changeset 109 620f9b141567
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/lib/django/docs/model-api.txt	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@
+Model reference
+A model is the single, definitive source of data about your data. It contains
+the essential fields and behaviors of the data you're storing. Generally, each
+model maps to a single database table.
+The basics:
+    * Each model is a Python class that subclasses ``django.db.models.Model``.
+    * Each attribute of the model represents a database field.
+    * Model metadata (non-field information) goes in an inner class named
+      ``Meta``.
+    * Metadata used for Django's admin site goes into an inner class named
+      ``Admin``.
+    * With all of this, Django gives you an automatically-generated
+      database-access API, which is explained in the `Database API reference`_.
+A companion to this document is the `official repository of model examples`_.
+(In the Django source distribution, these examples are in the
+``tests/modeltests`` directory.)
+.. _Database API reference:
+.. _official repository of model examples:
+Quick example
+This example model defines a ``Person``, which has a ``first_name`` and
+    from django.db import models
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+``first_name`` and ``last_name`` are *fields* of the model. Each field is
+specified as a class attribute, and each attribute maps to a database column.
+The above ``Person`` model would create a database table like this::
+    CREATE TABLE myapp_person (
+        "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+        "first_name" varchar(30) NOT NULL,
+        "last_name" varchar(30) NOT NULL
+    );
+Some technical notes:
+    * The name of the table, ``myapp_person``, is automatically derived from
+      some model metadata but can be overridden. See _`Table names` below.
+    * An ``id`` field is added automatically, but this behavior can be
+      overriden. See `Automatic primary key fields`_ below.
+    * The ``CREATE TABLE`` SQL in this example is formatted using PostgreSQL
+      syntax, but it's worth noting Django uses SQL tailored to the database
+      backend specified in your `settings file`_.
+.. _settings file:
+The most important part of a model -- and the only required part of a model --
+is the list of database fields it defines. Fields are specified by class
+    class Musician(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        instrument = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+    class Album(models.Model):
+        artist = models.ForeignKey(Musician)
+        name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        release_date = models.DateField()
+        num_stars = models.IntegerField()
+Field name restrictions
+Django places only two restrictions on model field names:
+    1. A field name cannot be a Python reserved word, because that would result
+       in a Python syntax error. For example::
+           class Example(models.Model):
+               pass = models.IntegerField() # 'pass' is a reserved word!
+    2. A field name cannot contain more than one underscore in a row, due to
+       the way Django's query lookup syntax works. For example::
+           class Example(models.Model):
+               foo__bar = models.IntegerField() # 'foo__bar' has two underscores!
+These limitations can be worked around, though, because your field name doesn't
+necessarily have to match your database column name. See `db_column`_ below.
+SQL reserved words, such as ``join``, ``where`` or ``select``, *are* allowed as
+model field names, because Django escapes all database table names and column
+names in every underlying SQL query. It uses the quoting syntax of your
+particular database engine.
+Field types
+Each field in your model should be an instance of the appropriate ``Field``
+class. Django uses the field class types to determine a few things:
+    * The database column type (e.g. ``INTEGER``, ``VARCHAR``).
+    * The widget to use in Django's admin interface, if you care to use it
+      (e.g. ``<input type="text">``, ``<select>``).
+    * The minimal validation requirements, used in Django's admin and in
+      manipulators.
+Here are all available field types:
+An ``IntegerField`` that automatically increments according to available IDs.
+You usually won't need to use this directly; a primary key field will
+automatically be added to your model if you don't specify otherwise. See
+`Automatic primary key fields`_.
+A true/false field.
+The admin represents this as a checkbox.
+A string field, for small- to large-sized strings.
+For large amounts of text, use ``TextField``.
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+``CharField`` has an extra required argument, ``maxlength``, the maximum length
+(in characters) of the field. The maxlength is enforced at the database level
+and in Django's validation.
+A field of integers separated by commas. As in ``CharField``, the ``maxlength``
+argument is required.
+A date field. Has a few extra optional arguments:
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    Argument                Description
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    ``auto_now``            Automatically set the field to now every time the
+                            object is saved. Useful for "last-modified"
+                            timestamps. Note that the current date is *always*
+                            used; it's not just a default value that you can
+                            override.
+    ``auto_now_add``        Automatically set the field to now when the object
+                            is first created. Useful for creation of
+                            timestamps. Note that the current date is *always*
+                            used; it's not just a default value that you can
+                            override.
+    ======================  ===================================================
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` with a JavaScript
+calendar and a shortcut for "Today."
+A date and time field. Takes the same extra options as ``DateField``.
+The admin represents this as two ``<input type="text">`` fields, with
+JavaScript shortcuts.
+A ``CharField`` that checks that the value is a valid e-mail address.
+This doesn't accept ``maxlength``; its ``maxlength`` is automatically set to
+A file-upload field.
+Has an extra required argument, ``upload_to``, a local filesystem path to
+which files should be upload. This path may contain `strftime formatting`_,
+which will be replaced by the date/time of the file upload (so that
+uploaded files don't fill up the given directory).
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="file">`` (a file-upload widget).
+Using a ``FileField`` or an ``ImageField`` (see below) in a model takes a few
+    1. In your settings file, you'll need to define ``MEDIA_ROOT`` as the
+       full path to a directory where you'd like Django to store uploaded
+       files. (For performance, these files are not stored in the database.)
+       Define ``MEDIA_URL`` as the base public URL of that directory. Make
+       sure that this directory is writable by the Web server's user
+       account.
+    2. Add the ``FileField`` or ``ImageField`` to your model, making sure
+       to define the ``upload_to`` option to tell Django to which
+       subdirectory of ``MEDIA_ROOT`` it should upload files.
+    3. All that will be stored in your database is a path to the file
+       (relative to ``MEDIA_ROOT``). You'll most likely want to use the
+       convenience ``get_<fieldname>_url`` function provided by Django. For
+       example, if your ``ImageField`` is called ``mug_shot``, you can get
+       the absolute URL to your image in a template with ``{{
+       object.get_mug_shot_url }}``.
+For example, say your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` is set to ``'/home/media'``, and
+``upload_to`` is set to ``'photos/%Y/%m/%d'``. The ``'%Y/%m/%d'`` part of
+``upload_to`` is strftime formatting; ``'%Y'`` is the four-digit year,
+``'%m'`` is the two-digit month and ``'%d'`` is the two-digit day. If you
+upload a file on Jan. 15, 2007, it will be saved in the directory
+Note that whenever you deal with uploaded files, you should pay close attention
+to where you're uploading them and what type of files they are, to avoid
+security holes. *Validate all uploaded files* so that you're sure the files are
+what you think they are. For example, if you blindly let somebody upload files,
+without validation, to a directory that's within your Web server's document
+root, then somebody could upload a CGI or PHP script and execute that script by
+visiting its URL on your site. Don't allow that.
