Update the slot allocation view and template
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier, "Mario Ferraro" <fadinlight@gmail.com>
Reviewed by: Sverre Rabbelier
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys
import cgi
import urllib
import urlparse
import re
import textwrap
from Cookie import BaseCookie
from rfc822 import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz, formatdate
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta, tzinfo
import time
import calendar
import tempfile
import warnings
from webob.datastruct import EnvironHeaders
from webob.multidict import MultiDict, UnicodeMultiDict, NestedMultiDict, NoVars
from webob.etag import AnyETag, NoETag, ETagMatcher, IfRange, NoIfRange
from webob.headerdict import HeaderDict
from webob.statusreasons import status_reasons
from webob.cachecontrol import CacheControl, serialize_cache_control
from webob.acceptparse import Accept, MIMEAccept, NilAccept, MIMENilAccept, NoAccept
from webob.byterange import Range, ContentRange
_CHARSET_RE = re.compile(r';\s*charset=([^;]*)', re.I)
_SCHEME_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]+:', re.I)
_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z0-9]+)=(?:"([^"]*)"|([a-z0-9_.-]*))', re.I)
_OK_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_.-]+$', re.I)
__all__ = ['Request', 'Response', 'UTC', 'day', 'week', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'month', 'year', 'html_escape']
class _UTC(tzinfo):
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def tzname(self, dt):
return 'UTC'
def __repr__(self):
return 'UTC'
UTC = _UTC()
def html_escape(s):
"""HTML-escape a string or object
This converts any non-string objects passed into it to strings
(actually, using ``unicode()``). All values returned are
non-unicode strings (using ``&#num;`` entities for all non-ASCII
None is treated specially, and returns the empty string.
if s is None:
return ''
if not isinstance(s, basestring):
if hasattr(s, '__unicode__'):
s = unicode(s)
s = str(s)
s = cgi.escape(s, True)
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
return s
def timedelta_to_seconds(td):
Converts a timedelta instance to seconds.
return td.seconds + (td.days*24*60*60)
day = timedelta(days=1)
week = timedelta(weeks=1)
hour = timedelta(hours=1)
minute = timedelta(minutes=1)
second = timedelta(seconds=1)
# Estimate, I know; good enough for expirations
month = timedelta(days=30)
year = timedelta(days=365)
class _NoDefault:
def __repr__(self):
return '(No Default)'
NoDefault = _NoDefault()
class environ_getter(object):
"""For delegating an attribute to a key in self.environ."""
def __init__(self, key, default='', default_factory=None,
settable=True, deletable=True, doc=None,
self.key = key
self.default = default
self.default_factory = default_factory
self.settable = settable
self.deletable = deletable
docstring = "Gets"
if self.settable:
docstring += " and sets"
if self.deletable:
docstring += " and deletes"
docstring += " the %r key from the environment." % self.key
docstring += _rfc_reference(self.key, rfc_section)
if doc:
docstring += '\n\n' + textwrap.dedent(doc)
self.__doc__ = docstring
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
if self.key not in obj.environ:
if self.default_factory:
val = obj.environ[self.key] = self.default_factory()
return val
return self.default
return obj.environ[self.key]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if not self.settable:
raise AttributeError("Read-only attribute (key %r)" % self.key)
if value is None:
if self.key in obj.environ:
del obj.environ[self.key]
obj.environ[self.key] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
if not self.deletable:
raise AttributeError("You cannot delete the key %r" % self.key)
del obj.environ[self.key]
def __repr__(self):
return '<Proxy for WSGI environ %r key>' % self.key
class header_getter(object):
"""For delegating an attribute to a header in self.headers"""
def __init__(self, header, default=None,
settable=True, deletable=True, doc=None, rfc_section=None):
self.header = header
self.default = default
self.settable = settable
self.deletable = deletable
docstring = "Gets"
if self.settable:
docstring += " and sets"
if self.deletable:
docstring += " and deletes"
docstring += " they header %s from the headers" % self.header
docstring += _rfc_reference(self.header, rfc_section)
if doc:
docstring += '\n\n' + textwrap.dedent(doc)
self.__doc__ = docstring
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
if self.header not in obj.headers:
return self.default
return obj.headers[self.header]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if not self.settable:
raise AttributeError("Read-only attribute (header %s)" % self.header)
if value is None:
if self.header in obj.headers:
del obj.headers[self.header]
obj.headers[self.header] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
if not self.deletable:
raise AttributeError("You cannot delete the header %s" % self.header)
del obj.headers[self.header]
def __repr__(self):
return '<Proxy for header %s>' % self.header
class converter(object):
Wraps a decorator, and applies conversion for that decorator
def __init__(self, decorator, getter_converter, setter_converter, convert_name=None, doc=None, converter_args=()):
self.decorator = decorator
self.getter_converter = getter_converter
self.setter_converter = setter_converter
self.convert_name = convert_name
self.converter_args = converter_args
docstring = decorator.__doc__ or ''
docstring += " Converts it as a "
if convert_name:
docstring += convert_name + '.'
