changeset 109 620f9b141567
child 149 f2e327a7c5de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Higher-level, semantic data types for the datastore. These types
+are expected to be set as attributes of Entities.  See "Supported Data Types"
+in the API Guide.
+Most of these types are based on XML elements from Atom and GData elements
+from the atom and gd namespaces. For more information, see:
+The namespace schemas are:
+import base64
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import time
+import urlparse
+from xml.sax import saxutils
+from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
+from google.appengine.api import users
+from import ProtocolBuffer
+from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb
+_LOCAL_APP_ID = u':self'
+RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME = re.compile('^__.*__$');
+class UtcTzinfo(datetime.tzinfo):
+  def utcoffset(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0)
+  def dst(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0)
+  def tzname(self, dt): return 'UTC'
+  def __repr__(self): return 'datastore_types.UTC'
+UTC = UtcTzinfo()
+def typename(obj):
+  """Returns the type of obj as a string. More descriptive and specific than
+  type(obj), and safe for any object, unlike __class__."""
+  if hasattr(obj, '__class__'):
+    return getattr(obj, '__class__').__name__
+  else:
+    return type(obj).__name__
+def ValidateString(value, name='Value',
+                   exception=datastore_errors.BadValueError,
+                   max_len=_MAX_STRING_LENGTH):
+  """Raises an exception if value is not a valid string or a subclass thereof.
+  A string is valid if it's not empty, no more than _MAX_STRING_LENGTH bytes,
+  and not a Blob. The exception type can be specified with the exception
+  argument; it defaults to BadValueError.
+  Args:
+    value: the value to validate.
+    name: the name of this value; used in the exception message.
+    exception: the type of exception to raise.
+    max_len: the maximum allowed length, in bytes
+  """
+  if not isinstance(value, basestring) or isinstance(value, Blob):
+    raise exception('%s should be a string; received %s (a %s):' %
+                    (name, value, typename(value)))
+  elif value == '':
+    raise exception('%s must not be empty.' % name)
+  elif len(value.encode('utf-8')) > max_len:
+    raise exception('%s must be under %d bytes.' % (name, max_len))
+class Key(object):
+  """The primary key for a datastore entity.
+  A datastore GUID. A Key instance uniquely identifies an entity across all
+  apps, and includes all information necessary to fetch the entity from the
+  datastore with Get().
+  Key implements __hash__, and key instances are immutable, so Keys may be
+  used in sets and as dictionary keys.
+  """
+  __reference = None
+  def __init__(self, encoded=None):
+    """Constructor. Creates a Key from a string.
+    Args:
+      # a base64-encoded primary key, generated by Key.__str__
+      encoded: str
+    """
+    if encoded is not None:
+      if not isinstance(encoded, basestring):
+        try:
+          repr_encoded = repr(encoded)
+        except:
+          repr_encoded = "<couldn't encode>"
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'Key() expects a string; received %s (a %s).' %
+          (repr_encoded, typename(encoded)))
+      try:
+        modulo = len(encoded) % 4
+        if modulo != 0:
+          encoded += ('=' * (4 - modulo))
+        encoded_pb = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(encoded))
+        self.__reference = entity_pb.Reference(encoded_pb)
+        assert self.__reference.IsInitialized()
+      except (AssertionError, TypeError), e:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError(
+          'Invalid string key %s. Details: %s' % (encoded, e))
+      except Exception, e:
+        if e.__class__.__name__ == 'ProtocolBufferDecodeError':
+          raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError('Invalid string key %s.' % encoded)
+        else:
+          raise
+    else:
+      self.__reference = entity_pb.Reference()
+  @staticmethod
+  def from_path(*args, **kwds):
+    """Static method to construct a Key out of a "path" (kind, id or name, ...).
+    This is useful when an application wants to use just the id or name portion
+    of a key in e.g. a URL, where the rest of the URL provides enough context to
+    fill in the rest, i.e. the app id (always implicit), the entity kind, and
+    possibly an ancestor key. Since ids and names are usually small, they're
+    more attractive for use in end-user-visible URLs than the full string
+    representation of a key.
+    Args:
+      kind: the entity kind (a str or unicode instance)
+      id_or_name: the id (an int or long) or name (a str or unicode instance)
+    Additional positional arguments are allowed and should be
+    alternating kind and id/name.
+    Keyword args:
+      parent: optional parent Key; default None.
+    Returns:
+      A new Key instance whose .kind() and .id() or .name() methods return
+      the *last* kind and id or name positional arguments passed.
