changeset 1278 a7766286a7be
child 2273 e4cb9c53db3e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/	Thu Feb 12 12:30:36 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2588 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Imports CSV data over HTTP.
+  %(arg0)s [flags]
+    --debug                 Show debugging information. (Optional)
+    --app_id=<string>       Application ID of endpoint (Optional for
+                            *
+    --auth_domain=<domain>  The auth domain to use for logging in and for
+                            UserProperties. (Default:
+    --bandwidth_limit=<int> The maximum number of bytes per second for the
+                            aggregate transfer of data to the server. Bursts
+    --batch_size=<int>      Number of Entity objects to include in each post to
+                            the URL endpoint. The more data per row/Entity, the
+                            smaller the batch size should be. (Default 10)
+    --config_file=<path>    File containing Model and Loader definitions.
+                            (Required)
+    --db_filename=<path>    Specific progress database to write to, or to
+                            resume from. If not supplied, then a new database
+                            will be started, named:
+                            bulkloader-progress-TIMESTAMP.
+                            The special filename "skip" may be used to simply
+                            skip reading/writing any progress information.
+    --filename=<path>       Path to the CSV file to import. (Required)
+    --http_limit=<int>      The maximum numer of HTTP requests per second to
+                            send to the server. (Default: 8)
+    --kind=<string>         Name of the Entity object kind to put in the
+                            datastore. (Required)
+    --num_threads=<int>     Number of threads to use for uploading entities
+                            (Default 10)
+                            may exceed this, but overall transfer rate is
+                            restricted to this rate. (Default 250000)
+    --rps_limit=<int>       The maximum number of records per second to
+                            transfer to the server. (Default: 20)
+    --url=<string>          URL endpoint to post to for importing data.
+                            (Required)
+The exit status will be 0 on success, non-zero on import failure.
+Works with the remote_api mix-in library for google.appengine.ext.remote_api.
+Please look there for documentation about how to setup the server side.
+%(arg0)s --url= --kind=Model \
+ --filename=data.csv
+import csv
+import getopt
+import getpass
+import logging
+import new
+import os
+import Queue
+import signal
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+import urllib2
+import urlparse
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_stub
+from import appengine_rpc
+  import sqlite3
+except ImportError:
+  pass
+BANDWIDTH_UP = 'http-bandwidth-up'
+BANDWIDTH_DOWN = 'http-bandwidth-down'
+REQUESTS = 'http-requests'
+HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_UP = 'https-bandwidth-up'
+HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_DOWN = 'https-bandwidth-down'
+HTTPS_REQUESTS = 'https-requests'
+RECORDS = 'records'
+def StateMessage(state):
+  """Converts a numeric state identifier to a status message."""
+  return ({
+      STATE_READ: 'Batch read from file.',
+      STATE_SENDING: 'Sending batch to server.',
+      STATE_SENT: 'Batch successfully sent.',
+      STATE_NOT_SENT: 'Error while sending batch.'
+  }[state])
+class Error(Exception):
+  """Base-class for exceptions in this module."""
+class FatalServerError(Error):
+  """An unrecoverable error occurred while trying to post data to the server."""
+class ResumeError(Error):
+  """Error while trying to resume a partial upload."""
+class ConfigurationError(Error):
+  """Error in configuration options."""
+class AuthenticationError(Error):
+  """Error while trying to authenticate with the server."""
+def GetCSVGeneratorFactory(csv_filename, batch_size,
+                           openfile=open, create_csv_reader=csv.reader):
+  """Return a factory that creates a CSV-based WorkItem generator.
+  Args:
+    csv_filename: File on disk containing CSV data.
+    batch_size: Maximum number of CSV rows to stash into a WorkItem.
+    openfile: Used for dependency injection.
+    create_csv_reader: Used for dependency injection.
+  Returns: A callable (accepting the Progress Queue and Progress
+    Generators as input) which creates the WorkItem generator.
+  """
+  def CreateGenerator(progress_queue, progress_generator):
+    """Initialize a CSV generator linked to a progress generator and queue.
+    Args:
+      progress_queue: A ProgressQueue instance to send progress information.
+      progress_generator: A generator of progress information or None.
+    Returns:
+      A CSVGenerator instance.
+    """
+    return CSVGenerator(progress_queue,
+                        progress_generator,
+                        csv_filename,
+                        batch_size,
+                        openfile,
+                        create_csv_reader)
+  return CreateGenerator
+class CSVGenerator(object):
+  """Reads a CSV file and generates WorkItems containing batches of records."""
+  def __init__(self,
+               progress_queue,
+               progress_generator,
+               csv_filename,
+               batch_size,
+               openfile,
+               create_csv_reader):
+    """Initializes a CSV generator.
+    Args:
+      progress_queue: A queue used for tracking progress information.
+      progress_generator: A generator of prior progress information, or None
+        if there is no prior status.
+      csv_filename: File on disk containing CSV data.
+      batch_size: Maximum number of CSV rows to stash into a WorkItem.
+      openfile: Used for dependency injection of 'open'.
+      create_csv_reader: Used for dependency injection of 'csv.reader'.
+    """
+    self.progress_queue = progress_queue
+    self.progress_generator = progress_generator
+    self.csv_filename = csv_filename
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.openfile = openfile
+    self.create_csv_reader = create_csv_reader
+    self.line_number = 1
+    self.column_count = None
+    self.read_rows = []
+    self.reader = None
+    self.row_count = 0
+    self.sent_count = 0
+  def _AdvanceTo(self, line):
+    """Advance the reader to the given line.
+    Args:
+      line: A line number to advance to.
+    """
+    while self.line_number < line:
+      self.line_number += 1
+      self.row_count += 1
+      self.sent_count += 1
+  def _ReadRows(self, key_start, key_end):
+    """Attempts to read and encode rows [key_start, key_end].
+    The encoded rows are stored in self.read_rows.
+    Args:
+      key_start: The starting line number.
+      key_end: The ending line number.
+    Raises:
+      StopIteration: if the reader runs out of rows
+      ResumeError: if there are an inconsistent number of columns.
+    """
+    assert self.line_number == key_start
+    self.read_rows = []
+    while self.line_number <= key_end:
+      row =
+      self.row_count += 1
+      if self.column_count is None:
+        self.column_count = len(row)
+      else:
+        if self.column_count != len(row):
+          raise ResumeError('Column count mismatch, %d: %s' %
+                            (self.column_count, str(row)))
+      self.read_rows.append((self.line_number, row))
+      self.line_number += 1
+  def _MakeItem(self, key_start, key_end, rows, progress_key=None):
+    """Makes a WorkItem containing the given rows, with the given keys.
+    Args:
+      key_start: The start key for the WorkItem.
+      key_end: The end key for the WorkItem.
+      rows: A list of the rows for the WorkItem.
+      progress_key: The progress key for the WorkItem
+    Returns:
+      A WorkItem instance for the given batch.
+    """
+    assert rows
+    item = WorkItem(self.progress_queue, rows,
+                    key_start, key_end,
+                    progress_key=progress_key)
+    return item
+  def Batches(self):
+    """Reads the CSV data file and generates WorkItems.
+    Yields:
+      Instances of class WorkItem
+    Raises:
+      ResumeError: If the progress database and data file indicate a different
+        number of rows.
+    """
+    csv_file = self.openfile(self.csv_filename, 'r')
+    csv_content =
+    if csv_content:
+      has_headers = csv.Sniffer().has_header(csv_content)
+    else:
+      has_headers = False
+    self.reader = self.create_csv_reader(csv_file, skipinitialspace=True)
+    if has_headers:
+'The CSV file appears to have a header line, skipping.')
+    exhausted = False
+    self.line_number = 1
+    self.column_count = None
+'Starting import; maximum %d entities per post',
+                 self.batch_size)
+    state = None
+    if self.progress_generator is not None:
+      for progress_key, state, key_start, key_end in self.progress_generator:
+        if key_start:
+          try:
+            self._AdvanceTo(key_start)
+            self._ReadRows(key_start, key_end)
+            yield self._MakeItem(key_start,
+                                 key_end,
+                                 self.read_rows,
+                                 progress_key=progress_key)
+          except StopIteration:
+            logging.error('Mismatch between data file and progress database')
+            raise ResumeError(
+                'Mismatch between data file and progress database')
+        elif state == DATA_CONSUMED_TO_HERE:
+          try:
+            self._AdvanceTo(key_end + 1)
+          except StopIteration:
+            state = None
+    if self.progress_generator is None or state == DATA_CONSUMED_TO_HERE:
+      while not exhausted:
+        key_start = self.line_number
+        key_end = self.line_number + self.batch_size - 1
+        try:
+          self._ReadRows(key_start, key_end)
+        except StopIteration:
+          exhausted = True
+          key_end = self.line_number - 1
+        if key_start <= key_end:
+          yield self._MakeItem(key_start, key_end, self.read_rows)
+class ReQueue(object):
+  """A special thread-safe queue.
+  A ReQueue allows unfinished work items to be returned with a call to
+  reput().  When an item is reput, task_done() should *not* be called
+  in addition, getting an item that has been reput does not increase
+  the number of outstanding tasks.
+  This class shares an interface with Queue.Queue and provides the
+  additional Reput method.
+  """
+  def __init__(self,
+               queue_capacity,
+               requeue_capacity=None,
+               queue_factory=Queue.Queue,
+               get_time=time.time):
+    """Initialize a ReQueue instance.