docstring += "%r and %r." % (getter_converter, setter_converter)
if doc:
docstring += '\n\n' + textwrap.dedent(doc)
self.__doc__ = docstring
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
value = self.decorator.__get__(obj, type)
return self.getter_converter(value, *self.converter_args)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
value = self.setter_converter(value, *self.converter_args)
self.decorator.__set__(obj, value)
def __delete__(self, obj):
def __repr__(self):
if self.convert_name:
name = ' %s' % self.convert_name
name = ''
return '<Converted %r%s>' % (self.decorator, name)
def _rfc_reference(header, section):
if not section:
return ''
major_section = section.split('.')[0]
link = 'http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec%s.html#sec%s' % (
major_section, section)
if header.startswith('HTTP_'):
header = header[5:].title().replace('_', '-')
return " For more information on %s see `section %s <%s>`_." % (
header, section, link)
class deprecated_property(object):
Wraps a decorator, with a deprecation warning or error
def __init__(self, decorator, attr, message, warning=True):
self.decorator = decorator
self.attr = attr
self.message = message
self.warning = warning
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
return self.decorator.__get__(obj, type)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
self.decorator.__set__(obj, value)
def __delete__(self, obj):
def __repr__(self):
return '<Deprecated attribute %s: %r>' % (
def warn(self):
if not self.warning:
raise DeprecationWarning(
'The attribute %s is deprecated: %s' % (self.attr, self.message))
'The attribute %s is deprecated: %s' % (self.attr, self.message),
def _parse_date(value):
if not value:
return None
t = parsedate_tz(value)
if t is None:
# Could not parse
return None
t = mktime_tz(t)
return datetime.fromtimestamp(t, UTC)
def _serialize_date(dt):
if dt is None:
return None
if isinstance(dt, unicode):
dt = dt.encode('ascii')
if isinstance(dt, str):
return dt
if isinstance(dt, timedelta):
dt = datetime.now() + dt
if isinstance(dt, (datetime, date)):
dt = dt.timetuple()
if isinstance(dt, (tuple, time.struct_time)):
dt = calendar.timegm(dt)
if not isinstance(dt, (float, int)):
raise ValueError(
"You must pass in a datetime, date, time tuple, or integer object, not %r" % dt)
return formatdate(dt)
def _parse_date_delta(value):
like _parse_date, but also handle delta seconds
if not value:
return None
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
delta = timedelta(seconds=value)
return datetime.now() + delta
return _parse_date(value)
def _serialize_date_delta(value):
if not value and value != 0:
return None
if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
return str(int(value))
return _serialize_date(value)
def _parse_etag(value, default=True):
if value is None:
value = ''
value = value.strip()
if not value:
if default:
return AnyETag
return NoETag
if value == '*':
return AnyETag
return ETagMatcher.parse(value)
def _serialize_etag(value, default=True):
if value is None:
return None
if value is AnyETag:
if default:
return None
return '*'
return str(value)
def _parse_if_range(value):
if not value:
return NoIfRange
return IfRange.parse(value)
def _serialize_if_range(value):
if value is None:
return value
if isinstance(value, (datetime, date)):
return _serialize_date(value)
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
return value or None
def _parse_range(value):
if not value:
return None
# Might return None too:
return Range.parse(value)
def _serialize_range(value):
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
if len(value) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"If setting .range to a list or tuple, it must be of length 2 (not %r)"
% value)
value = Range([value])
if value is None:
return None
value = str(value)
return value or None
def _parse_int(value):
if value is None or value == '':
return None
return int(value)
def _parse_int_safe(value):
if value is None or value == '':
return None
return int(value)
except ValueError:
return None
def _serialize_int(value):
if value is None:
return None
return str(value)
def _parse_content_range(value):
if not value or not value.strip():
return None
# May still return None
return ContentRange.parse(value)
def _serialize_content_range(value):
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
if len(value) not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError(
"When setting content_range to a list/tuple, it must "
"be length 2 or 3 (not %r)" % value)
if len(value) == 2:
begin, end = value
length = None
begin, end, length = value
value = ContentRange(begin, end, length)
value = str(value).strip()
if not value:
return None
return value
def _parse_list(value):
if value is None:
return None
value = value.strip()
if not value:
return None
return [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')
if v.strip()]
def _serialize_list(value):
if not value:
return None
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = str(value)
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
return ', '.join(map(str, value))
def _parse_accept(value, header_name, AcceptClass, NilClass):
if not value:
return NilClass(header_name)
return AcceptClass(header_name, value)
def _serialize_accept(value, header_name, AcceptClass, NilClass):
if not value or isinstance(value, NilClass):
return None
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
value = NilClass(header_name) + value
value = str(value).strip()
if not value:
return None
return value
class Request(object):
## Options:
charset = None
unicode_errors = 'strict'
decode_param_names = False
## The limit after which request bodies should be stored on disk
## if they are read in (under this, and the request body is stored
## in memory):
request_body_tempfile_limit = 10*1024
def __init__(self, environ=None, environ_getter=None, charset=NoDefault, unicode_errors=NoDefault,
if environ is None and environ_getter is None:
raise TypeError(
"You must provide one of environ or environ_getter")
if environ is not None and environ_getter is not None:
raise TypeError(
"You can only provide one of the environ and environ_getter arguments")
if environ is None:
self._environ_getter = environ_getter
if not isinstance(environ, dict):
raise TypeError(
"Bad type for environ: %s" % type(environ))
self._environ = environ
if charset is not NoDefault:
self.__dict__['charset'] = charset
if unicode_errors is not NoDefault:
self.__dict__['unicode_errors'] = unicode_errors
if decode_param_names is not NoDefault:
self.__dict__['decode_param_names'] = decode_param_names
def __setattr__(self, attr, value, DEFAULT=[]):
## FIXME: I don't know why I need this guard (though experimentation says I do)
if getattr(self.__class__, attr, DEFAULT) is not DEFAULT or attr.startswith('_'):
object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
self.environ.setdefault('webob.adhoc_attrs', {})[attr] = value
def __getattr__(self, attr):
## FIXME: I don't know why I need this guard (though experimentation says I do)
if attr in self.__class__.__dict__:
return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
return self.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'][attr]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr)
def __delattr__(self, attr):
## FIXME: I don't know why I need this guard (though experimentation says I do)
if attr in self.__class__.__dict__:
return object.__delattr__(self, attr)
del self.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'][attr]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr)
def environ(self):
The WSGI environment dictionary for this request
return self._environ_getter()
environ = property(environ, doc=environ.__doc__)
def _environ_getter(self):
return self._environ
def _body_file__get(self):
Access the body of the request (wsgi.input) as a file-like
If you set this value, CONTENT_LENGTH will also be updated
(either set to -1, 0 if you delete the attribute, or if you
set the attribute to a string then the length of the string).
