changeset 109 620f9b141567
child 149 f2e327a7c5de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Stub version of the urlfetch API, based on httplib."""
+import httplib
+import logging
+import socket
+import urlparse
+from google.appengine.api import urlfetch_errors
+from google.appengine.api import urlfetch_service_pb
+from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
+REDIRECT_STATUSES = frozenset([
+  httplib.FOUND,
+  httplib.SEE_OTHER,
+class URLFetchServiceStub(object):
+  """Stub version of the urlfetch API to be used with apiproxy_stub_map."""
+  def MakeSyncCall(self, service, call, request, response):
+    """The main RPC entry point.
+    Arg:
+      service: Must be 'urlfetch'.
+      call: A string representing the rpc to make.  Must be part of
+        URLFetchService.
+      request: A protocol buffer of the type corresponding to 'call'.
+      response: A protocol buffer of the type corresponding to 'call'.
+    """
+    assert service == 'urlfetch'
+    assert request.IsInitialized()
+    attr = getattr(self, '_Dynamic_' + call)
+    attr(request, response)
+  def _Dynamic_Fetch(self, request, response):
+    """Trivial implementation of URLFetchService::Fetch().
+    Args:
+      request: the fetch to perform, a URLFetchRequest
+      response: the fetch response, a URLFetchResponse
+    """
+    (protocol, host, path, parameters, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(request.url())
+    payload = ''
+    if request.method() == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.GET:
+      method = 'GET'
+    elif request.method() == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.POST:
+      method = 'POST'
+      payload = request.payload()
+    elif request.method() == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.HEAD:
+      method = 'HEAD'
+    elif request.method() == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.PUT:
+      method = 'PUT'
+      payload = request.payload()
+    elif request.method() == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.DELETE:
+      method = 'DELETE'
+    else:
+      logging.error('Invalid method: %s', request.method())
+      raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+        urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR)
+    if not (protocol == 'http' or protocol == 'https'):
+      logging.error('Invalid protocol: %s', protocol)
+      raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+        urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.INVALID_URL)
+    self._RetrieveURL(request.url(), payload, method,
+                      request.header_list(), response)
+  def _RetrieveURL(self, url, payload, method, headers, response):
+    """Retrieves a URL.
+    Args:
+      url: String containing the URL to access.
+      payload: Request payload to send, if any.
+      method: HTTP method to use (e.g., 'GET')
+      headers: List of additional header objects to use for the request.
+      response: Response object
+    Raises:
+      Raises an apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError exception with FETCH_ERROR
+      in cases where:
+        - MAX_REDIRECTS is exceeded
+        - The protocol of the redirected URL is bad or missing.
+    """
+    last_protocol = ''
+    last_host = ''
+    for redirect_number in xrange(MAX_REDIRECTS + 1):
+      (protocol, host, path, parameters, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+      if host == '' and protocol == '':
+        host = last_host
+        protocol = last_protocol
+      adjusted_headers = {
+        'Content-Length': len(payload),
+        'Host': host,
+        'Accept': '*/*',
+      }
+      if method == 'POST' and payload:
+        adjusted_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+      for header in headers:
+        adjusted_headers[header.key().title()] = header.value()
+      logging.debug('Making HTTP request: host = %s, '
+                    'url = %s, payload = %s, headers = %s',
+                    host, url, payload, adjusted_headers)
+      try:
+        if protocol == 'http':
+          connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
+        elif protocol == 'https':
+          connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
+        else:
+          error_msg = 'Redirect specified invalid protocol: "%s"' % protocol
+          logging.error(error_msg)
+          raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+              urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.FETCH_ERROR, error_msg)
+        last_protocol = protocol
+        last_host = host
+        if query != '':
+          full_path = path + '?' + query
+        else:
+          full_path = path
+        try:
+          connection.request(method, full_path, payload, adjusted_headers)
+          http_response = connection.getresponse()
+          http_response_data =
+        finally:
+          connection.close()
+      except (httplib.error, socket.error, IOError), e:
+        raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+          urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.FETCH_ERROR, str(e))
+      if http_response.status in REDIRECT_STATUSES:
+        url = http_response.getheader('Location', None)
+        if url is None:
+          error_msg = 'Redirecting response was missing "Location" header'
+          logging.error(error_msg)
+          raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+              urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.FETCH_ERROR, error_msg)
+        else:
+          method = 'GET'
+      else:
+        response.set_statuscode(http_response.status)
+        response.set_content(http_response_data[:MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE])
+        for header_key, header_value in http_response.getheaders():
+          header_proto = response.add_header()
+          header_proto.set_key(header_key)
+          header_proto.set_value(header_value)
+        if len(http_response_data) > MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE:
+          response.set_contentwastruncated(True)
+        break
+    else:
+      error_msg = 'Too many repeated redirects'
+      logging.error(error_msg)
+      raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError(
+          urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.FETCH_ERROR, error_msg)