changeset 828 f5fd65cc3bf3
child 1278 a7766286a7be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/remote_api/	Tue Jan 20 13:19:45 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""An apiproxy stub that calls a remote handler via HTTP.
+This allows easy remote access to the App Engine datastore, and potentially any
+of the other App Engine APIs, using the same interface you use when accessing
+the service locally.
+An example Python script:
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.appengine.ext import remote_api
+from myapp import models
+import getpass
+def auth_func():
+  return (raw_input('Username:'), getpass.getpass('Password:'))
+remote_api.ConfigureRemoteDatastore('my-app', '/remote_api', auth_func)
+# Now you can access the remote datastore just as if your code was running on
+# App Engine!
+houses = models.House.all().fetch(100)
+for a_house in q:
+  a_house.doors += 1
+A few caveats:
+- Where possible, avoid iterating over queries directly. Fetching as many
+  results as you will need is faster and more efficient.
+- If you need to iterate, consider instead fetching items in batches with a sort
+  order and constructing a new query starting from where the previous one left
+  off. The __key__ pseudo-property can be used as a sort key for this purpose,
+  and does not even require a custom index if you are iterating over all
+  entities of a given type.
+- Likewise, it's a good idea to put entities in batches. Instead of calling put
+  for each individual entity, accumulate them and put them in batches using
+  db.put(), if you can.
+- Requests and responses are still limited to 1MB each, so if you have large
+  entities or try and fetch or put many of them at once, your requests may fail.
+import os
+import pickle
+import sha
+import sys
+import thread
+import threading
+from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
+from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
+from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_pb
+from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
+from import appengine_rpc
+def GetUserAgent():
+  """Determines the value of the 'User-agent' header to use for HTTP requests.
+  Returns:
+    String containing the 'user-agent' header value, which includes the SDK
+    version, the platform information, and the version of Python;
+    e.g., "remote_api/1.0.1 Darwin/9.2.0 Python/2.5.2".
+  """
+  product_tokens = []
+  product_tokens.append("Google-remote_api/1.0")
+  product_tokens.append(appengine_rpc.GetPlatformToken())
+  python_version = ".".join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info)
+  product_tokens.append("Python/%s" % python_version)
+  return " ".join(product_tokens)
+def GetSourceName():
+  return "Google-remote_api-1.0"
+class TransactionData(object):
+  """Encapsulates data about an individual transaction."""
+  def __init__(self, thread_id):
+    self.thread_id = thread_id
+    self.preconditions = {}
+    self.entities = {}
+class RemoteStub(object):
+  """A stub for calling services on a remote server over HTTP.
+  You can use this to stub out any service that the remote server supports.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, server, path):
+    """Constructs a new RemoteStub that communicates with the specified server.
+    Args:
+      server: An instance of a subclass of
+      path: The path to the handler this stub should send requests to.
+    """
+    self._server = server
+    self._path = path
+  def MakeSyncCall(self, service, call, request, response):
+    request_pb = remote_api_pb.Request()
+    request_pb.set_service_name(service)
+    request_pb.set_method(call)
+    request_pb.mutable_request().set_contents(request.Encode())
+    response_pb = remote_api_pb.Response()
+    response_pb.ParseFromString(self._server.Send(self._path,
+                                                  request_pb.Encode()))
+    if response_pb.has_exception():
+      raise pickle.loads(response_pb.exception().contents())
+    else:
+      response.ParseFromString(response_pb.response().contents())
+class RemoteDatastoreStub(RemoteStub):
+  """A specialised stub for accessing the App Engine datastore remotely.
+  A specialised stub is required because there are some datastore operations
+  that preserve state between calls. This stub makes queries possible.
