changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
parent 54 03e267d67478
--- a/app/django/contrib/formtools/	Tue Oct 14 12:36:55 2008 +0000
+++ b/app/django/contrib/formtools/	Tue Oct 14 16:00:59 2008 +0000
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
-from django import newforms as forms
-from django.contrib.formtools import preview
+from django import forms
+from django.contrib.formtools import preview, wizard
 from django import http
-from django.conf import settings
 from django.test import TestCase
 success_string = "Done was called!"
-test_data = {'field1': u'foo',
-             'field1_': u'asdf'}
 class TestFormPreview(preview.FormPreview):
     def done(self, request, cleaned_data):
         return http.HttpResponse(success_string)
 class TestForm(forms.Form):
     field1 = forms.CharField()
     field1_ = forms.CharField()
+    bool1 = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
 class PreviewTests(TestCase):
+    urls = 'django.contrib.formtools.test_urls'
     def setUp(self):
-        settings.ROOT_URLCONF = 'django.contrib.formtools.test_urls'
         # Create a FormPreview instance to share between tests
         self.preview = preview.FormPreview(TestForm)
         input_template = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'
         self.input = input_template % (self.preview.unused_name('stage'), "%d")
+        self.test_data = {'field1':u'foo', 'field1_':u'asdf'}
     def test_unused_name(self):
@@ -60,8 +56,8 @@
         # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
         # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
-        test_data.update({'stage': 1})
-        response ='/test1/', test_data)
+        self.test_data.update({'stage': 1})
+        response ='/test1/', self.test_data)
         # Check to confirm stage is set to 2 in output form.
         stage = self.input % 2
         self.assertContains(response, stage, 1)
@@ -78,11 +74,71 @@
         # Pass strings for form submittal and add stage variable to
         # show we previously saw first stage of the form.
-        test_data.update({'stage': 2})
-        response ='/test1/', test_data)
+        self.test_data.update({'stage':2})
+        response ='/test1/', self.test_data)
         self.failIfEqual(response.content, success_string)
-        hash = self.preview.security_hash(None, TestForm(test_data))
-        test_data.update({'hash': hash})
-        response ='/test1/', test_data)
+        hash = self.preview.security_hash(None, TestForm(self.test_data))
+        self.test_data.update({'hash': hash})
+        response ='/test1/', self.test_data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.content, success_string)
+    def test_bool_submit(self):
+        """
+        Test contrib.formtools.preview form submittal when form contains:
+        BooleanField(required=False)
+        Ticket: #6209 - When an unchecked BooleanField is previewed, the preview
+        form's hash would be computed with no value for ``bool1``. However, when
+        the preview form is rendered, the unchecked hidden BooleanField would be
+        rendered with the string value 'False'. So when the preview form is
+        resubmitted, the hash would be computed with the value 'False' for
+        ``bool1``. We need to make sure the hashes are the same in both cases.
+        """
+        self.test_data.update({'stage':2})
+        hash = self.preview.security_hash(None, TestForm(self.test_data))
+        self.test_data.update({'hash':hash, 'bool1':u'False'})
+        response ='/test1/', self.test_data)
         self.assertEqual(response.content, success_string)
+# FormWizard tests
+class WizardPageOneForm(forms.Form):
+    field = forms.CharField()
+class WizardPageTwoForm(forms.Form):
+    field = forms.CharField()
+class WizardClass(wizard.FormWizard):
+    def render_template(self, *args, **kw):
+        return ""
+    def done(self, request, cleaned_data):
+        return http.HttpResponse(success_string)
+class DummyRequest(object):
+    def __init__(self, POST=None):
+        self.method = POST and "POST" or "GET"
+        self.POST = POST
+class WizardTests(TestCase):
+    def test_step_starts_at_zero(self):
+        """
+        step should be zero for the first form
+        """
+        wizard = WizardClass([WizardPageOneForm, WizardPageTwoForm])
+        request = DummyRequest()
+        wizard(request)
+        self.assertEquals(0, wizard.step)
+    def test_step_increments(self):
+        """
+        step should be incremented when we go to the next page
+        """
+        wizard = WizardClass([WizardPageOneForm, WizardPageTwoForm])
+        request = DummyRequest(POST={"0-field":"test", "wizard_step":"0"})
+        response = wizard(request)
+        self.assertEquals(1, wizard.step)