+.. _`strftime formatting`:
+A field whose choices are limited to the filenames in a certain directory
+on the filesystem. Has three special arguments, of which the first is
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    Argument                Description
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    ``path``                Required. The absolute filesystem path to a
+                            directory from which this ``FilePathField`` should
+                            get its choices. Example: ``"/home/images"``.
+    ``match``               Optional. A regular expression, as a string, that
+                            ``FilePathField`` will use to filter filenames.
+                            Note that the regex will be applied to the
+                            base filename, not the full path. Example:
+                            ``"foo.*\.txt^"``, which will match a file called
+                            ``foo23.txt`` but not ``bar.txt`` or ``foo23.gif``.
+    ``recursive``           Optional. Either ``True`` or ``False``. Default is
+                            ``False``. Specifies whether all subdirectories of
+                            ``path`` should be included.
+    ======================  ===================================================
+Of course, these arguments can be used together.
+The one potential gotcha is that ``match`` applies to the base filename,
+not the full path. So, this example::
+    FilePathField(path="/home/images", match="foo.*", recursive=True)
+...will match ``/home/images/foo.gif`` but not ``/home/images/foo/bar.gif``
+because the ``match`` applies to the base filename (``foo.gif`` and
+A floating-point number. Has two **required** arguments:
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    Argument                Description
+    ======================  ===================================================
+    ``max_digits``          The maximum number of digits allowed in the number.
+    ``decimal_places``      The number of decimal places to store with the
+                            number.
+    ======================  ===================================================
+For example, to store numbers up to 999 with a resolution of 2 decimal places,
+you'd use::
+    models.FloatField(..., max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
+And to store numbers up to approximately one billion with a resolution of 10
+decimal places::
+    models.FloatField(..., max_digits=19, decimal_places=10)
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+Like ``FileField``, but validates that the uploaded object is a valid
+image. Has two extra optional arguments, ``height_field`` and
+``width_field``, which, if set, will be auto-populated with the height and
+width of the image each time a model instance is saved.
+Requires the `Python Imaging Library`_.
+.. _Python Imaging Library:
+An integer.
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+An IP address, in string format (i.e. "").
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+Like a ``BooleanField``, but allows ``NULL`` as one of the options.  Use this
+instead of a ``BooleanField`` with ``null=True``.
+The admin represents this as a ``<select>`` box with "Unknown", "Yes" and "No" choices.
+A ``CharField`` that checks that the value is a valid U.S.A.-style phone
+number (in the format ``XXX-XXX-XXXX``).
+Like an ``IntegerField``, but must be positive.
+Like a ``PositiveIntegerField``, but only allows values under a certain
+(database-dependent) point.
+"Slug" is a newspaper term. A slug is a short label for something,
+containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. They're generally
+used in URLs.
+Like a CharField, you can specify ``maxlength``. If ``maxlength`` is
+not specified, Django will use a default length of 50.
+Implies ``db_index=True``.
+Accepts an extra option, ``prepopulate_from``, which is a list of fields
+from which to auto-populate the slug, via JavaScript, in the object's admin
+    models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=("pre_name", "name"))
+``prepopulate_from`` doesn't accept DateTimeFields.
+The admin represents ``SlugField`` as an ``<input type="text">`` (a
+single-line input).
+Like an ``IntegerField``, but only allows values under a certain
+(database-dependent) point.
+A large text field.
+The admin represents this as a ``<textarea>`` (a multi-line input).
+A time. Accepts the same auto-population options as ``DateField`` and
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` with some
+JavaScript shortcuts.
+A field for a URL. If the ``verify_exists`` option is ``True`` (default),
+the URL given will be checked for existence (i.e., the URL actually loads
+and doesn't give a 404 response).
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+A two-letter U.S. state abbreviation.
+The admin represents this as an ``<input type="text">`` (a single-line input).
+A ``TextField`` that checks that the value is valid XML that matches a
+given schema. Takes one required argument, ``schema_path``, which is the
+filesystem path to a RelaxNG_ schema against which to validate the field.
+.. _RelaxNG:
+Field options
+The following arguments are available to all field types. All are optional.
+If ``True``, Django will store empty values as ``NULL`` in the database.
+Default is ``False``.
+Note that empty string values will always get stored as empty strings, not
+as ``NULL`` -- so use ``null=True`` for non-string fields such as integers,
+booleans and dates.
+Avoid using ``null`` on string-based fields such as ``CharField`` and
+``TextField`` unless you have an excellent reason. If a string-based field
+has ``null=True``, that means it has two possible values for "no data":
+``NULL``, and the empty string. In most cases, it's redundant to have two
+possible values for "no data;" Django convention is to use the empty
+string, not ``NULL``.
+If ``True``, the field is allowed to be blank.
+Note that this is different than ``null``. ``null`` is purely
+database-related, whereas ``blank`` is validation-related. If a field has
+``blank=True``, validation on Django's admin site will allow entry of an
+empty value. If a field has ``blank=False``, the field will be required.
+An iterable (e.g., a list or tuple) of 2-tuples to use as choices for this
+If this is given, Django's admin will use a select box instead of the
+standard text field and will limit choices to the choices given.
+A choices list looks like this::
+        ('FR', 'Freshman'),
+        ('SO', 'Sophomore'),
+        ('JR', 'Junior'),
+        ('SR', 'Senior'),
+        ('GR', 'Graduate'),
+    )
+The first element in each tuple is the actual value to be stored. The
+second element is the human-readable name for the option.
+The choices list can be defined either as part of your model class::
+    class Foo(models.Model):
+        GENDER_CHOICES = (
+            ('M', 'Male'),
+            ('F', 'Female'),
+        )
+        gender = models.CharField(maxlength=1, choices=GENDER_CHOICES)
+or outside your model class altogether::
+        ('M', 'Male'),
+        ('F', 'Female'),
+    )
+    class Foo(models.Model):
+        gender = models.CharField(maxlength=1, choices=GENDER_CHOICES)
+For each model field that has ``choices`` set, Django will add a method to
+retrieve the human-readable name for the field's current value. See
+`get_FOO_display`_ in the database API documentation.
+.. _get_FOO_display: ../db_api/#get-foo-display
+Finally, note that choices can be any iterable object -- not necessarily a
+list or tuple. This lets you construct choices dynamically. But if you find
+yourself hacking ``choices`` to be dynamic, you're probably better off using
+a proper database table with a ``ForeignKey``. ``choices`` is meant for static
+data that doesn't change much, if ever.
+For objects that are edited inline to a related object.
+In the Django admin, if all "core" fields in an inline-edited object are
+cleared, the object will be deleted.
+It is an error to have an inline-editable relation without at least one
+``core=True`` field.
+Please note that each field marked "core" is treated as a required field by the
+Django admin site. Essentially, this means you should put ``core=True`` on all
+required fields in your related object that is being edited inline.
+The name of the database column to use for this field. If this isn't given,
+Django will use the field's name.