+  Transactions on the remote datastore are unfortunately still impossible.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, server, path):
+    super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).__init__(server, path)
+    self.__queries = {}
+    self.__transactions = {}
+    self.__next_local_cursor = 1
+    self.__local_cursor_lock = threading.Lock()
+    self.__next_local_tx = 1
+    self.__local_tx_lock = threading.Lock()
+  def MakeSyncCall(self, service, call, request, response):
+    assert service == 'datastore_v3'
+    explanation = []
+    assert request.IsInitialized(explanation), explanation
+    handler = getattr(self, '_Dynamic_' + call, None)
+    if handler:
+      handler(request, response)
+    else:
+      super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(service, call, request,
+                                                    response)
+    assert response.IsInitialized(explanation), explanation
+  def _Dynamic_RunQuery(self, query, query_result):
+    self.__local_cursor_lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      cursor_id = self.__next_local_cursor
+      self.__next_local_cursor += 1
+    finally:
+      self.__local_cursor_lock.release()
+    self.__queries[cursor_id] = query
+    query_result.mutable_cursor().set_cursor(cursor_id)
+    query_result.set_more_results(True)
+  def _Dynamic_Next(self, next_request, query_result):
+    cursor = next_request.cursor().cursor()
+    if cursor not in self.__queries:
+      raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(datastore_pb.Error.BAD_REQUEST,
+                                             'Cursor %d not found' % cursor)
+    query = self.__queries[cursor]
+    if query is None:
+      query_result.set_more_results(False)
+      return
+    request = datastore_pb.Query()
+    request.CopyFrom(query)
+    if request.has_limit():
+      request.set_limit(min(request.limit(), next_request.count()))
+    else:
+      request.set_limit(next_request.count())
+    super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+        'remote_datastore', 'RunQuery', request, query_result)
+    query.set_offset(query.offset() + query_result.result_size())
+    if query.has_limit():
+      query.set_limit(query.limit() - query_result.result_size())
+    if not query_result.more_results():
+      self.__queries[cursor] = None
+  def _Dynamic_Get(self, get_request, get_response):
+    txid = None
+    if get_request.has_transaction():
+      txid = get_request.transaction().handle()
+      txdata = self.__transactions[txid]
+      assert (txdata.thread_id == thread.get_ident(),
+              "Transactions are single-threaded.")
+      keys = [(k, k.Encode()) for k in get_request.key_list()]
+      new_request = datastore_pb.GetRequest()
+      for key, enckey in keys:
+        if enckey not in txdata.entities:
+          new_request.add_key().CopyFrom(key)
+    else:
+      new_request = get_request
+    if new_request.key_size() > 0:
+      super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+          'datastore_v3', 'Get', new_request, get_response)
+    if txid is not None:
+      newkeys = new_request.key_list()
+      entities = get_response.entity_list()
+      for key, entity in zip(newkeys, entities):
+        entity_hash = None
+        if entity.has_entity():
+          entity_hash =
+        txdata.preconditions[key.Encode()] = (key, entity_hash)
+      new_response = datastore_pb.GetResponse()
+      it = iter(get_response.entity_list())
+      for key, enckey in keys:
+        if enckey in txdata.entities:
+          cached_entity = txdata.entities[enckey][1]
+          if cached_entity:
+            new_response.add_entity().mutable_entity().CopyFrom(cached_entity)
+          else:
+            new_response.add_entity()
+        else:
+          new_entity =
+          if new_entity.has_entity():
+            assert new_entity.entity().key() == key
+            new_response.add_entity().CopyFrom(new_entity)
+          else:
+            new_response.add_entity()
+      get_response.CopyFrom(new_response)
+  def _Dynamic_Put(self, put_request, put_response):
+    if put_request.has_transaction():
+      entities = put_request.entity_list()
+      requires_id = lambda x: == 0 and not x.has_name()
+      new_ents = [e for e in entities
+                  if requires_id(e.key().path().element_list()[-1])]
+      id_request = remote_api_pb.PutRequest()
+      if new_ents:
+        for ent in new_ents:
+          e = id_request.add_entity()
+          e.mutable_key().CopyFrom(ent.key())
+          e.mutable_entity_group()
+        id_response = datastore_pb.PutResponse()
+        super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+            'remote_datastore', 'GetIDs', id_request, id_response)
+        assert id_request.entity_size() == id_response.key_size()
+        for key, ent in zip(id_response.key_list(), new_ents):
+          ent.mutable_key().CopyFrom(key)
+          ent.mutable_entity_group().add_element().CopyFrom(
+              key.path().element(0))
+      txid = put_request.transaction().handle()
+      txdata = self.__transactions[txid]
+      assert (txdata.thread_id == thread.get_ident(),
+              "Transactions are single-threaded.")
