changeset 1000 9af147fc1f1c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/pymox/mox_test.py	Mon Jan 26 16:04:19 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1544 @@
+# Unit tests for Mox.
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import cStringIO
+import unittest
+import re
+import mox
+import mox_test_helper
+class ExpectedMethodCallsErrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test creation and string conversion of ExpectedMethodCallsError."""
+  def testAtLeastOneMethod(self):
+    self.assertRaises(ValueError, mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, [])
+  def testOneError(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method(1, 2).AndReturn('output')
+    e = mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError([method])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        "Verify: Expected methods never called:\n"
+        "  0.  testMethod(1, 2) -> 'output'",
+        str(e))
+  def testManyErrors(self):
+    method1 = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method1(1, 2).AndReturn('output')
+    method2 = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method2(a=1, b=2, c="only named")
+    method3 = mox.MockMethod("testMethod2", [], False)
+    method3().AndReturn(44)
+    method4 = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method4(1, 2).AndReturn('output')
+    e = mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError([method1, method2, method3, method4])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        "Verify: Expected methods never called:\n"
+        "  0.  testMethod(1, 2) -> 'output'\n"
+        "  1.  testMethod(a=1, b=2, c='only named') -> None\n"
+        "  2.  testMethod2() -> 44\n"
+        "  3.  testMethod(1, 2) -> 'output'",
+        str(e))
+class OrTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test Or correctly chains Comparators."""
+  def testValidOr(self):
+    """Or should be True if either Comparator returns True."""
+    self.assert_(mox.Or(mox.IsA(dict), mox.IsA(str)) == {})
+    self.assert_(mox.Or(mox.IsA(dict), mox.IsA(str)) == 'test')
+    self.assert_(mox.Or(mox.IsA(str), mox.IsA(str)) == 'test')
+  def testInvalidOr(self):
+    """Or should be False if both Comparators return False."""
+    self.failIf(mox.Or(mox.IsA(dict), mox.IsA(str)) == 0)
+class AndTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test And correctly chains Comparators."""
+  def testValidAnd(self):
+    """And should be True if both Comparators return True."""
+    self.assert_(mox.And(mox.IsA(str), mox.IsA(str)) == '1')
+  def testClauseOneFails(self):
+    """And should be False if the first Comparator returns False."""
+    self.failIf(mox.And(mox.IsA(dict), mox.IsA(str)) == '1')
+  def testAdvancedUsage(self):
+    """And should work with other Comparators.
+    Note: this test is reliant on In and ContainsKeyValue.
+    """
+    test_dict = {"mock" : "obj", "testing" : "isCOOL"}
+    self.assert_(mox.And(mox.In("testing"),
+                           mox.ContainsKeyValue("mock", "obj")) == test_dict)
+  def testAdvancedUsageFails(self):
+    """Note: this test is reliant on In and ContainsKeyValue."""
+    test_dict = {"mock" : "obj", "testing" : "isCOOL"}
+    self.failIf(mox.And(mox.In("NOTFOUND"),
+                          mox.ContainsKeyValue("mock", "obj")) == test_dict)
+class SameElementsAsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test SameElementsAs correctly identifies sequences with same elements."""
+  def testSortedLists(self):
+    """Should return True if two lists are exactly equal."""
+    self.assert_(mox.SameElementsAs([1, 2.0, 'c']) == [1, 2.0, 'c'])
+  def testUnsortedLists(self):
+    """Should return True if two lists are unequal but have same elements."""
+    self.assert_(mox.SameElementsAs([1, 2.0, 'c']) == [2.0, 'c', 1])
+  def testUnhashableLists(self):
+    """Should return True if two lists have the same unhashable elements."""
+    self.assert_(mox.SameElementsAs([{'a': 1}, {2: 'b'}]) ==
+                 [{2: 'b'}, {'a': 1}])
+  def testEmptyLists(self):
+    """Should return True for two empty lists."""
+    self.assert_(mox.SameElementsAs([]) == [])
+  def testUnequalLists(self):
+    """Should return False if the lists are not equal."""
+    self.failIf(mox.SameElementsAs([1, 2.0, 'c']) == [2.0, 'c'])
+  def testUnequalUnhashableLists(self):
+    """Should return False if two lists with unhashable elements are unequal."""
+    self.failIf(mox.SameElementsAs([{'a': 1}, {2: 'b'}]) == [{2: 'b'}])
+class ContainsKeyValueTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test ContainsKeyValue correctly identifies key/value pairs in a dict.
+  """
+  def testValidPair(self):
+    """Should return True if the key value is in the dict."""
+    self.assert_(mox.ContainsKeyValue("key", 1) == {"key": 1})
+  def testInvalidValue(self):
+    """Should return False if the value is not correct."""
+    self.failIf(mox.ContainsKeyValue("key", 1) == {"key": 2})
+  def testInvalidKey(self):
+    """Should return False if they key is not in the dict."""