+If your database column name is an SQL reserved word, or contains
+characters that aren't allowed in Python variable names -- notably, the
+hyphen -- that's OK. Django quotes column and table names behind the
+If ``True``, `` sqlindexes`` will output a ``CREATE INDEX``
+statement for this field.
+The default value for the field.
+If ``False``, the field will not be editable in the admin or via form
+processing using the object's ``AddManipulator`` or ``ChangeManipulator``
+classes. Default is ``True``.
+Extra "help" text to be displayed under the field on the object's admin
+form. It's useful for documentation even if your object doesn't have an
+admin form.
+If ``True``, this field is the primary key for the model.
+If you don't specify ``primary_key=True`` for any fields in your model,
+Django will automatically add this field::
+    id = models.AutoField('ID', primary_key=True)
+Thus, you don't need to set ``primary_key=True`` on any of your fields
+unless you want to override the default primary-key behavior.
+``primary_key=True`` implies ``blank=False``, ``null=False`` and
+``unique=True``. Only one primary key is allowed on an object.
+By default, Django's admin uses a select-box interface (<select>) for
+fields that are ``ForeignKey`` or have ``choices`` set. If ``radio_admin``
+is set to ``True``, Django will use a radio-button interface instead.
+Don't use this for a field unless it's a ``ForeignKey`` or has ``choices``
+If ``True``, this field must be unique throughout the table.
+This is enforced at the database level and at the Django admin-form level.
+Set this to the name of a ``DateField`` or ``DateTimeField`` to require
+that this field be unique for the value of the date field.
+For example, if you have a field ``title`` that has
+``unique_for_date="pub_date"``, then Django wouldn't allow the entry of
+two records with the same ``title`` and ``pub_date``.
+This is enforced at the Django admin-form level but not at the database level.
+Like ``unique_for_date``, but requires the field to be unique with respect
+to the month.
+Like ``unique_for_date`` and ``unique_for_month``.
+A list of extra validators to apply to the field. Each should be a callable
+that takes the parameters ``field_data, all_data`` and raises
+``django.core.validators.ValidationError`` for errors. (See the
+`validator docs`_.)
+Django comes with quite a few validators. They're in ``django.core.validators``.
+.. _validator docs:
+Verbose field names
+Each field type, except for ``ForeignKey``, ``ManyToManyField`` and
+``OneToOneField``, takes an optional first positional argument -- a
+verbose name. If the verbose name isn't given, Django will automatically create
+it using the field's attribute name, converting underscores to spaces.
+In this example, the verbose name is ``"Person's first name"``::
+    first_name = models.CharField("Person's first name", maxlength=30)
+In this example, the verbose name is ``"first name"``::
+    first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+``ForeignKey``, ``ManyToManyField`` and ``OneToOneField`` require the first
+argument to be a model class, so use the ``verbose_name`` keyword argument::
+    poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, verbose_name="the related poll")
+    sites = models.ManyToManyField(Site, verbose_name="list of sites")
+    place = models.OneToOneField(Place, verbose_name="related place")
+Convention is not to capitalize the first letter of the ``verbose_name``.
+Django will automatically capitalize the first letter where it needs to.
+Clearly, the power of relational databases lies in relating tables to each
+other. Django offers ways to define the three most common types of database
+relationships: Many-to-one, many-to-many and one-to-one.
+Many-to-one relationships
+To define a many-to-one relationship, use ``ForeignKey``. You use it just like
+any other ``Field`` type: by including it as a class attribute of your model.
+``ForeignKey`` requires a positional argument: The class to which the model is
+For example, if a ``Car`` model has a ``Manufacturer`` -- that is, a
+``Manufacturer`` makes multiple cars but each ``Car`` only has one
+``Manufacturer`` -- use the following definitions::
+    class Manufacturer(models.Model):
+        # ...
+    class Car(models.Model):
+        manufacturer = models.ForeignKey(Manufacturer)
+        # ...
+To create a recursive relationship -- an object that has a many-to-one
+relationship with itself -- use ``models.ForeignKey('self')``.
+If you need to create a relationship on a model that has not yet been defined,
+you can use the name of the model, rather than the model object itself::
+    class Car(models.Model):
+        manufacturer = models.ForeignKey('Manufacturer')
+        # ...
+    class Manufacturer(models.Model):
+        # ...
+Note, however, that you can only use strings to refer to models in the same file -- you cannot use a string to reference a model in a different
+application, or to reference a model that has been imported from elsewhere.
+Behind the scenes, Django appends ``"_id"`` to the field name to create its
+database column name. In the above example, the database table for the ``Car``
+model will have a ``manufacturer_id`` column. (You can change this explicitly
+by specifying ``db_column``; see ``db_column`` below.)  However, your code
+should never have to deal with the database column name, unless you write
+custom SQL. You'll always deal with the field names of your model object.
+It's suggested, but not required, that the name of a ``ForeignKey`` field
+(``manufacturer`` in the example above) be the name of the model, lowercase.
+You can, of course, call the field whatever you want. For example::
+    class Car(models.Model):
+        company_that_makes_it = models.ForeignKey(Manufacturer)
+        # ...
+See the `Many-to-one relationship model example`_ for a full example.
+.. _Many-to-one relationship model example:
+``ForeignKey`` fields take a number of extra arguments for defining how the
+relationship should work. All are optional:
+    =======================  ============================================================
+    Argument                 Description
+    =======================  ============================================================
+    ``edit_inline``          If not ``False``, this related object is edited
+                             "inline" on the related object's page. This means
+                             that the object will not have its own admin
+                             interface. Use either ``models.TABULAR`` or ``models.STACKED``,
+                             which, respectively, designate whether the inline-editable
+                             objects are displayed as a table or as a "stack" of
+                             fieldsets.
+    ``limit_choices_to``     A dictionary of lookup arguments and values (see
+                             the `Database API reference`_) that limit the
+                             available admin choices for this object. Use this
+                             with ``models.LazyDate`` to limit choices of objects
+                             by date. For example::
+                                limit_choices_to = {'pub_date__lte': models.LazyDate()}
+                             only allows the choice of related objects with a
+                             ``pub_date`` before the current date/time to be
+                             chosen.
+                             Instead of a dictionary this can also be a ``Q`` object
+                             (an object with a ``get_sql()`` method) for more complex
+                             queries.
+                             Not compatible with ``edit_inline``.
+    ``max_num_in_admin``     For inline-edited objects, this is the maximum
+                             number of related objects to display in the admin.
+                             Thus, if a pizza could only have up to 10
+                             toppings, ``max_num_in_admin=10`` would ensure
+                             that a user never enters more than 10 toppings.
+                             Note that this doesn't ensure more than 10 related
+                             toppings ever get created. It simply controls the
+                             admin interface; it doesn't enforce things at the
+                             Python API level or database level.
+    ``min_num_in_admin``     The minimum number of related objects displayed in
+                             the admin. Normally, at the creation stage,
+                             ``num_in_admin`` inline objects are shown, and at
+                             the edit stage ``num_extra_on_change`` blank
+                             objects are shown in addition to all pre-existing
+                             related objects.  However, no fewer than
+                             ``min_num_in_admin`` related objects will ever be
+                             displayed.