+      for entity in entities:
+        txdata.entities[entity.key().Encode()] = (entity.key(), entity)
+        put_response.add_key().CopyFrom(entity.key())
+    else:
+      super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+          'datastore_v3', 'Put', put_request, put_response)
+  def _Dynamic_Delete(self, delete_request, response):
+    if delete_request.has_transaction():
+      txid = delete_request.transaction().handle()
+      txdata = self.__transactions[txid]
+      assert (txdata.thread_id == thread.get_ident(),
+              "Transactions are single-threaded.")
+      for key in delete_request.key_list():
+        txdata.entities[key.Encode()] = (key, None)
+    else:
+      super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+          'datastore_v3', 'Delete', delete_request, response)
+  def _Dynamic_BeginTransaction(self, request, transaction):
+    self.__local_tx_lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      txid = self.__next_local_tx
+      self.__transactions[txid] = TransactionData(thread.get_ident())
+      self.__next_local_tx += 1
+    finally:
+      self.__local_tx_lock.release()
+    transaction.set_handle(txid)
+  def _Dynamic_Commit(self, transaction, transaction_response):
+    txid = transaction.handle()
+    if txid not in self.__transactions:
+      raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+          datastore_pb.Error.BAD_REQUEST,
+          'Transaction %d not found.' % (txid,))
+    txdata = self.__transactions[txid]
+    assert (txdata.thread_id == thread.get_ident(),
+            "Transactions are single-threaded.")
+    del self.__transactions[txid]
+    tx = remote_api_pb.TransactionRequest()
+    for key, hash in txdata.preconditions.values():
+      precond = tx.add_precondition()
+      precond.mutable_key().CopyFrom(key)
+      if hash:
+        precond.set_hash(hash)
+    puts = tx.mutable_puts()
+    deletes = tx.mutable_deletes()
+    for key, entity in txdata.entities.values():
+      if entity:
+        puts.add_entity().CopyFrom(entity)
+      else:
+        deletes.add_key().CopyFrom(key)
+    super(RemoteDatastoreStub, self).MakeSyncCall(
+        'remote_datastore', 'Transaction',
+        tx, datastore_pb.PutResponse())
+  def _Dynamic_Rollback(self, transaction, transaction_response):
+    txid = transaction.handle()
+    self.__local_tx_lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      if txid not in self.__transactions:
+        raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+            datastore_pb.Error.BAD_REQUEST,
+            'Transaction %d not found.' % (txid,))
+      assert (txdata[txid].thread_id == thread.get_ident(),
+              "Transactions are single-threaded.")
+      del self.__transactions[txid]
+    finally:
+      self.__local_tx_lock.release()
+  def _Dynamic_CreateIndex(self, index, id_response):
+    raise apiproxy_errors.CapabilityDisabledError(
+        'The remote datastore does not support index manipulation.')
+  def _Dynamic_UpdateIndex(self, index, void):
+    raise apiproxy_errors.CapabilityDisabledError(
+        'The remote datastore does not support index manipulation.')
+  def _Dynamic_DeleteIndex(self, index, void):
+    raise apiproxy_errors.CapabilityDisabledError(
+        'The remote datastore does not support index manipulation.')
+def ConfigureRemoteDatastore(app_id, path, auth_func, servername=None):
+  """Does necessary setup to allow easy remote access to an AppEngine datastore.
+  Args:
+    app_id: The app_id of your app, as declared in app.yaml.
+    path: The path to the remote_api handler for your app
+      (for example, '/remote_api').
+    auth_func: A function that takes no arguments and returns a
+      (username, password) tuple. This will be called if your application
+      requires authentication to access the remote_api handler (it should!)
+      and you do not already have a valid auth cookie.
+    servername: The hostname your app is deployed on. Defaults to
+      <app_id>
+  """
+  if not servername:
+    servername = '' % (app_id,)
+  os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'] = app_id
+  apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy = apiproxy_stub_map.APIProxyStubMap()
+  server = appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer(servername, auth_func, GetUserAgent(),
+                                       GetSourceName())
+  stub = RemoteDatastoreStub(server, path)
+  apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub('datastore_v3', stub)