changeset 481 94834a1e6c01
parent 480 9b07ddeb1412
child 482 839740b061ad
--- a/app/soc/logic/site/	Fri Nov 14 06:36:42 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Basic ID (Google Account) and User (Model) query functions.
-__authors__ = [
-  '"Chen Lunpeng" <>',
-  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
-  ]
-from google.appengine.api import users
-from soc.logic import model
-from soc.logic import models
-from soc.logic import out_of_band
-import soc.models.user
-def findNearestUsersOffset(width, id=None, link_name=None):
-  """Finds offset of beginning of a range of Users around the nearest User.
-  Args:
-    width: the width of the "found" window around the nearest User found 
-    id: a Google Account (users.User) object, or None
-    link_name: link name input in the Lookup form or None if not supplied.
-  Returns:
-    an offset into the list of Users that is width/2 less than the
-    offset of the first User returned by getNearestUsers(), or zero if
-    that offset would be less than zero
-      OR
-    None if there are no nearest Users or the offset of the beginning of
-    the range cannot be found for some reason 
-  """
-  return model.findNearestEntitiesOffset(
-    width, soc.models.user.User, [('id', id), ('link_name', link_name)])
-def isIdDeveloper(id=None):
-  """Returns True if a Google Account is a Developer with special privileges.
-  Since it only works on the current logged-in user, if id matches the
-  current logged-in Google Account, the App Engine Users API function
-  user.is_current_user_admin() is checked.  If that returns False, or
-  id is not the currently logged-in user, the is_developer property of
-  the User entity corresponding to the id Google Account is checked next.
-  This solves the "chicken-and-egg" problem of no User entity having its
-  is_developer property set, but no one being able to set it.
-  Args:
-    id: a Google Account (users.User) object; if id is not supplied,
-      the current logged-in user is checked
-  """
-  # Get the currently logged in user
-  current_id = users.get_current_user()
-  if not (id or current_id):
-    # no Google Account was supplied or is logged in, so an unspecified
-    # User is definitely *not* a Developer
-    return False
-  if ((not id) or (id == current_id)) and users.is_current_user_admin():
-    # no id supplied, or current logged-in user, and that user is in the
-    # Administration->Developers list in the App Engine console
-    return True
-  if not id:
-    id = current_id
-  user = models.user.logic.getForFields({'id': id}, unique=True)
-  if not user:
-    # no User entity for this Google Account, and id is not the currently
-    # logged-in user, so there is no conclusive way to check the
-    # Administration->Developers list in the App Engine console
-    return False
-  return user.is_developer
-def isIdAvailable(new_id, existing_user=None, existing_key_name=None):
-  """Returns True if Google Account is available for use by existing User.
-  Args:
-    new_id: a Google Account (users.User) object with a (possibly) new email
-    existing_user: an existing User entity; default is None, in which case
-      existing_key_name is used to look up the User entity
-    existing_key_name: the key_name of an existing User entity, used
-      when existing_user is not supplied; default is None
-  """
-  if not existing_user:
-    existing_user = models.user.logic.getFromKeyName(existing_key_name)
-  if existing_user:
-    old_email =
-  else:
-    old_email = None
-  if == old_email.lower():
-    # "new" email is same as existing User wanting it, so it is "available"
-    return True
-  # else: "new" email truly is new to the existing User, so keep checking
-  if not models.user.logic.getForFields({'id': new_id}, unique=True):
-    # new email address also does not belong to any other User,
-    # so it is available
-    return True
-  # email does not already belong to this User, but to some other User
-  return False
-def getUserFromLinkName(link_name):
-  """Returns User entity for link_name or None if not found.
-  Args:
-    link_name: link name used in URLs to identify user
-  """
-  return soc.models.user.User.gql('WHERE link_name = :1', link_name).get()
-def getUserFromLinkNameOr404(link_name):
-  """Like getUserFromLinkName but expects to find a user
-  Raises:
-    out_of_band.ErrorResponse if no User entity is found
-  """
-  user = getUserFromLinkName(link_name)
-  if user:
-    return user
-  raise out_of_band.ErrorResponse(
-      'There is no user with a "link name" of "%s".' % link_name, status=404)
-def doesLinkNameBelongToId(link_name, id):
-  """Returns True if supplied link name belongs to supplied Google Account.
-  Args:
-    link_name: link name used in URLs to identify user
-    id: a Google Account object
-  """
-  if not id:
-    # link name cannot belong to an unspecified User
-    return False
-  user = models.user.logic.getForFields({'id': id}, unique=True)
-  if not user:
-    # no User corresponding to id Google Account, so no link name at all 
-    return False
-  return user.link_name == link_name