+    Raises:
+      BadArgumentError for invalid arguments.
+      BadKeyError if the parent key is incomplete.
+    """
+    parent = kwds.pop('parent', None)
+    _app = kwds.pop('_app', None)
+    if kwds:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'Excess keyword arguments ' + repr(kwds))
+    if not args or len(args) % 2:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'A non-zero even number of positional arguments is required '
+          '(kind, id or name, kind, id or name, ...); received %s' % repr(args))
+    if _app is not None:
+      if not isinstance(_app, basestring):
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'Expected a string _app; received %r (a %s).' %
+          (_app, typename(_app)))
+    if parent is not None:
+      if not isinstance(parent, Key):
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Expected None or a Key as parent; received %r (a %s).' %
+            (parent, typename(parent)))
+      if not parent.has_id_or_name():
+        raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError(
+            'The parent Key is incomplete.')
+      if _app is not None and _app !=
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'The _app argument (%r) should match (%s)' %
+            (_app,
+    key = Key()
+    ref = key.__reference
+    if parent is not None:
+      ref.CopyFrom(parent.__reference)
+    elif _app is not None:
+      ref.set_app(_app)
+    else:
+      ref.set_app(_LOCAL_APP_ID)
+    path = ref.mutable_path()
+    for i in xrange(0, len(args), 2):
+      kind, id_or_name = args[i:i+2]
+      if isinstance(kind, basestring):
+        kind = kind.encode('utf-8')
+      else:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Expected a string kind as argument %d; received %r (a %s).' %
+            (i + 1, kind, typename(kind)))
+      elem = path.add_element()
+      elem.set_type(kind)
+      if isinstance(id_or_name, (int, long)):
+        elem.set_id(id_or_name)
+      elif isinstance(id_or_name, basestring):
+        ValidateString(id_or_name, 'name')
+        if id_or_name and id_or_name[0] in string.digits:
+          raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Names may not begin with a digit; received %s.' % id_or_name)
+        elem.set_name(id_or_name.encode('utf-8'))
+      else:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Expected an integer id or string name as argument %d; '
+            'received %r (a %s).' % (i + 2, id_or_name, typename(id_or_name)))
+    assert ref.IsInitialized()
+    return key
+  def app(self):
+    """Returns this entity's app id, a string."""
+    if
+      return'utf-8')
+    else:
+      return None
+  def kind(self):
+    """Returns this entity's kind, as a string."""
+    if self.__reference.path().element_size() > 0:
+      encoded = self.__reference.path().element_list()[-1].type()
+      return unicode(encoded.decode('utf-8'))
+    else:
+      return None
+  def id(self):
+    """Returns this entity's id, or None if it doesn't have one."""
+    elems = self.__reference.path().element_list()
+    if elems and elems[-1].has_id() and elems[-1].id():
+      return elems[-1].id()
+    else:
+      return None
+  def name(self):
+    """Returns this entity's name, or None if it doesn't have one."""
+    elems = self.__reference.path().element_list()
+    if elems and elems[-1].has_name() and elems[-1].name():
+      return elems[-1].name().decode('utf-8')
+    else:
+      return None
+  def id_or_name(self):
+    """Returns this entity's id or name, whichever it has, or None."""
+    if is not None:
+      return
+    else:
+      return
+  def has_id_or_name(self):
+    """Returns True if this entity has an id or name, False otherwise.
+    """
+    return self.id_or_name() is not None
+  def parent(self):
+    """Returns this entity's parent, as a Key. If this entity has no parent,
+    returns None."""
+    if self.__reference.path().element_size() > 1:
+      parent = Key()
+      parent.__reference.CopyFrom(self.__reference)
+      parent.__reference.path().element_list().pop()
+      return parent
+    else:
+      return None
+  def ToTagUri(self):
+    """Returns a tag: URI for this entity for use in XML output.
+    Foreign keys for entities may be represented in XML output as tag URIs.
+    RFC 4151 describes the tag URI scheme. From
+      The tag algorithm lets people mint - create - identifiers that no one
+      else using the same algorithm could ever mint. It is simple enough to do
+      in your head, and the resulting identifiers can be easy to read, write,
+      and remember. The identifiers conform to the URI (URL) Syntax.
+    Tag URIs for entities use the app's auth domain and the date that the URI
+     is generated. The namespace-specific part is <kind>[<key>].
