changeset 2864 2e0b0af889be
child 3031 7678f72140e6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/key_range/	Sun Sep 06 23:31:53 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Key range representation and splitting."""
+import os
+  import simplejson
+except ImportError:
+  simplejson = None
+from google.appengine.api import datastore
+from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+class Error(Exception):
+  """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
+class KeyRangeError(Error):
+  """Error while trying to generate a KeyRange."""
+class SimplejsonUnavailableError(Error):
+  """Error while using json functionality whith unavailable simplejson."""
+class EmptyDbQuery(db.Query):
+  """A query that returns no results."""
+  def get(self):
+    return None
+  def fetch(self, limit=1000, offset=0):
+    return []
+  def count(self, limit=1000):
+    return 0
+class EmptyDatastoreQuery(datastore.Query):
+  """A query that returns no results."""
+  def __init__(self, kind):
+    datastore.Query.__init__(self, kind)
+  def _Run(self, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs):
+    empty_result_pb = datastore_pb.QueryResult()
+    empty_result_pb.set_cursor(0)
+    empty_result_pb.set_more_results(False)
+    return datastore.Iterator(empty_result_pb)
+  def Count(self, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs):
+    return 0
+  def Get(self, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs):
+    return []
+  def Next(self, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs):
+    return []
+class KeyRange(object):
+  """Represents a range of keys in the datastore.
+  A KeyRange object represents a key range
+    (key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end)
+  and a scan direction (KeyRange.DESC or KeyRange.ASC).
+  """
+  DESC = 'DESC'
+  ASC = 'ASC'
+  def __init__(self,
+               key_start=None,
+               key_end=None,
+               direction=None,
+               include_start=True,
+               include_end=True):
+    """Initialize a KeyRange object.
+    Args:
+      key_start: The starting key for this range.
+      key_end: The ending key for this range.
+      direction: The direction of the query for this range.
+      include_start: Whether the start key should be included in the range.
+      include_end: Whether the end key should be included in the range.
+    """
+    if direction is None:
+      direction = KeyRange.ASC
+    assert direction in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC)
+    self.direction = direction
+    self.key_start = key_start
+    self.key_end = key_end
+    self.include_start = include_start
+    self.include_end = include_end
+  def __str__(self):
+    if self.include_start:
+      left_side = '['
+    else:
+      left_side = '('
+    if self.include_end:
+      right_side = ']'
+    else:
+      right_side = '('
+    return '%s%s%s-%s%s' % (self.direction, left_side, repr(self.key_start),
+                            repr(self.key_end), right_side)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return ('key_range.KeyRange(key_start=%s,key_end=%s,direction=%s,'
+            'include_start=%s,include_end=%s)') % (repr(self.key_start),
+                                                   repr(self.key_end),
+                                                   repr(self.direction),
+                                                   repr(self.include_start),
+                                                   repr(self.include_end))
+  def filter_query(self, query):
+    """Add query filter to restrict to this key range.
+    Args:
+      query: A db.Query instance.
+    Returns:
+      The input query restricted to this key range or an empty query if
+      this key range is empty.
+    """
+    assert isinstance(query, db.Query)
+    if self.key_start == self.key_end and not (
+        self.include_start or self.include_end):
+      return EmptyDbQuery()
+    if self.include_start:
+      start_comparator = '>='
+    else:
+      start_comparator = '>'
+    if self.include_end:
+      end_comparator = '<='
+    else:
+      end_comparator = '<'
+    if self.key_start:
+      query.filter('__key__ %s' % start_comparator, self.key_start)
+    if self.key_end:
+      query.filter('__key__ %s' % end_comparator, self.key_end)
+    return query
+  def filter_datastore_query(self, query):
+    """Add query filter to restrict to this key range.
+    Args:
+      query: A datastore.Query instance.
+    Returns:
+      The input query restricted to this key range or an empty query if
+      this key range is empty.