+    self.failIf(mox.ContainsKeyValue("qux", 1) == {"key": 2})
+class InTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test In correctly identifies a key in a list/dict"""
+  def testItemInList(self):
+    """Should return True if the item is in the list."""
+    self.assert_(mox.In(1) == [1, 2, 3])
+  def testKeyInDict(self):
+    """Should return True if the item is a key in a dict."""
+    self.assert_(mox.In("test") == {"test" : "module"})
+class NotTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test Not correctly identifies False predicates."""
+  def testItemInList(self):
+    """Should return True if the item is NOT in the list."""
+    self.assert_(mox.Not(mox.In(42)) == [1, 2, 3])
+  def testKeyInDict(self):
+    """Should return True if the item is NOT a key in a dict."""
+    self.assert_(mox.Not(mox.In("foo")) == {"key" : 42})
+  def testInvalidKeyWithNot(self):
+    """Should return False if they key is NOT in the dict."""
+    self.assert_(mox.Not(mox.ContainsKeyValue("qux", 1)) == {"key": 2})
+class StrContainsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test StrContains correctly checks for substring occurrence of a parameter.
+  """
+  def testValidSubstringAtStart(self):
+    """Should return True if the substring is at the start of the string."""
+    self.assert_(mox.StrContains("hello") == "hello world")
+  def testValidSubstringInMiddle(self):
+    """Should return True if the substring is in the middle of the string."""
+    self.assert_(mox.StrContains("lo wo") == "hello world")
+  def testValidSubstringAtEnd(self):
+    """Should return True if the substring is at the end of the string."""
+    self.assert_(mox.StrContains("ld") == "hello world")
+  def testInvaildSubstring(self):
+    """Should return False if the substring is not in the string."""
+    self.failIf(mox.StrContains("AAA") == "hello world")
+  def testMultipleMatches(self):
+    """Should return True if there are multiple occurances of substring."""
+    self.assert_(mox.StrContains("abc") == "ababcabcabcababc")
+class RegexTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test Regex correctly matches regular expressions."""
+  def testIdentifyBadSyntaxDuringInit(self):
+    """The user should know immediately if a regex has bad syntax."""
+    self.assertRaises(re.error, mox.Regex, '(a|b')
+  def testPatternInMiddle(self):
+    """Should return True if the pattern matches at the middle of the string.
+    This ensures that re.search is used (instead of re.find).
+    """
+    self.assert_(mox.Regex(r"a\s+b") == "x y z a b c")
+  def testNonMatchPattern(self):
+    """Should return False if the pattern does not match the string."""
+    self.failIf(mox.Regex(r"a\s+b") == "x y z")
+  def testFlagsPassedCorrectly(self):
+    """Should return True as we pass IGNORECASE flag."""
+    self.assert_(mox.Regex(r"A", re.IGNORECASE) == "a")
+  def testReprWithoutFlags(self):
+    """repr should return the regular expression pattern."""
+    self.assert_(repr(mox.Regex(r"a\s+b")) == "<regular expression 'a\s+b'>")
+  def testReprWithFlags(self):
+    """repr should return the regular expression pattern and flags."""
+    self.assert_(repr(mox.Regex(r"a\s+b", flags=4)) ==
+                 "<regular expression 'a\s+b', flags=4>")
+class IsATest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify IsA correctly checks equality based upon class type, not value."""
+  def testEqualityValid(self):
+    """Verify that == correctly identifies objects of the same type."""
+    self.assert_(mox.IsA(str) == 'test')
+  def testEqualityInvalid(self):
+    """Verify that == correctly identifies objects of different types."""
+    self.failIf(mox.IsA(str) == 10)
+  def testInequalityValid(self):
+    """Verify that != identifies objects of different type."""
+    self.assert_(mox.IsA(str) != 10)
+  def testInequalityInvalid(self):
+    """Verify that != correctly identifies objects of the same type."""
+    self.failIf(mox.IsA(str) != "test")
+  def testEqualityInListValid(self):
+    """Verify list contents are properly compared."""
+    isa_list = [mox.IsA(str), mox.IsA(str)]
+    str_list = ["abc", "def"]
+    self.assert_(isa_list == str_list)
+  def testEquailtyInListInvalid(self):
+    """Verify list contents are properly compared."""
+    isa_list = [mox.IsA(str),mox.IsA(str)]
+    mixed_list = ["abc", 123]
+    self.failIf(isa_list == mixed_list)
+  def testSpecialTypes(self):
+    """Verify that IsA can handle objects like cStringIO.StringIO."""
+    isA = mox.IsA(cStringIO.StringIO())
+    stringIO = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    self.assert_(isA == stringIO)
+class IsAlmostTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify IsAlmost correctly checks equality of floating point numbers."""
+  def testEqualityValid(self):
+    """Verify that == correctly identifies nearly equivalent floats."""
+    self.assertEquals(mox.IsAlmost(1.8999999999), 1.9)
+  def testEqualityInvalid(self):
+    """Verify that == correctly identifies non-equivalent floats."""
