author Todd Larsen <>
Fri, 18 Jul 2008 18:22:23 +0000
changeset 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major reorganization of the soc svn repo, to merge into a single App Engine image (to make development easier, now that only a single app will run all Google Open Source programs).

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An alphabetical list of Brazilian states for use as `choices` in a formfield.

This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory
when explicitly needed.

    ('AC', 'Acre'),
    ('AL', 'Alagoas'),
    ('AP', u'Amapá'),
    ('AM', 'Amazonas'),
    ('BA', 'Bahia'),
    ('CE', u'Ceará'),
    ('DF', 'Distrito Federal'),
    ('ES', u'Espírito Santo'),
    ('GO', u'Goiás'),
    ('MA', u'Maranhão'),
    ('MT', 'Mato Grosso'),
    ('MS', 'Mato Grosso do Sul'),
    ('MG', 'Minas Gerais'),
    ('PA', u'Pará'),
    ('PB', u'Paraíba'),
    ('PR', u'Paraná'),
    ('PE', 'Pernambuco'),
    ('PI', u'Piauí'),
    ('RJ', 'Rio de Janeiro'),
    ('RN', 'Rio Grande do Norte'),
    ('RS', 'Rio Grande do Sul'),
    ('RO', u'Rondônia'),
    ('RR', 'Roraima'),
    ('SC', 'Santa Catarina'),
    ('SP', u'São Paulo'),
    ('SE', 'Sergipe'),
    ('TO', 'Tocantins'),