+    """
+    assert isinstance(query, datastore.Query)
+    if self.key_start == self.key_end and not (
+        self.include_start or self.include_end):
+      return EmptyDatastoreQuery(query.kind)
+    if self.include_start:
+      start_comparator = '>='
+    else:
+      start_comparator = '>'
+    if self.include_end:
+      end_comparator = '<='
+    else:
+      end_comparator = '<'
+    if self.key_start:
+      query.update({'__key__ %s' % start_comparator: self.key_start})
+    if self.key_end:
+      query.update({'__key__ %s' % end_comparator: self.key_end})
+    return query
+  def __get_direction(self, asc, desc):
+    """Check that self.direction is in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC).
+    Args:
+      asc: Argument to return if self.direction is KeyRange.ASC
+      desc: Argument to return if self.direction is KeyRange.DESC
+    Returns:
+      asc or desc appropriately
+    Raises:
+      KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC).
+    """
+    if self.direction == KeyRange.ASC:
+      return asc
+    elif self.direction == KeyRange.DESC:
+      return desc
+    else:
+      raise KeyRangeError('KeyRange direction unexpected: %s', self.direction)
+  def make_directed_query(self, kind_class):
+    """Construct a query for this key range, including the scan direction.
+    Args:
+      kind_class: A kind implementation class.
+    Returns:
+      A db.Query instance.
+    Raises:
+      KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC).
+    """
+    direction = self.__get_direction('', '-')
+    query = db.Query(kind_class)
+    query.order('%s__key__' % direction)
+    query = self.filter_query(query)
+    return query
+  def make_directed_datastore_query(self, kind):
+    """Construct a query for this key range, including the scan direction.
+    Args:
+      kind: A string.
+    Returns:
+      A datastore.Query instance.
+    Raises:
+      KeyRangeError: if self.direction is not in (KeyRange.ASC, KeyRange.DESC).
+    """
+    direction = self.__get_direction(datastore.Query.ASCENDING,
+                                     datastore.Query.DESCENDING)
+    query = datastore.Query(kind)
+    query.Order(('__key__', direction))
+    query = self.filter_datastore_query(query)
+    return query
+  def make_ascending_query(self, kind_class):
+    """Construct a query for this key range without setting the scan direction.
+    Args:
+      kind_class: A kind implementation class.
+    Returns:
+      A db.Query instance.
+    """
+    query = db.Query(kind_class)
+    query.order('__key__')
+    query = self.filter_query(query)
+    return query
+  def make_ascending_datastore_query(self, kind):
+    """Construct a query for this key range without setting the scan direction.
+    Args:
+      kind: A string.
+    Returns:
+      A datastore.Query instance.
+    """
+    query = datastore.Query(kind)
+    query.Order(('__key__', datastore.Query.ASCENDING))
+    query = self.filter_datastore_query(query)
+    return query
+  def split_range(self, batch_size=0):
+    """Split this key range into a list of at most two ranges.
+    This method attempts to split the key range approximately in half.
+    Numeric ranges are split in the middle into two equal ranges and
+    string ranges are split lexicographically in the middle.  If the
+    key range is smaller than batch_size it is left unsplit.
+    Note that splitting is done without knowledge of the distribution
+    of actual entities in the key range, so there is no guarantee (nor
+    any particular reason to believe) that the entities of the range
+    are evenly split.
+    Args:
+      batch_size: The maximum size of a key range that should not be split.
+    Returns:
+      A list of one or two key ranges covering the same space as this range.
+    """
+    key_start = self.key_start
+    key_end = self.key_end
+    include_start = self.include_start
+    include_end = self.include_end
+    key_pairs = []
+    if not key_start:
+      key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end,
+                        KeyRange.ASC))
+    elif not key_end:
+      key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start, key_end, include_end,
+                        KeyRange.DESC))
+    else:
+      key_split = KeyRange.split_keys(key_start, key_end, batch_size)
+      first_include_end = True
+      if key_split == key_start:
+        first_include_end = first_include_end and include_start
+      key_pairs.append((key_start, include_start,
+                        key_split, first_include_end,
+                        KeyRange.DESC))
+      second_include_end = include_end
+      if key_split == key_end:
+        second_include_end = False
+      key_pairs.append((key_split, False,
+                        key_end, second_include_end,
+                        KeyRange.ASC))
+    ranges = [KeyRange(key_start=start,
+                       include_start=include_start,
+                       key_end=end,
+                       include_end=include_end,
+                       direction=direction)
+              for (start, include_start, end, include_end, direction)
+              in key_pairs]
+    return ranges
+  def __cmp__(self, other):
+    """Compare two key ranges.