return self.environ['wsgi.input']
def _body_file__set(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
length = len(value)
value = StringIO(value)
length = -1
self.environ['wsgi.input'] = value
self.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = str(length)
def _body_file__del(self):
self.environ['wsgi.input'] = StringIO('')
self.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
body_file = property(_body_file__get, _body_file__set, _body_file__del, doc=_body_file__get.__doc__)
scheme = environ_getter('wsgi.url_scheme')
method = environ_getter('REQUEST_METHOD')
script_name = environ_getter('SCRIPT_NAME')
path_info = environ_getter('PATH_INFO')
## FIXME: should I strip out parameters?:
content_type = environ_getter('CONTENT_TYPE', rfc_section='14.17')
content_length = converter(
environ_getter('CONTENT_LENGTH', rfc_section='14.13'),
_parse_int_safe, _serialize_int, 'int')
remote_user = environ_getter('REMOTE_USER', default=None)
remote_addr = environ_getter('REMOTE_ADDR', default=None)
query_string = environ_getter('QUERY_STRING')
server_name = environ_getter('SERVER_NAME')
server_port = converter(
_parse_int, _serialize_int, 'int')
_headers = None
def _headers__get(self):
All the request headers as a case-insensitive dictionary-like
if self._headers is None:
self._headers = EnvironHeaders(self.environ)
return self._headers
def _headers__set(self, value):
headers = property(_headers__get, _headers__set, doc=_headers__get.__doc__)
def host_url(self):
The URL through the host (no path)
e = self.environ
url = e['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://'
if e.get('HTTP_HOST'):
host = e['HTTP_HOST']
if ':' in host:
host, port = host.split(':', 1)
port = None
host = e['SERVER_NAME']
port = e['SERVER_PORT']
if self.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':
if port == '443':
port = None
elif self.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'http':
if port == '80':
port = None
url += host
if port:
url += ':%s' % port
return url
host_url = property(host_url, doc=host_url.__doc__)
def application_url(self):
The URL including SCRIPT_NAME (no PATH_INFO or query string)
return self.host_url + urllib.quote(self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''))
application_url = property(application_url, doc=application_url.__doc__)
def path_url(self):
return self.application_url + urllib.quote(self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''))
path_url = property(path_url, doc=path_url.__doc__)
def path(self):
The path of the request, without host or query string
return urllib.quote(self.script_name) + urllib.quote(self.path_info)
path = property(path, doc=path.__doc__)
def path_qs(self):
The path of the request, without host but with query string
path = self.path
qs = self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
if qs:
path += '?' + qs
return path
path_qs = property(path_qs, doc=path_qs.__doc__)
def url(self):
The full request URL, including QUERY_STRING
url = self.path_url
if self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):
url += '?' + self.environ['QUERY_STRING']
return url
url = property(url, doc=url.__doc__)
def relative_url(self, other_url, to_application=False):
Resolve other_url relative to the request URL.
If ``to_application`` is True, then resolve it relative to the
if to_application:
url = self.application_url
if not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
url = self.path_url
return urlparse.urljoin(url, other_url)
def path_info_pop(self):
'Pops' off the next segment of PATH_INFO, pushing it onto
SCRIPT_NAME, and returning the popped segment. Returns None if
there is nothing left on PATH_INFO.
Does not return ``''`` when there's an empty segment (like
``/path//path``); these segments are just ignored.
path = self.path_info
if not path:
return None
while path.startswith('/'):
self.script_name += '/'
path = path[1:]
if '/' not in path:
self.script_name += path
self.path_info = ''
return path
segment, path = path.split('/', 1)
self.path_info = '/' + path
self.script_name += segment
return segment
def path_info_peek(self):
Returns the next segment on PATH_INFO, or None if there is no
next segment. Doesn't modify the environment.
path = self.path_info
if not path:
return None
path = path.lstrip('/')
return path.split('/', 1)[0]
def _urlvars__get(self):
Return any *named* variables matched in the URL.
Takes values from ``environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']``.
Systems like ``routes`` set this value.
if 'paste.urlvars' in self.environ:
return self.environ['paste.urlvars']
elif 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
return self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]
result = {}
self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), result)
return result
def _urlvars__set(self, value):
environ = self.environ
if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in environ:
environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0], value)
if 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
del environ['paste.urlvars']
elif 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
environ['paste.urlvars'] = value
environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), value)
def _urlvars__del(self):
if 'paste.urlvars' in self.environ:
del self.environ['paste.urlvars']
if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
if not self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0]:
del self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']
self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0], {})
urlvars = property(_urlvars__get, _urlvars__set, _urlvars__del, doc=_urlvars__get.__doc__)
def _urlargs__get(self):
Return any *positional* variables matched in the URL.
Takes values from ``environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']``.
Systems like ``routes`` set this value.
if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
return self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][0]
# Since you can't update this value in-place, we don't need
# to set the key in the environment
return ()
def _urlargs__set(self, value):
environ = self.environ
if 'paste.urlvars' in environ:
# Some overlap between this and wsgiorg.routing_args; we need
# wsgiorg.routing_args to make this work
routing_args = (value, environ.pop('paste.urlvars'))
elif 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in environ:
routing_args = (value, environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1])
routing_args = (value, {})
environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = routing_args
def _urlargs__del(self):
if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in self.environ:
if not self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]:
del self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args']
self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1])
urlargs = property(_urlargs__get, _urlargs__set, _urlargs__del, _urlargs__get.__doc__)
def is_xhr(self):
"""Returns a boolean if X-Requested-With is present and ``XMLHttpRequest``
Note: this isn't set by every XMLHttpRequest request, it is
only set if you are using a Javascript library that sets it
(or you set the header yourself manually). Currently
Prototype and jQuery are known to set this header."""
return self.environ.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', '') == 'XMLHttpRequest'
is_xhr = property(is_xhr, doc=is_xhr.__doc__)
def _host__get(self):
"""Host name provided in HTTP_HOST, with fall-back to SERVER_NAME"""
if 'HTTP_HOST' in self.environ:
return self.environ['HTTP_HOST']
return '%(SERVER_NAME)s:%(SERVER_PORT)s' % self.environ
def _host__set(self, value):
self.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = value
def _host__del(self):
if 'HTTP_HOST' in self.environ:
del self.environ['HTTP_HOST']
host = property(_host__get, _host__set, _host__del, doc=_host__get.__doc__)
def _body__get(self):
Return the content of the request body.
length = int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
except ValueError:
return ''
c = self.body_file.read(length)
tempfile_limit = self.request_body_tempfile_limit
if tempfile_limit and len(c) > tempfile_limit:
fileobj = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
fileobj = StringIO(c)
# We don't want/need to lose CONTENT_LENGTH here (as setting
# self.body_file would do):
self.environ['wsgi.input'] = fileobj
return c
def _body__set(self, value):
if value is None:
del self.body
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(
"You can only set Request.body to a str (not %r)" % type(value))
body_file = StringIO(value)
self.body_file = body_file
self.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = str(len(value))
def _body__del(self, value):
del self.body_file
body = property(_body__get, _body__set, _body__del, doc=_body__get.__doc__)
def str_POST(self):
Return a MultiDict containing all the variables from a POST
form request. Does *not* return anything for non-POST
requests or for non-form requests (returns empty dict-like
object in that case).