+    self.assertNotEquals(mox.IsAlmost(1.899), 1.9)
+  def testEqualityWithPlaces(self):
+    """Verify that specifying places has the desired effect."""
+    self.assertNotEquals(mox.IsAlmost(1.899), 1.9)
+    self.assertEquals(mox.IsAlmost(1.899, places=2), 1.9)
+  def testNonNumericTypes(self):
+    """Verify that IsAlmost handles non-numeric types properly."""
+    self.assertNotEquals(mox.IsAlmost(1.8999999999), '1.9')
+    self.assertNotEquals(mox.IsAlmost('1.8999999999'), 1.9)
+    self.assertNotEquals(mox.IsAlmost('1.8999999999'), '1.9')
+class MockMethodTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Test class to verify that the MockMethod class is working correctly."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)(['original'])
+    self.mock_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [self.expected_method],
+                                        True)
+  def testAndReturnNoneByDefault(self):
+    """Should return None by default."""
+    return_value = self.mock_method(['original'])
+    self.assert_(return_value == None)
+  def testAndReturnValue(self):
+    """Should return a specificed return value."""
+    expected_return_value = "test"
+    self.expected_method.AndReturn(expected_return_value)
+    return_value = self.mock_method(['original'])
+    self.assert_(return_value == expected_return_value)
+  def testAndRaiseException(self):
+    """Should raise a specified exception."""
+    expected_exception = Exception('test exception')
+    self.expected_method.AndRaise(expected_exception)
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, self.mock_method)
+  def testWithSideEffects(self):
+    """Should call state modifier."""
+    local_list = ['original']
+    def modifier(mutable_list):
+      self.assertTrue(local_list is mutable_list)
+      mutable_list[0] = 'mutation'
+    self.expected_method.WithSideEffects(modifier).AndReturn(1)
+    self.mock_method(local_list)
+    self.assertEquals('mutation', local_list[0])
+  def testEqualityNoParamsEqual(self):
+    """Methods with the same name and without params should be equal."""
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    self.assertEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityNoParamsNotEqual(self):
+    """Methods with different names and without params should not be equal."""
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("otherMethod", [], False)
+    self.failIfEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityParamsEqual(self):
+    """Methods with the same name and parameters should be equal."""
+    params = [1, 2, 3]
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    expected_method._params = params
+    self.mock_method._params = params
+    self.assertEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityParamsNotEqual(self):
+    """Methods with the same name and different params should not be equal."""
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    expected_method._params = [1, 2, 3]
+    self.mock_method._params = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+    self.failIfEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityNamedParamsEqual(self):
+    """Methods with the same name and same named params should be equal."""
+    named_params = {"input1": "test", "input2": "params"}
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    expected_method._named_params = named_params
+    self.mock_method._named_params = named_params
+    self.assertEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityNamedParamsNotEqual(self):
+    """Methods with the same name and diffnamed params should not be equal."""
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    expected_method._named_params = {"input1": "test", "input2": "params"}
+    self.mock_method._named_params = {"input1": "test2", "input2": "params2"}
+    self.failIfEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testEqualityWrongType(self):
+    """Method should not be equal to an object of a different type."""
+    self.failIfEqual(self.mock_method, "string?")
+  def testObjectEquality(self):
+    """Equality of objects should work without a Comparator"""
+    instA = TestClass();
+    instB = TestClass();
+    params = [instA, ]
+    expected_method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    expected_method._params = params
+    self.mock_method._params = [instB, ]
+    self.assertEqual(self.mock_method, expected_method)
+  def testStrConversion(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod("f", [], False)
+    method(1, 2, "st", n1=8, n2="st2")
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), ("f(1, 2, 'st', n1=8, n2='st2') -> None"))
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method(1, 2, "only positional")
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), "testMethod(1, 2, 'only positional') -> None")
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method(a=1, b=2, c="only named")
+    self.assertEqual(str(method),
+                     "testMethod(a=1, b=2, c='only named') -> None")
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method()
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), "testMethod() -> None")
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method(x="only 1 parameter")
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), "testMethod(x='only 1 parameter') -> None")
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method().AndReturn('return_value')
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), "testMethod() -> 'return_value'")
+    method = mox.MockMethod("testMethod", [], False)
+    method().AndReturn(('a', {1: 2}))
+    self.assertEqual(str(method), "testMethod() -> ('a', {1: 2})")
+class MockAnythingTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify that the MockAnything class works as expected."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mock_object = mox.MockAnything()
+  def testSetupMode(self):
+    """Verify the mock will accept any call."""