+    Args:
+      queue_capacity: The number of items that can be put in the ReQueue.
+      requeue_capacity: The numer of items that can be reput in the ReQueue.
+      queue_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+      get_time: Used for dependency injection.
+    """
+    if requeue_capacity is None:
+      requeue_capacity = queue_capacity
+    self.get_time = get_time
+    self.queue = queue_factory(queue_capacity)
+    self.requeue = queue_factory(requeue_capacity)
+    self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    self.put_cond = threading.Condition(self.lock)
+    self.get_cond = threading.Condition(self.lock)
+  def _DoWithTimeout(self,
+                     action,
+                     exc,
+                     wait_cond,
+                     done_cond,
+                     lock,
+                     timeout=None,
+                     block=True):
+    """Performs the given action with a timeout.
+    The action must be non-blocking, and raise an instance of exc on a
+    recoverable failure.  If the action fails with an instance of exc,
+    we wait on wait_cond before trying again.  Failure after the
+    timeout is reached is propagated as an exception.  Success is
+    signalled by notifying on done_cond and returning the result of
+    the action.  If action raises any exception besides an instance of
+    exc, it is immediately propagated.
+    Args:
+      action: A callable that performs a non-blocking action.
+      exc: An exception type that is thrown by the action to indicate
+        a recoverable error.
+      wait_cond: A condition variable which should be waited on when
+        action throws exc.
+      done_cond: A condition variable to signal if the action returns.
+      lock: The lock used by wait_cond and done_cond.
+      timeout: A non-negative float indicating the maximum time to wait.
+      block: Whether to block if the action cannot complete immediately.
+    Returns:
+      The result of the action, if it is successful.
+    Raises:
+      ValueError: If the timeout argument is negative.
+    """
+    if timeout is not None and timeout < 0.0:
+      raise ValueError('\'timeout\' must not be a negative  number')
+    if not block:
+      timeout = 0.0
+    result = None
+    success = False
+    start_time = self.get_time()
+    lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      while not success:
+        try:
+          result = action()
+          success = True
+        except Exception, e:
+          if not isinstance(e, exc):
+            raise e
+          if timeout is not None:
+            elapsed_time = self.get_time() - start_time
+            timeout -= elapsed_time
+            if timeout <= 0.0:
+              raise e
+          wait_cond.wait(timeout)
+    finally:
+      if success:
+        done_cond.notify()
+      lock.release()
+    return result
+  def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None):
+    """Put an item into the requeue.
+    Args:
+      item: An item to add to the requeue.
+      block: Whether to block if the requeue is full.
+      timeout: Maximum on how long to wait until the queue is non-full.
+    Raises:
+      Queue.Full if the queue is full and the timeout expires.
+    """
+    def PutAction():
+      self.queue.put(item, block=False)
+    self._DoWithTimeout(PutAction,
+                        Queue.Full,
+                        self.get_cond,
+                        self.put_cond,
+                        self.lock,
+                        timeout=timeout,
+                        block=block)
+  def reput(self, item, block=True, timeout=None):
+    """Re-put an item back into the requeue.
+    Re-putting an item does not increase the number of outstanding
+    tasks, so the reput item should be uniquely associated with an
+    item that was previously removed from the requeue and for which
+    task_done has not been called.
+    Args:
+      item: An item to add to the requeue.
+      block: Whether to block if the requeue is full.
+      timeout: Maximum on how long to wait until the queue is non-full.
+    Raises:
+      Queue.Full is the queue is full and the timeout expires.
+    """
+    def ReputAction():
+      self.requeue.put(item, block=False)
+    self._DoWithTimeout(ReputAction,
+                        Queue.Full,
+                        self.get_cond,
+                        self.put_cond,
+                        self.lock,
+                        timeout=timeout,
+                        block=block)
+  def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
+    """Get an item from the requeue.
+    Args:
+      block: Whether to block if the requeue is empty.
+      timeout: Maximum on how long to wait until the requeue is non-empty.
+    Returns:
+      An item from the requeue.
+    Raises:
+      Queue.Empty if the queue is empty and the timeout expires.
+    """
+    def GetAction():
+      try:
+        result = self.requeue.get(block=False)
+        self.requeue.task_done()
+      except Queue.Empty:
+        result = self.queue.get(block=False)
+      return result
+    return self._DoWithTimeout(GetAction,
+                               Queue.Empty,
+                               self.put_cond,
+                               self.get_cond,
+                               self.lock,
+                               timeout=timeout,
+                               block=block)
+  def join(self):
+    """Blocks until all of the items in the requeue have been processed."""
+    self.queue.join()
+  def task_done(self):
+    """Indicate that a previously enqueued item has been fully processed."""
+    self.queue.task_done()
+  def empty(self):
+    """Returns true if the requeue is empty."""
+    return self.queue.empty() and self.requeue.empty()
+  def get_nowait(self):
+    """Try to get an item from the queue without blocking."""
+    return self.get(block=False)
+class ThrottleHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
+  """A urllib2 handler for http and https requests that adds to a throttle."""
+  def __init__(self, throttle):
+    """Initialize a ThrottleHandler.
+    Args:
+      throttle: A Throttle instance to call for bandwidth and http/https request
+        throttling.
+    """
+    self.throttle = throttle
+  def AddRequest(self, throttle_name, req):
+    """Add to bandwidth throttle for given request.
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the bandwidth throttle to add to.
+      req: The request whose size will be added to the throttle.
+    """
+    size = 0
+    for key, value in req.headers.iteritems():
+      size += len('%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
+    for key, value in req.unredirected_hdrs.iteritems():
+      size += len('%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
+    (unused_scheme,
+     unused_host_port, url_path,
+     unused_query, unused_fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(req.get_full_url())
+    size += len('%s %s HTTP/1.1\n' % (req.get_method(), url_path))
+    data = req.get_data()
+    if data:
+      size += len(data)
+    self.throttle.AddTransfer(throttle_name, size)
+  def AddResponse(self, throttle_name, res):
+    """Add to bandwidth throttle for given response.
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the bandwidth throttle to add to.
+      res: The response whose size will be added to the throttle.
+    """
+    content =
+    def ReturnContent():
+      return content
+ = ReturnContent
+    size = len(content)
+    headers =
+    for key, value in headers.items():
+      size += len('%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
+    self.throttle.AddTransfer(throttle_name, size)
+  def http_request(self, req):
+    """Process an HTTP request.
+    If the throttle is over quota, sleep first.  Then add request size to
+    throttle before returning it to be sent.
+    Args:
+      req: A urllib2.Request object.
+    Returns:
+      The request passed in.
+    """
+    self.throttle.Sleep()
+    self.AddRequest(BANDWIDTH_UP, req)
+    return req
+  def https_request(self, req):
+    """Process an HTTPS request.
+    If the throttle is over quota, sleep first.  Then add request size to
+    throttle before returning it to be sent.
+    Args:
+      req: A urllib2.Request object.
+    Returns:
+      The request passed in.
+    """
+    self.throttle.Sleep()
+    self.AddRequest(HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_UP, req)
+    return req
+  def http_response(self, unused_req, res):
+    """Process an HTTP response.
+    The size of the response is added to the bandwidth throttle and the request
+    throttle is incremented by one.
+    Args:
+      unused_req: The urllib2 request for this response.
+      res: A urllib2 response object.
+    Returns:
+      The response passed in.
+    """
+    self.AddResponse(BANDWIDTH_DOWN, res)
+    self.throttle.AddTransfer(REQUESTS, 1)
+    return res
+  def https_response(self, unused_req, res):
+    """Process an HTTPS response.
+    The size of the response is added to the bandwidth throttle and the request
+    throttle is incremented by one.
+    Args:
+      unused_req: The urllib2 request for this response.
+      res: A urllib2 response object.
+    Returns:
+      The response passed in.
+    """
+    self.AddResponse(HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_DOWN, res)
+    self.throttle.AddTransfer(HTTPS_REQUESTS, 1)
+    return res
+class ThrottledHttpRpcServer(appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer):
+  """Provides a simplified RPC-style interface for HTTP requests.
+  This RPC server uses a Throttle to prevent exceeding quotas.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, throttle, request_manager, *args, **kwargs):
+    """Initialize a ThrottledHttpRpcServer.
+    Also sets request_manager.rpc_server to the ThrottledHttpRpcServer instance.
+    Args:
+      throttle: A Throttles instance.
+      request_manager: A RequestManager instance.
+      args: Positional arguments to pass through to
+        appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer.__init__
+      kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass through to
+        appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer.__init__
+    """
+    self.throttle = throttle
+    appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    request_manager.rpc_server = self
+  def _GetOpener(self):
+    """Returns an OpenerDirector that supports cookies and ignores redirects.
+    Returns:
+      A urllib2.OpenerDirector object.
+    """
+    opener = appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer._GetOpener(self)
+    opener.add_handler(ThrottleHandler(self.throttle))
+    return opener
+def ThrottledHttpRpcServerFactory(throttle, request_manager):
+  """Create a factory to produce ThrottledHttpRpcServer for a given throttle.
+  Args:
+    throttle: A Throttle instance to use for the ThrottledHttpRpcServer.
+    request_manager: A RequestManager instance.
+  Returns:
+    A factory to produce a ThrottledHttpRpcServer.
