changeset 109 620f9b141567
child 149 f2e327a7c5de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/search/	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Full text indexing and search, implemented in pure python.
+Defines a SearchableModel subclass of db.Model that supports full text
+indexing and search, based on the datastore's existing indexes.
+Don't expect too much. First, there's no ranking, which is a killer drawback.
+There's also no exact phrase match, substring match, boolean operators,
+stemming, or other common full text search features. Finally, support for stop
+words (common words that are not indexed) is currently limited to English.
+To be indexed, entities must be created and saved as SearchableModel
+instances, e.g.:
+  class Article(search.SearchableModel):
+    text = db.TextProperty()
+    ...
+  article = Article(text=...)
+To search the full text index, use the SearchableModel.all() method to get an
+instance of SearchableModel.Query, which subclasses db.Query. Use its search()
+method to provide a search query, in addition to any other filters or sort
+orders, e.g.:
+  query = article.all().search('a search query').filter(...).order(...)
+  for result in query:
+    ...
+The full text index is stored in a property named __searchable_text_index.
+In general, if you just want to provide full text search, you *don't* need to
+add any extra indexes to your index.yaml. However, if you want to use search()
+in a query *in addition to* an ancestor, filter, or sort order, you'll need to
+create an index in index.yaml with the __searchable_text_index property. For
+  - kind: Article
+    properties:
+    - name: __searchable_text_index
+    - name: date
+      direction: desc
+    ...
+Note that using SearchableModel will noticeable increase the latency of save()
+operations, since it writes an index row for each indexable word. This also
+means that the latency of save() will increase roughly with the size of the
+properties in a given entity. Caveat hacker!
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+from google.appengine.api import datastore
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
+class SearchableEntity(datastore.Entity):
+  """A subclass of datastore.Entity that supports full text indexing.
+  Automatically indexes all string and Text properties, using the datastore's
+  built-in per-property indices. To search, use the SearchableQuery class and
+  its Search() method.
+  """
+  _FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY = '__searchable_text_index'
+  _FULL_TEXT_STOP_WORDS = frozenset([
+   'a', 'about', 'according', 'accordingly', 'affected', 'affecting', 'after',
+   'again', 'against', 'all', 'almost', 'already', 'also', 'although',
+   'always', 'am', 'among', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'anyone', 'apparently', 'are',
+   'arise', 'as', 'aside', 'at', 'away', 'be', 'became', 'because', 'become',
+   'becomes', 'been', 'before', 'being', 'between', 'both', 'briefly', 'but',
+   'by', 'came', 'can', 'cannot', 'certain', 'certainly', 'could', 'did', 'do',
+   'does', 'done', 'during', 'each', 'either', 'else', 'etc', 'ever', 'every',
+   'following', 'for', 'found', 'from', 'further', 'gave', 'gets', 'give',
+   'given', 'giving', 'gone', 'got', 'had', 'hardly', 'has', 'have', 'having',
+   'here', 'how', 'however', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'into', 'is', 'it', 'itself',
+   'just', 'keep', 'kept', 'knowledge', 'largely', 'like', 'made', 'mainly',
+   'make', 'many', 'might', 'more', 'most', 'mostly', 'much', 'must', 'nearly',
+   'necessarily', 'neither', 'next', 'no', 'none', 'nor', 'normally', 'not',
+   'noted', 'now', 'obtain', 'obtained', 'of', 'often', 'on', 'only', 'or',
+   'other', 'our', 'out', 'owing', 'particularly', 'past', 'perhaps', 'please',
+   'poorly', 'possible', 'possibly', 'potentially', 'predominantly', 'present',
+   'previously', 'primarily', 'probably', 'prompt', 'promptly', 'put',
+   'quickly', 'quite', 'rather', 'readily', 'really', 'recently', 'regarding',
+   'regardless', 'relatively', 'respectively', 'resulted', 'resulting',
+   'results', 'said', 'same', 'seem', 'seen', 'several', 'shall', 'should',
+   'show', 'showed', 'shown', 'shows', 'significantly', 'similar', 'similarly',
+   'since', 'slightly', 'so', 'some', 'sometime', 'somewhat', 'soon',
+   'specifically', 'state', 'states', 'strongly', 'substantially',
+   'successfully', 'such', 'sufficiently', 'than', 'that', 'the', 'their',
+   'theirs', 'them', 'then', 'there', 'therefore', 'these', 'they', 'this',
+   'those', 'though', 'through', 'throughout', 'to', 'too', 'toward', 'under',
+   'unless', 'until', 'up', 'upon', 'use', 'used', 'usefully', 'usefulness',
+   'using', 'usually', 'various', 'very', 'was', 'we', 'were', 'what', 'when',
+   'where', 'whether', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'whose', 'why', 'widely',
+   'will', 'with', 'within', 'without', 'would', 'yet', 'you'])
+  _PUNCTUATION_REGEX = re.compile('[' + re.escape(string.punctuation) + ']')
+  def __init__(self, kind_or_entity, *args, **kwargs):
+    """Constructor. May be called as a copy constructor.
+    If kind_or_entity is a datastore.Entity, copies it into this Entity.