+    self.mock_object.NonsenseCall()
+    self.assert_(len(self.mock_object._expected_calls_queue) == 1)
+  def testReplayWithExpectedCall(self):
+    """Verify the mock replays method calls as expected."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # setup method call
+    self.mock_object._Replay()            # start replay mode
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # make method call
+  def testReplayWithUnexpectedCall(self):
+    """Unexpected method calls should raise UnexpectedMethodCallError."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # setup method call
+    self.mock_object._Replay()             # start replay mode
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError,
+                      self.mock_object.OtherValidCall)
+  def testVerifyWithCompleteReplay(self):
+    """Verify should not raise an exception for a valid replay."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # setup method call
+    self.mock_object._Replay()             # start replay mode
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # make method call
+    self.mock_object._Verify()
+  def testVerifyWithIncompleteReplay(self):
+    """Verify should raise an exception if the replay was not complete."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # setup method call
+    self.mock_object._Replay()             # start replay mode
+    # ValidCall() is never made
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, self.mock_object._Verify)
+  def testSpecialClassMethod(self):
+    """Verify should not raise an exception when special methods are used."""
+    self.mock_object[1].AndReturn(True)
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    returned_val = self.mock_object[1]
+    self.assert_(returned_val)
+    self.mock_object._Verify()
+  def testNonzero(self):
+    """You should be able to use the mock object in an if."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    if self.mock_object:
+      pass
+  def testNotNone(self):
+    """Mock should be comparable to None."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    if self.mock_object is not None:
+      pass
+    if self.mock_object is None:
+      pass
+  def testEquals(self):
+    """A mock should be able to compare itself to another object."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertEquals(self.mock_object, self.mock_object)
+  def testEqualsMockFailure(self):
+    """Verify equals identifies unequal objects."""
+    self.mock_object.SillyCall()
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.mock_object, mox.MockAnything())
+  def testEqualsInstanceFailure(self):
+    """Verify equals identifies that objects are different instances."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.mock_object, TestClass())
+  def testNotEquals(self):
+    """Verify not equals works."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertFalse(self.mock_object != self.mock_object)
+  def testNestedMockCallsRecordedSerially(self):
+    """Test that nested calls work when recorded serially."""
+    self.mock_object.CallInner().AndReturn(1)
+    self.mock_object.CallOuter(1)
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.mock_object.CallOuter(self.mock_object.CallInner())
+    self.mock_object._Verify()
+  def testNestedMockCallsRecordedNested(self):
+    """Test that nested cals work when recorded in a nested fashion."""
+    self.mock_object.CallOuter(self.mock_object.CallInner().AndReturn(1))
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.mock_object.CallOuter(self.mock_object.CallInner())
+    self.mock_object._Verify()
+  def testIsCallable(self):
+    """Test that MockAnything can even mock a simple callable.
+    This is handy for "stubbing out" a method in a module with a mock, and
+    verifying that it was called.
+    """
+    self.mock_object().AndReturn('mox0rd')
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertEquals('mox0rd', self.mock_object())
+    self.mock_object._Verify()
+class MethodCheckerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Tests MockMethod's use of MethodChecker method."""
+  def testNoParameters(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('NoParameters', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.NoParameters)
+    method()
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, b=2)
+  def testOneParameter(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('OneParameter', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.OneParameter)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    method(1)
+    method(a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, b=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, a=2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, b=2)
+  def testTwoParameters(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('TwoParameters', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.TwoParameters)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, b=1)
+    method(1, 2)
+    method(1, b=2)
+    method(a=1, b=2)
+    method(b=2, a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, b=2, c=3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, a=1, b=2, c=3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, 3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 3, a=1, b=2)
+  def testOneDefaultValue(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('OneDefaultValue', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.OneDefaultValue)
+    method()
+    method(1)
+    method(a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, b=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, a=2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, b=2)
+  def testTwoDefaultValues(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('TwoDefaultValues', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.TwoDefaultValues)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, c=3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, d=4)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, d=4, c=3)
+    method(1, 2)
+    method(a=1, b=2)
+    method(1, 2, 3)
+    method(1, 2, 3, 4)
+    method(1, 2, c=3)
+    method(1, 2, c=3, d=4)
+    method(1, 2, d=4, c=3)
+    method(d=4, c=3, a=1, b=2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, e=9)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, a=1, b=2, e=9)
+  def testArgs(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('Args', [], False, CheckCallTestClass.Args)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1)
+    method(1, 2)
+    method(a=1, b=2)
+    method(1, 2, 3)
+    method(1, 2, 3, 4)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, a=3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, c=3)
+  def testKwargs(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('Kwargs', [], False, CheckCallTestClass.Kwargs)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    method(1)
+    method(1, 2)
+    method(a=1, b=2)
+    method(b=2, a=1)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, 3)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, a=3)
+    method(1, 2, c=3)
+    method(a=1, b=2, c=3)
+    method(c=3, a=1, b=2)
+    method(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+  def testArgsAndKwargs(self):
+    method = mox.MockMethod('ArgsAndKwargs', [], False,
+                            CheckCallTestClass.ArgsAndKwargs)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method)
+    method(1)
+    method(1, 2)
+    method(1, 2, 3)
+    method(a=1)
+    method(1, b=2)
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, method, 1, a=2)
+    method(b=2, a=1)
+    method(c=3, b=2, a=1)
+    method(1, 2, c=3)
+class CheckCallTestClass(object):
+  def NoParameters(self):
+    pass
+  def OneParameter(self, a):
+    pass
+  def TwoParameters(self, a, b):
+    pass
+  def OneDefaultValue(self, a=1):
+    pass
+  def TwoDefaultValues(self, a, b, c=1, d=2):
+    pass
+  def Args(self, a, b, *args):
+    pass
+  def Kwargs(self, a, b=2, **kwargs):
+    pass
+  def ArgsAndKwargs(self, a, *args, **kwargs):
+    pass
+class MockObjectTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify that the MockObject class works as exepcted."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mock_object = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+  def testSetupModeWithValidCall(self):
+    """Verify the mock object properly mocks a basic method call."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()
+    self.assert_(len(self.mock_object._expected_calls_queue) == 1)
+  def testSetupModeWithInvalidCall(self):
+    """UnknownMethodCallError should be raised if a non-member method is called.