+  """
+  def MakeRpcServer(*args, **kwargs):
+    kwargs['account_type'] = 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE'
+    kwargs['save_cookies'] = True
+    return ThrottledHttpRpcServer(throttle, request_manager, *args, **kwargs)
+  return MakeRpcServer
+class RequestManager(object):
+  """A class which wraps a connection to the server."""
+  source = 'google-bulkloader-%s' % UPLOADER_VERSION
+  user_agent = source
+  def __init__(self,
+               app_id,
+               host_port,
+               url_path,
+               kind,
+               throttle):
+    """Initialize a RequestManager object.
+    Args:
+      app_id: String containing the application id for requests.
+      host_port: String containing the "host:port" pair; the port is optional.
+      url_path: partial URL (path) to post entity data to.
+      kind: Kind of the Entity records being posted.
+      throttle: A Throttle instance.
+    """
+    self.app_id = app_id
+    self.host_port = host_port
+ = host_port.split(':')[0]
+    if url_path and url_path[0] != '/':
+      url_path = '/' + url_path
+    self.url_path = url_path
+    self.kind = kind
+    self.throttle = throttle
+    self.credentials = None
+    throttled_rpc_server_factory = ThrottledHttpRpcServerFactory(
+        self.throttle, self)
+    logging.debug('Configuring remote_api. app_id = %s, url_path = %s, '
+                  'servername = %s' % (app_id, url_path, host_port))
+    remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteDatastore(
+        app_id,
+        url_path,
+        self.AuthFunction,
+        servername=host_port,
+        rpc_server_factory=throttled_rpc_server_factory)
+    self.authenticated = False
+  def Authenticate(self):
+    """Invoke authentication if necessary."""
+    self.rpc_server.Send(self.url_path, payload=None)
+    self.authenticated = True
+  def AuthFunction(self,
+                   raw_input_fn=raw_input,
+                   password_input_fn=getpass.getpass):
+    """Prompts the user for a username and password.
+    Caches the results the first time it is called and returns the
+    same result every subsequent time.
+    Args:
+      raw_input_fn: Used for dependency injection.
+      password_input_fn: Used for dependency injection.
+    Returns:
+      A pair of the username and password.
+    """
+    if self.credentials is not None:
+      return self.credentials
+    print 'Please enter login credentials for %s (%s)' % (
+, self.app_id)
+    email = raw_input_fn('Email: ')
+    if email:
+      password_prompt = 'Password for %s: ' % email
+      password = password_input_fn(password_prompt)
+    else:
+      password = None
+    self.credentials = (email, password)
+    return self.credentials
+  def _GetHeaders(self):
+    """Constructs a dictionary of extra headers to send with a request."""
+    headers = {
+        'GAE-Uploader-Version': UPLOADER_VERSION,
+        'GAE-Uploader-Kind': self.kind
+        }
+    return headers
+  def EncodeContent(self, rows):
+    """Encodes row data to the wire format.
+    Args:
+      rows: A list of pairs of a line number and a list of column values.
+    Returns:
+      A list of db.Model instances.
+    """
+    try:
+      loader = Loader.RegisteredLoaders()[self.kind]
+    except KeyError:
+      logging.error('No Loader defined for kind %s.' % self.kind)
+      raise ConfigurationError('No Loader defined for kind %s.' % self.kind)
+    entities = []
+    for line_number, values in rows:
+      key = loader.GenerateKey(line_number, values)
+      entity = loader.CreateEntity(values, key_name=key)
+      entities.extend(entity)
+    return entities
+  def PostEntities(self, item):
+    """Posts Entity records to a remote endpoint over HTTP.
+    Args:
+      item: A workitem containing the entities to post.
+    Returns:
+      A pair of the estimated size of the request in bytes and the response
+        from the server as a str.
+    """
+    entities = item.content
+    db.put(entities)
+class WorkItem(object):
+  """Holds a unit of uploading work.
+  A WorkItem represents a number of entities that need to be uploaded to
+  Google App Engine. These entities are encoded in the "content" field of
+  the WorkItem, and will be POST'd as-is to the server.
+  The entities are identified by a range of numeric keys, inclusively. In
+  the case of a resumption of an upload, or a replay to correct errors,
+  these keys must be able to identify the same set of entities.
+  Note that keys specify a range. The entities do not have to sequentially
+  fill the entire range, they must simply bound a range of valid keys.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, progress_queue, rows, key_start, key_end,
+               progress_key=None):
+    """Initialize the WorkItem instance.
+    Args:
+      progress_queue: A queue used for tracking progress information.
+      rows: A list of pairs of a line number and a list of column values
+      key_start: The (numeric) starting key, inclusive.
+      key_end: The (numeric) ending key, inclusive.
+      progress_key: If this WorkItem represents state from a prior run,
+        then this will be the key within the progress database.
+    """
+    self.state = STATE_READ
+    self.progress_queue = progress_queue
+    assert isinstance(key_start, (int, long))
+    assert isinstance(key_end, (int, long))
+    assert key_start <= key_end
+    self.key_start = key_start
+    self.key_end = key_end
+    self.progress_key = progress_key
+    self.progress_event = threading.Event()
+    self.rows = rows
+    self.content = None
+    self.count = len(rows)
+  def MarkAsRead(self):
+    """Mark this WorkItem as read/consumed from the data source."""
+    assert self.state == STATE_READ
+    self._StateTransition(STATE_READ, blocking=True)
+    assert self.progress_key is not None
+  def MarkAsSending(self):
+    """Mark this WorkItem as in-process on being uploaded to the server."""
+    assert self.state == STATE_READ or self.state == STATE_NOT_SENT
+    assert self.progress_key is not None
+    self._StateTransition(STATE_SENDING, blocking=True)
+  def MarkAsSent(self):
+    """Mark this WorkItem as sucessfully-sent to the server."""
+    assert self.state == STATE_SENDING
+    assert self.progress_key is not None
+    self._StateTransition(STATE_SENT, blocking=False)
+  def MarkAsError(self):
+    """Mark this WorkItem as required manual error recovery."""
+    assert self.state == STATE_SENDING
+    assert self.progress_key is not None
+    self._StateTransition(STATE_NOT_SENT, blocking=True)
+  def _StateTransition(self, new_state, blocking=False):
+    """Transition the work item to a new state, storing progress information.
+    Args:
+      new_state: The state to transition to.
+      blocking: Whether to block for the progress thread to acknowledge the
+        transition.
+    """
+    logging.debug('[%s-%s] %s' %
+                  (self.key_start, self.key_end, StateMessage(self.state)))
+    assert not self.progress_event.isSet()
+    self.state = new_state
+    self.progress_queue.put(self)
+    if blocking:
+      self.progress_event.wait()
+      self.progress_event.clear()
+def InterruptibleSleep(sleep_time):
+  """Puts thread to sleep, checking this threads exit_flag twice a second.
+  Args:
+    sleep_time: Time to sleep.
+  """
+  slept = 0.0
+  epsilon = .0001
+  thread = threading.currentThread()
+  while slept < sleep_time - epsilon:
+    remaining = sleep_time - slept
+    this_sleep_time = min(remaining, 0.5)
+    time.sleep(this_sleep_time)
+    slept += this_sleep_time
+    if thread.exit_flag:
+      return
+class ThreadGate(object):
+  """Manage the number of active worker threads.
+  The ThreadGate limits the number of threads that are simultaneously
+  uploading batches of records in order to implement adaptive rate
+  control.  The number of simultaneous upload threads that it takes to
+  start causing timeout varies widely over the course of the day, so
+  adaptive rate control allows the uploader to do many uploads while
+  reducing the error rate and thus increasing the throughput.
+  Initially the ThreadGate allows only one uploader thread to be active.
+  For each successful upload, another thread is activated and for each
+  failed upload, the number of active threads is reduced by one.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, enabled, sleep=InterruptibleSleep):
+    self.enabled = enabled
+    self.enabled_count = 1
+    self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    self.thread_semaphore = threading.Semaphore(self.enabled_count)
+    self._threads = []
+    self.backoff_time = 0
+    self.sleep = sleep
+  def Register(self, thread):
+    """Register a thread with the thread gate."""
+    self._threads.append(thread)
+  def Threads(self):
+    """Yields the registered threads."""
+    for thread in self._threads:
+      yield thread
+  def EnableThread(self):
+    """Enable one more worker thread."""
+    self.lock.acquire()
+    try:
+      self.enabled_count += 1
+    finally:
+      self.lock.release()
+    self.thread_semaphore.release()
+  def EnableAllThreads(self):
+    """Enable all worker threads."""
+    for unused_idx in range(len(self._threads) - self.enabled_count):
+      self.EnableThread()
+  def StartWork(self):
+    """Starts a critical section in which the number of workers is limited.
+    If thread throttling is enabled then this method starts a critical
+    section which allows self.enabled_count simultaneously operating
+    threads. The critical section is ended by calling self.FinishWork().
+    """
+    if self.enabled:
+      self.thread_semaphore.acquire()
+      if self.backoff_time > 0.0:
+        if not threading.currentThread().exit_flag:
+'Backing off: %.1f seconds',
+                       self.backoff_time)
+        self.sleep(self.backoff_time)
+  def FinishWork(self):
+    """Ends a critical section started with self.StartWork()."""
+    if self.enabled:
+      self.thread_semaphore.release()
+  def IncreaseWorkers(self):
+    """Informs the throttler that an item was successfully sent.