env = self.environ
if self.method != 'POST':
return NoVars('Not a POST request')
if 'webob._parsed_post_vars' in env:
vars, body_file = env['webob._parsed_post_vars']
if body_file is self.body_file:
return vars
# Paste compatibility:
if 'paste.parsed_formvars' in env:
# from paste.request.parse_formvars
vars, body_file = env['paste.parsed_formvars']
if body_file is self.body_file:
# FIXME: is it okay that this isn't *our* MultiDict?
return vars
content_type = self.content_type
if ';' in content_type:
content_type = content_type.split(';', 1)[0]
if content_type not in ('', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
# Not an HTML form submission
return NoVars('Not an HTML form submission (Content-Type: %s)'
% content_type)
if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env:
# FieldStorage assumes a default CONTENT_LENGTH of -1, but a
# default of 0 is better:
env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = '0'
fs_environ = env.copy()
fs_environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=self.body_file,
vars = MultiDict.from_fieldstorage(fs)
FakeCGIBody.update_environ(env, vars)
env['webob._parsed_post_vars'] = (vars, self.body_file)
return vars
str_POST = property(str_POST, doc=str_POST.__doc__)
str_postvars = deprecated_property(str_POST, 'str_postvars',
'use str_POST instead')
def POST(self):
Like ``.str_POST``, but may decode values and keys
vars = self.str_POST
if self.charset:
vars = UnicodeMultiDict(vars, encoding=self.charset,
return vars
POST = property(POST, doc=POST.__doc__)
postvars = deprecated_property(POST, 'postvars',
'use POST instead')
def str_GET(self):
Return a MultiDict containing all the variables from the
env = self.environ
source = env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
if 'webob._parsed_query_vars' in env:
vars, qs = env['webob._parsed_query_vars']
if qs == source:
return vars
if not source:
vars = MultiDict()
vars = MultiDict(cgi.parse_qsl(
source, keep_blank_values=True,
env['webob._parsed_query_vars'] = (vars, source)
return vars
str_GET = property(str_GET, doc=str_GET.__doc__)
str_queryvars = deprecated_property(str_GET, 'str_queryvars',
'use str_GET instead')
def GET(self):
Like ``.str_GET``, but may decode values and keys
vars = self.str_GET
if self.charset:
vars = UnicodeMultiDict(vars, encoding=self.charset,
return vars
GET = property(GET, doc=GET.__doc__)
queryvars = deprecated_property(GET, 'queryvars',
'use GET instead')
def str_params(self):
A dictionary-like object containing both the parameters from
the query string and request body.
return NestedMultiDict(self.str_GET, self.str_POST)
str_params = property(str_params, doc=str_params.__doc__)
def params(self):
Like ``.str_params``, but may decode values and keys
params = self.str_params
if self.charset:
params = UnicodeMultiDict(params, encoding=self.charset,
return params
params = property(params, doc=params.__doc__)
def str_cookies(self):
Return a *plain* dictionary of cookies as found in the request.
env = self.environ
source = env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
if 'webob._parsed_cookies' in env:
vars, var_source = env['webob._parsed_cookies']
if var_source == source:
return vars
vars = {}
if source:
cookies = BaseCookie()
for name in cookies:
vars[name] = cookies[name].value
env['webob._parsed_cookies'] = (vars, source)
return vars
str_cookies = property(str_cookies, doc=str_cookies.__doc__)
def cookies(self):
Like ``.str_cookies``, but may decode values and keys
vars = self.str_cookies
if self.charset:
vars = UnicodeMultiDict(vars, encoding=self.charset,
return vars
cookies = property(cookies, doc=cookies.__doc__)
def copy(self):
Copy the request and environment object.
This only does a shallow copy, except of wsgi.input
env = self.environ.copy()
data = self.body
tempfile_limit = self.request_body_tempfile_limit
if tempfile_limit and len(data) > tempfile_limit:
fileobj = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
fileobj = StringIO(data)
env['wsgi.input'] = fileobj
return self.__class__(env)
def copy_get(self):
Copies the request and environment object, but turning this request
into a GET along the way. If this was a POST request (or any other verb)
then it becomes GET, and the request body is thrown away.
env = self.environ.copy()
env['wsgi.input'] = StringIO('')
env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
if 'CONTENT_TYPE' in env:
del env['CONTENT_TYPE']
return self.__class__(env)
def remove_conditional_headers(self, remove_encoding=True):
Remove headers that make the request conditional.
These headers can cause the response to be 304 Not Modified,
which in some cases you may not want to be possible.
This does not remove headers like If-Match, which are used for
conflict detection.
if key in self.environ:
del self.environ[key]
if remove_encoding:
if 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' in self.environ:
del self.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']
accept = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_ACCEPT', rfc_section='14.1'),
_parse_accept, _serialize_accept, 'MIME Accept',
converter_args=('Accept', MIMEAccept, MIMENilAccept))
accept_charset = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET', rfc_section='14.2'),
_parse_accept, _serialize_accept, 'accept header',
converter_args=('Accept-Charset', Accept, NilAccept))
accept_encoding = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', rfc_section='14.3'),
_parse_accept, _serialize_accept, 'accept header',
converter_args=('Accept-Encoding', Accept, NoAccept))
accept_language = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', rfc_section='14.4'),
_parse_accept, _serialize_accept, 'accept header',
converter_args=('Accept-Language', Accept, NilAccept))
## FIXME: 14.8 Authorization
## http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.8
def _cache_control__get(self):
Get/set/modify the Cache-Control header (section `14.9
env = self.environ
value = env.get('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL', '')
cache_header, cache_obj = env.get('webob._cache_control', (None, None))
if cache_obj is not None and cache_header == value:
return cache_obj
cache_obj = CacheControl.parse(value, type='request')
env['webob._cache_control'] = (value, cache_obj)
return cache_obj
def _cache_control__set(self, value):
env = self.environ
if not value:
value = ""
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = CacheControl(value, type='request')
elif isinstance(value, CacheControl):
str_value = str(value)
env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] = str_value
env['webob._cache_control'] = (str_value, value)
env['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] = str(value)
if 'webob._cache_control' in env:
del env['webob._cache_control']
def _cache_control__del(self, value):
env = self.environ
if 'webob._cache_control' in env:
del env['webob._cache_control']
cache_control = property(_cache_control__get, _cache_control__set, _cache_control__del, doc=_cache_control__get.__doc__)
date = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_DATE', rfc_section='14.8'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
if_match = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_IF_MATCH', rfc_section='14.24'),
_parse_etag, _serialize_etag, 'ETag', converter_args=(True,))
if_modified_since = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', rfc_section='14.25'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
if_none_match = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', rfc_section='14.26'),
_parse_etag, _serialize_etag, 'ETag', converter_args=(False,))
if_range = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_IF_RANGE', rfc_section='14.27'),
_parse_if_range, _serialize_if_range, 'IfRange object')
if_unmodified_since = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE', rfc_section='14.28'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
max_forwards = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_MAX_FORWARDS', rfc_section='14.31'),
_parse_int, _serialize_int, 'int')
pragma = environ_getter('HTTP_PRAGMA', rfc_section='14.32')
range = converter(
environ_getter('HTTP_RANGE', rfc_section='14.35'),
_parse_range, _serialize_range, 'Range object')
referer = environ_getter('HTTP_REFERER', rfc_section='14.36')
referrer = referer
user_agent = environ_getter('HTTP_USER_AGENT', rfc_section='14.43')
def __repr__(self):
msg = '<%s at %x %s %s>' % (
abs(id(self)), self.method, self.url)
return msg
def __str__(self):
url = self.url
host = self.host_url
assert url.startswith(host)
url = url[len(host):]
if 'Host' not in self.headers:
self.headers['Host'] = self.host
parts = ['%s %s' % (self.method, url)]
for name, value in sorted(self.headers.items()):
parts.append('%s: %s' % (name, value))
return '\r\n'.join(parts)
def call_application(self, application, catch_exc_info=False):
Call the given WSGI application, returning ``(status_string,
headerlist, app_iter)``
Be sure to call ``app_iter.close()`` if it's there.
