--- a/app/soc/modules/ghop/tasks/task_update.py Fri Aug 28 12:57:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/app/soc/modules/ghop/tasks/task_update.py Fri Aug 28 13:13:05 2009 +0200
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
patterns = [
+ (r'^tasks/ghop/task/mail/create$',
+ 'soc.modules.ghop.tasks.task_update.createNotificationMail'),
@@ -98,6 +100,127 @@
return http.HttpResponse()
+def spawnCreateNotificationMail(entity):
+ """Spawns a task to send mail to the user who has subscribed to the specific
+ task.
+ Args:
+ entity: The Comment entity for which mails must be sent
+ """
+ task_params = {
+ 'comment_key': entity.key().id_or_name(),
+ 'task_key': entity.parent_key().id_or_name(),
+ }
+ task_url = '/tasks/ghop/task/mail/create'
+ new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
+ new_task.add('mail')
+def createNotificationMail(request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Appengine task that sends mail to the subscribed users.
+ Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
+ comment_key: Specifies the comment id for which to send the notifications
+ task_key: Specifies the task key name for which the comment belongs to
+ Args:
+ request: Django Request object
+ """
+ from soc.modules.ghop.logic.helper import notifications as ghop_notifications
+ from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import comment as ghop_comment_logic
+ from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import task_subscription as \
+ ghop_task_subscription_logic
+ # set default batch size
+ batch_size = 10
+ post_dict = request.POST
+ comment_key = post_dict.get('comment_key')
+ task_key = post_dict.get('task_key')
+ if not (comment_key and task_key):
+ # invalid task data, log and return OK
+ return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
+ 'Invalid createNotificationMail data: %s' % post_dict)
+ comment_key = long(comment_key)
+ # get the task entity under which the specified comment was made
+ task_entity = ghop_task_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(task_key)
+ # get the comment for the given id
+ comment_entity = ghop_comment_logic.logic.getFromID(
+ comment_key, task_entity)
+ if not comment_entity:
+ # invalid comment specified, log and return OK
+ return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
+ 'Invalid comment specified: %s/%s' % (comment_key, task_key))
+ # check and retrieve the subscriber_start_key that has been done last
+ if 'subscriber_start_index' in post_dict:
+ subscriber_start_index = post_dict['subscriber_start_index']
+ else:
+ subscriber_start_index = 0
+ # get all subscribers to GHOP task
+ fields = {
+ 'task': task_entity,
+ }
+ ts_entity = ghop_task_subscription_logic.logic.getForFields(
+ fields, unique=True)
+ subscribers = db.get(ts_entity.subscribers[
+ subscriber_start_index:subscriber_start_index+batch_size])
+ task_url = "http://%(host)s%(task)s" % {
+ 'host': os.environ['HTTP_HOST'],
+ 'task': redirects.getPublicRedirect(
+ task_entity, {'url_name': 'ghop/task'}),
+ }
+ # create the data for the mail to be sent
+ message_properties = {
+ 'task_url': task_url,
+ 'redirect_url': "%(task_url)s#c%(cid)d" % {
+ 'task_url': task_url,
+ 'cid': comment_entity.key().id_or_name()
+ },
+ 'comment_entity': comment_entity,
+ 'task_entity': task_entity,
+ }
+ 'title': task_entity.title,
+ }
+ for subscriber in subscribers:
+ ghop_notifications.sendTaskUpdate(entity, subject, message_properties)
+ if len(subscribers) == batch_size:
+ # spawn task for sending out notifications to next set of subscribers
+ next_start = subscriber_start_index + batch_size
+ task_params = {
+ 'comment_key': comment_key,
+ 'task_key': task_key,
+ 'subscriber_start_index': next_start
+ }
+ task_url = '/tasks/ghop/task/mail/create'
+ new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
+ new_task.add('mail')
+ # return OK
+ return http.HttpResponse()
def updateTasksPostStudentSignUp(request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Appengine task that updates the GHOP Tasks after the student signs up.