+    If thread throttling is enabled, this method will cause an
+    additional thread to run in the critical section.
+    """
+    if self.enabled:
+      if self.backoff_time > 0.0:
+'Resetting backoff to 0.0')
+        self.backoff_time = 0.0
+      do_enable = False
+      self.lock.acquire()
+      try:
+        if self.enabled and len(self._threads) > self.enabled_count:
+          do_enable = True
+          self.enabled_count += 1
+      finally:
+        self.lock.release()
+      if do_enable:
+        self.thread_semaphore.release()
+  def DecreaseWorkers(self):
+    """Informs the thread_gate that an item failed to send.
+    If thread throttling is enabled, this method will cause the
+    throttler to allow one fewer thread in the critical section. If
+    there is only one thread remaining, failures will result in
+    exponential backoff until there is a success.
+    """
+    if self.enabled:
+      do_disable = False
+      self.lock.acquire()
+      try:
+        if self.enabled:
+          if self.enabled_count > 1:
+            do_disable = True
+            self.enabled_count -= 1
+          else:
+            if self.backoff_time == 0.0:
+              self.backoff_time = INITIAL_BACKOFF
+            else:
+              self.backoff_time *= BACKOFF_FACTOR
+      finally:
+        self.lock.release()
+      if do_disable:
+        self.thread_semaphore.acquire()
+class Throttle(object):
+  """A base class for upload rate throttling.
+  Transferring large number of records, too quickly, to an application
+  could trigger quota limits and cause the transfer process to halt.
+  In order to stay within the application's quota, we throttle the
+  data transfer to a specified limit (across all transfer threads).
+  This limit defaults to about half of the Google App Engine default
+  for an application, but can be manually adjusted faster/slower as
+  appropriate.
+  This class tracks a moving average of some aspect of the transfer
+  rate (bandwidth, records per second, http connections per
+  second). It keeps two windows of counts of bytes transferred, on a
+  per-thread basis. One block is the "current" block, and the other is
+  the "prior" block. It will rotate the counts from current to prior
+  when ROTATE_PERIOD has passed.  Thus, the current block will
+  represent from 0 seconds to ROTATE_PERIOD seconds of activity
+  (determined by: time.time() - self.last_rotate).  The prior block
+  will always represent a full ROTATE_PERIOD.
+  Sleeping is performed just before a transfer of another block, and is
+  based on the counts transferred *before* the next transfer. It really
+  does not matter how much will be transferred, but only that for all the
+  data transferred SO FAR that we have interspersed enough pauses to
+  ensure the aggregate transfer rate is within the specified limit.
+  These counts are maintained on a per-thread basis, so we do not require
+  any interlocks around incrementing the counts. There IS an interlock on
+  the rotation of the counts because we do not want multiple threads to
+  multiply-rotate the counts.
+  There are various race conditions in the computation and collection
+  of these counts. We do not require precise values, but simply to
+  keep the overall transfer within the bandwidth limits. If a given
+  pause is a little short, or a little long, then the aggregate delays
+  will be correct.
+  """
+  def __init__(self,
+               get_time=time.time,
+               thread_sleep=InterruptibleSleep,
+               layout=None):
+    self.get_time = get_time
+    self.thread_sleep = thread_sleep
+    self.start_time = get_time()
+    self.transferred = {}
+    self.prior_block = {}
+    self.totals = {}
+    self.throttles = {}
+    self.last_rotate = {}
+    self.rotate_mutex = {}
+    if layout:
+      self.AddThrottles(layout)
+  def AddThrottle(self, name, limit):
+    self.throttles[name] = limit
+    self.transferred[name] = {}
+    self.prior_block[name] = {}
+    self.totals[name] = {}
+    self.last_rotate[name] = self.get_time()
+    self.rotate_mutex[name] = threading.Lock()
+  def AddThrottles(self, layout):
+    for key, value in layout.iteritems():
+      self.AddThrottle(key, value)
+  def Register(self, thread):
+    """Register this thread with the throttler."""
+    thread_name = thread.getName()
+    for throttle_name in self.throttles.iterkeys():
+      self.transferred[throttle_name][thread_name] = 0
+      self.prior_block[throttle_name][thread_name] = 0
+      self.totals[throttle_name][thread_name] = 0
+  def VerifyName(self, throttle_name):
+    if throttle_name not in self.throttles:
+      raise AssertionError('%s is not a registered throttle' % throttle_name)
+  def AddTransfer(self, throttle_name, token_count):
+    """Add a count to the amount this thread has transferred.
+    Each time a thread transfers some data, it should call this method to
+    note the amount sent. The counts may be rotated if sufficient time
+    has passed since the last rotation.
+    Note: this method should only be called by the BulkLoaderThread
+    instances. The token count is allocated towards the
+    "current thread".
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the throttle to add to.
+      token_count: The number to add to the throttle counter.
+    """
+    self.VerifyName(throttle_name)
+    transferred = self.transferred[throttle_name]
+    transferred[threading.currentThread().getName()] += token_count
+    if self.last_rotate[throttle_name] + self.ROTATE_PERIOD < self.get_time():
+      self._RotateCounts(throttle_name)
+  def Sleep(self, throttle_name=None):
+    """Possibly sleep in order to limit the transfer rate.
+    Note that we sleep based on *prior* transfers rather than what we
+    may be about to transfer. The next transfer could put us under/over
+    and that will be rectified *after* that transfer. Net result is that
+    the average transfer rate will remain within bounds. Spiky behavior
+    or uneven rates among the threads could possibly bring the transfer
+    rate above the requested limit for short durations.
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the throttle to sleep on.  If None or
+        omitted, then sleep on all throttles.
+    """
+    if throttle_name is None:
+      for throttle_name in self.throttles:
+        self.Sleep(throttle_name=throttle_name)
+      return
+    self.VerifyName(throttle_name)
+    thread = threading.currentThread()
+    while True:
+      duration = self.get_time() - self.last_rotate[throttle_name]
+      total = 0
+      for count in self.prior_block[throttle_name].values():
+        total += count
+      if total:
+        duration += self.ROTATE_PERIOD
+      for count in self.transferred[throttle_name].values():
+        total += count
+      sleep_time = (float(total) / self.throttles[throttle_name]) - duration
+        break
+      logging.debug('[%s] Throttling on %s. Sleeping for %.1f ms '
+                    '(duration=%.1f ms, total=%d)',
+                    thread.getName(), throttle_name,
+                    sleep_time * 1000, duration * 1000, total)
+      self.thread_sleep(sleep_time)
+      if thread.exit_flag:
+        break
+      self._RotateCounts(throttle_name)
+  def _RotateCounts(self, throttle_name):
+    """Rotate the transfer counters.
+    If sufficient time has passed, then rotate the counters from active to
+    the prior-block of counts.
+    This rotation is interlocked to ensure that multiple threads do not
+    over-rotate the counts.
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the throttle to rotate.
+    """
+    self.VerifyName(throttle_name)
+    self.rotate_mutex[throttle_name].acquire()
+    try:
+      next_rotate_time = self.last_rotate[throttle_name] + self.ROTATE_PERIOD
+      if next_rotate_time >= self.get_time():
+        return
+      for name, count in self.transferred[throttle_name].items():
+        self.prior_block[throttle_name][name] = count
+        self.transferred[throttle_name][name] = 0
+        self.totals[throttle_name][name] += count
+      self.last_rotate[throttle_name] = self.get_time()
+    finally:
+      self.rotate_mutex[throttle_name].release()
+  def TotalTransferred(self, throttle_name):
+    """Return the total transferred, and over what period.
+    Args:
+      throttle_name: The name of the throttle to total.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple of the total count and running time for the given throttle name.
+    """
+    total = 0
+    for count in self.totals[throttle_name].values():
+      total += count
+    for count in self.transferred[throttle_name].values():
+      total += count
+    return total, self.get_time() - self.start_time
+class _ThreadBase(threading.Thread):
+  """Provide some basic features for the threads used in the uploader.
+  This abstract base class is used to provide some common features:
+  * Flag to ask thread to exit as soon as possible.
+  * Record exit/error status for the primary thread to pick up.
+  * Capture exceptions and record them for pickup.
+  * Some basic logging of thread start/stop.
+  * All threads are "daemon" threads.
+  * Friendly names for presenting to users.
+  Concrete sub-classes must implement PerformWork().
+  Either self.NAME should be set or GetFriendlyName() be overridden to
+  return a human-friendly name for this thread.
+  The run() method starts the thread and prints start/exit messages.
+  self.exit_flag is intended to signal that this thread should exit
+  when it gets the chance.  PerformWork() should check self.exit_flag
+  whenever it has the opportunity to exit gracefully.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+    self.setDaemon(True)
+    self.exit_flag = False
+    self.error = None
+  def run(self):
+    """Perform the work of the thread."""
+'[%s] %s: started', self.getName(), self.__class__.__name__)
+    try:
+      self.PerformWork()
+    except:
+      self.error = sys.exc_info()[1]
+      logging.exception('[%s] %s:', self.getName(), self.__class__.__name__)
+'[%s] %s: exiting', self.getName(), self.__class__.__name__)
+  def PerformWork(self):
+    """Perform the thread-specific work."""
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def CheckError(self):
+    """If an error is present, then log it."""