+    """
+    # Note: assertRaises does not catch exceptions thrown by MockObject's
+    # __getattr__
+    try:
+      self.mock_object.InvalidCall()
+      self.fail("No exception thrown, expected UnknownMethodCallError")
+    except mox.UnknownMethodCallError:
+      pass
+    except Exception:
+      self.fail("Wrong exception type thrown, expected UnknownMethodCallError")
+  def testReplayWithInvalidCall(self):
+    """UnknownMethodCallError should be raised if a non-member method is called.
+    """
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()          # setup method call
+    self.mock_object._Replay()             # start replay mode
+    # Note: assertRaises does not catch exceptions thrown by MockObject's
+    # __getattr__
+    try:
+      self.mock_object.InvalidCall()
+      self.fail("No exception thrown, expected UnknownMethodCallError")
+    except mox.UnknownMethodCallError:
+      pass
+    except Exception:
+      self.fail("Wrong exception type thrown, expected UnknownMethodCallError")
+  def testIsInstance(self):
+    """Mock should be able to pass as an instance of the mocked class."""
+    self.assert_(isinstance(self.mock_object, TestClass))
+  def testFindValidMethods(self):
+    """Mock should be able to mock all public methods."""
+    self.assert_('ValidCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('OtherValidCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('MyClassMethod' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('MyStaticMethod' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('_ProtectedCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('__PrivateCall' not in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('_TestClass__PrivateCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+  def testFindsSuperclassMethods(self):
+    """Mock should be able to mock superclasses methods."""
+    self.mock_object = mox.MockObject(ChildClass)
+    self.assert_('ValidCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('OtherValidCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('MyClassMethod' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+    self.assert_('ChildValidCall' in self.mock_object._known_methods)
+  def testAccessClassVariables(self):
+    """Class variables should be accessible through the mock."""
+    self.assert_('SOME_CLASS_VAR' in self.mock_object._known_vars)
+    self.assert_('_PROTECTED_CLASS_VAR' in self.mock_object._known_vars)
+    self.assertEquals('test_value', self.mock_object.SOME_CLASS_VAR)
+  def testEquals(self):
+    """A mock should be able to compare itself to another object."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertEquals(self.mock_object, self.mock_object)
+  def testEqualsMockFailure(self):
+    """Verify equals identifies unequal objects."""
+    self.mock_object.ValidCall()
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.mock_object, mox.MockObject(TestClass))
+  def testEqualsInstanceFailure(self):
+    """Verify equals identifies that objects are different instances."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.mock_object, TestClass())
+  def testNotEquals(self):
+    """Verify not equals works."""
+    self.mock_object._Replay()
+    self.assertFalse(self.mock_object != self.mock_object)
+  def testMockSetItem_ExpectedSetItem_Success(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() succeeds.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Replay()
+    dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockSetItem_ExpectedSetItem_NoSuccess(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() fails.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Replay()
+    # NOT doing dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, dummy._Verify)
+  def testMockSetItem_ExpectedNoSetItem_Success(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() succeeds.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    # NOT doing dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Replay()
+    def call(): dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, call)
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockSetItem_ExpectedNoSetItem_NoSuccess(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() fails.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    # NOT doing dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Replay()
+    # NOT doing dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockSetItem_ExpectedSetItem_NonmatchingParameters(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() fails if other parameters are expected."""
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'] = 'Y'
+    dummy._Replay()
+    def call(): dummy['wrong'] = 'Y'
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, call)
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockGetItem_ExpectedGetItem_Success(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() succeeds.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'].AndReturn('value')
+    dummy._Replay()
+    self.assertEqual(dummy['X'], 'value')
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockGetItem_ExpectedGetItem_NoSuccess(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() fails.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'].AndReturn('value')
+    dummy._Replay()
+    # NOT doing dummy['X']
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, dummy._Verify)
+  def testMockGetItem_ExpectedNoGetItem_NoSuccess(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() succeeds.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    # NOT doing dummy['X']
+    dummy._Replay()
+    def call(): return dummy['X']
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, call)
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockGetItem_ExpectedGetItem_NonmatchingParameters(self):
+    """Test that __setitem__() fails if other parameters are expected."""
