Minor fixes needed for generic key name
We no longer try to retreive an entity when there are unset fields.
This sort of makes 'getIfFields' obsolete, since we check if fields
now anyway. This is needed because getKeyFieldsFromDict expects the
fields to be set.
Also a minor fix in a Django template so that the generic 'edit' page
has a working delete button again.
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helpers for displaying arbitrarily nested menus as HTML lists.
__authors__ = [
'"Todd Larsen" <tlarsen@google.com>',
class HtmlMenu:
"""Ordered collection of MenuItem objects as <p>...</p> paragraphs.
ITEM_PREFIX_FMT = '%(indent)s<p>'
ITEM_SUFFIX_FMT = '%(indent)s</p>'
def __init__(self, menu, item_class=None):
"""Wraps an soc.logic.menu.Menu in order to render it as HTML.
menu: an soc.logic.menu.Menu object
item_class: style used to render the MenuItems contained in menu;
default is None, which causes AHrefMenuItem to be used
self._menu = menu
# workaround for circular dependency between AHrefMenuItem and this class
if not item_class:
item_class = AHrefMenuItem
self._item_class = item_class
def getHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns list of HTML tags for arbitrarily nested items in the menu.
indent: string prepended to the beginning of each line of output
(usually consists entirely of spaces)
a list of strings that can be joined with '\n' into a single string
to produce an entire <ul>...</ul> list in HTML
tags = []
if self._menu.items:
tags.append(self.ITEM_PREFIX_FMT % {'indent': indent})
for item in self._menu.items:
item, menu_class=self.__class__).getHtmlTags(indent + ' '))
tags.append(self.ITEM_SUFFIX_FMT % {'indent': indent})
return tags
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.getHtmlTags(''))
class UlMenu(HtmlMenu):
"""Ordered collection of MenuItem objects as a <ul> list.
ITEM_PREFIX_FMT = '%(indent)s<ul>'
ITEM_SUFFIX_FMT = '%(indent)s</ul>'
def __init__(self, menu, item_class=None):
"""Wraps an soc.logic.menu.Menu in order to render it as HTML.
menu: an soc.logic.menu.Menu object
item_class: style used to render the MenuItems contained in menu;
default is None, which causes LiMenuItem to be used
# workaround for circular dependency between LiMenuItem and this class
if not item_class:
item_class = LiMenuItem
HtmlMenu.__init__(self, menu, item_class=item_class)
class HtmlMenuItem:
"""Base class for specific MenuItem wrappers used by HtmlMenu sub-classes.
def __init__(self, item, menu_class=HtmlMenu):
"""Wraps an soc.logic.menu.MenuItem in order to render it as HTML.
item: an soc.logic.menu.MenuItem object to wrap, in order to produce
a representation of it as HTML tags later
menu_class: a class derived from HtmlMenu, used to style any sub-menu
of the MenuItem; default is HtmlMenu
self._item = self.escapeItem(item)
self._menu_class = menu_class
def getItemHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns list of HTML tags for the menu item itself.
This method is intended to be overridden by sub-classes.
indent: string prepended to the beginning of each line of output
(usually consists entirely of spaces)
a list of strings that can be joined with '\n' into a single string
to produce:
<b>name</b> value <i>(annotation)</i>
with value and/or <i>(annotation)</i> omitted if either is missing
# TODO(tlarsen): implement "selected" style
tags = ['%s<b>%s</b>' % (indent, self._item.name)]
if self._item.value:
tags.append('%s%s' % (indent, self._item.value))
if self._item.annotation:
tags.append('%s<i>(%s)</i>' % (indent, self._item.annotation))
return tags
def getSubMenuHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns list of HTML tags for any sub-menu, if one exists.
indent: string prepended to the beginning of each line of output
(usually consists entirely of spaces)
an empty list if there is no sub-menu
the list of HTML tags that render the entire sub-menu (depends on the
menu_class that was provided to __init__()
if not self._item.sub_menu:
return []
return self._menu_class(self._item.sub_menu,
def getHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns list of HTML tags for a menu item (and possibly its sub-menus).
indent: string prepended to the beginning of each line of output
(usually consists entirely of spaces)
a list of strings that can be joined with '\n' into a single string
to produce an HTML representation of the wrapped MenuItem, with
arbitrarily nested sub-menus possibly appended
return self.getItemHtmlTags(indent) + self.getSubMenuHtmlTags(indent)
def escapeItem(self, item):
"""HTML-escapes possibly user-supplied fields to prevent XSS.
item: an soc.logic.menu.MenuItem that is altered in-place; the
fields that are potentially user-provided (name, value, annotation)
are escaped using self.escapeText()
the originally supplied item, for convenience, so that this method can
be combined with an assignment
item.name = self.escapeText(item.name)
item.value = self.escapeText(item.value)
item.annotation = self.escapeText(item.annotation)
return item
def escapeText(self, text):
# TODO(tlarsen): user-supplied content *must* be escaped to prevent XSS
return text
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.getHtmlTags(''))
class AHrefMenuItem(HtmlMenuItem):
"""Provides HTML menu item properties as attributes as an <a href> link.
def getItemHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns list of HTML tags for the menu item itself.
indent: string prepended to the beginning of each line of output
(usually consists entirely of spaces)
a list of strings that can be joined with '\n' into a single string
to produce an <a href="...">...</a> link, or just the MenuItem.name
as plain text if there was no AHrefMenuItem.value URL
# TODO(tlarsen): implement "selected" style
if not self._item.value:
# if no URL, then not a link, so just display item.name as text
return ['%s<span>%s</span>' % (indent, self._item.name)]
# URL supplied, so make an <a href="item.value">item.name</a> link
return ['%s<a href="%s"><span>%s</span></a>' % (indent, self._item.value, self._item.name)]
class LiMenuItem(AHrefMenuItem):
"""Provides HTML menu item properties as attributes as an <li> list item.
def __init__(self, item, menu_class=UlMenu):
"""Wraps an soc.logic.menu.MenuItem in order to render it as HTML.
item: an soc.logic.menu.MenuItem object to wrap, in order to produce
a representation of it as HTML tags later
menu_class: a class derived from HtmlMenu, used to style any sub-menu
of the MenuItem; default is UlMenu
AHrefMenuItem.__init__(self, item, menu_class=menu_class)
def getHtmlTags(self, indent):
"""Returns <a href> link wrapped as an <li> list item.
See also AHrefMenuItem.getHtmlTags().
if self._item.sub_menu:
css_class = 'expandable'
css_class = 'leaf'
return (['%s<li class="%s">' % (indent, css_class)]
+ AHrefMenuItem.getHtmlTags(self, indent + ' ')
+ ['%s</li>' % indent])