changeset 2864 2e0b0af889be
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/xmpp/	Sun Sep 06 23:31:53 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This module allows AppEngine apps to interact with a bot representing that app
+on the Google Talk network.
+Functions defined in this module:
+  get_presence: Gets the presence for a JID.
+  send_message: Sends a chat message to any number of JIDs.
+  send_invite: Sends an invitation to chat to a JID.
+Classes defined in this module:
+  Message: A class to encapsulate received messages.
+from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
+from google.appengine.api.xmpp import xmpp_service_pb
+from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
+NO_ERROR    = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.NO_ERROR
+INVALID_JID = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.INVALID_JID
+OTHER_ERROR = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse.OTHER_ERROR
+                                  MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, MESSAGE_TYPE_GROUPCHAT,
+                                  MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADLINE, MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL])
+class Error(Exception):
+  """Base error class for this module."""
+class InvalidJidError(Error):
+  """Error that indicates a request for an invalid JID."""
+class InvalidTypeError(Error):
+  """Error that indicates a send message request has an invalid type."""
+class InvalidXmlError(Error):
+  """Error that indicates a send message request has invalid XML."""
+class NoBodyError(Error):
+  """Error that indicates a send message request has no body."""
+class InvalidMessageError(Error):
+  """Error that indicates a received message was invalid or incomplete."""
+def get_presence(jid, from_jid=None):
+  """Gets the presence for a JID.
+  Args:
+    jid: The JID of the contact whose presence is requested.
+    from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default
+      is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be
+      of the form <anything>@<appid>
+  Returns:
+    bool, Whether the user is online.
+  Raises:
+    InvalidJidError if any of the JIDs passed are invalid.
+    Error if an unspecified error happens processing the request.
+  """
+  if not jid:
+    raise InvalidJidError()
+  request = xmpp_service_pb.PresenceRequest()
+  response = xmpp_service_pb.PresenceResponse()
+  request.set_jid(_to_str(jid))
+  if from_jid:
+    request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid))
+  try:
+    apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp",
+                                   "GetPresence",
+                                   request,
+                                   response)
+  except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+    if (e.application_error ==
+        xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID):
+      raise InvalidJidError()
+    else:
+      raise Error()
+  return bool(response.is_available())
+def send_invite(jid, from_jid=None):
+  """Sends an invitation to chat to a JID.
+  Args:
+    jid: The JID of the contact to invite.
+    from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default
+      is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be
+      of the form <anything>@<appid>
+  Raises:
+    InvalidJidError if the JID passed is invalid.
+    Error if an unspecified error happens processing the request.
+  """
+  if not jid:
+    raise InvalidJidError()
+  request = xmpp_service_pb.XmppInviteRequest()
+  response = xmpp_service_pb.XmppInviteResponse()
+  request.set_jid(_to_str(jid))
+  if from_jid:
+    request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid))
+  try:
+    apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp",
+                                   "SendInvite",
+                                   request,
+                                   response)
+  except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+    if (e.application_error ==
+        xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID):
+      raise InvalidJidError()
+    else:
+      raise Error()
+  return
+def send_message(jids, body, from_jid=None, message_type=MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT,
+                 raw_xml=False):
+  """Sends a chat message to a list of JIDs.
+  Args:
+    jids: A list of JIDs to send the message to, or a single JID to send the
+      message to.
+    from_jid: The optional custom JID to use for sending. Currently, the default
+      is <appid> This is supported as a value. Custom JIDs can be
+      of the form <anything>@<appid>
+    body: The body of the message.
+    message_type: Optional type of the message. Should be one of the types
+      specified in RFC 3921, section 2.1.1. An empty string will result in a
+      message stanza without a type attribute. For convenience, all of the
+      valid types are in the MESSAGE_TYPE_* constants in this file. The
+      default is MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT. Anything else will throw an exception.
+    raw_xml: Optionally specifies that the body should be interpreted as XML. If
+      this is false, the contents of the body will be escaped and placed inside
+      of a body element inside of the message. If this is true, the contents
+      will be made children of the message.