+    ``num_extra_on_change``  The number of extra blank related-object fields to
+                             show at the change stage.
+    ``num_in_admin``         The default number of inline objects to display
+                             on the object page at the add stage.
+    ``raw_id_admin``         Only display a field for the integer to be entered
+                             instead of a drop-down menu. This is useful when
+                             related to an object type that will have too many
+                             rows to make a select box practical.
+                             Not used with ``edit_inline``.
+    ``related_name``         The name to use for the relation from the related
+                             object back to this one. See the
+                             `related objects documentation`_ for a full
+                             explanation and example.
+    ``to_field``             The field on the related object that the relation
+                             is to. By default, Django uses the primary key of
+                             the related object.
+    =======================  ============================================================
+.. _`Database API reference`:
+.. _related objects documentation:
+Many-to-many relationships
+To define a many-to-many relationship, use ``ManyToManyField``. You use it just
+like any other ``Field`` type: by including it as a class attribute of your
+``ManyToManyField`` requires a positional argument: The class to which the
+model is related.
+For example, if a ``Pizza`` has multiple ``Topping`` objects -- that is, a
+``Topping`` can be on multiple pizzas and each ``Pizza`` has multiple toppings --
+here's how you'd represent that::
+    class Topping(models.Model):
+        # ...
+    class Pizza(models.Model):
+        # ...
+        toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
+As with ``ForeignKey``, a relationship to self can be defined by using the
+string ``'self'`` instead of the model name, and you can refer to as-yet
+undefined models by using a string containing the model name. However, you
+can only use strings to refer to models in the same file -- you
+cannot use a string to reference a model in a different application, or to
+reference a model that has been imported from elsewhere.
+It's suggested, but not required, that the name of a ``ManyToManyField``
+(``toppings`` in the example above) be a plural describing the set of related
+model objects.
+Behind the scenes, Django creates an intermediary join table to represent the
+many-to-many relationship.
+It doesn't matter which model gets the ``ManyToManyField``, but you only need
+it in one of the models -- not in both.
+Generally, ``ManyToManyField`` instances should go in the object that's going
+to be edited in the admin interface, if you're using Django's admin. In the
+above example, ``toppings`` is in ``Pizza`` (rather than ``Topping`` having a
+``pizzas`` ``ManyToManyField`` ) because it's more natural to think about a
+``Pizza`` having toppings than a topping being on multiple pizzas. The way it's
+set up above, the ``Pizza`` admin form would let users select the toppings.
+See the `Many-to-many relationship model example`_ for a full example.
+.. _Many-to-many relationship model example:
+``ManyToManyField`` objects take a number of extra arguments for defining how
+the relationship should work. All are optional:
+    =======================  ============================================================
+    Argument                 Description
+    =======================  ============================================================
+    ``related_name``         See the description under ``ForeignKey`` above.
+    ``filter_interface``     Use a nifty unobtrusive Javascript "filter" interface
+                             instead of the usability-challenged ``<select multiple>``
+                             in the admin form for this object. The value should be
+                             ``models.HORIZONTAL`` or ``models.VERTICAL`` (i.e.
+                             should the interface be stacked horizontally or
+                             vertically).
+    ``limit_choices_to``     See the description under ``ForeignKey`` above.
+    ``symmetrical``          Only used in the definition of ManyToManyFields on self.
+                             Consider the following model:
+                             class Person(models.Model):
+                                 friends = models.ManyToManyField("self")
+                             When Django processes this model, it identifies that it has
+                             a ``ManyToManyField`` on itself, and as a result, it
+                             doesn't add a ``person_set`` attribute to the ``Person``
+                             class. Instead, the ``ManyToManyField`` is assumed to be
+                             symmetrical -- that is, if I am your friend, then you are
+                             my friend.
+                             If you do not want symmetry in ``ManyToMany`` relationships
+                             with ``self``, set ``symmetrical`` to ``False``. This will
+                             force Django to add the descriptor for the reverse
+                             relationship, allowing ``ManyToMany`` relationships to be
+                             non-symmetrical.
+    ``db_table``             The name of the table to create for storing the many-to-many
+                             data. If this is not provided, Django will assume a default
+                             name based upon the names of the two tables being joined.
+    =======================  ============================================================
+One-to-one relationships
+The semantics of one-to-one relationships will be changing soon, so we don't
+recommend you use them. If that doesn't scare you away, keep reading.
+To define a one-to-one relationship, use ``OneToOneField``. You use it just
+like any other ``Field`` type: by including it as a class attribute of your
+This is most useful on the primary key of an object when that object "extends"
+another object in some way.
+``OneToOneField`` requires a positional argument: The class to which the
+model is related.
+For example, if you're building a database of "places", you would build pretty
+standard stuff such as address, phone number, etc. in the database. Then, if you
+wanted to build a database of restaurants on top of the places, instead of
+repeating yourself and replicating those fields in the ``Restaurant`` model, you
+could make ``Restaurant`` have a ``OneToOneField`` to ``Place`` (because a
+restaurant "is-a" place).
+As with ``ForeignKey``, a relationship to self can be defined by using the
+string ``"self"`` instead of the model name; references to as-yet undefined
+models can be made by using a string containing the model name.
+This ``OneToOneField`` will actually replace the primary key ``id`` field
+(since one-to-one relations share the same primary key), and will be displayed
+as a read-only field when you edit an object in the admin interface:
+See the `One-to-one relationship model example`_ for a full example.
+.. _One-to-one relationship model example:
+Meta options
+Give your model metadata by using an inner ``class Meta``, like so::
+    class Foo(models.Model):
+        bar = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+        class Meta:
+            # ...
+Model metadata is "anything that's not a field", such as ordering options, etc.
+Here's a list of all possible ``Meta`` options. No options are required. Adding
+``class Meta`` to a model is completely optional.
+The name of the database table to use for the model::
+    db_table = 'music_album'
+If this isn't given, Django will use ``app_label + '_' + model_class_name``.
+See "Table names" below for more.
+If your database table name is an SQL reserved word, or contains characters
+that aren't allowed in Python variable names -- notably, the hyphen --
+that's OK. Django quotes column and table names behind the scenes.
+The name of a ``DateField`` or ``DateTimeField`` in the model. This specifies
+the default field to use in your model ``Manager``'s ``latest()`` method.
+    get_latest_by = "order_date"
+See the `docs for latest()`_ for more.
+.. _docs for latest():
+Marks this object as "orderable" with respect to the given field. This is
+almost always used with related objects to allow them to be ordered with
+respect to a parent object. For example, if an ``Answer`` relates to a
+``Question`` object, and a question has more than one answer, and the order
+of answers matters, you'd do this::
+    class Answer(models.Model):
+        question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
+        # ...
