changeset 2273 e4cb9c53db3e
child 2864 2e0b0af889be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/dist/	Fri Apr 24 14:16:00 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Pure Python zipfile importer.
+This approximates the standard zipimport module, which isn't supported
+by Google App Engine.  See PEP 302 for more information about the API
+for import hooks.
+  import py_zipimport
+As a side effect of importing, the module overrides sys.path_hooks,
+and also creates an alias 'zipimport' for itself.  When your app is
+running in Google App Engine production, you don't even need to import
+it, since this is already done for you.  In the Google App Engine SDK
+this module is not used; instead, the standard zipimport module is
+__all__ = ['ZipImportError', 'zipimporter']
+import os
+import sys
+import types
+import UserDict
+import zipfile
+    ('.py', False),
+    ('/', True),
+_zipfile_cache = {}
+class ZipImportError(ImportError):
+  """Exception raised by zipimporter objects."""
+class zipimporter:
+  """A PEP-302-style importer that can import from a zipfile.
+  Just insert or append this class (not an instance) to sys.path_hooks
+  and you're in business.  Instances satisfy both the 'importer' and
+  'loader' APIs specified in PEP 302.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, path_entry):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      path_entry: The entry in sys.path.  This should be the name of an
+        existing zipfile possibly with a path separator and a prefix
+        path within the archive appended, e.g. /x/ or
+        /x/
+    Raises:
+      ZipImportError if the path_entry does not represent a valid
+      zipfile with optional prefix.
+    """
+    archive = path_entry
+    prefix = ''
+    while not os.path.lexists(archive):
+      head, tail = os.path.split(archive)
+      if head == archive:
+        msg = 'Nothing found for %r' % path_entry
+        raise ZipImportError(msg)
+      archive = head
+      prefix = os.path.join(tail, prefix)
+    if not os.path.isfile(archive):
+      msg = 'Non-file %r found for %r' % (archive, path_entry)
+      raise ZipImportError(msg)
+    self.archive = archive
+    self.prefix = os.path.join(prefix, '')
+    self.zipfile = _zipfile_cache.get(archive)
+    if self.zipfile is None:
+      try:
+        self.zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.archive)
+      except (EnvironmentError, zipfile.BadZipfile), err:
+        msg = 'Can\'t open zipfile %s: %s: %s' % (self.archive,
+                                                  err.__class__.__name__, err)
+        import logging
+        logging.warn(msg)
+        raise ZipImportError(msg)
+      else:
+        _zipfile_cache[archive] = self.zipfile
+        import logging
+'zipimporter(%r, %r)', archive, prefix)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    """Return a string representation matching zipimport.c."""
+    name = self.archive
+    if self.prefix:
+      name = os.path.join(name, self.prefix)
+    return '<zipimporter object "%s">' % name
+  def _get_info(self, fullmodname):
+    """Internal helper for find_module() and load_module().
+    Args:
+      fullmodname: The dot-separated full module name, e.g. 'django.core.mail'.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple (submodname, is_package, relpath) where:
+        submodname: The final component of the module name, e.g. 'mail'.
+        is_package: A bool indicating whether this is a package.
+        relpath: The path to the module's source code within to the zipfile.
+    Raises:
+      ImportError if the module is not found in the archive.
+    """
+    parts = fullmodname.split('.')
+    submodname = parts[-1]
+    for suffix, is_package in _SEARCH_ORDER:
+      relpath = os.path.join(self.prefix,
+                             submodname + suffix.replace('/', os.sep))
+      try:
+        self.zipfile.getinfo(relpath.replace(os.sep, '/'))
+      except KeyError:
+        pass
+      else:
+        return submodname, is_package, relpath
+    msg = ('Can\'t find module %s in zipfile %s with prefix %r' %
+           (fullmodname, self.archive, self.prefix))
+    raise ZipImportError(msg)
+  def _get_source(self, fullmodname):
+    """Internal helper for load_module().
+    Args:
+      fullmodname: The dot-separated full module name, e.g. 'django.core.mail'.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple (submodname, is_package, fullpath, source) where:
+        submodname: The final component of the module name, e.g. 'mail'.
+        is_package: A bool indicating whether this is a package.
+        fullpath: The path to the module's source code including the
+          zipfile's filename.