+    For example, here is the tag URI for a Kitten with the key "Fluffy" in the
+    catsinsinks app:
+    Raises a BadKeyError if this entity's key is incomplete.
+    """
+    if not self.has_id_or_name():
+      raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError(
+        'ToTagUri() called for an entity with an incomplete key.')
+    return u'tag:%s.%s,%s:%s[%s]' % (saxutils.escape(,
+                                     os.environ['AUTH_DOMAIN'],
+                           ,
+                                     saxutils.escape(self.kind()),
+                                     saxutils.escape(str(self)))
+  ToXml = ToTagUri
+  def entity_group(self):
+    """Returns this key's entity group as a Key.
+    Note that the returned Key will be incomplete if this Key is for a root
+    entity and it is incomplete.
+    """
+    group = Key._FromPb(self.__reference)
+    del group.__reference.path().element_list()[1:]
+    return group
+  @staticmethod
+  def _FromPb(pb):
+    """Static factory method. Creates a Key from an entity_pb.Reference.
+    Not intended to be used by application developers. Enforced by hiding the
+    entity_pb classes.
+    Args:
+      pb: entity_pb.Reference
+    """
+    if not isinstance(pb, entity_pb.Reference):
+      raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+        'Key constructor takes an entity_pb.Reference; received %s (a %s).' %
+        (pb, typename(pb)))
+    key = Key()
+    key.__reference = entity_pb.Reference()
+    key.__reference.CopyFrom(pb)
+    return key
+  def _ToPb(self):
+    """Converts this Key to its protocol buffer representation.
+    Not intended to be used by application developers. Enforced by hiding the
+    entity_pb classes.
+    Returns:
+      # the Reference PB representation of this Key
+      entity_pb.Reference
+    """
+    pb = entity_pb.Reference()
+    pb.CopyFrom(self.__reference)
+    if not self.has_id_or_name():
+      pb.mutable_path().element_list()[-1].set_id(0)
+    for pathelem in pb.path().element_list():
+      pathelem.type().decode('utf-8')
+    return pb
+  def __str__(self):
+    """Encodes this Key as an opaque string.
+    Returns a string representation of this key, suitable for use in HTML,
+    URLs, and other similar use cases. If the entity's key is incomplete,
+    raises a BadKeyError.
+    Unfortunately, this string encoding isn't particularly compact, and its
+    length varies with the length of the path. If you want a shorter identifier
+    and you know the kind and parent (if any) ahead of time, consider using just
+    the entity's id or name.
+    Returns:
+      string
+    """
+    if (self.has_id_or_name()):
+      encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.__reference.Encode())
+      return encoded.replace('=', '')
+    else:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError(
+        'Cannot string encode an incomplete key!\n%s' % self.__reference)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    """Returns an eval()able string representation of this key.
+    Returns a Python string of the form 'datastore_types.Key.from_path(...)'
+    that can be used to recreate this key.
+    Returns:
+      string
+    """
+    args = []
+    for elem in self.__reference.path().element_list():
+      args.append(repr(elem.type()))
+      if elem.has_name():
+        args.append(repr('utf-8')))
+      else:
+        args.append(repr(
+    args.append('_app=%r' %'utf-8'))
+    return u'datastore_types.Key.from_path(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
+  def __cmp__(self, other):
+    """Returns negative, zero, or positive when comparing two keys.
+    TODO(ryanb): for API v2, we should change this to make incomplete keys, ie
+    keys without an id or name, not equal to any other keys.
+    Args:
+      other: Key to compare to.
+    Returns:
+      Negative if self is less than "other"
+      Zero if "other" is equal to self
+      Positive if self is greater than "other"
+    """
+    if not isinstance(other, Key):
+      return -2
+    self_args = []
+    other_args = []
+    if ( in (_LOCAL_APP_ID, None) or
+ in (_LOCAL_APP_ID, None)):
+      pass
+    else:
+      self_args.append('utf-8'))
+      other_args.append('utf-8'))
+    for elem in self.__reference.path().element_list():
+      self_args.append(repr(elem.type()))
+      if elem.has_name():
+        self_args.append(repr('utf-8')))
+      else:
+        self_args.append(
+    for elem in other.__reference.path().element_list():
+      other_args.append(repr(elem.type()))
+      if elem.has_name():
+        other_args.append(repr('utf-8')))
+      else:
+        other_args.append(
+    result = cmp(self_args, other_args)
+    return result
+  def __hash__(self):
+    """Returns a 32-bit integer hash of this key.