+        class Meta:
+            order_with_respect_to = 'question'
+The default ordering for the object, for use when obtaining lists of objects::
+    ordering = ['-order_date']
+This is a tuple or list of strings. Each string is a field name with an
+optional "-" prefix, which indicates descending order. Fields without a
+leading "-" will be ordered ascending. Use the string "?" to order randomly.
+For example, to order by a ``pub_date`` field ascending, use this::
+    ordering = ['pub_date']
+To order by ``pub_date`` descending, use this::
+    ordering = ['-pub_date']
+To order by ``pub_date`` descending, then by ``author`` ascending, use this::
+    ordering = ['-pub_date', 'author']
+See `Specifying ordering`_ for more examples.
+Note that, regardless of how many fields are in ``ordering``, the admin
+site uses only the first field.
+.. _Specifying ordering:
+Extra permissions to enter into the permissions table when creating this
+object. Add, delete and change permissions are automatically created for
+each object that has ``admin`` set. This example specifies an extra
+permission, ``can_deliver_pizzas``::
+    permissions = (("can_deliver_pizzas", "Can deliver pizzas"),)
+This is a list or tuple of 2-tuples in the format
+``(permission_code, human_readable_permission_name)``.
+Sets of field names that, taken together, must be unique::
+    unique_together = (("driver", "restaurant"),)
+This is a list of lists of fields that must be unique when considered
+together. It's used in the Django admin and is enforced at the database
+level (i.e., the appropriate ``UNIQUE`` statements are included in the
+``CREATE TABLE`` statement).
+A human-readable name for the object, singular::
+    verbose_name = "pizza"
+If this isn't given, Django will use a munged version of the class name:
+``CamelCase`` becomes ``camel case``.
+The plural name for the object::
+    verbose_name_plural = "stories"
+If this isn't given, Django will use ``verbose_name + "s"``.
+Table names
+To save you time, Django automatically derives the name of the database table
+from the name of your model class and the app that contains it. A model's
+database table name is constructed by joining the model's "app label" -- the
+name you used in `` startapp`` -- to the model's class name, with an
+underscore between them.
+For example, if you have an app ``bookstore`` (as created by
+`` startapp bookstore``), a model defined as ``class Book`` will have
+a database table named ``bookstore_book``.
+To override the database table name, use the ``db_table`` parameter in
+``class Meta``.
+Automatic primary key fields
+By default, Django gives each model the following field::
+    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
+This is an auto-incrementing primary key.
+If you'd like to specify a custom primary key, just specify ``primary_key=True``
+on one of your fields. If Django sees you've explicitly set ``primary_key``, it
+won't add the automatic ``id`` column.
+Each model requires exactly one field to have ``primary_key=True``.
+Admin options
+If you want your model to be visible to Django's admin site, give your model an
+inner ``"class Admin"``, like so::
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+        class Admin:
+            # Admin options go here
+            pass
+The ``Admin`` class tells Django how to display the model in the admin site.
+Here's a list of all possible ``Admin`` options. None of these options are
+required. To use an admin interface without specifying any options, use
+``pass``, like so::
+    class Admin:
+        pass
+Adding ``class Admin`` to a model is completely optional.
+Set ``date_hierarchy`` to the name of a ``DateField`` or ``DateTimeField`` in
+your model, and the change list page will include a date-based drilldown
+navigation by that field.
+    date_hierarchy = 'pub_date'
+Set ``fields`` to control the layout of admin "add" and "change" pages.
+``fields`` is a list of two-tuples, in which each two-tuple represents a
+``<fieldset>`` on the admin form page. (A ``<fieldset>`` is a "section" of the
+The two-tuples are in the format ``(name, field_options)``, where ``name`` is a
+string representing the title of the fieldset and ``field_options`` is a
+dictionary of information about the fieldset, including a list of fields to be
+displayed in it.
+A full example, taken from the ``django.contrib.flatpages.FlatPage`` model::
+    class Admin:
+        fields = (
+            (None, {
+                'fields': ('url', 'title', 'content', 'sites')
+            }),
+            ('Advanced options', {
+                'classes': 'collapse',
+                'fields' : ('enable_comments', 'registration_required', 'template_name')
+            }),
+        )
+This results in an admin page that looks like:
+    .. image::
+If ``fields`` isn't given, Django will default to displaying each field that
+isn't an ``AutoField`` and has ``editable=True``, in a single fieldset, in
+the same order as the fields are defined in the model.
+The ``field_options`` dictionary can have the following keys:
+A tuple of field names to display in this fieldset. This key is required.
+    {
+    'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'address', 'city', 'state'),
+    }
+To display multiple fields on the same line, wrap those fields in their own
+tuple. In this example, the ``first_name`` and ``last_name`` fields will
+display on the same line::
+    {
+    'fields': (('first_name', 'last_name'), 'address', 'city', 'state'),
+    }
+A string containing extra CSS classes to apply to the fieldset.
+    {
+    'classes': 'wide',
+    }
+Apply multiple classes by separating them with spaces. Example::
+    {
+    'classes': 'wide extrapretty',
+    }
+Two useful classes defined by the default admin-site stylesheet are
+``collapse`` and ``wide``. Fieldsets with the ``collapse`` style will be
+initially collapsed in the admin and replaced with a small "click to expand"
+link. Fieldsets with the ``wide`` style will be given extra horizontal space.
+A string of optional extra text to be displayed at the top of each fieldset,
+under the heading of the fieldset. It's used verbatim, so you can use any HTML
+and you must escape any special HTML characters (such as ampersands) yourself.
+A list of strings representing URLs of JavaScript files to link into the admin
+screen via ``<script src="">`` tags. This can be used to tweak a given type of
+admin page in JavaScript or to provide "quick links" to fill in default values
+for certain fields.
+If you use relative URLs -- URLs that don't start with ``http://`` or ``/`` --
+then the admin site will automatically prefix these links with
+Set ``list_display`` to control which fields are displayed on the change list
+page of the admin.
+    list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name')
+If you don't set ``list_display``, the admin site will display a single column
+that displays the ``__str__()`` representation of each object.
+A few special cases to note about ``list_display``:
+    * If the field is a ``ForeignKey``, Django will display the ``__str__()``
+      of the related object.
+    * ``ManyToManyField`` fields aren't supported, because that would entail
+      executing a separate SQL statement for each row in the table. If you
+      want to do this nonetheless, give your model a custom method, and add
+      that method's name to ``list_display``. (See below for more on custom
+      methods in ``list_display``.)
+    * If the field is a ``BooleanField`` or ``NullBooleanField``, Django will
+      display a pretty "on" or "off" icon instead of ``True`` or ``False``.
+    * If the string given is a method of the model, Django will call it and
+      display the output. This method should have a ``short_description``
+      function attribute, for use as the header for the field.