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy['X'].AndReturn('value')
+    dummy._Replay()
+    def call(): return dummy['wrong']
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, call)
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockContains_ExpectedContains_Success(self):
+    """Test that __contains__ gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() succeeds.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy.__contains__('X').AndReturn(True)
+    dummy._Replay()
+    self.failUnless('X' in dummy)
+    dummy._Verify()
+  def testMockContains_ExpectedContains_NoSuccess(self):
+    """Test that __contains__() gets mocked in Dummy.
+    In this test, _Verify() fails.
+    """
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy.__contains__('X').AndReturn('True')
+    dummy._Replay()
+    # NOT doing 'X' in dummy
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, dummy._Verify)
+  def testMockContains_ExpectedContains_NonmatchingParameter(self):
+    """Test that __contains__ fails if other parameters are expected."""
+    dummy = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    dummy.__contains__('X').AndReturn(True)
+    dummy._Replay()
+    def call(): return 'Y' in dummy
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, call)
+    dummy._Verify()
+class MoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify Mox works correctly."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+  def testCreateObject(self):
+    """Mox should create a mock object."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(TestClass)
+  def testVerifyObjectWithCompleteReplay(self):
+    """Mox should replay and verify all objects it created."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(TestClass)
+    mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    mock_obj.ValidCallWithArgs(mox.IsA(TestClass))
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    mock_obj.ValidCallWithArgs(TestClass("some_value"))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testVerifyObjectWithIncompleteReplay(self):
+    """Mox should raise an exception if a mock didn't replay completely."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(TestClass)
+    mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    # ValidCall() is never made
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, self.mox.VerifyAll)
+  def testEntireWorkflow(self):
+    """Test the whole work flow."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(TestClass)
+    mock_obj.ValidCall().AndReturn("yes")
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ret_val = mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    self.assertEquals("yes", ret_val)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testCallableObject(self):
+    """Test recording calls to a callable object works."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(CallableClass)
+    mock_obj("foo").AndReturn("qux")
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ret_val = mock_obj("foo")
+    self.assertEquals("qux", ret_val)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testCallOnNonCallableObject(self):
+    """Test that you cannot call a non-callable object."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(TestClass)
+    self.assertRaises(TypeError, mock_obj)
+  def testCallableObjectWithBadCall(self):
+    """Test verifying calls to a callable object works."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMock(CallableClass)
+    mock_obj("foo").AndReturn("qux")
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, mock_obj, "ZOOBAZ")
+  def testUnorderedGroup(self):
+    """Test that using one unordered group works."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Method(2).InAnyOrder()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUnorderedGroupsInline(self):
+    """Unordered groups should work in the context of ordered calls."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Method(2).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleUnorderdGroups(self):
+    """Multiple unoreded groups should work."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Method(2).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Foo().InAnyOrder('group2')
+    mock_obj.Bar().InAnyOrder('group2')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    mock_obj.Bar()
+    mock_obj.Foo()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleUnorderdGroupsOutOfOrder(self):
+    """Multiple unordered groups should maintain external order"""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Method(2).InAnyOrder()
+    mock_obj.Foo().InAnyOrder('group2')
+    mock_obj.Bar().InAnyOrder('group2')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, mock_obj.Bar)
+  def testUnorderedGroupWithReturnValue(self):
+    """Unordered groups should work with return values."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).InAnyOrder().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(2).InAnyOrder().AndReturn(10)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    actual_two = mock_obj.Method(2)
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method(1)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.assertEquals(9, actual_one)
+    self.assertEquals(10, actual_two)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUnorderedGroupWithComparator(self):
+    """Unordered groups should work with comparators"""
+    def VerifyOne(cmd):
+      if not isinstance(cmd, str):
+        self.fail('Unexpected type passed to comparator: ' + str(cmd))
+      return cmd == 'test'
+    def VerifyTwo(cmd):
+      return True
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Foo(['test'], mox.Func(VerifyOne), bar=1).InAnyOrder().\
+        AndReturn('yes test')
+    mock_obj.Foo(['test'], mox.Func(VerifyTwo), bar=1).InAnyOrder().\
+        AndReturn('anything')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Foo(['test'], 'anything', bar=1)
+    mock_obj.Foo(['test'], 'test', bar=1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleTimes(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup works."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(2).AndReturn(10)
+    mock_obj.Method(3).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(42)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method(1)
+    second_one = mock_obj.Method(1) # This tests MultipleTimes.
+    actual_two = mock_obj.Method(2)
+    actual_three = mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    self.assertEquals(9, actual_one)
+    self.assertEquals(9, second_one) # Repeated calls should return same number.
+    self.assertEquals(10, actual_two)
+    self.assertEquals(42, actual_three)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleTimesUsingIsAParameter(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup works with a IsA parameter."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(mox.IsA(str)).MultipleTimes("IsA").AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method("1")
+    second_one = mock_obj.Method("2") # This tests MultipleTimes.
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.assertEquals(9, actual_one)
+    self.assertEquals(9, second_one) # Repeated calls should return same number.