+    if self.error:
+      logging.error('Error in %s: %s', self.GetFriendlyName(), self.error)
+  def GetFriendlyName(self):
+    """Returns a human-friendly description of the thread."""
+    if hasattr(self, 'NAME'):
+      return self.NAME
+    return 'unknown thread'
+class BulkLoaderThread(_ThreadBase):
+  """A thread which transmits entities to the server application.
+  This thread will read WorkItem instances from the work_queue and upload
+  the entities to the server application. Progress information will be
+  pushed into the progress_queue as the work is being performed.
+  If a BulkLoaderThread encounters a transient error, the entities will be
+  resent, if a fatal error is encoutered the BulkLoaderThread exits.
+  """
+  def __init__(self,
+               work_queue,
+               throttle,
+               thread_gate,
+               request_manager):
+    """Initialize the BulkLoaderThread instance.
+    Args:
+      work_queue: A queue containing WorkItems for processing.
+      throttle: A Throttles to control upload bandwidth.
+      thread_gate: A ThreadGate to control number of simultaneous uploads.
+      request_manager: A RequestManager instance.
+    """
+    _ThreadBase.__init__(self)
+    self.work_queue = work_queue
+    self.throttle = throttle
+    self.thread_gate = thread_gate
+    self.request_manager = request_manager
+  def PerformWork(self):
+    """Perform the work of a BulkLoaderThread."""
+    while not self.exit_flag:
+      success = False
+      self.thread_gate.StartWork()
+      try:
+        try:
+          item = self.work_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0)
+        except Queue.Empty:
+          continue
+        if item == _THREAD_SHOULD_EXIT:
+          break
+        logging.debug('[%s] Got work item [%d-%d]',
+                      self.getName(), item.key_start, item.key_end)
+        try:
+          item.MarkAsSending()
+          try:
+            if item.content is None:
+              item.content = self.request_manager.EncodeContent(item.rows)
+            try:
+              self.request_manager.PostEntities(item)
+              success = True
+              logging.debug(
+                  '[%d-%d] Sent %d entities',
+                  item.key_start, item.key_end, item.count)
+              self.throttle.AddTransfer(RECORDS, item.count)
+            except (db.InternalError, db.NotSavedError, db.Timeout), e:
+              logging.debug('Caught non-fatal error: %s', e)
+            except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+              if e.code == 403 or (e.code >= 500 and e.code < 600):
+                logging.debug('Caught HTTP error %d', e.code)
+                logging.debug('%s',
+              else:
+                raise e
+          except:
+            self.error = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            logging.exception('[%s] %s: caught exception %s', self.getName(),
+                              self.__class__.__name__, str(sys.exc_info()))
+            raise
+        finally:
+          if success:
+            item.MarkAsSent()
+            self.thread_gate.IncreaseWorkers()
+            self.work_queue.task_done()
+          else:
+            item.MarkAsError()
+            self.thread_gate.DecreaseWorkers()
+            try:
+              self.work_queue.reput(item, block=False)
+            except Queue.Full:
+              logging.error('[%s] Failed to reput work item.', self.getName())
+              raise Error('Failed to reput work item')
+'[%d-%d] %s',
+                       item.key_start, item.key_end, StateMessage(item.state))
+      finally:
+        self.thread_gate.FinishWork()
+  def GetFriendlyName(self):
+    """Returns a human-friendly name for this thread."""
+    return 'worker [%s]' % self.getName()
+class DataSourceThread(_ThreadBase):
+  """A thread which reads WorkItems and pushes them into queue.
+  This thread will read/consume WorkItems from a generator (produced by
+  the generator factory). These WorkItems will then be pushed into the
+  work_queue. Note that reading will block if/when the work_queue becomes
+  full. Information on content consumed from the generator will be pushed
+  into the progress_queue.
+  """
+  NAME = 'data source thread'
+  def __init__(self,
+               work_queue,
+               progress_queue,
+               workitem_generator_factory,
+               progress_generator_factory):
+    """Initialize the DataSourceThread instance.
+    Args:
+      work_queue: A queue containing WorkItems for processing.
+      progress_queue: A queue used for tracking progress information.
+      workitem_generator_factory: A factory that creates a WorkItem generator
+      progress_generator_factory: A factory that creates a generator which
+        produces prior progress status, or None if there is no prior status
+        to use.
+    """
+    _ThreadBase.__init__(self)
+    self.work_queue = work_queue
+    self.progress_queue = progress_queue
+    self.workitem_generator_factory = workitem_generator_factory
+    self.progress_generator_factory = progress_generator_factory
+    self.entity_count = 0
+  def PerformWork(self):
+    """Performs the work of a DataSourceThread."""
+    if self.progress_generator_factory:
+      progress_gen = self.progress_generator_factory()
+    else:
+      progress_gen = None
+    content_gen = self.workitem_generator_factory(self.progress_queue,
+                                                  progress_gen)
+    self.sent_count = 0
+    self.read_count = 0
+    self.read_all = False
+    for item in content_gen.Batches():
+      item.MarkAsRead()
+      while not self.exit_flag:
+        try:
+          self.work_queue.put(item, block=True, timeout=1.0)
+          self.entity_count += item.count
+          break
+        except Queue.Full:
+          pass
+      if self.exit_flag:
+        break
+    if not self.exit_flag:
+      self.read_all = True
+    self.read_count = content_gen.row_count
+    self.sent_count = content_gen.sent_count
+def _RunningInThread(thread):
+  """Return True if we are running within the specified thread."""
+  return threading.currentThread().getName() == thread.getName()
+class ProgressDatabase(object):
+  """Persistently record all progress information during an upload.
+  This class wraps a very simple SQLite database which records each of
+  the relevant details from the WorkItem instances. If the uploader is
+  resumed, then data is replayed out of the database.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, db_filename, commit_periodicity=100):
+    """Initialize the ProgressDatabase instance.
+    Args:
+      db_filename: The name of the SQLite database to use.
+      commit_periodicity: How many operations to perform between commits.
+    """
+    self.db_filename = db_filename
+'Using progress database: %s', db_filename)
+    self.primary_conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=None)
+    self.primary_thread = threading.currentThread()
+    self.progress_conn = None
+    self.progress_thread = None
+    self.operation_count = 0
+    self.commit_periodicity = commit_periodicity
+    self.prior_key_end = None
+    try:
+      self.primary_conn.execute(
+          """create table progress (
+          id integer primary key autoincrement,
+          state integer not null,
+          key_start integer not null,
+          key_end integer not null
+          )
+          """)
+    except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
+      if 'already exists' not in e.message:
+        raise
+    try:
+      self.primary_conn.execute('create index i_state on progress (state)')
+    except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
+      if 'already exists' not in e.message:
+        raise
+  def ThreadComplete(self):
+    """Finalize any operations the progress thread has performed.
+    The database aggregates lots of operations into a single commit, and
+    this method is used to commit any pending operations as the thread
+    is about to shut down.
+    """
+    if self.progress_conn:
+      self._MaybeCommit(force_commit=True)
+  def _MaybeCommit(self, force_commit=False):
+    """Periodically commit changes into the SQLite database.
+    Committing every operation is quite expensive, and slows down the
+    operation of the script. Thus, we only commit after every N operations,
+    as determined by the self.commit_periodicity value. Optionally, the
+    caller can force a commit.
+    Args:
+      force_commit: Pass True in order for a commit to occur regardless
+        of the current operation count.
+    """
+    self.operation_count += 1
+    if force_commit or (self.operation_count % self.commit_periodicity) == 0:
+      self.progress_conn.commit()
+  def _OpenProgressConnection(self):
+    """Possibly open a database connection for the progress tracker thread.
+    If the connection is not open (for the calling thread, which is assumed
+    to be the progress tracker thread), then open it. We also open a couple
+    cursors for later use (and reuse).
+    """
+    if self.progress_conn:
+      return
+    assert not _RunningInThread(self.primary_thread)
+    self.progress_thread = threading.currentThread()
+    self.progress_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_filename)
+    self.insert_cursor = self.progress_conn.cursor()
+    self.update_cursor = self.progress_conn.cursor()
+  def HasUnfinishedWork(self):
+    """Returns True if the database has progress information.
+    Note there are two basic cases for progress information:
+    1) All saved records indicate a successful upload. In this case, we
+       need to skip everything transmitted so far and then send the rest.
+    2) Some records for incomplete transfer are present. These need to be
+       sent again, and then we resume sending after all the successful
+       data.
+    Returns:
+      True if the database has progress information, False otherwise.
+    Raises:
+      ResumeError: If there is an error reading the progress database.
+    """
+    assert _RunningInThread(self.primary_thread)
+    cursor = self.primary_conn.cursor()
+    cursor.execute('select count(*) from progress')
+    row = cursor.fetchone()
+    if row is None:
+      raise ResumeError('Error reading progress information.')
+    return row[0] != 0
+  def StoreKeys(self, key_start, key_end):
+    """Record a new progress record, returning a key for later updates.
+    The specified progress information will be persisted into the database.
+    A unique key will be returned that identifies this progress state. The
+    key is later used to (quickly) update this record.
+    For the progress resumption to proceed properly, calls to StoreKeys
+    MUST specify monotonically increasing key ranges. This will result in
+    a database whereby the ID, KEY_START, and KEY_END rows are all
+    increasing (rather than having ranges out of order).
+    NOTE: the above precondition is NOT tested by this method (since it
+    would imply an additional table read or two on each invocation).
