--- a/app/soc/models/student.py Sun Apr 12 00:18:19 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/models/student.py Sun Apr 12 00:18:38 2009 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@
school_name = db.StringProperty(required=True,
verbose_name=ugettext('School Name'))
school_name.group = ugettext("5. Education")
+ school_name.help_text = ugettext(
+ 'Please enter the full name of your school, college or university in'
+ ' this field. Please use the complete formal name of your school, e.g.'
+ ' UC Berekeley instead of Cal or UCB. It would be most wonderful if you'
+ ' could provide your school\'s name in English, as all the program '
+ 'administrators speak English as their first language and it will make'
+ ' it much easier for us to assemble program statistics, etc., later if'
+ ' we can easily read the name of your school.')
school_country = db.StringProperty(required=True,
verbose_name=ugettext('School Country/Territory'),