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleTimesThreeMethods(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup works with three or more methods."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(2).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(8)
+    mock_obj.Method(3).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(7)
+    mock_obj.Method(4).AndReturn(10)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    actual_three = mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    actual_two = mock_obj.Method(2)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method(1)
+    actual_four = mock_obj.Method(4)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.assertEquals(9, actual_one)
+    self.assertEquals(8, actual_two)
+    self.assertEquals(7, actual_three)
+    self.assertEquals(10, actual_four)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleTimesMissingOne(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup fails if one method is missing."""
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(2).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(8)
+    mock_obj.Method(3).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(7)
+    mock_obj.Method(4).AndReturn(10)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(2)
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, mock_obj.Method, 4)
+  def testMultipleTimesTwoGroups(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup works with a group after a
+    MultipleTimesGroup.
+    """
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(3).MultipleTimes("nr2").AndReturn(42)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method(1)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    actual_three = mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Method(3)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.assertEquals(9, actual_one)
+    self.assertEquals(42, actual_three)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMultipleTimesTwoGroupsFailure(self):
+    """Test if MultipleTimesGroup fails with a group after a
+    MultipleTimesGroup.
+    """
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    mock_obj.Method(1).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(9)
+    mock_obj.Method(3).MultipleTimes("nr2").AndReturn(42)
+    mock_obj.Close()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    mock_obj.Open()
+    actual_one = mock_obj.Method(1)
+    mock_obj.Method(1)
+    actual_three = mock_obj.Method(3)
+    self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError, mock_obj.Method, 1)
+  def testWithSideEffects(self):
+    """Test side effect operations actually modify their target objects."""
+    def modifier(mutable_list):
+      mutable_list[0] = 'mutated'
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    mock_obj.ConfigureInOutParameter(['original']).WithSideEffects(modifier)
+    mock_obj.WorkWithParameter(['mutated'])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    local_list = ['original']
+    mock_obj.ConfigureInOutParameter(local_list)
+    mock_obj.WorkWithParameter(local_list)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testWithSideEffectsException(self):
+    """Test side effect operations actually modify their target objects."""
+    def modifier(mutable_list):
+      mutable_list[0] = 'mutated'
+    mock_obj = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    method = mock_obj.ConfigureInOutParameter(['original'])
+    method.WithSideEffects(modifier).AndRaise(Exception('exception'))
+    mock_obj.WorkWithParameter(['mutated'])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    local_list = ['original']
+    self.failUnlessRaises(Exception,
+                          mock_obj.ConfigureInOutParameter,
+                          local_list)
+    mock_obj.WorkWithParameter(local_list)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testStubOutMethod(self):
+    """Test that a method is replaced with a MockAnything."""
+    test_obj = TestClass()
+    # Replace OtherValidCall with a mock.
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(test_obj, 'OtherValidCall')
+    self.assert_(isinstance(test_obj.OtherValidCall, mox.MockAnything))
+    test_obj.OtherValidCall().AndReturn('foo')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = test_obj.OtherValidCall()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.assertEquals('foo', actual)
+    self.failIf(isinstance(test_obj.OtherValidCall, mox.MockAnything))
+  def testStubOutObject(self):
+    """Test than object is replaced with a Mock."""
+    class Foo(object):
+      def __init__(self):
+        self.obj = TestClass()
+    foo = Foo()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(foo, "obj")
+    self.assert_(isinstance(foo.obj, mox.MockObject))
+    foo.obj.ValidCall()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    foo.obj.ValidCall()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.failIf(isinstance(foo.obj, mox.MockObject))
+  def testForgotReplayHelpfulMessage(self):
+    """If there is an AttributeError on a MockMethod, give users a helpful msg.
+    """
+    foo = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    bar = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    foo.GetBar().AndReturn(bar)
+    bar.ShowMeTheMoney()
+    # Forgot to replay!
+    try:
+      foo.GetBar().ShowMeTheMoney()
+    except AttributeError, e:
+      self.assertEquals('MockMethod has no attribute "ShowMeTheMoney". '
+          'Did you remember to put your mocks in replay mode?', str(e))
+class ReplayTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify Replay works properly."""
+  def testReplay(self):
+    """Replay should put objects into replay mode."""
+    mock_obj = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    self.assertFalse(mock_obj._replay_mode)
+    mox.Replay(mock_obj)
+    self.assertTrue(mock_obj._replay_mode)
+class MoxTestBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify that all tests in a class derived from MoxTestBase are wrapped."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.test_mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.result = unittest.TestResult()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    # In case one of our tests fail before UnsetStubs is called.
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+  def _setUpTestClass(self):
+    """Replacement for setUp in the test class instance.
+    Assigns a mox.Mox instance as the mox attribute of the test class instance.
+    This replacement Mox instance is under our control before setUp is called
+    in the test class instance.
+    """
+    self.test.mox = self.test_mox
+  def _CreateTest(self, test_name):
+    """Create a test from our example mox class.
+    The created test instance is assigned to this instances test attribute.
