changeset 2335 366e64ecba91
child 2344 621252e2cc18
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/shell/	Sun May 24 22:29:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+An interactive, stateful AJAX shell that runs Python code on the server.
+Part of
+May be run as a standalone app or in an existing app as an admin-only handler.
+Can be used for system administration tasks, as an interactive way to try out
+APIs, or as a debugging aid during development.
+The logging, os, sys, db, and users modules are imported automatically.
+Interpreter state is stored in the datastore so that variables, function
+definitions, and other values in the global and local namespaces can be used
+across commands.
+To use the shell in your app, copy, static/*, and templates/* into
+your app's source directory. Then, copy the URL handlers from app.yaml into
+your app.yaml.
+TODO: unit tests!
+import logging
+import new
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+import traceback
+import types
+import wsgiref.handlers
+from django.template import loader
+from google.appengine.api import users
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.appengine.ext import webapp
+from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
+import gae_django
+# Set to True if stack traces should be shown in the browser, etc.
+_DEBUG = True
+# The entity kind for shell sessions. Feel free to rename to suit your app.
+_SESSION_KIND = '_Shell_Session'
+# Types that can't be pickled.
+  types.ModuleType,
+  types.TypeType,
+  types.ClassType,
+  types.FunctionType,
+  )
+# Unpicklable statements to seed new sessions with.
+  'import logging',
+  'import os',
+  'import sys',
+  'from google.appengine.ext import db',
+  'from google.appengine.api import users',
+  ]
+class ShellSession(db.Model):
+  """A shell session. Stores the session's globals.
+  Each session globals is stored in one of two places:
+  If the global is picklable, it's stored in the parallel globals and
+  global_names list properties. (They're parallel lists to work around the
+  unfortunate fact that the datastore can't store dictionaries natively.)
+  If the global is not picklable (e.g. modules, classes, and functions), or if
+  it was created by the same statement that created an unpicklable global,
+  it's not stored directly. Instead, the statement is stored in the
+  unpicklables list property. On each request, before executing the current
+  statement, the unpicklable statements are evaluated to recreate the
+  unpicklable globals.
+  The unpicklable_names property stores all of the names of globals that were
+  added by unpicklable statements. When we pickle and store the globals after
+  executing a statement, we skip the ones in unpicklable_names.
+  Using Text instead of string is an optimization. We don't query on any of
+  these properties, so they don't need to be indexed.
+  """
+  global_names = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
+  globals = db.ListProperty(db.Blob)
+  unpicklable_names = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
+  unpicklables = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
+  def set_global(self, name, value):
+    """Adds a global, or updates it if it already exists.
+    Also removes the global from the list of unpicklable names.
+    Args:
+      name: the name of the global to remove
+      value: any picklable value
+    """
+    blob = db.Blob(pickle.dumps(value))
+    if name in self.global_names:
+      index = self.global_names.index(name)
+      self.globals[index] = blob
+    else:
+      self.global_names.append(db.Text(name))
+      self.globals.append(blob)
+    self.remove_unpicklable_name(name)
+  def remove_global(self, name):
+    """Removes a global, if it exists.
+    Args:
+      name: string, the name of the global to remove
+    """
+    if name in self.global_names:
+      index = self.global_names.index(name)
+      del self.global_names[index]
+      del self.globals[index]
+  def globals_dict(self):
+    """Returns a dictionary view of the globals.
+    """
+    return dict((name, pickle.loads(val))
+                for name, val in zip(self.global_names, self.globals))
+  def add_unpicklable(self, statement, names):
+    """Adds a statement and list of names to the unpicklables.
+    Also removes the names from the globals.
+    Args:
+      statement: string, the statement that created new unpicklable global(s).
+      names: list of strings; the names of the globals created by the statement.
+    """
+    self.unpicklables.append(db.Text(statement))
+    for name in names:
+      self.remove_global(name)
+      if name not in self.unpicklable_names:
+        self.unpicklable_names.append(db.Text(name))
+  def remove_unpicklable_name(self, name):
+    """Removes a name from the list of unpicklable names, if it exists.
+    Args:
+      name: string, the name of the unpicklable global to remove
+    """
+    if name in self.unpicklable_names:
+      self.unpicklable_names.remove(name)
+class FrontPageHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
+  """Creates a new session and renders the shell.html template.