If catch_exc_info is true, then returns ``(status_string,
headerlist, app_iter, exc_info)``, where the fourth item may
be None, but won't be if there was an exception. If you don't
do this and there was an exception, the exception will be
raised directly.
captured = []
output = []
def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
if exc_info is not None and not catch_exc_info:
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
captured[:] = [status, headers, exc_info]
return output.append
app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
if (not captured
or output):
if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
app_iter = output
if catch_exc_info:
return (captured[0], captured[1], app_iter, captured[2])
return (captured[0], captured[1], app_iter)
# Will be filled in later:
ResponseClass = None
def get_response(self, application, catch_exc_info=False):
Like ``.call_application(application)``, except returns a
response object with ``.status``, ``.headers``, and ``.body``
This will use ``self.ResponseClass`` to figure out the class
of the response object to return.
if catch_exc_info:
status, headers, app_iter, exc_info = self.call_application(
application, catch_exc_info=True)
del exc_info
status, headers, app_iter = self.call_application(
application, catch_exc_info=False)
return self.ResponseClass(
status=status, headerlist=headers, app_iter=app_iter,
def blank(cls, path, environ=None, base_url=None, headers=None):
Create a blank request environ (and Request wrapper) with the
given path (path should be urlencoded), and any keys from
The path will become path_info, with any query string split
off and used.
All necessary keys will be added to the environ, but the
values you pass in will take precedence. If you pass in
base_url then wsgi.url_scheme, HTTP_HOST, and SCRIPT_NAME will
be filled in from that value.
if _SCHEME_RE.search(path):
scheme, netloc, path, qs, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(path)
if fragment:
raise TypeError(
"Path cannot contain a fragment (%r)" % fragment)
if qs:
path += '?' + qs
if ':' not in netloc:
if scheme == 'http':
netloc += ':80'
elif scheme == 'https':
netloc += ':443'
raise TypeError("Unknown scheme: %r" % scheme)
scheme = 'http'
netloc = 'localhost:80'
if path and '?' in path:
path_info, query_string = path.split('?', 1)
path_info = urllib.unquote(path_info)
path_info = urllib.unquote(path)
query_string = ''
env = {
'PATH_INFO': path_info or '',
'QUERY_STRING': query_string,
'SERVER_NAME': netloc.split(':')[0],
'SERVER_PORT': netloc.split(':')[1],
'HTTP_HOST': netloc,
'wsgi.version': (1, 0),
'wsgi.url_scheme': scheme,
'wsgi.input': StringIO(''),
'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr,
'wsgi.multithread': False,
'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
'wsgi.run_once': False,
if base_url:
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(base_url)
if query or fragment:
raise ValueError(
"base_url (%r) cannot have a query or fragment"
% base_url)
if scheme:
env['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme
if netloc:
if ':' not in netloc:
if scheme == 'http':
netloc += ':80'
elif scheme == 'https':
netloc += ':443'
raise ValueError(
"Unknown scheme: %r" % scheme)
host, port = netloc.split(':', 1)
env['SERVER_PORT'] = port
env['SERVER_NAME'] = host
env['HTTP_HOST'] = netloc
if path:
env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = urllib.unquote(path)
if environ:
obj = cls(env)
if headers is not None:
return obj
blank = classmethod(blank)
class Response(object):
Represents a WSGI response
default_content_type = 'text/html'
default_charset = 'utf8'
default_conditional_response = False
def __init__(self, body=None, status='200 OK', headerlist=None, app_iter=None,
request=None, content_type=None, conditional_response=NoDefault,
if app_iter is None:
if body is None:
body = ''
elif body is not None:
raise TypeError(
"You may only give one of the body and app_iter arguments")
self.status = status
if headerlist is None:
self._headerlist = []
self._headerlist = headerlist
self._headers = None
if request is not None:
if hasattr(request, 'environ'):
self._environ = request.environ
self._request = request
self._environ = request
self._request = None
self._environ = self._request = None
if content_type is not None:
self.content_type = content_type
elif self.default_content_type is not None and headerlist is None:
self.content_type = self.default_content_type
if conditional_response is NoDefault:
self.conditional_response = self.default_conditional_response
self.conditional_response = conditional_response
if 'charset' in kw:
# We set this early, so something like unicode_body works later
value = kw.pop('charset')
if value:
self.charset = value
elif self.default_charset and not self.charset and headerlist is None:
ct = self.content_type
if ct and (ct.startswith('text/') or ct.startswith('application/xml')
or (ct.startswith('application/') and ct.endswith('+xml'))):
self.charset = self.default_charset
if app_iter is not None:
self._app_iter = app_iter
self._body = None
if isinstance(body, unicode):
self.unicode_body = body
self.body = body
self._app_iter = None
for name, value in kw.items():
if not hasattr(self.__class__, name):
# Not a basic attribute
raise TypeError(
"Unexpected keyword: %s=%r in %r" % (name, value))
setattr(self, name, value)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %x %s>' % (
def __str__(self):
return (self.status + '\n'
+ '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (name, value)
for name, value in self.headerlist])
+ '\n\n'
+ self.body)
def _status__get(self):
The status string
return self._status
def _status__set(self, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
value = str(value)
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(
"You must set status to a string or integer (not %s)"
% type(value))
if ' ' not in value:
# Need to add a reason:
code = int(value)
reason = status_reasons[code]
value += ' ' + reason
self._status = value
status = property(_status__get, _status__set, doc=_status__get.__doc__)
def _status_int__get(self):
The status as an integer
return int(self.status.split()[0])
def _status_int__set(self, value):
self.status = value
status_int = property(_status_int__get, _status_int__set, doc=_status_int__get.__doc__)
def _headerlist__get(self):
The list of response headers
return self._headerlist
def _headerlist__set(self, value):
self._headers = None
if not isinstance(value, list):
if hasattr(value, 'items'):
value = value.items()
value = list(value)
self._headerlist = value
def _headerlist__del(self):
self.headerlist = []
headerlist = property(_headerlist__get, _headerlist__set, _headerlist__del, doc=_headerlist__get.__doc__)
def _charset__get(self):
Get/set the charset (in the Content-Type)
header = self.headers.get('content-type')
if not header:
return None
match = _CHARSET_RE.search(header)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def _charset__set(self, charset):
if charset is None:
del self.charset
header = self.headers.pop('content-type')
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
"You cannot set the charset when no content-type is defined")
match = _CHARSET_RE.search(header)
if match:
header = header[:match.start()] + header[match.end():]
header += '; charset=%s' % charset
self.headers['content-type'] = header
def _charset__del(self):
header = self.headers.pop('content-type')
except KeyError:
# Don't need to remove anything
match = _CHARSET_RE.search(header)
if match:
header = header[:match.start()] + header[match.end():]
self.headers['content-type'] = header
charset = property(_charset__get, _charset__set, _charset__del, doc=_charset__get.__doc__)
def _content_type__get(self):
Get/set the Content-Type header (or None), *without* the
charset or any parameters.
