Minor fixes needed for generic key name
We no longer try to retreive an entity when there are unset fields.
This sort of makes 'getIfFields' obsolete, since we check if fields
now anyway. This is needed because getKeyFieldsFromDict expects the
fields to be set.
Also a minor fix in a Django template so that the generic 'edit' page
has a working delete button again.
Pages in Django can are served up with custom HTTP headers containing useful
information about those pages -- namely, the content type and object ID.
This module contains utility functions for retrieving and doing interesting
things with these special "X-Headers" (so called because the HTTP spec demands
that custom headers are prefixed with "X-").
Next time you're at slashdot.org, watch out for X-Fry and X-Bender. :)
def populate_xheaders(request, response, model, object_id):
Adds the "X-Object-Type" and "X-Object-Id" headers to the given
HttpResponse according to the given model and object_id -- but only if the
given HttpRequest object has an IP address within the INTERNAL_IPS setting
or if the request is from a logged in staff member.
from django.conf import settings
if (request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in settings.INTERNAL_IPS
or (hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_authenticated()
and request.user.is_staff)):
response['X-Object-Type'] = "%s.%s" % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name.lower())
response['X-Object-Id'] = str(object_id)