changeset 1727 718744a10daa
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/jquery/jquery-spin-1.0.2.js	Sat Mar 07 20:26:58 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ *  jquery.spin-button
+ *  (c) 2008 Semooh (
+ *
+ *  Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ *  and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ **/
+  $.fn.extend({
+    spin: function(opt){
+      return this.each(function(){
+        opt = $.extend({
+            imageBasePath: '/soc/content/images/',
+            spinBtnImage: 'spin-button.png',
+            spinUpImage: 'spin-up.png',
+            spinDownImage: 'spin-down.png',
+            interval: 1,
+            max: null,
+            min: null,
+            timeInterval: 500,
+            timeBlink: 200
+          }, opt || {});
+        var txt = $(this);
+        var spinBtnImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinBtnImage;
+        var btnSpin = new Image();
+        btnSpin.src = spinBtnImage;
+        var spinUpImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinUpImage;
+        var btnSpinUp = new Image();
+        btnSpinUp.src = spinUpImage;
+        var spinDownImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinDownImage;
+        var btnSpinDown = new Image();
+        btnSpinDown.src = spinDownImage;
+        var btn = $(document.createElement('img'));
+        btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
+        btn.css({cursor: 'pointer', verticalAlign: 'bottom', padding: 0, margin: 0});
+        txt.after(btn);
+        txt.css({marginRight:0, paddingRight:0});
+        function spin(vector){
+          var val = txt.val();
+          if(!isNaN(val)){
+            val = parseFloat(val) + (vector*opt.interval);
+            if(opt.min!=null && val<opt.min) val=opt.min;
+            if(opt.min!=null && val>opt.max) val=opt.max;
+            if(val != txt.val()){
+              txt.val(val);
+              txt.change();
+              src = (vector > 0 ? spinUpImage : spinDownImage);
+              btn.attr('src', src);
+              if(opt.timeBlink<opt.timeInterval)
+                setTimeout(function(){btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);}, opt.timeBlink);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        btn.mousedown(function(e){
+          var pos = e.pageY - btn.offset().top;
+          var vector = (btn.height()/2 > pos ? 1 : -1);
+          (function(){
+            spin(vector);
+            var tk = setTimeout(arguments.callee, opt.timeInterval);
+            $(document).one('mouseup', function(){
+              clearTimeout(tk); btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
+            });
+          })();
+          return false;
+        });
+      });
+    }
+  });