--- a/app/soc/logic/model.py Thu Oct 02 20:22:15 2008 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/logic/model.py Fri Oct 03 01:32:34 2008 +0000
@@ -19,11 +19,163 @@
__authors__ = [
'"Pawel Solyga" <pawel.solyga@gmail.com>',
+ '"Todd Larsen" <tlarsen@google.com>',
from google.appengine.ext import db
+def getFullClassName(cls):
+ """Returns fully-qualified module.class name string."""
+ return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
+def buildTypedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=None):
+ """Returns a GQL query string compatible with PolyModel.
+ Args:
+ base_class: Model class that inherits directly from
+ polymodel.PolyModel, such as soc.models.work.Work
+ derived_class: optional more-specific Model class that
+ derives from base_class, such as soc.model.document.Document;
+ default is None, in which case the inheritance_line
+ property is *not* tested by the returned query string
+ """
+ query_str_parts = ['SELECT * FROM ', base_class.__name__]
+ if derived_class:
+ query_str_parts.extend(
+ [" WHERE inheritance_line = '", getFullClassName(derived_class), "'"])
+ return ''.join(query_str_parts)
+def buildOrderedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=None, order_by=None):
+ """Returns a an ordered GQL query string compatible with PolyModel.
+ Args:
+ base_class, derived_class: see buildTypedQueryString()
+ order_by: optional field name by which to order the query results;
+ default is None, in which case no ORDER BY clause is placed in
+ the query string
+ """
+ query_str_parts = [
+ buildTypedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=derived_class)]
+ if order_by:
+ query_str_parts.extend([' ORDER BY ', order_by])
+ return ''.join(query_str_parts)
+def getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(base_class, limit, offset=0,
+ derived_class=None, order_by=None):
+ """Returns entities for given offset and limit or None if not found.
+ Args:
+ limit: max amount of entities to return
+ offset: optional offset in entities list which defines first entity to
+ return; default is zero (first entity)
+ """
+ query_string = buildOrderedQueryString(
+ base_class, derived_class=derived_class, order_by=order_by)
+ query = db.GqlQuery(query_string)
+ return query.fetch(limit, offset)
+def getNearestEntities(base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class=None):
+ """Get entities just before and just after the described entity.
+ Args:
+ fields_to_try: ordered list of key/value pairs that "describe"
+ the desired entity (which may not necessarily exist), where key is
+ the name of the field, and value is an instance of that field
+ used in the comparison; if value is None, that field is skipped
+ Returns:
+ a two-tuple: ([nearest_entities], 'field_name')
+ nearest_entities: list of entities being those just before and just
+ after the (possibly non-existent) entity identified by the first
+ of the supplied (non-None) fields
+ OR
+ possibly None if query had no results for the supplied field
+ that was used.
+ """
+ # SELECT * FROM base_class WHERE inheritance_line = 'derived_class'
+ typed_query_str = buildTypedQueryString(
+ base_class, derived_class=derived_class)
+ if derived_class:
+ typed_query_str = typed_query_str + ' AND '
+ else:
+ typed_query_str = typed_query_str + ' WHERE '
+ for field, value in fields_to_try:
+ if value is None:
+ # skip this not-supplied field
+ continue
+ query = db.GqlQuery('%s%s > :1' % (typed_query_str, field), value)
+ return query.fetch(1), field
+ # all fields exhausted, and all had None values
+ return (None, None)
+def findNearestEntitiesOffset(width, base_class, fields_to_try,
+ derived_class=None):
+ """Finds offset of beginning of a range of entities around the nearest.
+ Args:
+ width: the width of the "found" window around the nearest User found
+ base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class: see getNearestEntities()
+ Returns:
+ an offset into the list of entities that is width/2 less than the
+ offset of the first entity returned by getNearestEntities(), or zero
+ if that offset would be less than zero
+ OR
+ None if there are no nearest entities or the offset of the beginning of
+ the range cannot be found for some reason
+ """
+ # find entity "nearest" to supplied fields
+ nearest_entities, field = getNearestEntities(
+ base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class=derived_class)
+ if not nearest_entities:
+ # no "nearest" entity, so indicate that with None
+ return None
+ nearest_entity = nearest_entities[0]
+ # start search for beginning of nearest Users range at offset zero
+ offset = 0
+ entities = getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(
+ base_class, width, offset=offset, derived_class=derived_class)
+ while True:
+ for entity in entities:
+ if getattr(nearest_entity, field) == getattr(entity, field):
+ # nearest User found in current search range, so return a range start
+ return max(0, (offset - (width/2)))
+ offset = offset + 1
+ # nearest User was not in the current search range, so fetch the next set
+ entities = getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(
+ base_class, width, offset=offset, derived_class=derived_class)
+ if not entities:
+ # nearest User never found, so indicate that with None
+ break
+ return None
def updateModelProperties(model, **model_properties):
"""Update existing model entity using supplied model properties.