+    Args:
+      key_start: The starting key of the WorkItem (inclusive)
+      key_end: The end key of the WorkItem (inclusive)
+    Returns:
+      A string to later be used as a unique key to update this state.
+    """
+    self._OpenProgressConnection()
+    assert _RunningInThread(self.progress_thread)
+    assert isinstance(key_start, int)
+    assert isinstance(key_end, int)
+    assert key_start <= key_end
+    if self.prior_key_end is not None:
+      assert key_start > self.prior_key_end
+    self.prior_key_end = key_end
+    self.insert_cursor.execute(
+        'insert into progress (state, key_start, key_end) values (?, ?, ?)',
+        (STATE_READ, key_start, key_end))
+    progress_key = self.insert_cursor.lastrowid
+    self._MaybeCommit()
+    return progress_key
+  def UpdateState(self, key, new_state):
+    """Update a specified progress record with new information.
+    Args:
+      key: The key for this progress record, returned from StoreKeys
+      new_state: The new state to associate with this progress record.
+    """
+    self._OpenProgressConnection()
+    assert _RunningInThread(self.progress_thread)
+    assert isinstance(new_state, int)
+    self.update_cursor.execute('update progress set state=? where id=?',
+                               (new_state, key))
+    self._MaybeCommit()
+  def GetProgressStatusGenerator(self):
+    """Get a generator which returns progress information.
+    The returned generator will yield a series of 4-tuples that specify
+    progress information about a prior run of the uploader. The 4-tuples
+    have the following values:
+      progress_key: The unique key to later update this record with new
+                    progress information.
+      state: The last state saved for this progress record.
+      key_start: The starting key of the items for uploading (inclusive).
+      key_end: The ending key of the items for uploading (inclusive).
+    After all incompletely-transferred records are provided, then one
+    more 4-tuple will be generated:
+      None
+      DATA_CONSUMED_TO_HERE: A unique string value indicating this record
+                             is being provided.
+      None
+      key_end: An integer value specifying the last data source key that
+               was handled by the previous run of the uploader.
+    The caller should begin uploading records which occur after key_end.
+    Yields:
+      Progress information as tuples (progress_key, state, key_start, key_end).
+    """
+    conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_filename, isolation_level=None)
+    cursor = conn.cursor()
+    cursor.execute('select max(id) from progress')
+    batch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+    cursor.execute('select key_end from progress where id = ?', (batch_id,))
+    key_end = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+    self.prior_key_end = key_end
+    cursor.execute(
+        'select id, state, key_start, key_end from progress'
+        '  where state != ?'
+        '  order by id',
+        (STATE_SENT,))
+    rows = cursor.fetchall()
+    for row in rows:
+      if row is None:
+        break
+      yield row
+    yield None, DATA_CONSUMED_TO_HERE, None, key_end
+class StubProgressDatabase(object):
+  """A stub implementation of ProgressDatabase which does nothing."""
+  def HasUnfinishedWork(self):
+    """Whether the stub database has progress information (it doesn't)."""
+    return False
+  def StoreKeys(self, unused_key_start, unused_key_end):
+    """Pretend to store a key in the stub database."""
+    return 'fake-key'
+  def UpdateState(self, unused_key, unused_new_state):
+    """Pretend to update the state of a progress item."""
+    pass
+  def ThreadComplete(self):
+    """Finalize operations on the stub database (i.e. do nothing)."""
+    pass
+class ProgressTrackerThread(_ThreadBase):
+  """A thread which records progress information for the upload process.
+  The progress information is stored into the provided progress database.
+  This class is not responsible for replaying a prior run's progress
+  information out of the database. Separate mechanisms must be used to
+  resume a prior upload attempt.
+  """
+  NAME = 'progress tracking thread'
+  def __init__(self, progress_queue, progress_db):
+    """Initialize the ProgressTrackerThread instance.
+    Args:
+      progress_queue: A Queue used for tracking progress information.
+      progress_db: The database for tracking progress information; should
+        be an instance of ProgressDatabase.
+    """
+    _ThreadBase.__init__(self)
+    self.progress_queue = progress_queue
+    self.db = progress_db
+    self.entities_sent = 0
+  def PerformWork(self):
+    """Performs the work of a ProgressTrackerThread."""
+    while not self.exit_flag:
+      try:
+        item = self.progress_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0)
+      except Queue.Empty:
+        continue
+      if item == _THREAD_SHOULD_EXIT:
+        break
+      if item.state == STATE_READ and item.progress_key is None:
+        item.progress_key = self.db.StoreKeys(item.key_start, item.key_end)
+      else:
+        assert item.progress_key is not None
+        self.db.UpdateState(item.progress_key, item.state)
+        if item.state == STATE_SENT:
+          self.entities_sent += item.count
+      item.progress_event.set()
+      self.progress_queue.task_done()
+    self.db.ThreadComplete()
+def Validate(value, typ):
+  """Checks that value is non-empty and of the right type.
+  Args:
+    value: any value
+    typ: a type or tuple of types
+  Raises:
+    ValueError if value is None or empty.
+    TypeError if it's not the given type.
+  """
+  if not value:
+    raise ValueError('Value should not be empty; received %s.' % value)
+  elif not isinstance(value, typ):
+    raise TypeError('Expected a %s, but received %s (a %s).' %
+                    (typ, value, value.__class__))
+class Loader(object):
+  """A base class for creating datastore entities from input data.
+  To add a handler for bulk loading a new entity kind into your datastore,
+  write a subclass of this class that calls Loader.__init__ from your
+  class's __init__.
+  If you need to run extra code to convert entities from the input
+  data, create new properties, or otherwise modify the entities before
+  they're inserted, override HandleEntity.
+  See the CreateEntity method for the creation of entities from the
+  (parsed) input data.
+  """
+  __loaders = {}
+  __kind = None
+  __properties = None
+  def __init__(self, kind, properties):
+    """Constructor.
+    Populates this Loader's kind and properties map. Also registers it with
+    the bulk loader, so that all you need to do is instantiate your Loader,
+    and the bulkload handler will automatically use it.
+    Args:
+      kind: a string containing the entity kind that this loader handles
+      properties: list of (name, converter) tuples.
+        This is used to automatically convert the CSV columns into
+        properties.  The converter should be a function that takes one
+        argument, a string value from the CSV file, and returns a
+        correctly typed property value that should be inserted. The
+        tuples in this list should match the columns in your CSV file,
+        in order.
+        For example:
+          [('name', str),
+           ('id_number', int),
+           ('email', datastore_types.Email),
+           ('user', users.User),
+           ('birthdate', lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(x))),
+           ('description', datastore_types.Text),
+           ]
+    """
+    Validate(kind, basestring)
+    self.__kind = kind
+    db.class_for_kind(kind)
+    Validate(properties, list)
+    for name, fn in properties:
+      Validate(name, basestring)
+      assert callable(fn), (
+        'Conversion function %s for property %s is not callable.' % (fn, name))
+    self.__properties = properties
+  @staticmethod
+  def RegisterLoader(loader):
+    Loader.__loaders[loader.__kind] = loader
+  def kind(self):
+    """ Return the entity kind that this Loader handes.
+    """
+    return self.__kind
+  def CreateEntity(self, values, key_name=None):
+    """Creates a entity from a list of property values.
+    Args:
+      values: list/tuple of str
+      key_name: if provided, the name for the (single) resulting entity
+    Returns:
+      list of db.Model
+      The returned entities are populated with the property values from the
+      argument, converted to native types using the properties map given in
+      the constructor, and passed through HandleEntity. They're ready to be
+      inserted.
+    Raises:
+      AssertionError if the number of values doesn't match the number
+        of properties in the properties map.
+      ValueError if any element of values is None or empty.
+      TypeError if values is not a list or tuple.
+    """
+    Validate(values, (list, tuple))
+    assert len(values) == len(self.__properties), (
+      'Expected %d CSV columns, found %d.' %
+      (len(self.__properties), len(values)))
+    model_class = db.class_for_kind(self.__kind)
+    properties = {'key_name': key_name}
+    for (name, converter), val in zip(self.__properties, values):
+      if converter is bool and val.lower() in ('0', 'false', 'no'):
+          val = False
+      properties[name] = converter(val)
+    entity = model_class(**properties)
+    entities = self.HandleEntity(entity)
+    if entities:
+      if not isinstance(entities, (list, tuple)):
+        entities = [entities]
+      for entity in entities:
+        if not isinstance(entity, db.Model):
+          raise TypeError('Expected a db.Model, received %s (a %s).' %
+                          (entity, entity.__class__))
+    return entities
+  def GenerateKey(self, i, values):
+    """Generates a key_name to be used in creating the underlying object.
+    The default implementation returns None.
+    This method can be overridden to control the key generation for
+    uploaded entities. The value returned should be None (to use a
+    server generated numeric key), or a string which neither starts
+    with a digit nor has the form __*__. (See
+    If you generate your own string keys, keep in mind:
+    1. The key name for each entity must be unique.
+    2. If an entity of the same kind and key already exists in the
+       datastore, it will be overwritten.
+    Args:
+      i: Number corresponding to this object (assume it's run in a loop,
+        this is your current count.
+      values: list/tuple of str.
+    Returns:
+      A string to be used as the key_name for an entity.
+    """
+    return None
+  def HandleEntity(self, entity):
+    """Subclasses can override this to add custom entity conversion code.
