changeset 109 620f9b141567
child 686 df109be0567c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/datastore/	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Primitives for dealing with datastore indexes.
+Example index.yaml file:
+- kind: Cat
+  ancestor: no
+  properties:
+  - name: name
+  - name: age
+    direction: desc
+- kind: Cat
+  properties:
+  - name: name
+    direction: ascending
+  - name: whiskers
+    direction: descending
+- kind: Store
+  ancestor: yes
+  properties:
+  - name: business
+    direction: asc
+  - name: owner
+    direction: asc
+from google.appengine.api import validation
+from google.appengine.api import yaml_errors
+from google.appengine.api import yaml_object
+from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
+class Property(validation.Validated):
+  """Representation for an individual property of an index.
+  Attributes:
+    name: Name of attribute to sort by.
+    direction: Direction of sort.
+  """
+      'name': validation.TYPE_STR,
+      'direction': validation.Options(('asc', ('ascending',)),
+                                      ('desc', ('descending',)),
+                                      default='asc'),
+      }
+class Index(validation.Validated):
+  """Individual index definition.
+  Order of the properties properties determins a given indixes sort priority.
+  Attributes:
+    kind: Datastore kind that index belongs to.
+    ancestors: Include ancestors in index.
+    properties: Properties to sort on.
+  """
+      'kind': validation.TYPE_STR,
+      'ancestor': validation.Type(bool, default=False),
+      'properties': validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(Property)),
+      }
+class IndexDefinitions(validation.Validated):
+  """Top level for index definition file.
+  Attributes:
+    indexes: List of Index definitions.
+  """
+      'indexes': validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(Index)),
+      }
+def ParseIndexDefinitions(document):
+  """Parse an individual index definitions document from string or stream.
+  Args:
+    document: Yaml document as a string or file-like stream.
+  Raises:
+    EmptyConfigurationFile when the configuration file is empty.
+    MultipleConfigurationFile when the configuration file contains more than
+    one document.
+  Returns:
+    Single parsed yaml file if one is defined, else None.
+  """
+  try:
+    return yaml_object.BuildSingleObject(IndexDefinitions, document)
+  except yaml_errors.EmptyConfigurationFile:
+    return None
+def ParseMultipleIndexDefinitions(document):
+  """Parse multiple index definitions documents from a string or stream.
+  Args:
+    document: Yaml document as a string or file-like stream.
+  Returns:
+    A list of datstore_index.IndexDefinitions objects, one for each document.
+  """
+  return yaml_object.BuildObjects(IndexDefinitions, document)
+def IndexDefinitionsToKeys(indexes):
+  """Convert IndexDefinitions to set of keys.
+  Args:
+    indexes: A datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance, or None.
+  Returns:
+    A set of keys constructed from the argument, each key being a
+    tuple of the form (kind, ancestor, properties) where properties is
+    a tuple of (name, direction) pairs, direction being ASCENDING or
+    DESCENDING (the enums).
+  """
+  keyset = set()
+  if indexes is not None:
+    if indexes.indexes:
+      for index in indexes.indexes:
+        keyset.add(IndexToKey(index))
+  return keyset
+def IndexToKey(index):
+  """Convert Index to key.
+  Args:
+    index: A datastore_index.Index instance (not None!).
+  Returns:
+    A tuple of the form (kind, ancestor, properties) where properties
+    is a tuple of (name, direction) pairs, direction being ASCENDING
+    or DESCENDING (the enums).
+  """
+  props = []
+  if is not None:
+    for prop in
+      if prop.direction == 'asc':
+        direction = ASCENDING
+      else:
+        direction = DESCENDING
+      props.append((, direction))
+  return index.kind, index.ancestor, tuple(props)
+ASCENDING = datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING
+DESCENDING = datastore_pb.Query_Order.DESCENDING
+EQUALITY_OPERATORS = set((datastore_pb.Query_Filter.EQUAL,
+                          ))
+INEQUALITY_OPERATORS = set((datastore_pb.Query_Filter.LESS_THAN,
+                            datastore_pb.Query_Filter.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
+                            datastore_pb.Query_Filter.GREATER_THAN,
+                            datastore_pb.Query_Filter.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
+                            ))
+EXISTS_OPERATORS = set((datastore_pb.Query_Filter.EXISTS,
+                        ))
+def CompositeIndexForQuery(query):
+  """Return the composite index needed for a query.
+  A query is translated into a tuple, as follows:
+  - The first item is the kind string, or None if we're not filtering
+    on kind (see below).
+  - The second item is a bool giving whether the query specifies an
+    ancestor.
+  - After that come (property, ASCENDING) pairs for those Filter
+    entries whose operator is EQUAL or IN.  Since the order of these
+    doesn't matter, they are sorted by property name to normalize them
+    in order to avoid duplicates.
+  - After that comes at most one (property, ASCENDING) pair for a
+    Filter entry whose operator is on of the four inequalities.  There
+    can be at most one of these.