If you include parameters (or ``;`` at all) when setting the
content_type, any existing parameters will be deleted;
otherwise they will be preserved.
header = self.headers.get('content-type')
if not header:
return None
return header.split(';', 1)[0]
def _content_type__set(self, value):
if ';' not in value:
header = self.headers.get('content-type', '')
if ';' in header:
params = header.split(';', 1)[1]
value += ';' + params
self.headers['content-type'] = value
def _content_type__del(self):
del self.headers['content-type']
except KeyError:
content_type = property(_content_type__get, _content_type__set,
_content_type__del, doc=_content_type__get.__doc__)
def _content_type_params__get(self):
Returns a dictionary of all the parameters in the content type.
params = self.headers.get('content-type', '')
if ';' not in params:
return {}
params = params.split(';', 1)[1]
result = {}
for match in _PARAM_RE.finditer(params):
result[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) or match.group(3) or ''
return result
def _content_type_params__set(self, value_dict):
if not value_dict:
del self.content_type_params
params = []
for k, v in sorted(value_dict.items()):
if not _OK_PARAM_RE.search(v):
## FIXME: I'm not sure what to do with "'s in the parameter value
## I think it might be simply illegal
v = '"%s"' % v.replace('"', '\\"')
params.append('; %s=%s' % (k, v))
ct = self.headers.pop('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0]
ct += ''.join(params)
self.headers['content-type'] = ct
def _content_type_params__del(self, value):
self.headers['content-type'] = self.headers.get('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0]
content_type_params = property(_content_type_params__get, _content_type_params__set, _content_type_params__del, doc=_content_type_params__get.__doc__)
def _headers__get(self):
The headers in a dictionary-like object
if self._headers is None:
self._headers = HeaderDict.view_list(self.headerlist)
return self._headers
def _headers__set(self, value):
if hasattr(value, 'items'):
value = value.items()
self.headerlist = value
self._headers = None
headers = property(_headers__get, _headers__set, doc=_headers__get.__doc__)
def _body__get(self):
The body of the response, as a ``str``. This will read in the
entire app_iter if necessary.
if self._body is None:
if self._app_iter is None:
raise AttributeError(
"No body has been set")
self._body = ''.join(self._app_iter)
if hasattr(self._app_iter, 'close'):
self._app_iter = None
self.content_length = len(self._body)
return self._body
def _body__set(self, value):
if isinstance(value, unicode):
raise TypeError(
"You cannot set Response.body to a unicode object (use Response.unicode_body)")
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(
"You can only set the body to a str (not %s)"
% type(value))
self._body = value
self.content_length = len(value)
self._app_iter = None
def _body__del(self):
self._body = None
self.content_length = None
self._app_iter = None
body = property(_body__get, _body__set, _body__del, doc=_body__get.__doc__)
def _body_file__get(self):
Returns a file-like object that can be used to write to the
body. If you passed in a list app_iter, that app_iter will be
modified by writes.
return ResponseBodyFile(self)
def _body_file__del(self):
del self.body
body_file = property(_body_file__get, fdel=_body_file__del, doc=_body_file__get.__doc__)
def write(self, text):
if isinstance(text, unicode):
self.unicode_body += text
self.body += text
def _unicode_body__get(self):
Get/set the unicode value of the body (using the charset of the Content-Type)
if not self.charset:
raise AttributeError(
"You cannot access Response.unicode_body unless charset is set")
body = self.body
return body.decode(self.charset)
def _unicode_body__set(self, value):
if not self.charset:
raise AttributeError(
"You cannot access Response.unicode_body unless charset is set")
if not isinstance(value, unicode):
raise TypeError(
"You can only set Response.unicode_body to a unicode string (not %s)" % type(value))
self.body = value.encode(self.charset)
def _unicode_body__del(self):
del self.body
unicode_body = property(_unicode_body__get, _unicode_body__set, _unicode_body__del, doc=_unicode_body__get.__doc__)
def _app_iter__get(self):
Returns the app_iter of the response.
If body was set, this will create an app_iter from that body
(a single-item list)
if self._app_iter is None:
if self._body is None:
raise AttributeError(
"No body or app_iter has been set")
return [self._body]
return self._app_iter
def _app_iter__set(self, value):
if self._body is not None:
# Undo the automatically-set content-length
self.content_length = None
self._app_iter = value
self._body = None
def _app_iter__del(self):
self.content_length = None
self._app_iter = self._body = None
app_iter = property(_app_iter__get, _app_iter__set, _app_iter__del, doc=_app_iter__get.__doc__)
def set_cookie(self, key, value='', max_age=None,
path='/', domain=None, secure=None, httponly=False,
version=None, comment=None):
Set (add) a cookie for the response
cookies = BaseCookie()
cookies[key] = value
for var_name, var_value in [
('max_age', max_age),
('path', path),
('domain', domain),
('secure', secure),
('HttpOnly', httponly),
('version', version),
('comment', comment),
if var_value is not None and var_value is not False:
cookies[key][var_name.replace('_', '-')] = str(var_value)
header_value = cookies[key].output(header='').lstrip()
self.headerlist.append(('Set-Cookie', header_value))
def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
Delete a cookie from the client. Note that path and domain must match
how the cookie was originally set.