+      Here's a full example model::
+          class Person(models.Model):
+              name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+              birthday = models.DateField()
+              class Admin:
+                  list_display = ('name', 'decade_born_in')
+              def decade_born_in(self):
+                  return self.birthday.strftime('%Y')[:3] + "0's"
+              decade_born_in.short_description = 'Birth decade'
+    * If the string given is a method of the model, Django will HTML-escape the
+      output by default. If you'd rather not escape the output of the method,
+      give the method an ``allow_tags`` attribute whose value is ``True``.
+      Here's a full example model::
+          class Person(models.Model):
+              first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+              last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+              color_code = models.CharField(maxlength=6)
+              class Admin:
+                  list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'colored_name')
+              def colored_name(self):
+                  return '<span style="color: #%s;">%s %s</span>' % (self.color_code, self.first_name, self.last_name)
+              colored_name.allow_tags = True
+    * If the string given is a method of the model that returns True or False
+      Django will display a pretty "on" or "off" icon if you give the method a
+      ``boolean`` attribute whose value is ``True``.
+      Here's a full example model::
+          class Person(models.Model):
+              first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+              birthday = models.DateField()
+              class Admin:
+                  list_display = ('name', 'born_in_fifties')
+              def born_in_fifties(self):
+                  return self.birthday.strftime('%Y')[:3] == 5
+              born_in_fifties.boolean = True
+    * The ``__str__()`` method is just as valid in ``list_display`` as any
+      other model method, so it's perfectly OK to do this::
+          list_display = ('__str__', 'some_other_field')
+    * Usually, elements of ``list_display`` that aren't actual database fields
+      can't be used in sorting (because Django does all the sorting at the
+      database level).
+      However, if an element of ``list_display`` represents a certain database
+      field, you can indicate this fact by setting the ``admin_order_field``
+      attribute of the item.
+      For example::
+        class Person(models.Model):
+            first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+            color_code = models.CharField(maxlength=6)
+            class Admin:
+                list_display = ('first_name', 'colored_first_name')
+            def colored_first_name(self):
+                return '<span style="color: #%s;">%s</span>' % (self.color_code, self.first_name)
+            colored_first_name.allow_tags = True
+            colored_first_name.admin_order_field = 'first_name'
+      The above will tell Django to order by the ``first_name`` field when
+      trying to sort by ``colored_first_name`` in the admin.
+Set ``list_display_links`` to control which fields in ``list_display`` should
+be linked to the "change" page for an object.
+By default, the change list page will link the first column -- the first field
+specified in ``list_display`` -- to the change page for each item. But
+``list_display_links`` lets you change which columns are linked. Set
+``list_display_links`` to a list or tuple of field names (in the same format as
+``list_display``) to link.
+``list_display_links`` can specify one or many field names. As long as the
+field names appear in ``list_display``, Django doesn't care how many (or how
+few) fields are linked. The only requirement is: If you want to use
+``list_display_links``, you must define ``list_display``.
+In this example, the ``first_name`` and ``last_name`` fields will be linked on
+the change list page::
+    class Admin:
+        list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'birthday')
+        list_display_links = ('first_name', 'last_name')
+Finally, note that in order to use ``list_display_links``, you must define
+``list_display``, too.
+Set ``list_filter`` to activate filters in the right sidebar of the change list
+page of the admin. This should be a list of field names, and each specified
+field should be either a ``BooleanField``, ``DateField``, ``DateTimeField``
+or ``ForeignKey``.
+This example, taken from the ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` model, shows
+how both ``list_display`` and ``list_filter`` work::
+    class Admin:
+        list_display = ('username', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'is_staff')
+        list_filter = ('is_staff', 'is_superuser')
+The above code results in an admin change list page that looks like this:
+    .. image::
+(This example also has ``search_fields`` defined. See below.)
+Set ``list_per_page`` to control how many items appear on each paginated admin
+change list page. By default, this is set to ``100``.
+Set ``list_select_related`` to tell Django to use ``select_related()`` in
+retrieving the list of objects on the admin change list page. This can save you
+a bunch of database queries.
+The value should be either ``True`` or ``False``. Default is ``False``.
+Note that Django will use ``select_related()``, regardless of this setting,
+if one of the ``list_display`` fields is a ``ForeignKey``.
+For more on ``select_related()``, see `the select_related() docs`_.
+.. _the select_related() docs:
+Set ``ordering`` to specify how objects on the admin change list page should be
+ordered. This should be a list or tuple in the same format as a model's
+``ordering`` parameter.
+If this isn't provided, the Django admin will use the model's default ordering.
+Set ``save_as`` to enable a "save as" feature on admin change forms.
+Normally, objects have three save options: "Save", "Save and continue editing"
+and "Save and add another". If ``save_as`` is ``True``, "Save and add another"
+will be replaced by a "Save as" button.
+"Save as" means the object will be saved as a new object (with a new ID),
+rather than the old object.
+By default, ``save_as`` is set to ``False``.
+Set ``save_on_top`` to add save buttons across the top of your admin change
+Normally, the save buttons appear only at the bottom of the forms. If you set
+``save_on_top``, the buttons will appear both on the top and the bottom.
+By default, ``save_on_top`` is set to ``False``.
+Set ``search_fields`` to enable a search box on the admin change list page.
+This should be set to a list of field names that will be searched whenever
+somebody submits a search query in that text box.
+These fields should be some kind of text field, such as ``CharField`` or
+``TextField``. You can also perform a related lookup on a ``ForeignKey`` with
+the lookup API "follow" notation::
+    search_fields = ['foreign_key__related_fieldname']
+When somebody does a search in the admin search box, Django splits the search
+query into words and returns all objects that contain each of the words, case
+insensitive, where each word must be in at least one of ``search_fields``. For
+example, if ``search_fields`` is set to ``['first_name', 'last_name']`` and a
+user searches for ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent of this SQL
+``WHERE`` clause::
+    WHERE (first_name ILIKE '%john%' OR last_name ILIKE '%john%')
+    AND (first_name ILIKE '%lennon%' OR last_name ILIKE '%lennon%')
+For faster and/or more restrictive searches, prefix the field name
+with an operator:
+    Matches the beginning of the field. For example, if ``search_fields`` is
+    set to ``['^first_name', '^last_name']`` and a user searches for
+    ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent of this SQL ``WHERE``
+    clause::
+        WHERE (first_name ILIKE 'john%' OR last_name ILIKE 'john%')
+        AND (first_name ILIKE 'lennon%' OR last_name ILIKE 'lennon%')
+    This query is more efficient than the normal ``'%john%'`` query, because
+    the database only needs to check the beginning of a column's data, rather
+    than seeking through the entire column's data. Plus, if the column has an
+    index on it, some databases may be able to use the index for this query,
+    even though it's a ``LIKE`` query.
+    Matches exactly, case-insensitive. For example, if
+    ``search_fields`` is set to ``['=first_name', '=last_name']`` and
+    a user searches for ``john lennon``, Django will do the equivalent
+    of this SQL ``WHERE`` clause::
+        WHERE (first_name ILIKE 'john' OR last_name ILIKE 'john')
+        AND (first_name ILIKE 'lennon' OR last_name ILIKE 'lennon')
+    Note that the query input is split by spaces, so, following this example,
+    it's not currently not possible to search for all records in which
+    ``first_name`` is exactly ``'john winston'`` (containing a space).