+    Implements Python's hash protocol so that Keys may be used in sets and as
+    dictionary keys.
+    Returns:
+      int
+    """
+    return hash(self.__str__())
+class Category(unicode):
+  """A tag, ie a descriptive word or phrase. Entities may be tagged by users,
+  and later returned by a queries for that tag. Tags can also be used for
+  ranking results (frequency), photo captions, clustering, activity, etc.
+  Here's a more in-depth description:
+  This is the Atom "category" element. In XML output, the tag is provided as
+  the term attribute. See:
+  Raises BadValueError if tag is not a string or subtype.
+  """
+  TERM = 'user-tag'
+  def __init__(self, tag):
+    super(Category, self).__init__(self, tag)
+    ValidateString(tag, 'tag')
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<category term="%s" label=%s />' % (Category.TERM,
+                                                 saxutils.quoteattr(self))
+class Link(unicode):
+  """A fully qualified URL. Usually http: scheme, but may also be file:, ftp:,
+  news:, among others.
+  If you have email (mailto:) or instant messaging (aim:, xmpp:) links,
+  consider using the Email or IM classes instead.
+  This is the Atom "link" element. In XML output, the link is provided as the
+  href attribute. See:
+  Raises BadValueError if link is not a fully qualified, well-formed URL.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, link):
+    super(Link, self).__init__(self, link)
+    ValidateString(link, 'link', max_len=_MAX_LINK_PROPERTY_LENGTH)
+    scheme, domain, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(link)
+    if (not scheme or (scheme != 'file' and not domain) or
+                      (scheme == 'file' and not path)):
+      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('Invalid URL: %s' % link)
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<link href=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self)
+class Email(unicode):
+  """An RFC2822 email address. Makes no attempt at validation; apart from
+  checking MX records, email address validation is a rathole.
+  This is the gd:email element. In XML output, the email address is provided as
+  the address attribute. See:
+  Raises BadValueError if email is not a valid email address.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, email):
+    super(Email, self).__init__(self, email)
+    ValidateString(email, 'email')
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<gd:email address=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self)
+class GeoPt(object):
+  """A geographical point, specified by floating-point latitude and longitude
+  coordinates. Often used to integrate with mapping sites like Google Maps.
+  May also be used as ICBM coordinates.
+  This is the georss:point element. In XML output, the coordinates are
+  provided as the lat and lon attributes. See:
+  Serializes to '<lat>,<lon>'. Raises BadValueError if it's passed an invalid
+  serialized string, or if lat and lon are not valid floating points in the
+  ranges [-90, 90] and [-180, 180], respectively.
+  """
+  lat = None
+  lon = None
+  def __init__(self, lat, lon=None):
+    if lon is None:
+      try:
+        split = lat.split(',')
+        lat, lon = split
+      except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+          'Expected a "lat,long" formatted string; received %s (a %s).' %
+          (lat, typename(lat)))
+    try:
+      lat = float(lat)
+      lon = float(lon)
+      if abs(lat) > 90:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+          'Latitude must be between -90 and 90; received %f' % lat)
+      if abs(lon) > 180:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+          'Longitude must be between -180 and 180; received %f' % lon)
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+        'Expected floats for lat and long; received %s (a %s) and %s (a %s).' %
+        (lat, typename(lat), lon, typename(lon)))
+ = lat
+    self.lon = lon
+  def __cmp__(self, other):
+    if not isinstance(other, GeoPt):
+      try:
+        other = GeoPt(other)
+      except datastore_errors.BadValueError:
+        return NotImplemented
+    lat_cmp = cmp(,
+    if lat_cmp != 0:
+      return lat_cmp
+    else:
+      return cmp(self.lon, other.lon)
+  def __hash__(self):
+    """Returns a 32-bit integer hash of this point.
+    Implements Python's hash protocol so that GeoPts may be used in sets and
+    as dictionary keys.
+    Returns:
+      int
+    """
+    return hash((, self.lon))
+  def __repr__(self):
+    """Returns an eval()able string representation of this GeoPt.
+    The returned string is of the form 'datastore_types.GeoPt([lat], [lon])'.
+    Returns:
+      string
+    """
+    return 'datastore_types.GeoPt(%r, %r)' % (, self.lon)
+  def __unicode__(self):
+    return u'%s,%s' % (unicode(, unicode(self.lon))
+  __str__ = __unicode__
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<georss:point>%s %s</georss:point>' % (unicode(,
+                                                    unicode(self.lon))
+class IM(object):
+  """An instant messaging handle. Includes both an address and its protocol.