+    Key ranges with a value of None for key_start or key_end, are always
+    considered to have include_start=False or include_end=False, respectively,
+    when comparing.  Since None indicates an unbounded side of the range,
+    the include specifier is meaningless.  The ordering generated is total
+    but somewhat arbitrary.
+    Args:
+      other: An object to compare to this one.
+    Returns:
+      -1: if this key range is less than other.
+      0:  if this key range is equal to other.
+      1: if this key range is greater than other.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(other, KeyRange):
+      return 1
+    self_list = [self.key_start, self.key_end, self.direction,
+                 self.include_start, self.include_end]
+    if not self.key_start:
+      self_list[3] = False
+    if not self.key_end:
+      self_list[4] = False
+    other_list = [other.key_start,
+                  other.key_end,
+                  other.direction,
+                  other.include_start,
+                  other.include_end]
+    if not other.key_start:
+      other_list[3] = False
+    if not other.key_end:
+      other_list[4] = False
+    return cmp(self_list, other_list)
+  @staticmethod
+  def bisect_string_range(start, end):
+    """Returns a string that is approximately in the middle of the range.
+    (start, end) is treated as a string range, and it is assumed
+    start <= end in the usual lexicographic string ordering. The output key
+    mid is guaranteed to satisfy start <= mid <= end.
+    The method proceeds by comparing initial characters of start and
+    end.  When the characters are equal, they are appended to the mid
+    string.  In the first place that the characters differ, the
+    difference characters are averaged and this average is appended to
+    the mid string.  If averaging resulted in rounding down, and
+    additional character is added to the mid string to make up for the
+    rounding down.  This extra step is necessary for correctness in
+    the case that the average of the two characters is equal to the
+    character in the start string.
+    This method makes the assumption that most keys are ascii and it
+    attempts to perform splitting within the ascii range when that
+    results in a valid split.
+    Args:
+      start: A string.
+      end: A string such that start <= end.
+    Returns:
+      A string mid such that start <= mid <= end.
+    """
+    if start == end:
+      return start
+    start += '\0'
+    end += '\0'
+    midpoint = []
+    expected_max = 127
+    for i in xrange(min(len(start), len(end))):
+      if start[i] == end[i]:
+        midpoint.append(start[i])
+      else:
+        ord_sum = ord(start[i]) + ord(end[i])
+        midpoint.append(unichr(ord_sum / 2))
+        if ord_sum % 2:
+          if len(start) > i + 1:
+            ord_start = ord(start[i+1])
+          else:
+            ord_start = 0
+          if ord_start < expected_max:
+            ord_split = (expected_max + ord_start) / 2
+          else:
+            ord_split = (0xFFFF + ord_start) / 2
+          midpoint.append(unichr(ord_split))
+        break
+    return ''.join(midpoint)
+  @staticmethod
+  def split_keys(key_start, key_end, batch_size):
+    """Return a key that is between key_start and key_end inclusive.
+    This method compares components of the ancestor paths of key_start
+    and key_end.  The first place in the path that differs is
+    approximately split in half.  If the kind components differ, a new
+    non-existent kind halfway between the two is used to split the
+    space. If the id_or_name components differ, then a new id_or_name
+    that is halfway between the two is selected.  If the lower
+    id_or_name is numeric and the upper id_or_name is a string, then
+    the minumum string key u'\0' is used as the split id_or_name.  The
+    key that is returned is the shared portion of the ancestor path
+    followed by the generated split component.
+    Args:
+      key_start: A db.Key instance for the lower end of a range.
+      key_end: A db.Key instance for the upper end of a range.