+        source: The module's source code.
+    Raises:
+      ImportError if the module is not found in the archive.
+    """
+    submodname, is_package, relpath = self._get_info(fullmodname)
+    fullpath = '%s%s%s' % (self.archive, os.sep, relpath)
+    source =, '/'))
+    source = source.replace('\r\n', '\n')
+    source = source.replace('\r', '\n')
+    return submodname, is_package, fullpath, source
+  def find_module(self, fullmodname, path=None):
+    """PEP-302-compliant find_module() method.
+    Args:
+      fullmodname: The dot-separated full module name, e.g. 'django.core.mail'.
+      path: Optional and ignored; present for API compatibility only.
+    Returns:
+      None if the module isn't found in the archive; self if it is found.
+    """
+    try:
+      submodname, is_package, relpath = self._get_info(fullmodname)
+    except ImportError:
+      return None
+    else:
+      return self
+  def load_module(self, fullmodname):
+    """PEP-302-compliant load_module() method.
+    Args:
+      fullmodname: The dot-separated full module name, e.g. 'django.core.mail'.
+    Returns:
+      The module object constructed from the source code.
+    Raises:
+      SyntaxError if the module's source code is syntactically incorrect.
+      ImportError if there was a problem accessing the source code.
+      Whatever else can be raised by executing the module's source code.
+    """
+    submodname, is_package, fullpath, source = self._get_source(fullmodname)
+    code = compile(source, fullpath, 'exec')
+    mod = sys.modules.get(fullmodname)
+    try:
+      if mod is None:
+        mod = sys.modules[fullmodname] = types.ModuleType(fullmodname)
+      mod.__loader__ = self
+      mod.__file__ = fullpath
+      mod.__name__ = fullmodname
+      if is_package:
+        mod.__path__ = [os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)]
+      exec code in mod.__dict__
+    except:
+      if fullmodname in sys.modules:
+        del sys.modules[fullmodname]
+      raise
+    return mod
+  def get_data(self, fullpath):
+    """Return (binary) content of a data file in the zipfile."""
+    required_prefix = os.path.join(self.archive, '')
+    if not fullpath.startswith(required_prefix):
+      raise IOError('Path %r doesn\'t start with zipfile name %r' %
+                    (fullpath, required_prefix))
+    relpath = fullpath[len(required_prefix):]
+    try:
+      return
+    except KeyError:
+      raise IOError('Path %r not found in zipfile %r' %
+                    (relpath, self.archive))
+  def is_package(self, fullmodname):
+    """Return whether a module is a package."""
+    submodname, is_package, relpath = self._get_info(fullmodname)
+    return is_package
+  def get_code(self, fullmodname):
+    """Return bytecode for a module."""
+    submodname, is_package, fullpath, source = self._get_source(fullmodname)
+    return compile(source, fullpath, 'exec')
+  def get_source(self, fullmodname):
+    """Return source code for a module."""
+    submodname, is_package, fullpath, source = self._get_source(fullmodname)
+    return source
+class ZipFileCache(UserDict.DictMixin):
+  """Helper class to export archive data in _zip_directory_cache.
+  Just take the info from _zipfile_cache and convert it as required.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, archive):
+    _zipfile_cache[archive]
+    self._archive = archive
+  def keys(self):
+    return _zipfile_cache[self._archive].namelist()
+  def __getitem__(self, filename):
+    info = _zipfile_cache[self._archive].getinfo(filename)
+    dt = info.date_time
+    dostime = dt[3] << 11 | dt[4] << 5 | (dt[5] // 2)
+    dosdate = (dt[0] - 1980) << 9 | dt[1] << 5 | dt[2]
+    return (os.path.join(self._archive, info.filename), info.compress_type,
+            info.compress_size, info.file_size, info.header_offset, dostime,
+            dosdate, info.CRC)
+class ZipDirectoryCache(UserDict.DictMixin):
+  """Helper class to export _zip_directory_cache."""
+  def keys(self):
+    return _zipfile_cache.keys()
+  def __getitem__(self, archive):
+    return ZipFileCache(archive)
+_zip_directory_cache = ZipDirectoryCache()
+sys.modules['zipimport'] = sys.modules[__name__]
+sys.path_hooks[:] = [zipimporter]