+    datastore.Get() and Query() returns instances of datastore.Entity, so this
+    is useful for converting them back to SearchableEntity so that they'll be
+    indexed when they're stored back in the datastore.
+    Otherwise, passes through the positional and keyword args to the
+    datastore.Entity constructor.
+    Args:
+      kind_or_entity: string or datastore.Entity
+    """
+    if isinstance(kind_or_entity, datastore.Entity):
+      self._Entity__key = kind_or_entity._Entity__key
+      self.update(kind_or_entity)
+    else:
+      super(SearchableEntity, self).__init__(kind_or_entity, *args, **kwargs)
+  def _ToPb(self):
+    """Rebuilds the full text index, then delegates to the superclass.
+    Returns:
+      entity_pb.Entity
+    """
+    if SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY in self:
+      del self[SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY]
+    index = set()
+    for (name, values) in self.items():
+      if not isinstance(values, list):
+        values = [values]
+      if (isinstance(values[0], basestring) and
+          not isinstance(values[0], datastore_types.Blob)):
+        for value in values:
+          index.update(SearchableEntity._FullTextIndex(value))
+    index_list = list(index)
+    if index_list:
+      self[SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY] = index_list
+    return super(SearchableEntity, self)._ToPb()
+  @classmethod
+  def _FullTextIndex(cls, text):
+    """Returns a set of keywords appropriate for full text indexing.
+    See SearchableQuery.Search() for details.
+    Args:
+      text: string
+    Returns:
+      set of strings
+    """
+    if text:
+      datastore_types.ValidateString(text, 'text', max_len=sys.maxint)
+      text = cls._PUNCTUATION_REGEX.sub(' ', text)
+      words = text.lower().split()
+      words = set(words)
+      words -= cls._FULL_TEXT_STOP_WORDS
+      for word in list(words):
+        if len(word) < cls._FULL_TEXT_MIN_LENGTH:
+          words.remove(word)
+    else:
+      words = set()
+    return words
+class SearchableQuery(datastore.Query):
+  """A subclass of datastore.Query that supports full text search.
+  Only searches over entities that were created and stored using the
+  SearchableEntity or SearchableModel classes.
+  """
+  def Search(self, search_query):
+    """Add a search query. This may be combined with filters.
+    Note that keywords in the search query will be silently dropped if they
+    are stop words or too short, ie if they wouldn't be indexed.
+    Args:
+     search_query: string
+    Returns:
+      # this query
+      SearchableQuery
+    """
+    datastore_types.ValidateString(search_query, 'search query')
+    self._search_query = search_query
+    return self
+  def _ToPb(self, limit=None, offset=None):
+    """Adds filters for the search query, then delegates to the superclass.
+    Raises BadFilterError if a filter on the index property already exists.
+    Args:
+      # an upper bound on the number of results returned by the query.
+      limit: int
+      # number of results that match the query to skip.  limit is applied
+      # after the offset is fulfilled.
+      offset: int
+    Returns:
+      datastore_pb.Query
+    """
+    if SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY in self:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadFilterError(
+        '%s is a reserved name.' % SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY)
+    pb = super(SearchableQuery, self)._ToPb(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+    if hasattr(self, '_search_query'):
+      keywords = SearchableEntity._FullTextIndex(self._search_query)
+      for keyword in keywords:
+        filter = pb.add_filter()
+        filter.set_op(datastore_pb.Query_Filter.EQUAL)
+        prop = filter.add_property()
+        prop.set_name(SearchableEntity._FULL_TEXT_INDEX_PROPERTY)
+        prop.mutable_value().set_stringvalue(keyword)
+    return pb
+class SearchableModel(db.Model):
+  """A subclass of db.Model that supports full text search and indexing.
+  Automatically indexes all string-based properties. To search, use the all()
+  method to get a SearchableModel.Query, then use its search() method.
+  """
+  class Query(db.Query):
+    """A subclass of db.Query that supports full text search."""
+    _search_query = None
+    def search(self, search_query):
+      """Adds a full text search to this query.
+      Args:
+        search_query, a string containing the full text search query.
+      Returns:
+        self
+      """
+      self._search_query = search_query
+      return self
+    def _get_query(self):
+      """Wraps db.Query._get_query() and injects SearchableQuery."""
+      query = db.Query._get_query(self, _query_class=SearchableQuery)
+      if self._search_query:
+        query.Search(self._search_query)
+      return query
+  def _populate_internal_entity(self):
+    """Wraps db.Model._populate_internal_entity() and injects
+    SearchableEntity."""
+    return db.Model._populate_internal_entity(self,
+                                              _entity_class=SearchableEntity)
+  @classmethod
+  def from_entity(cls, entity):
+    """Wraps db.Model.from_entity() and injects SearchableEntity."""
+    if not isinstance(entity, SearchableEntity):
+      entity = SearchableEntity(entity)
+    return super(SearchableModel, cls).from_entity(entity)
+  @classmethod
+  def all(cls):
+    """Returns a SearchableModel.Query for this kind."""
+    return SearchableModel.Query(cls)