+    This is called for each entity, after its properties are populated from
+    CSV but before it is stored. Subclasses can override this to add custom
+    entity handling code.
+    The entity to be inserted should be returned. If multiple entities should
+    be inserted, return a list of entities. If no entities should be inserted,
+    return None or [].
+    Args:
+      entity: db.Model
+    Returns:
+      db.Model or list of db.Model
+    """
+    return entity
+  @staticmethod
+  def RegisteredLoaders():
+    """Returns a list of the Loader instances that have been created.
+    """
+    return dict(Loader.__loaders)
+class QueueJoinThread(threading.Thread):
+  """A thread that joins a queue and exits.
+  Queue joins do not have a timeout.  To simulate a queue join with
+  timeout, run this thread and join it with a timeout.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, queue):
+    """Initialize a QueueJoinThread.
+    Args:
+      queue: The queue for this thread to join.
+    """
+    threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+    assert isinstance(queue, (Queue.Queue, ReQueue))
+    self.queue = queue
+  def run(self):
+    """Perform the queue join in this thread."""
+    self.queue.join()
+def InterruptibleQueueJoin(queue,
+                           thread_local,
+                           thread_gate,
+                           queue_join_thread_factory=QueueJoinThread):
+  """Repeatedly joins the given ReQueue or Queue.Queue with short timeout.
+  Between each timeout on the join, worker threads are checked.
+  Args:
+    queue: A Queue.Queue or ReQueue instance.
+    thread_local: A threading.local instance which indicates interrupts.
+    thread_gate: A ThreadGate instance.
+    queue_join_thread_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+  Returns:
+    True unless the queue join is interrupted by SIGINT or worker death.
+  """
+  thread = queue_join_thread_factory(queue)
+  thread.start()
+  while True:
+    thread.join(timeout=.5)
+    if not thread.isAlive():
+      return True
+    if thread_local.shut_down:
+      logging.debug('Queue join interrupted')
+      return False
+    for worker_thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+      if not worker_thread.isAlive():
+        return False
+def ShutdownThreads(data_source_thread, work_queue, thread_gate):
+  """Shuts down the worker and data source threads.
+  Args:
+    data_source_thread: A running DataSourceThread instance.
+    work_queue: The work queue.
+    thread_gate: A ThreadGate instance with workers registered.
+  """
+'An error occurred. Shutting down...')
+  data_source_thread.exit_flag = True
+  for thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    thread.exit_flag = True
+  for unused_thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    thread_gate.EnableThread()
+  data_source_thread.join(timeout=3.0)
+  if data_source_thread.isAlive():
+    logging.warn('%s hung while trying to exit',
+                 data_source_thread.GetFriendlyName())
+  while not work_queue.empty():
+    try:
+      unused_item = work_queue.get_nowait()
+      work_queue.task_done()
+    except Queue.Empty:
+      pass
+def PerformBulkUpload(app_id,
+                      post_url,
+                      kind,
+                      workitem_generator_factory,
+                      num_threads,
+                      throttle,
+                      progress_db,
+                      max_queue_size=DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE,
+                      request_manager_factory=RequestManager,
+                      bulkloaderthread_factory=BulkLoaderThread,
+                      progresstrackerthread_factory=ProgressTrackerThread,
+                      datasourcethread_factory=DataSourceThread,
+                      work_queue_factory=ReQueue,
+                      progress_queue_factory=Queue.Queue):
+  """Uploads data into an application using a series of HTTP POSTs.
+  This function will spin up a number of threads to read entities from
+  the data source, pass those to a number of worker ("uploader") threads
+  for sending to the application, and track all of the progress in a
+  small database in case an error or pause/termination requires a
+  restart/resumption of the upload process.
+  Args:
+    app_id: String containing application id.
+    post_url: URL to post the Entity data to.
+    kind: Kind of the Entity records being posted.
+    workitem_generator_factory: A factory that creates a WorkItem generator.
+    num_threads: How many uploader threads should be created.
+    throttle: A Throttle instance.
+    progress_db: The database to use for replaying/recording progress.
+    max_queue_size: Maximum size of the queues before they should block.
+    request_manager_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+    bulkloaderthread_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+    progresstrackerthread_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+    datasourcethread_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+    work_queue_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+    progress_queue_factory: Used for dependency injection.
+  Raises:
+    AuthenticationError: If authentication is required and fails.
+  """
+  thread_gate = ThreadGate(True)
+  (unused_scheme,
+   host_port, url_path,
+   unused_query, unused_fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(post_url)
+  work_queue = work_queue_factory(max_queue_size)
+  progress_queue = progress_queue_factory(max_queue_size)
+  request_manager = request_manager_factory(app_id,
+                                            host_port,
+                                            url_path,
+                                            kind,
+                                            throttle)
+  throttle.Register(threading.currentThread())
+  try:
+    request_manager.Authenticate()
+  except Exception, e:
+    logging.exception(e)
+    raise AuthenticationError('Authentication failed')
+  if (request_manager.credentials is not None and
+      not request_manager.authenticated):
+    raise AuthenticationError('Authentication failed')
+  for unused_idx in range(num_threads):
+    thread = bulkloaderthread_factory(work_queue,
+                                      throttle,
+                                      thread_gate,
+                                      request_manager)
+    throttle.Register(thread)
+    thread_gate.Register(thread)
+  progress_thread = progresstrackerthread_factory(progress_queue, progress_db)
+  if progress_db.HasUnfinishedWork():
+    logging.debug('Restarting upload using progress database')
+    progress_generator_factory = progress_db.GetProgressStatusGenerator
+  else:
+    progress_generator_factory = None
+  data_source_thread = datasourcethread_factory(work_queue,
+                                                progress_queue,
+                                                workitem_generator_factory,
+                                                progress_generator_factory)
+  thread_local = threading.local()
+  thread_local.shut_down = False
+  def Interrupt(unused_signum, unused_frame):
+    """Shutdown gracefully in response to a signal."""
+    thread_local.shut_down = True
+  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, Interrupt)
+  progress_thread.start()
+  data_source_thread.start()
+  for thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    thread.start()
+  while not thread_local.shut_down:
+    data_source_thread.join(timeout=0.25)
+    if data_source_thread.isAlive():
+      for thread in list(thread_gate.Threads()) + [progress_thread]:
+        if not thread.isAlive():
+'Unexpected thread death: %s', thread.getName())
+          thread_local.shut_down = True
+          break
+    else:
+      break
+  if thread_local.shut_down:
+    ShutdownThreads(data_source_thread, work_queue, thread_gate)
+  def _Join(ob, msg):
+    logging.debug('Waiting for %s...', msg)
+    if isinstance(ob, threading.Thread):
+      ob.join(timeout=3.0)
+      if ob.isAlive():
+        logging.debug('Joining %s failed', ob.GetFriendlyName())
+      else:
+        logging.debug('... done.')
+    elif isinstance(ob, (Queue.Queue, ReQueue)):
+      if not InterruptibleQueueJoin(ob, thread_local, thread_gate):
+        ShutdownThreads(data_source_thread, work_queue, thread_gate)
+    else:
+      ob.join()
+      logging.debug('... done.')
+  _Join(work_queue, 'work_queue to flush')
+  for unused_thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    work_queue.put(_THREAD_SHOULD_EXIT)
+  for unused_thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    thread_gate.EnableThread()
+  for thread in thread_gate.Threads():
+    _Join(thread, 'thread [%s] to terminate' % thread.getName())
+    thread.CheckError()
+  if progress_thread.isAlive():
+    _Join(progress_queue, 'progress_queue to finish')
+  else:
+    logging.warn('Progress thread exited prematurely')
+  progress_queue.put(_THREAD_SHOULD_EXIT)
+  _Join(progress_thread, 'progress_thread to terminate')
+  progress_thread.CheckError()
+  data_source_thread.CheckError()
+  total_up, duration = throttle.TotalTransferred(BANDWIDTH_UP)
+  s_total_up, unused_duration = throttle.TotalTransferred(HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_UP)
+  total_up += s_total_up
+'%d entites read, %d previously transferred',
+               data_source_thread.read_count,
+               data_source_thread.sent_count)
+'%d entities (%d bytes) transferred in %.1f seconds',
+               progress_thread.entities_sent, total_up, duration)
+  if (data_source_thread.read_all and
+      progress_thread.entities_sent + data_source_thread.sent_count >=
+      data_source_thread.read_count):
+'All entities successfully uploaded')
+  else:
+'Some entities not successfully uploaded')
+def PrintUsageExit(code):
+  """Prints usage information and exits with a status code.
+  Args:
+    code: Status code to pass to sys.exit() after displaying usage information.
+  """
+  print __doc__ % {'arg0': sys.argv[0]}
+  sys.stdout.flush()
+  sys.stderr.flush()
+  sys.exit(code)
+def ParseArguments(argv):
+  """Parses command-line arguments.
+  Prints out a help message if -h or --help is supplied.
+  Args:
+    argv: List of command-line arguments.
+  Returns:
+    Tuple (url, filename, cookie, batch_size, kind) containing the values from
+    each corresponding command-line flag.