This sets the cookie to the empty string, and max_age=0 so
that it should expire immediately.
self.set_cookie(key, '', path=path, domain=domain,
def unset_cookie(self, key):
Unset a cookie with the given name (remove it from the
response). If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies
with the same name and different paths or domains), all such
cookies will be deleted.
existing = self.headers.getall('Set-Cookie')
if not existing:
raise KeyError(
"No cookies at all have been set")
del self.headers['Set-Cookie']
found = False
for header in existing:
cookies = BaseCookie()
if key in cookies:
found = True
del cookies[key]
header = cookies.output(header='').lstrip()
if header:
self.headers.add('Set-Cookie', header)
if not found:
raise KeyError(
"No cookie has been set with the name %r" % key)
def _location__get(self):
Retrieve the Location header of the response, or None if there
is no header. If the header is not absolute and this response
is associated with a request, make the header absolute.
For more information see `section 14.30
if 'location' not in self.headers:
return None
location = self.headers['location']
if _SCHEME_RE.search(location):
# Absolute
return location
if self.request is not None:
base_uri = self.request.url
location = urlparse.urljoin(base_uri, location)
return location
def _location__set(self, value):
if not _SCHEME_RE.search(value):
# Not absolute, see if we can make it absolute
if self.request is not None:
value = urlparse.urljoin(self.request.url, value)
self.headers['location'] = value
def _location__del(self):
if 'location' in self.headers:
del self.headers['location']
location = property(_location__get, _location__set, _location__del, doc=_location__get.__doc__)
accept_ranges = header_getter('Accept-Ranges', rfc_section='14.5')
age = converter(
header_getter('Age', rfc_section='14.6'),
_parse_int_safe, _serialize_int, 'int')
allow = converter(
header_getter('Allow', rfc_section='14.7'),
_parse_list, _serialize_list, 'list')
_cache_control_obj = None
def _cache_control__get(self):
Get/set/modify the Cache-Control header (section `14.9
value = self.headers.get('cache-control', '')
if self._cache_control_obj is None:
self._cache_control_obj = CacheControl.parse(value, updates_to=self._update_cache_control, type='response')
self._cache_control_obj.header_value = value
if self._cache_control_obj.header_value != value:
new_obj = CacheControl.parse(value, type='response')
self._cache_control_obj.header_value = value
return self._cache_control_obj
def _cache_control__set(self, value):
# This actually becomes a copy
if not value:
value = ""
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = CacheControl(value, 'response')
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = str(value)
if isinstance(value, str):
if self._cache_control_obj is None:
self.headers['Cache-Control'] = value
value = CacheControl.parse(value, 'response')
cache = self.cache_control
def _cache_control__del(self):
self.cache_control = {}
def _update_cache_control(self, prop_dict):
value = serialize_cache_control(prop_dict)
if not value:
if 'Cache-Control' in self.headers:
del self.headers['Cache-Control']
self.headers['Cache-Control'] = value
cache_control = property(_cache_control__get, _cache_control__set, _cache_control__del, doc=_cache_control__get.__doc__)
def cache_expires(self, seconds=0, **kw):
Set expiration on this request. This sets the response to
expire in the given seconds, and any other attributes are used
for cache_control (e.g., private=True, etc).
cache_control = self.cache_control
if isinstance(seconds, timedelta):
seconds = timedelta_to_seconds(seconds)
if not seconds:
# To really expire something, you have to force a
# bunch of these cache control attributes, and IE may
# not pay attention to those still so we also set
# Expires.
cache_control.no_store = True
cache_control.no_cache = True
cache_control.must_revalidate = True
cache_control.max_age = 0
cache_control.post_check = 0
cache_control.pre_check = 0
self.expires = datetime.utcnow()
if 'last-modified' not in self.headers:
self.last_modified = datetime.utcnow()
self.pragma = 'no-cache'
cache_control.max_age = seconds
self.expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
for name, value in kw.items():
setattr(cache_control, name, value)
content_encoding = header_getter('Content-Encoding', rfc_section='14.11')
def encode_content(self, encoding='gzip'):
Encode the content with the given encoding (only gzip and
identity are supported).
if encoding == 'identity':
if encoding != 'gzip':
raise ValueError(
"Unknown encoding: %r" % encoding)
if self.content_encoding:
if self.content_encoding == encoding:
from webob.util.safegzip import GzipFile
f = StringIO()
gzip_f = GzipFile(filename='', mode='w', fileobj=f)
new_body = f.getvalue()
self.content_encoding = 'gzip'
self.body = new_body
def decode_content(self):
content_encoding = self.content_encoding
if not content_encoding or content_encoding == 'identity':
if content_encoding != 'gzip':
raise ValueError(
"I don't know how to decode the content %s" % content_encoding)
from webob.util.safegzip import GzipFile
f = StringIO(self.body)
gzip_f = GzipFile(filename='', mode='r', fileobj=f)
new_body = gzip_f.read()
self.content_encoding = None
self.body = new_body
content_language = converter(
header_getter('Content-Language', rfc_section='14.12'),
_parse_list, _serialize_list, 'list')
content_location = header_getter(
'Content-Location', rfc_section='14.14')
content_md5 = header_getter(
'Content-MD5', rfc_section='14.14')
content_range = converter(
header_getter('Content-Range', rfc_section='14.16'),
_parse_content_range, _serialize_content_range, 'ContentRange object')
content_length = converter(
header_getter('Content-Length', rfc_section='14.17'),
_parse_int, _serialize_int, 'int')
date = converter(
header_getter('Date', rfc_section='14.18'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
etag = header_getter('ETag', rfc_section='14.19')
def md5_etag(self, body=None):
Generate an etag for the response object using an MD5 hash of
the body (the body parameter, or ``self.body`` if not given)
Sets ``self.etag``
if body is None:
body = self.body
import md5
h = md5.new(body)
self.etag = h.digest().encode('base64').replace('\n', '').strip('=')
expires = converter(
header_getter('Expires', rfc_section='14.21'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
last_modified = converter(
header_getter('Last-Modified', rfc_section='14.29'),
_parse_date, _serialize_date, 'HTTP date')
pragma = header_getter('Pragma', rfc_section='14.32')
retry_after = converter(
header_getter('Retry-After', rfc_section='14.37'),
_parse_date_delta, _serialize_date_delta, 'HTTP date or delta seconds')
server = header_getter('Server', rfc_section='14.38')
## FIXME: I realize response.vary += 'something' won't work. It should.
## Maybe for all listy headers.
vary = converter(
header_getter('Vary', rfc_section='14.44'),
_parse_list, _serialize_list, 'list')
## FIXME: 14.47 WWW-Authenticate
## http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.47
def _request__get(self):
Return the request associated with this response if any.