+  The protocol value is either a standard IM scheme or a URL identifying the
+  IM network for the protocol. Possible values include:
+    Value                           Description
+    sip                             SIP/SIMPLE
+    unknown                         Unknown or unspecified
+    xmpp                            XMPP/Jabber
+                 AIM
+                 ICQ
+         Google Talk
+       MSN Messenger
+     Yahoo Messenger
+            Lotus Sametime
+            Gadu-Gadu
+  This is the gd:im element. In XML output, the address and protocol are
+  provided as the address and protocol attributes, respectively. See:
+  Serializes to '<protocol> <address>'. Raises BadValueError if tag is not a
+  standard IM scheme or a URL.
+  """
+  PROTOCOLS = [ 'sip', 'unknown', 'xmpp' ]
+  protocol = None
+  address = None
+  def __init__(self, protocol, address=None):
+    if address is None:
+      try:
+        split = protocol.split(' ')
+        protocol, address = split
+      except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+          'Expected string of format "protocol address"; received %s' %
+          str(protocol))
+    ValidateString(address, 'address')
+    if protocol not in self.PROTOCOLS:
+      Link(protocol)
+    self.address = address
+    self.protocol = protocol
+  def __cmp__(self, other):
+    if not isinstance(other, IM):
+      try:
+        other = IM(other)
+      except datastore_errors.BadValueError:
+        return NotImplemented
+    return cmp((self.address, self.protocol),
+               (other.address, other.protocol))
+  def __repr__(self):
+    """Returns an eval()able string representation of this IM.
+    The returned string is of the form:
+      datastore_types.IM('address', 'protocol')
+    Returns:
+      string
+    """
+    return 'datastore_types.IM(%r, %r)' % (self.protocol, self.address)
+  def __unicode__(self):
+    return u'%s %s' % (self.protocol, self.address)
+  __str__ = __unicode__
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return (u'<gd:im protocol=%s address=%s />' %
+            (saxutils.quoteattr(self.protocol),
+             saxutils.quoteattr(self.address)))
+  def __len__(self):
+    return len(unicode(self))
+class PhoneNumber(unicode):
+  """A human-readable phone number or address.
+  No validation is performed. Phone numbers have many different formats -
+  local, long distance, domestic, international, internal extension, TTY,
+  VOIP, SMS, and alternative networks like Skype, XFire and Roger Wilco. They
+  all have their own numbering and addressing formats.
+  This is the gd:phoneNumber element. In XML output, the phone number is
+  provided as the text of the element. See:
+  Raises BadValueError if phone is not a string or subtype.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, phone):
+    super(PhoneNumber, self).__init__(self, phone)
+    ValidateString(phone, 'phone')
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<gd:phoneNumber>%s</gd:phoneNumber>' % saxutils.escape(self)
+class PostalAddress(unicode):
+  """A human-readable mailing address. Again, mailing address formats vary
+  widely, so no validation is performed.
+  This is the gd:postalAddress element. In XML output, the address is provided
+  as the text of the element. See:
+  Raises BadValueError if address is not a string or subtype.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, address):
+    super(PostalAddress, self).__init__(self, address)
+    ValidateString(address, 'address')
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return u'<gd:postalAddress>%s</gd:postalAddress>' % saxutils.escape(self)
+class Rating(long):
+  """A user-provided integer rating for a piece of content. Normalized to a
+  0-100 scale.
+  This is the gd:rating element. In XML output, the address is provided
+  as the text of the element. See:
+  Serializes to the decimal string representation of the rating. Raises
+  BadValueError if the rating is not an integer in the range [0, 100].
+  """
+  MIN = 0
+  MAX = 100
+  def __init__(self, rating):
+    super(Rating, self).__init__(self, rating)
+    if isinstance(rating, float) or isinstance(rating, complex):
+      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+        'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' %
+        (rating, typename(rating)))
+    try:
+      if long(rating) < Rating.MIN or long(rating) > Rating.MAX:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadValueError()
+    except ValueError:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+        'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' %
+        (rating, typename(rating)))
+  def ToXml(self):
+    return (u'<gd:rating value="%d" min="%d" max="%d" />' %
+            (self, Rating.MIN, Rating.MAX))
+class Text(unicode):
+  """A long string type.
+  Strings of any length can be stored in the datastore using this
+  type. It behaves identically to the Python unicode type, except for
+  the constructor, which only accepts str and unicode arguments.
