--- a/app/soc/tasks/grading_survey_group.py Tue Jul 14 18:28:33 2009 +0200
+++ b/app/soc/tasks/grading_survey_group.py Tue Jul 14 18:35:20 2009 +0200
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@
- 'soc.tasks.grading_survey_group.updateProjectsForSurveyGroup')]
+ 'soc.tasks.grading_survey_group.updateProjectsForSurveyGroup'),
+ (
+ r'tasks/grading_survey_group/mail_result$',
+ 'soc.tasks.grading_survey_group.sendMailAboutGradingRecordResult')]
return patterns
@@ -138,6 +141,8 @@
group_key: Specifies the GradingSurveyGroup key name.
record_key: Optional, specifies the key of the last processed
+ send_mail: Optional, if this string evaluates to True mail will be send
+ for each GradingRecord that's processed.
request: Django Request object
@@ -190,13 +195,27 @@
+ # check if we need to send an email for each GradingRecord
+ send_mail = post_dict.get('send_mail', '')
+ if send_mail:
+ # enqueue a task to send mail for each GradingRecord
+ for record_entity in record_entities:
+ # pass along these params as POST to the new task
+ task_params = {'record_key': record_entity.key().id_or_name()}
+ task_url = '/tasks/grading_survey_group/mail_result'
+ mail_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
+ mail_task.add('mail')
if len(record_entities) == DEF_BATCH_SIZE:
# spawn new task starting from the last
new_record_start = record_entities[DEF_BATCH_SIZE-1].key().id_or_name()
# pass along these params as POST to the new task
task_params = {'group_key': group_key,
- 'record_key': new_record_start}
+ 'record_key': new_record_start,
+ 'send_mail': send_mail}
task_url = '/tasks/grading_survey_group/update_projects'
new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
@@ -204,3 +223,86 @@
# task completed, return OK
return http.HttpResponse('OK')
+def sendMailAboutGradingRecordResult(request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Sends out a mail about the result of one GradingRecord.
+ Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
+ record_key: Specifies the key for the record to process.
+ Args:
+ request: Django Request object
+ """
+ from soc.logic import mail_dispatcher
+ from soc.logic.models.grading_record import logic as grading_record_logic
+ from soc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logic
+ from soc.logic.models.site import logic as site_logic
+ post_dict = request.POST
+ # check and retrieve the record_key that has been done last
+ if 'record_key' in post_dict and post_dict['record_key'].isdigit():
+ record_key = int(post_dict['record_key'])
+ else:
+ record_key = None
+ if not record_key:
+ # no GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
+ error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
+ 'No valid record_key specified in POST data: %s' % request.POST)
+ record_entity = grading_record_logic.getFromID(record_key)
+ if not record_entity:
+ # no valid GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
+ error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
+ 'No valid GradingRecord key specified: %s' % record_key)
+ survey_group_entity = record_entity.grading_survey_group
+ project_entity = record_entity.project
+ student_entity = project_entity.student
+ mentor_entity = project_entity.mentor
+ org_entity = project_entity.scope
+ site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()
+ mail_context = {
+ 'survey_group': survey_group_entity,
+ 'grading_record': record_entity,
+ 'project': project_entity,
+ 'organization': org_entity,
+ 'site_name': site_entity.site_name,
+ 'to_name': student_entity.name()
+ }
+ # set the sender
+ (sender, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
+ mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
+ # set the receiver and subject
+ mail_context['to'] = student_entity.email
+ mail_context['cc'] = [mentor_entity.email]
+ mail_context['subject'] = '%s results processed for %s' %(
+ survey_group_entity.name, project_entity.title)
+ # find all org admins for the project's organization
+ fields = {'scope': org_entity,
+ 'status': 'active'}
+ org_admin_entities = org_admin_logic.getForFields(fields)
+ # collect email addresses for all found org admins
+ org_admin_addresses = []
+ for org_admin_entity in org_admin_entities:
+ org_admin_addresses.append(org_admin_entity.email)
+ if org_admin_addresses:
+ mail_context['cc'].extend(org_admin_addresses)
+ # send out the email using a template
+ mail_template = 'soc/grading_record/mail/result.html'
+ mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)
+ # return OK
+ return http.HttpResponse()