author Lennard de Rijk <>
Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:55:55 +0200
changeset 2463 05af53239799
parent 2311 e8262ca32109
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add more flexibility to the Survey helper for use with the new Survey types. This includes using the new SurveyLogic methods from an earlier commit. And passing on the Logic from the view where necessary.

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 John Goerzen
# <>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import util
vcssyn = None
vcsobj = None
vcscmd = None
darcs = False
svk = False
git = False
hg = False

def setscm(x):
    global darcs, svk, git, vcscmd, hg
    if (x == "darcs"):
        vcscmd = "darcs"
        darcs = True
    elif (x == "baz"):
        vcscmd = "baz"
    elif (x == "tla"):
        vcscmd = "tla"
    elif (x == "git"):
        vcscmd = "git"
        git = True
    elif (x == "hg"):
        vcscmd = "hg"
        hg = True
    elif (x == "svk"):
        vcscmd = "svk"
        svk = True
        print "Failed to determine VCS to use"
    print " VCSCMD: ", vcscmd

def isdarcs():
    global darcs
    return darcs

def issvk():
    global svk
    return svk

def isgit():
    global git
    return git

def ishg():
    global hg
    return hg

def getvcssyntax():
    global vcssyn, vcsobj
    if vcssyn != None:
        return vcssyn

    if isdarcs():
        vcssyn = 'darcs'
        vcsobj = Darcs()
    elif ishg():
        vcssyn = 'hg'
        vcsobj = Hg()
    elif isgit():
        vcssyn = 'Git'
        vcsobj = Git()
    elif util.getstdoutsafeexec(vcscmd, ['-V'])[0].find('tla-1.0.') != -1:
        vcssyn = '1.0'
        vcsobj = Tla10()
    elif util.getstdoutsafeexec(vcscmd, ['-V'])[0].find('tla-1.1.') != -1:
        vcssyn = '1.1'
        vcsobj = Tla11()
    elif util.getstdoutsafeexec(vcscmd, ['-V'])[0].find('tla-1.3.') != -1:
        vcssyn = '1.3'
        vcsobj = Tla13()
    elif util.getstdoutsafeexec(vcscmd, ['-V'])[0].find('baz Bazaar version 1.4.') != -1:
        vcssyn = 'baz1.4'
        vcsobj = Baz14()        
    elif util.getstdoutsafeexec(vcscmd, ['-V'])[0].find('This is svk') != -1:
        vcssyn = 'svk'
        vcsobj = Svk()
        vcssyn = '1.3'
        vcsobj = Tla13()
    return vcssyn

class Tla10:
    tagging_method = 'tagging-method'
    add = ['add-tag']
    move = 'move-tag'
    delete = ['delete-tag']
    update = 'update --in-place .'
    replay = 'replay --in-place .'
    commit = 'commit'
    importcmd = 'import'

class Tla11:
    tagging_method = 'id-tagging-method'
    add = ['add']
    move = 'move'
    delete = ['delete']
    update = 'update'
    replay = 'replay'
    commit = 'commit'
    importcmd = 'import'

class Tla13:
    tagging_method = 'id-tagging-method'
    add = ['add-id']
    move = 'move-id'
    delete = ['delete-id']
    update = 'update'
    replay = 'replay'
    commit = 'commit'
    importcmd = 'import'

class Baz14:
    tagging_method = 'id-tagging-method'
    add = ['add-id']
    move = 'move-id'
    delete = ['delete-id']
    update = 'update'
    replay = 'replay'
    commit = 'commit'    
    importcmd = 'import'

class Darcs:
    tagging_method = None
    add = ['add', '--case-ok']
    move = 'mv'
    delete = None
    update = 'pull'
    replay = 'pull'
    commit = 'record'

class Hg:
    tagging_method = None
    add = ['add']
    move = 'mv'
    delete = None
    update = 'pull'
    replay = 'pull'
    commit = 'commit'

class Git:
    tagging_method = None
    add = ['add']
    move = 'mv'
    delete = ['rm', '-r']
    update = 'checkout'
    replay = None 
    commit = 'commit'

class Svk:
	tagging_method = None
	add = ['add']
	move = 'mv'
	delete = ['rm']
	update = 'pull'
	replay = 'pull'
	commit = 'commit'

def cmd():
    global vcsobj
    return vcsobj