+  """
+  def __new__(cls, arg=None, encoding=None):
+    """Constructor.
+    We only accept unicode and str instances, the latter with encoding.
+    Args:
+      arg: optional unicode or str instance; default u''
+      encoding: optional encoding; disallowed when isinstance(arg, unicode),
+                defaults to 'ascii' when isinstance(arg, str);
+    """
+    if arg is None:
+      arg = u''
+    if isinstance(arg, unicode):
+      if encoding is not None:
+        raise TypeError('Text() with a unicode argument '
+                        'should not specify an encoding')
+      return super(Text, cls).__new__(cls, arg)
+    if isinstance(arg, str):
+      if encoding is None:
+        encoding = 'ascii'
+      return super(Text, cls).__new__(cls, arg, encoding)
+    raise TypeError('Text() argument should be str or unicode, not %s' %
+                    type(arg).__name__)
+class Blob(str):
+  """A blob type, appropriate for storing binary data of any length.
+  This behaves identically to the Python str type, except for the
+  constructor, which only accepts str arguments.
+  """
+  def __new__(cls, arg=None):
+    """Constructor.
+    We only accept str instances.
+    Args:
+      arg: optional str instance (default '')
+    """
+    if arg is None:
+      arg = ''
+    if isinstance(arg, str):
+      return super(Blob, cls).__new__(cls, arg)
+    raise TypeError('Blob() argument should be str instance, not %s' %
+                    type(arg).__name__)
+  str,
+  unicode,
+  bool,
+  int,
+  long,
+  type(None),
+  float,
+  Key,
+  datetime.datetime,
+  Blob,
+  Text,
+  users.User,
+  Category,
+  Link,
+  Email,
+  GeoPt,
+  IM,
+  PhoneNumber,
+  PostalAddress,
+  Rating,
+  ]
+  Blob:              entity_pb.Property.BLOB,
+  Text:              entity_pb.Property.TEXT,
+  datetime.datetime: entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN,
+  Category:          entity_pb.Property.ATOM_CATEGORY,
+  Link:              entity_pb.Property.ATOM_LINK,
+  Email:             entity_pb.Property.GD_EMAIL,
+  GeoPt:             entity_pb.Property.GEORSS_POINT,
+  IM:                entity_pb.Property.GD_IM,
+  PhoneNumber:       entity_pb.Property.GD_PHONENUMBER,
+  PostalAddress:     entity_pb.Property.GD_POSTALADDRESS,
+  Rating:            entity_pb.Property.GD_RATING,
+  }
+  Blob,
+  Text,
+def ToPropertyPb(name, values):
+  """Creates a type-specific onestore property PB from a property name and a
+  value or list of values. Determines the type of property based on the type
+  of the value(s).
+  If name is invalid, Serialize throws a BadPropertyError. If values is
+  an unsupported type, or an empty list, or a list with elements of different
+  types, Serialize throws a BadValueError.
+  Args:
+    # the property name
+    name: string
+    # either a supported type or a list of them. if a list, all
+    # of the list's elements should be of the same type
+    values: string, int, long, float, datetime, Key, or list
+  Returns:
+    # a list of or single StringProperty, Int64Property, BoolProperty,
+    # DoubleProperty, PointProperty, UserProperty, or ReferenceProperty.
+    [entity_pb.*Property, ...]