+  Returns:
+    list, A list of statuses, one for each JID, corresponding to the result of
+      sending the message to that JID. Or, if a single JID was passed in,
+      returns the status directly.
+  Raises:
+    InvalidJidError if there is no valid JID in the list.
+    InvalidTypeError if the type argument is invalid.
+    InvalidXmlError if the body is malformed XML and raw_xml is True.
+    NoBodyError if there is no body.
+    Error if another error occurs processing the request.
+  """
+  request = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageRequest()
+  response = xmpp_service_pb.XmppMessageResponse()
+  if not body:
+    raise NoBodyError()
+  if not jids:
+    raise InvalidJidError()
+  if not message_type in _VALID_MESSAGE_TYPES:
+    raise InvalidTypeError()
+  single_jid = False
+  if isinstance(jids, basestring):
+    single_jid = True
+    jids = [jids]
+  for jid in jids:
+    if not jid:
+      raise InvalidJidError()
+    request.add_jid(_to_str(jid))
+  request.set_body(_to_str(body))
+  request.set_type(_to_str(message_type))
+  request.set_raw_xml(raw_xml)
+  if from_jid:
+    request.set_from_jid(_to_str(from_jid))
+  try:
+    apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("xmpp",
+                                   "SendMessage",
+                                   request,
+                                   response)
+  except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+    if (e.application_error ==
+        xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_JID):
+      raise InvalidJidError()
+    elif (e.application_error ==
+          xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_TYPE):
+      raise InvalidTypeError()
+    elif (e.application_error ==
+          xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.INVALID_XML):
+      raise InvalidXmlError()
+    elif (e.application_error ==
+          xmpp_service_pb.XmppServiceError.NO_BODY):
+      raise NoBodyError()
+    raise Error()
+  if single_jid:
+    return response.status_list()[0]
+  return response.status_list()
+class Message(object):
+  """Encapsulates an XMPP message received by the application."""
+  def __init__(self, vars):
+    """Constructs a new XMPP Message from an HTTP request.
+    Args:
+      vars: A dict-like object to extract message arguments from.
+    """
+    try:
+      self.__sender = vars["from"]
+      self.__to = vars["to"]
+      self.__body = vars["body"]
+    except KeyError, e:
+      raise InvalidMessageError(e[0])
+    self.__command = None
+    self.__arg = None
+  @property
+  def sender(self):
+    return self.__sender
+  @property
+  def to(self):
+    return self.__to
+  @property
+  def body(self):
+    return self.__body
+  def __parse_command(self):
+    if self.__arg != None:
+      return
+    body = self.__body
+    if body.startswith('\\'):
+      body = '/' + body[1:]
+    self.__arg = ''
+    if body.startswith('/'):
+      parts = body.split(' ', 1)
+      self.__command = parts[0][1:]
+      if len(parts) > 1:
+        self.__arg = parts[1].strip()
+    else:
+      self.__arg = self.__body.strip()
+  @property
+  def command(self):
+    self.__parse_command()
+    return self.__command
+  @property
+  def arg(self):
+    self.__parse_command()
+    return self.__arg
+  def reply(self, body, message_type=MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT, raw_xml=False,
+            send_message=send_message):
+    """Convenience function to reply to a message.
+    Args:
+      body: str: The body of the message
+      message_type, raw_xml: As per send_message.
+      send_message: Used for testing.
+    Returns:
+      A status code as per send_message.
+    Raises:
+      See send_message.
+    """
+    return send_message([self.sender], body,,
+                        message_type=message_type, raw_xml=raw_xml)
+def _to_str(value):
+  """Helper function to make sure unicode values converted to utf-8
+  Args:
+    value: str or unicode to convert to utf-8.
+  Returns:
+    UTF-8 encoded str of value, otherwise value unchanged.
+  """
+  if isinstance(value, unicode):
+    return value.encode('utf-8')
+  return value