+    Performs a full-text match. This is like the default search method but uses
+    an index. Currently this is only available for MySQL.
+A ``Manager`` is the interface through which database query operations are
+provided to Django models. At least one ``Manager`` exists for every model in
+a Django application.
+The way ``Manager`` classes work is documented in the `Retrieving objects`_
+section of the database API docs, but this section specifically touches on
+model options that customize ``Manager`` behavior.
+.. _Retrieving objects:
+Manager names
+By default, Django adds a ``Manager`` with the name ``objects`` to every Django
+model class. However, if you want to use ``objects`` as a field name, or if you
+want to use a name other than ``objects`` for the ``Manager``, you can rename
+it on a per-model basis. To rename the ``Manager`` for a given class, define a
+class attribute of type ``models.Manager()`` on that model. For example::
+    from django.db import models
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        #...
+        people = models.Manager()
+Using this example model, ``Person.objects`` will generate an
+``AttributeError`` exception, but ``Person.people.all()`` will provide a list
+of all ``Person`` objects.
+Custom Managers
+You can use a custom ``Manager`` in a particular model by extending the base
+``Manager`` class and instantiating your custom ``Manager`` in your model.
+There are two reasons you might want to customize a ``Manager``: to add extra
+``Manager`` methods, and/or to modify the initial ``QuerySet`` the ``Manager``
+Adding extra Manager methods
+Adding extra ``Manager`` methods is the preferred way to add "table-level"
+functionality to your models. (For "row-level" functionality -- i.e., functions
+that act on a single instance of a model object -- use _`Model methods`, not
+custom ``Manager`` methods.)
+A custom ``Manager`` method can return anything you want. It doesn't have to
+return a ``QuerySet``.
+For example, this custom ``Manager`` offers a method ``with_counts()``, which
+returns a list of all ``OpinionPoll`` objects, each with an extra
+``num_responses`` attribute that is the result of an aggregate query::
+    class PollManager(models.Manager):
+        def with_counts(self):
+            from django.db import connection
+            cursor = connection.cursor()
+            cursor.execute("""
+                SELECT, p.question, p.poll_date, COUNT(*)
+                FROM polls_opinionpoll p, polls_response r
+                WHERE = r.poll_id
+                GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
+                ORDER BY 3 DESC""")
+            result_list = []
+            for row in cursor.fetchall():
+                p = self.model(id=row[0], question=row[1], poll_date=row[2])
+                p.num_responses = row[3]
+                result_list.append(p)
+            return result_list
+    class OpinionPoll(models.Model):
+        question = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
+        poll_date = models.DateField()
+        objects = PollManager()
+    class Response(models.Model):
+        poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
+        person_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        response = models.TextField()
+With this example, you'd use ``OpinionPoll.objects.with_counts()`` to return
+that list of ``OpinionPoll`` objects with ``num_responses`` attributes.
+Another thing to note about this example is that ``Manager`` methods can
+access ``self.model`` to get the model class to which they're attached.
+Modifying initial Manager QuerySets
+A ``Manager``'s base ``QuerySet`` returns all objects in the system. For
+example, using this model::
+    class Book(models.Model):
+        title = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        author = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+...the statement ``Book.objects.all()`` will return all books in the database.
+You can override a ``Manager``\'s base ``QuerySet`` by overriding the
+``Manager.get_query_set()`` method. ``get_query_set()`` should return a
+``QuerySet`` with the properties you require.
+For example, the following model has *two* ``Manager``\s -- one that returns
+all objects, and one that returns only the books by Roald Dahl::
+    # First, define the Manager subclass.
+    class DahlBookManager(models.Manager):
+        def get_query_set(self):
+            return super(DahlBookManager, self).get_query_set().filter(author='Roald Dahl')
+    # Then hook it into the Book model explicitly.
+    class Book(models.Model):
+        title = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        author = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        objects = models.Manager() # The default manager.
+        dahl_objects = DahlBookManager() # The Dahl-specific manager.
+With this sample model, ``Book.objects.all()`` will return all books in the
+database, but ``Book.dahl_objects.all()`` will only return the ones written by
+Roald Dahl.
+Of course, because ``get_query_set()`` returns a ``QuerySet`` object, you can
+use ``filter()``, ``exclude()`` and all the other ``QuerySet`` methods on it.
+So these statements are all legal::
+    Book.dahl_objects.all()
+    Book.dahl_objects.filter(title='Matilda')
+    Book.dahl_objects.count()
+This example also pointed out another interesting technique: using multiple
+managers on the same model. You can attach as many ``Manager()`` instances to
+a model as you'd like. This is an easy way to define common "filters" for your
+For example::
+    class MaleManager(models.Manager):
+        def get_query_set(self):
+            return super(MaleManager, self).get_query_set().filter(sex='M')
+    class FemaleManager(models.Manager):
+        def get_query_set(self):
+            return super(FemaleManager, self).get_query_set().filter(sex='F')
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        sex = models.CharField(maxlength=1, choices=(('M', 'Male'), ('F', 'Female')))
+        people = models.Manager()
+        men = MaleManager()
+        women = FemaleManager()
+This example allows you to request ````, ``Person.women.all()``,
+and ``Person.people.all()``, yielding predictable results.
+If you use custom ``Manager`` objects, take note that the first ``Manager``
+Django encounters (in order by which they're defined in the model) has a
+special status. Django interprets the first ``Manager`` defined in a class as
+the "default" ``Manager``. Certain operations -- such as Django's admin site --
+use the default ``Manager`` to obtain lists of objects, so it's generally a
+good idea for the first ``Manager`` to be relatively unfiltered. In the last
+example, the ``people`` ``Manager`` is defined first -- so it's the default
+Model methods
+Define custom methods on a model to add custom "row-level" functionality to
+your objects. Whereas ``Manager`` methods are intended to do "table-wide"
+things, model methods should act on a particular model instance.
+This is a valuable technique for keeping business logic in one place -- the
+For example, this model has a few custom methods::
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        birth_date = models.DateField()
+        address = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        city = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        state = models.USStateField() # Yes, this is America-centric...
+        def baby_boomer_status(self):
+            "Returns the person's baby-boomer status."
+            import datetime
+            if, 8, 1) <= self.birth_date <=, 12, 31):
+                return "Baby boomer"
+            if self.birth_date <, 8, 1):
+                return "Pre-boomer"
+            return "Post-boomer"
+        def is_midwestern(self):
+            "Returns True if this person is from the Midwest."
+            return self.state in ('IL', 'WI', 'MI', 'IN', 'OH', 'IA', 'MO')
+        def _get_full_name(self):
+            "Returns the person's full name."