+  """
+  ValidateString(name, 'property name', datastore_errors.BadPropertyError)
+  if RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME.match(name):
+    raise datastore_errors.BadPropertyError('%s is a reserved property name.' %
+                                            name)
+  if isinstance(values, tuple):
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+        'May not use tuple property value; property %s is %s.' %
+        (name, repr(values)))
+  if isinstance(values, list):
+    multiple = True
+  else:
+    multiple = False
+    values = [values]
+  if not values:
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+        'May not use the empty list as a property value; property %s is %s.' %
+        (name, repr(values)))
+  def long_if_int(val):
+    if isinstance(val, int) and not isinstance(val, bool):
+      return long(val)
+    else:
+      return val
+  values = [long_if_int(v) for v in values]
+  try:
+    proptype = values[0].__class__
+    for v in values:
+      if v is not None:
+        if (v.__class__ is not proptype and not
+            (v.__class__ in (str, unicode) and proptype in (str, unicode))):
+          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+              'Values for property %s have mismatched types: %s (a %s) and '
+              '%s (a %s).' % (name, values[0], proptype, v, typename(v)))
+        elif (isinstance(v, Key) and not v.has_id_or_name()):
+          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+              'Incomplete key found for reference property %s.' % name)
+  except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError), msg:
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+      'Error type checking values for property %s: %s' % (name, msg))
+  if proptype not in _PROPERTY_TYPES:
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+      'Unsupported type for property %s: %s' % (name, proptype))
+  pbs = []
+  for v in values:
+    pb = entity_pb.Property()
+    pb.set_name(name.encode('utf-8'))
+    pb.set_multiple(multiple)
+    if _PROPERTY_MEANINGS.has_key(proptype):
+      pb.set_meaning(_PROPERTY_MEANINGS[proptype])
+    pbvalue = pb.mutable_value()
+    if v is None:
+      pass
+    elif isinstance(v, Blob):
+      pbvalue.set_stringvalue(v)
+    elif isinstance(v, (basestring, IM)):
+      if not isinstance(v, Text):
+        if isinstance(v, Link):
+          max_len = _MAX_LINK_PROPERTY_LENGTH
+        else:
+          max_len = _MAX_STRING_LENGTH
+        if len(v) > max_len:
+          raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+            'Property %s is %d bytes long; it must be %d or less. '
+            'Consider Text instead, which can store strings of any length.' %
+            (name, len(v), max_len))
+      pbvalue.set_stringvalue(unicode(v).encode('utf-8'))
+    elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
+      if v.tzinfo:
+        v = v.astimezone(UTC)
+      pbvalue.set_int64value(
+        long(calendar.timegm(v.timetuple()) * 1000000L) + v.microsecond)
+    elif isinstance(v, GeoPt):
+      pbvalue.mutable_pointvalue().set_x(
+      pbvalue.mutable_pointvalue().set_y(v.lon)
+    elif isinstance(v, users.User):
+      pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_email('utf-8'))
+      pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_auth_domain(
+        v.auth_domain().encode('utf-8'))
+      pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_gaiaid(0)
+    elif isinstance(v, Key):
+      ref = v._Key__reference
+      pbvalue.mutable_referencevalue().set_app(
+      for elem in ref.path().element_list():
+        pbvalue.mutable_referencevalue().add_pathelement().CopyFrom(elem)
+    elif isinstance(v, bool):
+      pbvalue.set_booleanvalue(v)
+    elif isinstance(v, long):
+      pbvalue.set_int64value(v)
+      try:
+        pbvalue.Encode()
+      except ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferEncodeError, e:
+        pbvalue.clear_int64value()
+        raise OverflowError(e)
+    elif isinstance(v, float):
+      pbvalue.set_doublevalue(v)
+    else:
+      assert False, "Shouldn't reach here; property type was validated above."
+    pbs.append(pb)
+  if multiple:
+    return pbs
+  else:
+    return pbs[0]
+def FromReferenceProperty(value):
+  """Converts a reference PropertyValue to a Key. Raises BadValueError is prop
+  is not a PropertyValue.
+  Args:
+    value: entity_pb.PropertyValue
+  Returns:
+    Key
+  """
+  assert isinstance(value, entity_pb.PropertyValue)
+  assert value.has_referencevalue()
+  ref = value.referencevalue()
+  key = Key()
+  key_ref = key._Key__reference
+  key_ref.set_app(
+  for pathelem in ref.pathelement_list():
+    key_ref.mutable_path().add_element().CopyFrom(pathelem)
+  return key
+_EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN:
+    lambda val: _EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=val),
+  entity_pb.Property.ATOM_CATEGORY:     Category,
+  entity_pb.Property.ATOM_LINK:         Link,
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_EMAIL:          Email,
+  entity_pb.Property.GEORSS_POINT:      lambda coords: GeoPt(*coords),
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_IM:             IM,
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_PHONENUMBER:    PhoneNumber,
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_POSTALADDRESS:  PostalAddress,
+  entity_pb.Property.GD_RATING:         Rating,
+  entity_pb.Property.BLOB:              Blob,
+  entity_pb.Property.TEXT:              Text,
+  }
+def FromPropertyPb(pb):
+  """Converts a onestore property PB to a python value.