+      batch_size: The maximum size of a range that should not be split.
+    Returns:
+      A db.Key instance, k, such that key_start <= k <= key_end.
+    """
+    assert ==
+    path1 = key_start.to_path()
+    path2 = key_end.to_path()
+    len1 = len(path1)
+    len2 = len(path2)
+    assert len1 % 2 == 0
+    assert len2 % 2 == 0
+    out_path = []
+    min_path_len = min(len1, len2) / 2
+    for i in xrange(min_path_len):
+      kind1 = path1[2*i]
+      kind2 = path2[2*i]
+      if kind1 != kind2:
+        split_kind = KeyRange.bisect_string_range(kind1, kind2)
+        out_path.append(split_kind)
+        out_path.append(unichr(0))
+        break
+      last = (len1 == len2 == 2*(i + 1))
+      id_or_name1 = path1[2*i + 1]
+      id_or_name2 = path2[2*i + 1]
+      id_or_name_split = KeyRange._split_id_or_name(
+          id_or_name1, id_or_name2, batch_size, last)
+      if id_or_name1 == id_or_name_split:
+        out_path.append(kind1)
+        out_path.append(id_or_name1)
+      else:
+        out_path.append(kind1)
+        out_path.append(id_or_name_split)
+        break
+    return db.Key.from_path(*out_path)
+  @staticmethod
+  def _split_id_or_name(id_or_name1, id_or_name2, batch_size, maintain_batches):
+    """Return an id_or_name that is between id_or_name1 an id_or_name2.
+    Attempts to split the range [id_or_name1, id_or_name2] in half,
+    unless maintain_batches is true and the size of the range
+    [id_or_name1, id_or_name2] is less than or equal to batch_size.
+    Args:
+      id_or_name1: A number or string or the id_or_name component of a key
+      id_or_name2: A number or string or the id_or_name component of a key
+      batch_size: The range size that will not be split if maintain_batches
+        is true.
+      maintain_batches: A boolean for whether to keep small ranges intact.
+    Returns:
+      An id_or_name such that id_or_name1 <= id_or_name <= id_or_name2.
+    """
+    if (isinstance(id_or_name1, (int, long)) and
+        isinstance(id_or_name2, (int, long))):
+      if not maintain_batches or id_or_name2 - id_or_name1 > batch_size:
+        return (id_or_name1 + id_or_name2) / 2
+      else:
+        return id_or_name1
+    elif (isinstance(id_or_name1, basestring) and
+          isinstance(id_or_name2, basestring)):
+      return KeyRange.bisect_string_range(id_or_name1, id_or_name2)
+    else:
+      assert (isinstance(id_or_name1, (int, long)) and
+              isinstance(id_or_name2, basestring))
+      return unichr(0)
+  def to_json(self):
+    """Serialize KeyRange to json.
+    Returns:
+      string with KeyRange json representation.
+    """
+    if simplejson is None:
+      raise SimplejsonUnavailableError(
+          "JSON functionality requires simplejson to be available")
+    def key_to_str(key):
+      if key:
+        return str(key)
+      else:
+        return None
+    return simplejson.dumps({
+        "direction": self.direction,
+        "key_start": key_to_str(self.key_start),
+        "key_end": key_to_str(self.key_end),
+        "include_start": self.include_start,
+        "include_end": self.include_end,
+        }, sort_keys=True)
+  @staticmethod
+  def from_json(json_str):
+    """Deserialize KeyRange from its json representation.
+    Args:
+      json_str: string with json representation created by key_range_to_json.
+    Returns:
+      deserialized KeyRange instance.
+    """
+    if simplejson is None:
+      raise SimplejsonUnavailableError(
+          "JSON functionality requires simplejson to be available")
+    def key_from_str(key_str):
+      if key_str:
+        return db.Key(key_str)
+      else:
+        return None
+    json = simplejson.loads(json_str)
+    return KeyRange(key_from_str(json["key_start"]),
+                    key_from_str(json["key_end"]),
+                    json["direction"],
+                    json["include_start"],
+                    json["include_end"])