+            return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
+        full_name = property(_get_full_name)
+The last method in this example is a *property*. `Read more about properties`_.
+.. _Read more about properties:
+A few object methods have special meaning:
+``__str__()`` is a Python "magic method" that defines what should be returned
+if you call ``str()`` on the object. Django uses ``str(obj)`` in a number of
+places, most notably as the value displayed to render an object in the Django
+admin site and as the value inserted into a template when it displays an
+object. Thus, you should always return a nice, human-readable string for the
+object's ``__str__``. Although this isn't required, it's strongly encouraged.
+For example::
+    class Person(models.Model):
+        first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
+        def __str__(self):
+            return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
+Define a ``get_absolute_url()`` method to tell Django how to calculate the
+URL for an object. For example::
+    def get_absolute_url(self):
+        return "/people/%i/" %
+Django uses this in its admin interface. If an object defines
+``get_absolute_url()``, the object-editing page will have a "View on site"
+link that will jump you directly to the object's public view, according to
+Also, a couple of other bits of Django, such as the syndication-feed framework,
+use ``get_absolute_url()`` as a convenience to reward people who've defined the
+It's good practice to use ``get_absolute_url()`` in templates, instead of
+hard-coding your objects' URLs. For example, this template code is bad::
+    <a href="/people/{{ }}/">{{ }}</a>
+But this template code is good::
+    <a href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ }}</a>
+The ``permalink`` decorator
+The problem with the way we wrote ``get_absolute_url()`` above is that it
+slightly violates the DRY principle: the URL for this object is defined both
+in the URLConf file and in the model.
+You can further decouple your models from the URLconf using the ``permalink``
+decorator. This decorator is passed the view function and any parameters you
+would use for accessing this instance directly. Django then works out the
+correct full URL path using the URLconf. For example::
+    from django.db.models import permalink
+    def get_absolute_url(self):
+        return ('people.views.details', str(
+    get_absolute_url = permalink(get_absolute_url)
+In this way, you're tying the model's absolute URL to the view that is used
+to display it, without repeating the URL information anywhere. You can still
+use the ``get_absolute_url`` method in templates, as before.
+Executing custom SQL
+Feel free to write custom SQL statements in custom model methods and
+module-level methods. The object ``django.db.connection`` represents the
+current database connection. To use it, call ``connection.cursor()`` to get a
+cursor object. Then, call ``cursor.execute(sql, [params])`` to execute the SQL
+and ``cursor.fetchone()`` or ``cursor.fetchall()`` to return the resulting
+rows. Example::
+    def my_custom_sql(self):
+        from django.db import connection
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        cursor.execute("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = %s", [self.baz])
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        return row
+``connection`` and ``cursor`` simply use the standard `Python DB-API`_. If
+you're not familiar with the Python DB-API, note that the SQL statement in
+``cursor.execute()`` uses placeholders, ``"%s"``, rather than adding parameters
+directly within the SQL. If you use this technique, the underlying database
+library will automatically add quotes and escaping to your parameter(s) as
+necessary. (Also note that Django expects the ``"%s"`` placeholder, *not* the
+``"?"`` placeholder, which is used by the SQLite Python bindings. This is for
+the sake of consistency and sanity.)
+A final note: If all you want to do is a custom ``WHERE`` clause, you can just
+just the ``where``, ``tables`` and ``params`` arguments to the standard lookup
+API. See `Other lookup options`_.
+.. _Python DB-API:
+.. _Other lookup options:
+Overriding default model methods
+As explained in the `database API docs`_, each model gets a few methods
+automatically -- most notably, ``save()`` and ``delete()``. You can override
+these methods to alter behavior.
+A classic use-case for overriding the built-in methods is if you want something
+to happen whenever you save an object. For example::
+    class Blog(models.Model):
+        name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        tagline = models.TextField()
+        def save(self):
+            do_something()
+            super(Blog, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method.
+            do_something_else()
+You can also prevent saving::
+    class Blog(models.Model):
+        name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
+        tagline = models.TextField()
+        def save(self):
+            if == "Yoko Ono's blog":
+                return # Yoko shall never have her own blog!
+            else:
+                super(Blog, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method.
+.. _database API docs:
+Models across files
+It's perfectly OK to relate a model to one from another app. To do this, just
+import the related model at the top of the model that holds your model. Then,
+just refer to the other model class wherever needed. For example::
+    from mysite.geography.models import ZipCode
+    class Restaurant(models.Model):
+        # ...
+        zip_code = models.ForeignKey(ZipCode)
+Using models
+Once you have created your models, the final step is to tell Django you're
+going to *use* those models.
+Do this by editing your settings file and changing the ``INSTALLED_APPS``
+setting to add the name of the module that contains your ````.
+For example, if the models for your application live in the module
+``mysite.myapp.models`` (the package structure that is created for an
+application by the `` startapp`` script), ``INSTALLED_APPS`` should
+read, in part::
+        #...
+        'mysite.myapp',
+        #...
+    )
+Providing initial SQL data
+Django provides a hook for passing the database arbitrary SQL that's executed
+just after the CREATE TABLE statements. Use this hook, for example, if you want
+to populate default records, or create SQL functions, automatically.
+The hook is simple: Django just looks for a file called
+``<appname>/sql/<modelname>.sql``, where ``<appname>`` is your app directory and
+``<modelname>`` is the model's name in lowercase.
+In the ``Person`` example model at the top of this document, assuming it lives
+in an app called ``myapp``, you could add arbitrary SQL to the file
+``myapp/sql/person.sql``. Here's an example of what the file might contain::
+    INSERT INTO myapp_person (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('John', 'Lennon');
+    INSERT INTO myapp_person (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Paul', 'McCartney');
+Each SQL file, if given, is expected to contain valid SQL. The SQL files are
+piped directly into the database after all of the models' table-creation
+statements have been executed.
+The SQL files are read by the ``sqlinitialdata``, ``sqlreset``, ``sqlall`` and
+``reset`` commands in ````. Refer to the ` documentation`_
+for more information.
+Note that if you have multiple SQL data files, there's no guarantee of the
+order in which they're executed. The only thing you can assume is that, by the
+time your custom data files are executed, all the database tables already will
+have been created.
+.. _` documentation`:
+Database-backend-specific SQL data
+There's also a hook for backend-specific SQL data. For example, you can have
+separate initial-data files for PostgreSQL and MySQL. For each app, Django
+looks for a file called ``<appname>/sql/<modelname>.<backend>.sql``, where
+``<appname>`` is your app directory, ``<modelname>`` is the model's name in
+lowercase and ``<backend>`` is the value of ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` in your
+settings file (e.g., ``postgresql``, ``mysql``).
+Backend-specific SQL data is executed before non-backend-specific SQL data. For
+example, if your app contains the files ``sql/person.sql`` and
+``sql/person.postgresql.sql`` and you're installing the app on PostgreSQL,
+Django will execute the contents of ``sql/person.postgresql.sql`` first, then