+  - After that come all the (property, direction) pairs for the Order
+    entries, in the order given in the query.  Exceptions: (a) if
+    there is a Filter entry with an inequality operator that matches
+    the first Order entry, the first order pair is omitted (or,
+    equivalently, in this case the inequality pair is omitted); (b) if
+    an Order entry corresponds to an equality filter, it is ignored
+    (since there will only ever be one value returned).
+  - Finally, if there are Filter entries whose operator is EXISTS, and
+    whose property names are not already listed, they are added, with
+    the direction set to ASCENDING.
+  This algorithm should consume all Filter and Order entries.
+  Additional notes:
+  - The low-level implementation allows queries that don't specify a
+    kind; but the Python API doesn't support this yet.
+  - If there's an inequality filter and one or more sort orders, the
+    first sort order *must* match the inequality filter.
+  - The following indexes are always built in and should be suppressed:
+    - query on kind only;
+    - query on kind and one filter *or* one order;
+    - query on ancestor only, without kind (not exposed in Python yet);
+    - query on kind and equality filters only, no order (with or without
+      ancestor).
+  - While the protocol buffer allows a Filter to contain multiple
+    properties, we don't use this.  It is only needed for the IN operator
+    but this is (currently) handled on the client side, so in practice
+    each Filter is expected to have exactly one property.
+  Args:
+    query: A datastore_pb.Query instance.
+  Returns:
+    None if no composite index is needed for this query.  Otherwise,
+    a tuple of the form (kind, ancestor, (prop1, prop2, ...), neq) where:
+      kind: the kind or None;
+      ancestor: True if this is an ancestor query;
+      prop1, prop2, ...: tuples of the form (name, direction) where:
+        name: a property name;
+        direction: datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING or ...DESCENDING;
+      neq: the number of prop tuples corresponding to equality filters.
+  """
+  kind = query.kind()
+  ancestor = query.has_ancestor()
+  filters = query.filter_list()
+  orders = query.order_list()
+  for filter in filters:
+    assert filter.op() != datastore_pb.Query_Filter.IN, 'Filter.op()==IN'
+    nprops = len(filter.property_list())
+    assert nprops == 1, 'Filter has %s properties, expected 1' % nprops
+  if ancestor and not kind and not filters and not orders:
+    return None
+  eq_filters = [f for f in filters if f.op() in EQUALITY_OPERATORS]
+  ineq_filters = [f for f in filters if f.op() in INEQUALITY_OPERATORS]
+  exists_filters = [f for f in filters if f.op() in EXISTS_OPERATORS]
+  assert (len(eq_filters) + len(ineq_filters) +
+          len(exists_filters)) == len(filters), 'Not all filters used'
+  if (kind and eq_filters and not ineq_filters and not exists_filters and
+      not orders):
+    return None
+  ineq_property = None
+  if ineq_filters:
+    ineq_property = ineq_filters[0].property(0).name()
+    for filter in ineq_filters:
+      assert == ineq_property
+  new_orders = []
+  for order in orders:
+    name =
+    for filter in eq_filters:
+      if == name:
+        break
+    else:
+      new_orders.append(order)
+  orders = new_orders
+  props = []
+  for f in eq_filters:
+    prop =
+    props.append((, ASCENDING))
+  props.sort()
+  if ineq_property:
+    if orders:
+      assert ineq_property == orders[0].property()
+    else:
+      props.append((ineq_property, ASCENDING))
+  for order in orders:
+    props.append((, order.direction()))
+  for filter in exists_filters:
+    prop =
+    prop_name =
+    for name, direction in props:
+      if name == prop_name:
+        break
+    else:
+      props.append((prop_name, ASCENDING))
+  if (kind and not ancestor and
+      (not props or (len(props) == 1 and props[0][1] == ASCENDING))):
+    return None
+  unique_names = set(name for name, dir in props)
+  if len(props) > 1 and len(unique_names) == 1:
+    return None
+  return (kind, ancestor, tuple(props), len(eq_filters))
+def IndexYamlForQuery(kind, ancestor, props):
+  """Return the composite index definition YAML needed for a query.
+  The arguments are the same as the tuples returned by CompositeIndexForQuery,
+  without the last neq element.
+  Args:
+    kind: the kind or None
+    ancestor: True if this is an ancestor query, False otherwise
+    prop1, prop2, ...: tuples of the form (name, direction) where:
+        name: a property name;
+        direction: datastore_pb.Query_Order.ASCENDING or ...DESCENDING;
+  Returns:
+    A string with the YAML for the composite index needed by the query.
+  """
+  yaml = []
+  yaml.append('- kind: %s' % kind)
+  if ancestor:
+    yaml.append('  ancestor: yes')
+  if props:
+    yaml.append('  properties:')
+    for name, direction in props:
+      yaml.append('  - name: %s' % name)
+      if direction == DESCENDING:
+        yaml.append('    direction: desc')
+  return '\n'.join(yaml)