if self._request is None and self._environ is not None:
self._request = self.RequestClass(self._environ)
return self._request
def _request__set(self, value):
if value is None:
del self.request
if isinstance(value, dict):
self._environ = value
self._request = None
self._request = value
self._environ = value.environ
def _request__del(self):
self._request = self._environ = None
request = property(_request__get, _request__set, _request__del, doc=_request__get.__doc__)
def _environ__get(self):
Get/set the request environ associated with this response, if
return self._environ
def _environ__set(self, value):
if value is None:
del self.environ
self._environ = value
self._request = None
def _environ__del(self):
self._request = self._environ = None
environ = property(_environ__get, _environ__set, _environ__del, doc=_environ__get.__doc__)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
WSGI application interface
if self.conditional_response:
return self.conditional_response_app(environ, start_response)
start_response(self.status, self.headerlist)
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD':
# Special case here...
return []
return self.app_iter
_safe_methods = ('GET', 'HEAD')
def conditional_response_app(self, environ, start_response):
Like the normal __call__ interface, but checks conditional headers:
* If-Modified-Since (304 Not Modified; only on GET, HEAD)
* If-None-Match (304 Not Modified; only on GET, HEAD)
* Range (406 Partial Content; only on GET, HEAD)
req = self.RequestClass(environ)
status304 = False
if req.method in self._safe_methods:
if req.if_modified_since and self.last_modified and self.last_modified <= req.if_modified_since:
status304 = True
if req.if_none_match and self.etag:
## FIXME: should a weak match be okay?
if self.etag in req.if_none_match:
status304 = True
# Even if If-Modified-Since matched, if ETag doesn't then reject it
status304 = False
if status304:
start_response('304 Not Modified', self.headerlist)
return []
if req.method == 'HEAD':
start_response(self.status, self.headerlist)
return []
if (req.range and req.if_range.match_response(self)
and self.content_range is None
and req.method == 'GET'
and self.status_int == 200):
content_range = req.range.content_range(self.content_length)
if content_range is not None:
app_iter = self.app_iter_range(content_range.start, content_range.stop)
if app_iter is not None:
headers = list(self.headerlist)
headers.append(('Content-Range', str(content_range)))
start_response('206 Partial Content', headers)
return app_iter
start_response(self.status, self.headerlist)
return self.app_iter
def app_iter_range(self, start, stop):
Return a new app_iter built from the response app_iter, that
serves up only the given ``start:stop`` range.
if self._app_iter is None:
return [self.body[start:stop]]
app_iter = self.app_iter
if hasattr(app_iter, 'app_iter_range'):
return app_iter.app_iter_range(start, stop)
return AppIterRange(app_iter, start, stop)
Request.ResponseClass = Response
Response.RequestClass = Request
def _cgi_FieldStorage__repr__patch(self):
""" monkey patch for FieldStorage.__repr__
Unbelievely, the default __repr__ on FieldStorage reads
the entire file content instead of being sane about it.
This is a simple replacement that doesn't do that
if self.file:
return "FieldStorage(%r, %r)" % (
self.name, self.filename)
return "FieldStorage(%r, %r, %r)" % (
self.name, self.filename, self.value)
cgi.FieldStorage.__repr__ = _cgi_FieldStorage__repr__patch
class FakeCGIBody(object):
def __init__(self, vars):
self.vars = vars
self._body = None
self.position = 0
def read(self, size=-1):
body = self._get_body()
if size == -1:
v = body[self.position:]
self.position = len(body)
return v
v = body[self.position:self.position+size]
self.position = min(len(body), self.position+size)
return v
def _get_body(self):
if self._body is None:
self._body = urllib.urlencode(self.vars.items())
return self._body
def readline(self, size=None):
# We ignore size, but allow it to be hinted
rest = self._get_body()[self.position:]
next = rest.find('\r\n')
if next == -1:
return self.read()
self.position += next+2
return rest[:next+2]
def readlines(self, hint=None):
# Again, allow hint but ignore
body = self._get_body()
rest = body[self.position:]
self.position = len(body)
result = []
while 1:
next = rest.find('\r\n')
if next == -1:
rest = rest[next+2:]
return result
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.readlines())
def __repr__(self):
inner = repr(self.vars)
if len(inner) > 20:
inner = inner[:15] + '...' + inner[-5:]
return '<%s at %x viewing %s>' % (
abs(id(self)), inner)
def update_environ(cls, environ, vars):
obj = cls(vars)
environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '-1'
environ['wsgi.input'] = obj
update_environ = classmethod(update_environ)
class ResponseBodyFile(object):
def __init__(self, response):
self.response = response
def __repr__(self):
return '<body_file for %r>' % (
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Response bodies cannot be closed")
def flush(self):
def write(self, s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
if self.response.charset is not None:
s = s.encode(self.response.charset)
raise TypeError(
"You can only write unicode to Response.body_file "
"if charset has been set")
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError(
"You can only write str to a Response.body_file, not %s"
% type(s))
if not isinstance(self.response._app_iter, list):
body = self.response.body
if body:
self.response.app_iter = [body]
self.response.app_iter = []
def writelines(self, seq):
for item in seq:
closed = False
def encoding(self):
The encoding of the file (inherited from response.charset)
return self.response.charset
encoding = property(encoding, doc=encoding.__doc__)
mode = 'wb'
class AppIterRange(object):
Wraps an app_iter, returning just a range of bytes
def __init__(self, app_iter, start, stop):
assert start >= 0, "Bad start: %r" % start
assert stop is None or (stop >= 0 and stop >= start), (
"Bad stop: %r" % stop)
self.app_iter = app_iter
self.app_iterator = iter(app_iter)
self.start = start
if stop is None:
self.length = -1
self.length = stop - start
if start:
self._served = None
self._served = 0
if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
self.close = app_iter.close
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
if self._served is None:
# Haven't served anything; need to skip some leading bytes
skipped = 0
start = self.start
while 1:
chunk = self.app_iterator.next()
skipped += len(chunk)
extra = skipped - start
if extra == 0:
self._served = 0
elif extra > 0:
self._served = extra
return chunk[-extra:]
length = self.length
if length is None:
# Spent
raise StopIteration
chunk = self.app_iterator.next()
if length == -1:
return chunk
if self._served + len(chunk) > length:
extra = self._served + len(chunk) - length
self.length = None
return chunk[:-extra]
self._served += len(chunk)
return chunk