author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Wed, 26 Nov 2008 23:55:10 +0000
changeset 593 01f8c7aabb7e
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed cruft from the tests directory The current tests were outdated (they tested code that no longer exists), and were causing the test suite (insofar as it deserves that name) to fail for no reason. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

"""HTML utilities suitable for global use."""

import re
import string

from django.utils.safestring import SafeData, mark_safe
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy
from django.utils.http import urlquote

# Configuration for urlize() function.
LEADING_PUNCTUATION  = ['(', '<', '&lt;']
TRAILING_PUNCTUATION = ['.', ',', ')', '>', '\n', '&gt;']

# List of possible strings used for bullets in bulleted lists.
DOTS = ['&middot;', '*', '\xe2\x80\xa2', '&#149;', '&bull;', '&#8226;']

unencoded_ampersands_re = re.compile(r'&(?!(\w+|#\d+);)')
word_split_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
punctuation_re = re.compile('^(?P<lead>(?:%s)*)(?P<middle>.*?)(?P<trail>(?:%s)*)$' % \
    ('|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in LEADING_PUNCTUATION]),
    '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in TRAILING_PUNCTUATION])))
simple_email_re = re.compile(r'^\S+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$')
link_target_attribute_re = re.compile(r'(<a [^>]*?)target=[^\s>]+')
html_gunk_re = re.compile(r'(?:<br clear="all">|<i><\/i>|<b><\/b>|<em><\/em>|<strong><\/strong>|<\/?smallcaps>|<\/?uppercase>)', re.IGNORECASE)
hard_coded_bullets_re = re.compile(r'((?:<p>(?:%s).*?[a-zA-Z].*?</p>\s*)+)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in DOTS]), re.DOTALL)
trailing_empty_content_re = re.compile(r'(?:<p>(?:&nbsp;|\s|<br \/>)*?</p>\s*)+\Z')
del x # Temporary variable

def escape(html):
    """Returns the given HTML with ampersands, quotes and carets encoded."""
    return mark_safe(force_unicode(html).replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace('"', '&quot;').replace("'", '&#39;'))
escape = allow_lazy(escape, unicode)

def conditional_escape(html):
    Similar to escape(), except that it doesn't operate on pre-escaped strings.
    if isinstance(html, SafeData):
        return html
        return escape(html)

def linebreaks(value, autoescape=False):
    """Converts newlines into <p> and <br />s."""
    value = re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', '\n', force_unicode(value)) # normalize newlines
    paras = re.split('\n{2,}', value)
    if autoescape:
        paras = [u'<p>%s</p>' % escape(p.strip()).replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
        paras = [u'<p>%s</p>' % p.strip().replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
    return u'\n\n'.join(paras)
linebreaks = allow_lazy(linebreaks, unicode)

def strip_tags(value):
    """Returns the given HTML with all tags stripped."""
    return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', force_unicode(value))
strip_tags = allow_lazy(strip_tags)

def strip_spaces_between_tags(value):
    """Returns the given HTML with spaces between tags removed."""
    return re.sub(r'>\s+<', '><', force_unicode(value))
strip_spaces_between_tags = allow_lazy(strip_spaces_between_tags, unicode)

def strip_entities(value):
    """Returns the given HTML with all entities (&something;) stripped."""
    return re.sub(r'&(?:\w+|#\d+);', '', force_unicode(value))
strip_entities = allow_lazy(strip_entities, unicode)

def fix_ampersands(value):
    """Returns the given HTML with all unencoded ampersands encoded correctly."""
    return unencoded_ampersands_re.sub('&amp;', force_unicode(value))
fix_ampersands = allow_lazy(fix_ampersands, unicode)

def urlize(text, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False, autoescape=False):
    Converts any URLs in text into clickable links.

    Works on http://, https://, www. links and links ending in .org, .net or
    .com. Links can have trailing punctuation (periods, commas, close-parens)
    and leading punctuation (opening parens) and it'll still do the right

    If trim_url_limit is not None, the URLs in link text longer than this limit
    will truncated to trim_url_limit-3 characters and appended with an elipsis.

    If nofollow is True, the URLs in link text will get a rel="nofollow"

    If autoescape is True, the link text and URLs will get autoescaped.
    trim_url = lambda x, limit=trim_url_limit: limit is not None and (len(x) > limit and ('%s...' % x[:max(0, limit - 3)])) or x
    safe_input = isinstance(text, SafeData)
    words = word_split_re.split(force_unicode(text))
    nofollow_attr = nofollow and ' rel="nofollow"' or ''
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
        match = None
        if '.' in word or '@' in word or ':' in word:
            match = punctuation_re.match(word)
        if match:
            lead, middle, trail = match.groups()
            # Make URL we want to point to.
            url = None
            if middle.startswith('http://') or middle.startswith('https://'):
                url = urlquote(middle, safe='/&=:;#?+*')
            elif middle.startswith('www.') or ('@' not in middle and \
                    middle and middle[0] in string.ascii_letters + string.digits and \
                    (middle.endswith('.org') or middle.endswith('.net') or middle.endswith('.com'))):
                url = urlquote('http://%s' % middle, safe='/&=:;#?+*')
            elif '@' in middle and not ':' in middle and simple_email_re.match(middle):
                url = 'mailto:%s' % middle
                nofollow_attr = ''
            # Make link.
            if url:
                trimmed = trim_url(middle)
                if autoescape and not safe_input:
                    lead, trail = escape(lead), escape(trail)
                    url, trimmed = escape(url), escape(trimmed)
                middle = '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % (url, nofollow_attr, trimmed)
                words[i] = mark_safe('%s%s%s' % (lead, middle, trail))
                if safe_input:
                    words[i] = mark_safe(word)
                elif autoescape:
                    words[i] = escape(word)
        elif safe_input:
            words[i] = mark_safe(word)
        elif autoescape:
            words[i] = escape(word)
    return u''.join(words)
urlize = allow_lazy(urlize, unicode)

def clean_html(text):
    Clean the given HTML.  Specifically, do the following:
        * Convert <b> and <i> to <strong> and <em>.
        * Encode all ampersands correctly.
        * Remove all "target" attributes from <a> tags.
        * Remove extraneous HTML, such as presentational tags that open and
          immediately close and <br clear="all">.
        * Convert hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
        * Remove stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the
          bottom of the text.
    from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines
    text = normalize_newlines(force_unicode(text))
    text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*b\s*>', '<\\1strong>', text)
    text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*i\s*>', '<\\1em>', text)
    text = fix_ampersands(text)
    # Remove all target="" attributes from <a> tags.
    text = link_target_attribute_re.sub('\\1', text)
    # Trim stupid HTML such as <br clear="all">.
    text = html_gunk_re.sub('', text)
    # Convert hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
    def replace_p_tags(match):
        s ='</p>', '</li>')
        for d in DOTS:
            s = s.replace('<p>%s' % d, '<li>')
        return u'<ul>\n%s\n</ul>' % s
    text = hard_coded_bullets_re.sub(replace_p_tags, text)
    # Remove stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the bottom
    # of the text.
    text = trailing_empty_content_re.sub('', text)
    return text
clean_html = allow_lazy(clean_html, unicode)