+  """
+  def get(self):
+    # set up the session. TODO: garbage collect old shell sessions
+    session_key = self.request.get('session')
+    if session_key:
+      session = ShellSession.get(session_key)
+    else:
+      # create a new session
+      session = ShellSession()
+      session.unpicklables = [db.Text(line) for line in INITIAL_UNPICKLABLES]
+      session_key = session.put()
+    template_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates',
+                                 'shell.html')
+    session_url = '/?session=%s' % session_key
+    vars = { 'server_software': os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
+             'python_version': sys.version,
+             'session': str(session_key),
+             'user': users.get_current_user(),
+             'login_url': users.create_login_url(session_url),
+             'logout_url': users.create_logout_url(session_url),
+             }
+    rendered = loader.render_to_string('shell.html', dictionary=vars)
+    # rendered = webapp.template.render(template_file, vars, debug=_DEBUG)
+    self.response.out.write(rendered)
+class StatementHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
+  """Evaluates a python statement in a given session and returns the result.
+  """
+  def get(self):
+    self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+    # extract the statement to be run
+    statement = self.request.get('statement')
+    if not statement:
+      return
+    # the python compiler doesn't like network line endings
+    statement = statement.replace('\r\n', '\n')
+    # add a couple newlines at the end of the statement. this makes
+    # single-line expressions such as 'class Foo: pass' evaluate happily.
+    statement += '\n\n'
+    # log and compile the statement up front
+    try:
+'Compiling and evaluating:\n%s' % statement)
+      compiled = compile(statement, '<string>', 'single')
+    except:
+      self.response.out.write(traceback.format_exc())
+      return
+    # create a dedicated module to be used as this statement's __main__
+    statement_module = new.module('__main__')
+    # use this request's __builtin__, since it changes on each request.
+    # this is needed for import statements, among other things.
+    import __builtin__
+    statement_module.__builtins__ = __builtin__
+    # load the session from the datastore
+    session = ShellSession.get(self.request.get('session'))
+    # swap in our custom module for __main__. then unpickle the session
+    # globals, run the statement, and re-pickle the session globals, all
+    # inside it.
+    old_main = sys.modules.get('__main__')
+    try:
+      sys.modules['__main__'] = statement_module
+      statement_module.__name__ = '__main__'
+      # re-evaluate the unpicklables
+      for code in session.unpicklables:
+        exec code in statement_module.__dict__
+      # re-initialize the globals
+      for name, val in session.globals_dict().items():
+        try:
+          statement_module.__dict__[name] = val
+        except:
+          msg = 'Dropping %s since it could not be unpickled.\n' % name
+          self.response.out.write(msg)
+          logging.warning(msg + traceback.format_exc())
+          session.remove_global(name)
+      # run!
+      old_globals = dict(statement_module.__dict__)
+      try:
+        old_stdout = sys.stdout
+        old_stderr = sys.stderr
+        try:
+          sys.stdout = self.response.out
+          sys.stderr = self.response.out
+          exec compiled in statement_module.__dict__
+        finally:
+          sys.stdout = old_stdout
+          sys.stderr = old_stderr
+      except:
+        self.response.out.write(traceback.format_exc())
+        return
+      # extract the new globals that this statement added
+      new_globals = {}
+      for name, val in statement_module.__dict__.items():
+        if name not in old_globals or val != old_globals[name]:
+          new_globals[name] = val
+      if True in [isinstance(val, UNPICKLABLE_TYPES)
+                  for val in new_globals.values()]:
+        # this statement added an unpicklable global. store the statement and
+        # the names of all of the globals it added in the unpicklables.
+        session.add_unpicklable(statement, new_globals.keys())
+        logging.debug('Storing this statement as an unpicklable.')
+      else:
+        # this statement didn't add any unpicklables. pickle and store the
+        # new globals back into the datastore.
+        for name, val in new_globals.items():
+          if not name.startswith('__'):
+            session.set_global(name, val)
+    finally:
+      sys.modules['__main__'] = old_main
+    session.put()
+def main():
+  """Main program.
+  """
+  application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
+    [('/admin/shell', FrontPageHandler),
+     ('/admin/shell/', StatementHandler)], debug=_DEBUG)
+  wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()