+    """
+    self.test = mox_test_helper.ExampleMoxTest(test_name)
+    self.mox.stubs.Set(self.test, 'setUp', self._setUpTestClass)
+  def _VerifySuccess(self):
+    """Run the checks to confirm test method completed successfully."""
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'UnsetStubs')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'VerifyAll')
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.test_mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.test.run(result=self.result)
+    self.assertTrue(self.result.wasSuccessful())
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.test_mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testSuccess(self):
+    """Successful test method execution test."""
+    self._CreateTest('testSuccess')
+    self._VerifySuccess()
+  def testExpectedNotCalled(self):
+    """Stubbed out method is not called."""
+    self._CreateTest('testExpectedNotCalled')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'UnsetStubs')
+    # Dont stub out VerifyAll - that's what causes the test to fail
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.test_mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.test.run(result=self.result)
+    self.failIf(self.result.wasSuccessful())
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+  def testUnexpectedCall(self):
+    """Stubbed out method is called with unexpected arguments."""
+    self._CreateTest('testUnexpectedCall')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'UnsetStubs')
+    # Ensure no calls are made to VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'VerifyAll')
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.test.run(result=self.result)
+    self.failIf(self.result.wasSuccessful())
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+  def testFailure(self):
+    """Failing assertion in test method."""
+    self._CreateTest('testFailure')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'UnsetStubs')
+    # Ensure no calls are made to VerifyAll()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.test_mox, 'VerifyAll')
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.test.run(result=self.result)
+    self.failIf(self.result.wasSuccessful())
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.test_mox.UnsetStubs()
+  def testMixin(self):
+    """Run test from mix-in test class, ensure it passes."""
+    self._CreateTest('testStat')
+    self._VerifySuccess()
+  def testMixinAgain(self):
+    """Run same test as above but from the current test class.
+    This ensures metaclass properly wrapped test methods from all base classes.
+    If unsetting of stubs doesn't happen, this will fail.
+    """
+    self._CreateTest('testStatOther')
+    self._VerifySuccess()
+class VerifyTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify Verify works properly."""
+  def testVerify(self):
+    """Verify should be called for all objects.
+    This should throw an exception because the expected behavior did not occur.
+    """
+    mock_obj = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    mock_obj._Replay()
+    self.assertRaises(mox.ExpectedMethodCallsError, mox.Verify, mock_obj)
+class ResetTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Verify Reset works properly."""
+  def testReset(self):
+    """Should empty all queues and put mocks in record mode."""
+    mock_obj = mox.MockObject(TestClass)
+    mock_obj.ValidCall()
+    self.assertFalse(mock_obj._replay_mode)
+    mock_obj._Replay()
+    self.assertTrue(mock_obj._replay_mode)
+    self.assertEquals(1, len(mock_obj._expected_calls_queue))
+    mox.Reset(mock_obj)
+    self.assertFalse(mock_obj._replay_mode)
+    self.assertEquals(0, len(mock_obj._expected_calls_queue))
+class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Simulate the use of a fake wrapper around Python's unittest library."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(MyTestCase, self).setUp()
+    self.critical_variable = 42
+class MoxTestBaseMultipleInheritanceTest(mox.MoxTestBase, MyTestCase):
+  """Test that multiple inheritance can be used with MoxTestBase."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(MoxTestBaseMultipleInheritanceTest, self).setUp()
+  def testMultipleInheritance(self):
+    """Should be able to access members created by all parent setUp()."""
+    self.assert_(isinstance(self.mox, mox.Mox))
+    self.assertEquals(42, self.critical_variable)
+class TestClass:
+  """This class is used only for testing the mock framework"""
+  SOME_CLASS_VAR = "test_value"
+  _PROTECTED_CLASS_VAR = "protected value"
+  def __init__(self, ivar=None):
+    self.__ivar = ivar
+  def __eq__(self, rhs):
+    return self.__ivar == rhs
+  def __ne__(self, rhs):
+    return not self.__eq__(rhs)
+  def ValidCall(self):
+    pass
+  def OtherValidCall(self):
+    pass
+  def ValidCallWithArgs(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    pass
+  @classmethod
+  def MyClassMethod(cls):
+    pass
+  @staticmethod
+  def MyStaticMethod():
+    pass
+  def _ProtectedCall(self):
+    pass
+  def __PrivateCall(self):
+    pass
+  def __getitem__(self, key):
+    pass
+  def __DoNotMock(self):
+    pass
+  def __getitem__(self, key):
+    """Return the value for key."""
+    return self.d[key]
+  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+    """Set the value for key to value."""
+    self.d[key] = value
+  def __contains__(self, key):
+     """Returns True if d contains the key."""
+     return key in self.d
+class ChildClass(TestClass):
+  """This inherits from TestClass."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    TestClass.__init__(self)
+  def ChildValidCall(self):
+    pass
+class CallableClass(object):
+  """This class is callable, and that should be mockable!"""
+  def __init__(self):
+    pass
+  def __call__(self, param):
+    return param
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()