+  """
+  opts, unused_args = getopt.getopt(
+      argv[1:],
+      'h',
+      ['debug',
+       'help',
+       'url=',
+       'filename=',
+       'batch_size=',
+       'kind=',
+       'num_threads=',
+       'bandwidth_limit=',
+       'rps_limit=',
+       'http_limit=',
+       'db_filename=',
+       'app_id=',
+       'config_file=',
+       'auth_domain=',
+      ])
+  url = None
+  filename = None
+  batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
+  kind = None
+  num_threads = DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT
+  bandwidth_limit = DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT
+  rps_limit = DEFAULT_RPS_LIMIT
+  db_filename = None
+  app_id = None
+  config_file = None
+  auth_domain = ''
+  for option, value in opts:
+    if option == '--debug':
+      logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    elif option in ('-h', '--help'):
+      PrintUsageExit(0)
+    elif option == '--url':
+      url = value
+    elif option == '--filename':
+      filename = value
+    elif option == '--batch_size':
+      batch_size = int(value)
+    elif option == '--kind':
+      kind = value
+    elif option == '--num_threads':
+      num_threads = int(value)
+    elif option == '--bandwidth_limit':
+      bandwidth_limit = int(value)
+    elif option == '--rps_limit':
+      rps_limit = int(value)
+    elif option == '--http_limit':
+      http_limit = int(value)
+    elif option == '--db_filename':
+      db_filename = value
+    elif option == '--app_id':
+      app_id = value
+    elif option == '--config_file':
+      config_file = value
+    elif option == '--auth_domain':
+      auth_domain = value
+  return ProcessArguments(app_id=app_id,
+                          url=url,
+                          filename=filename,
+                          batch_size=batch_size,
+                          kind=kind,
+                          num_threads=num_threads,
+                          bandwidth_limit=bandwidth_limit,
+                          rps_limit=rps_limit,
+                          http_limit=http_limit,
+                          db_filename=db_filename,
+                          config_file=config_file,
+                          auth_domain=auth_domain,
+                          die_fn=lambda: PrintUsageExit(1))
+def ThrottleLayout(bandwidth_limit, http_limit, rps_limit):
+  return {
+      BANDWIDTH_UP: bandwidth_limit,
+      BANDWIDTH_DOWN: bandwidth_limit,
+      REQUESTS: http_limit,
+      HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_UP: bandwidth_limit / 5,
+      HTTPS_BANDWIDTH_DOWN: bandwidth_limit / 5,
+      HTTPS_REQUESTS: http_limit / 5,
+      RECORDS: rps_limit,
+  }
+def LoadConfig(config_file):
+  """Loads a config file and registers any Loader classes present."""
+  if config_file:
+    global_dict = dict(globals())
+    execfile(config_file, global_dict)
+    for cls in Loader.__subclasses__():
+      Loader.RegisterLoader(cls())
+def _MissingArgument(arg_name, die_fn):
+  """Print error message about missing argument and die."""
+  print >>sys.stderr, '%s argument required' % arg_name
+  die_fn()
+def ProcessArguments(app_id=None,
+                     url=None,
+                     filename=None,
+                     batch_size=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE,
+                     kind=None,
+                     num_threads=DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT,
+                     bandwidth_limit=DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT,
+                     rps_limit=DEFAULT_RPS_LIMIT,
+                     http_limit=DEFAULT_REQUEST_LIMIT,
+                     db_filename=None,
+                     config_file=None,
+                     auth_domain='',
+                     die_fn=lambda: sys.exit(1)):
+  """Processes non command-line input arguments."""
+  if db_filename is None:
+    db_filename = time.strftime('bulkloader-progress-%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.sql3')
+  if batch_size <= 0:
+    print >>sys.stderr, 'batch_size must be 1 or larger'
+    die_fn()
+  if url is None:
+    _MissingArgument('url', die_fn)
+  if filename is None:
+    _MissingArgument('filename', die_fn)
+  if kind is None:
+    _MissingArgument('kind', die_fn)
+  if config_file is None:
+    _MissingArgument('config_file', die_fn)
+  if app_id is None:
+    (unused_scheme, host_port, unused_url_path,
+     unused_query, unused_fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+    suffix_idx = host_port.find('')
+    if suffix_idx > -1:
+      app_id = host_port[:suffix_idx]
+    elif host_port.split(':')[0].endswith(''):
+      app_id = host_port.split('.')[0]
+    else:
+      print >>sys.stderr, 'app_id required for non domains'
+      die_fn()
+  return (app_id, url, filename, batch_size, kind, num_threads,
+          bandwidth_limit, rps_limit, http_limit, db_filename, config_file,
+          auth_domain)
+def _PerformBulkload(app_id=None,
+                     url=None,
+                     filename=None,
+                     batch_size=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE,
+                     kind=None,
+                     num_threads=DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT,
+                     bandwidth_limit=DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT,
+                     rps_limit=DEFAULT_RPS_LIMIT,
+                     http_limit=DEFAULT_REQUEST_LIMIT,
+                     db_filename=None,
+                     config_file=None,
+                     auth_domain=''):
+  """Runs the bulkloader, given the options as keyword arguments.
+  Args:
+    app_id: The application id.
+    url: The url of the remote_api endpoint.
+    filename: The name of the file containing the CSV data.
+    batch_size: The number of records to send per request.
+    kind: The kind of entity to transfer.
+    num_threads: The number of threads to use to transfer data.
+    bandwidth_limit: Maximum bytes/second to transfers.
+    rps_limit: Maximum records/second to transfer.
+    http_limit: Maximum requests/second for transfers.
+    db_filename: The name of the SQLite3 progress database file.
+    config_file: The name of the configuration file.
+    auth_domain: The auth domain to use for logins and UserProperty.
+  Returns:
+    An exit code.
+  """
+  os.environ['AUTH_DOMAIN'] = auth_domain
+  LoadConfig(config_file)
+  throttle_layout = ThrottleLayout(bandwidth_limit, http_limit, rps_limit)
+  throttle = Throttle(layout=throttle_layout)
+  workitem_generator_factory = GetCSVGeneratorFactory(filename, batch_size)
+  if db_filename == 'skip':
+    progress_db = StubProgressDatabase()
+  else:
+    progress_db = ProgressDatabase(db_filename)
+  max_queue_size = max(DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE, 2 * num_threads + 5)
+  PerformBulkUpload(app_id,
+                    url,
+                    kind,
+                    workitem_generator_factory,
+                    num_threads,
+                    throttle,
+                    progress_db,
+                    max_queue_size=max_queue_size)
+  return 0
+def Run(app_id=None,
+        url=None,
+        filename=None,
+        batch_size=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE,
+        kind=None,
+        num_threads=DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT,
+        bandwidth_limit=DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT,
+        rps_limit=DEFAULT_RPS_LIMIT,
+        http_limit=DEFAULT_REQUEST_LIMIT,
+        db_filename=None,
+        auth_domain='',
+        config_file=None):
+  """Sets up and runs the bulkloader, given the options as keyword arguments.
+  Args:
+    app_id: The application id.
+    url: The url of the remote_api endpoint.
+    filename: The name of the file containing the CSV data.
+    batch_size: The number of records to send per request.
+    kind: The kind of entity to transfer.
+    num_threads: The number of threads to use to transfer data.
+    bandwidth_limit: Maximum bytes/second to transfers.
+    rps_limit: Maximum records/second to transfer.
+    http_limit: Maximum requests/second for transfers.
+    db_filename: The name of the SQLite3 progress database file.
+    config_file: The name of the configuration file.
+    auth_domain: The auth domain to use for logins and UserProperty.
+  Returns:
+    An exit code.
+  """
+  logging.basicConfig(
+      format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(filename)s] %(message)s')
+  args = ProcessArguments(app_id=app_id,
+                          url=url,
+                          filename=filename,
+                          batch_size=batch_size,
+                          kind=kind,
+                          num_threads=num_threads,
+                          bandwidth_limit=bandwidth_limit,
+                          rps_limit=rps_limit,
+                          http_limit=http_limit,
+                          db_filename=db_filename,
+                          config_file=config_file)
+  (app_id, url, filename, batch_size, kind, num_threads, bandwidth_limit,
+   rps_limit, http_limit, db_filename, config_file, auth_domain) = args
+  return _PerformBulkload(app_id=app_id,
+                          url=url,
+                          filename=filename,
+                          batch_size=batch_size,
+                          kind=kind,
+                          num_threads=num_threads,
+                          bandwidth_limit=bandwidth_limit,
+                          rps_limit=rps_limit,
+                          http_limit=http_limit,
+                          db_filename=db_filename,
+                          config_file=config_file,
+                          auth_domain=auth_domain)
+def main(argv):
+  """Runs the importer from the command line."""
+  logging.basicConfig(
+      level=logging.INFO,
+      format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(filename)s] %(message)s')
+  args = ParseArguments(argv)
+  if None in args:
+    print >>sys.stderr, 'Invalid arguments'
+    PrintUsageExit(1)
+  (app_id, url, filename, batch_size, kind, num_threads,
+   bandwidth_limit, rps_limit, http_limit, db_filename, config_file,
+   auth_domain) = args
+  return _PerformBulkload(app_id=app_id,
+                          url=url,
+                          filename=filename,
+                          batch_size=batch_size,
+                          kind=kind,
+                          num_threads=num_threads,
+                          bandwidth_limit=bandwidth_limit,
+                          rps_limit=rps_limit,
+                          http_limit=http_limit,
+                          db_filename=db_filename,
+                          config_file=config_file,
+                          auth_domain=auth_domain)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv))