, {}, {}, [''])
    return getattr(module, 'CacheClass')(host, params)

cache = get_cache(settings.CACHE_BACKEND)

# Some caches -- pythont-memcached in particular -- need to do a cleanup at the
# end of a request cycle. If the cache provides a close() method, wire it up
# here.
if hasattr(cache, 'close'):