+  Args:
+    pb: entity_pb.Property
+  Returns:
+    # return type is determined by the type of the argument
+    string, int, bool, double, users.User, or one of the atom or gd types
+  """
+  if not isinstance(pb, entity_pb.Property):
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+      'Expected PropertyValue; received %s (a %s).' % (pb, typename(pb)))
+  pbval = pb.value()
+  if (pbval.has_stringvalue()):
+    value = pbval.stringvalue()
+    if pb.meaning() != entity_pb.Property.BLOB:
+      value = unicode(value.decode('utf-8'))
+  elif pbval.has_pointvalue():
+    value = (pbval.pointvalue().x(), pbval.pointvalue().y())
+  elif pbval.has_uservalue():
+    email = unicode(pbval.uservalue().email().decode('utf-8'))
+    auth_domain = unicode(pbval.uservalue().auth_domain().decode('utf-8'))
+    value = users.User(email=email, _auth_domain=auth_domain)
+  elif pbval.has_referencevalue():
+    value = FromReferenceProperty(pbval)
+  elif pbval.has_int64value():
+    value = long(pbval.int64value())
+  elif pbval.has_booleanvalue():
+    value = bool(pbval.booleanvalue())
+  elif pbval.has_doublevalue():
+    value = float(pbval.doublevalue())
+  else:
+    if pb.multiple():
+      raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+          'Record indicated as multiple, but has no values.')
+    else:
+      value = None
+  try:
+    if pb.has_meaning() and pb.meaning() in _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS:
+      value = _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS[pb.meaning()](value)
+  except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError), msg:
+    raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
+      'Error converting pb: %s\nException was: %s' % (pb, msg))
+  return value
+def PropertyTypeName(value):
+  """Returns the name of the type of the given property value, as a string.
+  Raises BadValueError if the value is not a valid property type.
+  Args:
+    value: any valid property value
+  Returns:
+    string
+  """
+  if value.__class__ in _PROPERTY_MEANINGS:
+    meaning = _PROPERTY_MEANINGS[value.__class__]
+    name = entity_pb.Property._Meaning_NAMES[meaning]
+    return name.lower().replace('_', ':')
+  elif isinstance(value, basestring):
+    return 'string'
+  elif isinstance(value, users.User):
+    return 'user'
+  elif isinstance(value, long):
+    return 'int'
+  elif value is None:
+    return 'null'
+  else:
+    return typename(value).lower()
+    'string':           unicode,
+    'bool':             bool,
+    'int':              long,
+    'null':             type(None),
+    'float':            float,
+    'key':              Key,
+    'blob':             Blob,
+    'text':             Text,
+    'user':             users.User,
+    'atom:category':    Category,
+    'atom:link':        Link,
+    'gd:email':         Email,
+    'gd:when':          datetime.datetime,
+    'georss:point':     GeoPt,
+    'gd:im':            IM,
+    'gd:phonenumber':   PhoneNumber,
+    'gd:postaladdress': PostalAddress,
+    'gd:rating':        Rating,
+    }
+def FromPropertyTypeName(type_name):
+  """Returns the python type given a type name.
+  Args:
+    type_name: A string representation of a datastore type name.
+  Returns:
+    A python type.
+  """
+  return _PROPERTY_TYPE_STRINGS[type_name]
+def PropertyValueFromString(type_, value_string, _auth_domain=None):
+  """Returns an instance of a property value given a type and string value.
+  The reverse of this method is just str() and type() of the python value.
+  Note that this does *not* support non-UTC offsets in ISO 8601-formatted
+  datetime strings, e.g. the -08:00 suffix in '2002-12-25 00:00:00-08:00'.
+  It only supports -00:00 and +00:00 suffixes, which are UTC.
+  Args:
+    type_: A python class.
+    value_string: A string representation of the value of the property.
+  Returns:
+    An instance of 'type'.
+  Raises:
+    ValueError if type_ is datetime and value_string has a timezone offset.
+  """
+  if type_ == datetime.datetime:
+    if value_string[-6] in ('+', '-'):
+      if value_string[-5:] == '00:00':
+        value_string = value_string[:-6]
+      else:
+        raise ValueError('Non-UTC offsets in datetimes are not supported.')
+    split = value_string.split('.')
+    iso_date = split[0]
+    microseconds = 0
+    if len(split) > 1:
+      microseconds = int(split[1])
+    time_struct = time.strptime(iso_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')[0:6]
+    value = datetime.datetime(*(time_struct + (microseconds,)))
+    return value
+  elif type_ == Rating:
+    return Rating(int(value_string))
+  elif type_ == bool:
+    return value_string == 'True'
+  elif type_ == users.User:
+    return users.User(value_string, _auth_domain)
+  elif type_ == type(None):
+    return None
+  return type_(value_string)