changeset 2373 05ab9393303d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/gviz/	Mon Jun 01 20:31:38 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for the gviz_api module."""
+__author__ = "Amit Weinstein"
+from datetime import date
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import time
+import re
+import unittest
+from gviz_api import DataTable
+from gviz_api import DataTableException
+class DataTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSingleValueToJS(self):
+    # We first check that given an unknown type it raises exception
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.SingleValueToJS, 1, "no_such_type")
+    # If we give a type which does not match the value, we expect it to fail
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.SingleValueToJS, "a", "number")
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.SingleValueToJS, "b", "timeofday")
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.SingleValueToJS, 10, "date")
+    # A tuple for value and formatted value should be of length 2
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.SingleValueToJS, (5, "5$", "6$"), "string")
+    # Some good examples from all the different types
+    self.assertEqual("true", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(True, "boolean"))
+    self.assertEqual("false", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(False, "boolean"))
+    self.assertEqual("true", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(1, "boolean"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "boolean"))
+    self.assertEqual(("false", "'a'"),
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS((False, "a"), "boolean"))
+    self.assertEqual("1", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(1, "number"))
+    self.assertEqual("1.0", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(1., "number"))
+    self.assertEqual("-5", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(-5, "number"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "number"))
+    self.assertEqual(("5", "'5$'"),
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS((5, "5$"), "number"))
+    self.assertEqual("'-5'", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(-5, "string"))
+    self.assertEqual("'abc'", DataTable.SingleValueToJS("abc", "string"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "string"))
+    self.assertEqual("new Date(2010,0,2)",
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS(date(2010, 1, 2), "date"))
+    self.assertEqual("new Date(2001,1,3)",
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS(datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
+                                               "date"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "date"))
+    self.assertEqual("[10,11,12]",
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS(time(10, 11, 12), "timeofday"))
+    self.assertEqual("[3,4,5]",
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS(datetime(2010, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
+                                               "timeofday"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "timeofday"))
+    self.assertEqual("new Date(2001,1,3,4,5,6)",
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS(datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
+                                               "datetime"))
+    self.assertEqual("null", DataTable.SingleValueToJS(None, "datetime"))
+    self.assertEqual(("null", "'none'"),
+                     DataTable.SingleValueToJS((None, "none"), "string"))
+  def testDifferentStrings(self):
+    # Checking escaping of strings
+    problematic_strings = ["control", "new\nline", "",
+                           "single'quote", 'double"quote',
+                           r"one\slash", r"two\\slash", u"unicode eng",
+                           u"unicode \u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea"]
+    for s in problematic_strings:
+      js_value = DataTable.SingleValueToJS(s, "string")
+      if isinstance(js_value, unicode):
+        js_value = "u%s" % js_value
+      self.assertEquals(s, eval(js_value))
+      js_value = DataTable.SingleValueToJS(("str", s), "string")[1]
+      if isinstance(js_value, unicode):
+        js_value = "u%s" % js_value
+      self.assertEquals(s, eval(js_value))
+  def testDifferentCustomProperties(self):
+    # Checking escaping of custom properties
+    problematic_cps = [{"control": "test"}, {u"unicode": "value"},
+                       {"key": u"unicode"}, {u"unicode": u"unicode"},
+                       {"regular": "single'quote"}, {"unicode": u"s'quote"}]
+    for cp in problematic_cps:
+      js_value = DataTable._EscapeCustomProperties(cp)
+      self.assertEquals(cp, eval(js_value))
+  def testColumnTypeParser(self):
+    # Checking several wrong formats
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.ColumnTypeParser, 5)
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.ColumnTypeParser, ("a", "b", "c", "d"))
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.ColumnTypeParser, ("a", 5, "c"))
+    # Checking several legal formats
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "abc", "label": "abc", "type": "string",
+                      "custom_properties": {}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser("abc"))
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "abc", "label": "abc", "type": "string",
+                      "custom_properties": {}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser(("abc",)))
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "abc", "label": "bcd", "type": "string",
+                      "custom_properties": {}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser(("abc", "string", "bcd")))
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "a", "label": "b", "type": "number",
+                      "custom_properties": {}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser(("a", "number", "b")))
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "a", "label": "a", "type": "number",
+                      "custom_properties": {}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser(("a", "number")))
+    self.assertEqual({"id": "i", "label": "l", "type": "string",
+                      "custom_properties": {"key": "value"}},
+                     DataTable.ColumnTypeParser(("i", "string", "l",
+                                                 {"key": "value"})))
+  def testTableDescriptionParser(self):
+    # We expect it to fail with empty lists or dictionaries
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, {})
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, [])
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, {"a": []})
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, {"a": {"b": {}}})
+    # We expect it to fail if we give a non-string at the lowest level
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, {"a": 5})
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      DataTable.TableDescriptionParser, [("a", "number"), 6])
+    # Some valid examples which mixes both dictionaries and lists
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [{"id": "a", "label": "a", "type": "date",
+          "depth": 0, "container": "iter", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "b", "label": "b", "type": "timeofday",
+          "depth": 0, "container": "iter", "custom_properties": {}}],
+        DataTable.TableDescriptionParser([("a", "date"), ("b", "timeofday")]))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [{"id": "a", "label": "a", "type": "string",
+          "depth": 0, "container": "dict", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "b", "label": "b", "type": "number",
+          "depth": 1, "container": "iter", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "c", "label": "column c", "type": "string",
+          "depth": 1, "container": "iter", "custom_properties": {}}],
+        DataTable.TableDescriptionParser({"a": [("b", "number"),
+                                                ("c", "string", "column c")]}))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [{"id": "a", "label": "column a", "type": "number",
+          "depth": 0, "container": "dict", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "b", "label": "b", "type": "number",
+          "depth": 1, "container": "dict", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "c", "label": "c", "type": "string",
+          "depth": 1, "container": "dict", "custom_properties": {}}],
+        DataTable.TableDescriptionParser({("a", "number", "column a"):
+                                          {"b": "number", "c": "string"}}))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [{"id": "a", "label": "column a", "type": "number",
+          "depth": 0, "container": "dict", "custom_properties": {}},
+         {"id": "b", "label": "column b", "type": "string",
+          "depth": 1, "container": "scalar", "custom_properties": {}}],
+        DataTable.TableDescriptionParser({("a", "number", "column a"):
+                                          ("b", "string", "column b")}))
+  def testAppendData(self):
+    # We check a few examples where the format of the data does not match the
+    # description and hen a few valid examples. The test for the content itself
+    # is done inside the ToJSCode and ToJSon functions.
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number"), ("b", "string")])
+    self.assertEqual(0, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, [[1, "a", True]])
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, {1: ["a"], 2: ["b"]})
+    self.assertEquals(None, table.AppendData([[1, "a"], [2, "b"]]))
+    self.assertEqual(2, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEquals(None, table.AppendData([[3, "c"], [4]]))
+    self.assertEqual(4, table.NumberOfRows())
+    table = DataTable({"a": "number", "b": "string"})
+    self.assertEqual(0, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, [[1, "a"]])
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, {5: {"b": "z"}})
+    self.assertEquals(None, table.AppendData([{"a": 1, "b": "z"}]))
+    self.assertEqual(1, table.NumberOfRows())
+    table = DataTable({("a", "number"): [("b", "string")]})
+    self.assertEqual(0, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, [[1, "a"]])
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, {5: {"b": "z"}})
+    self.assertEquals(None, table.AppendData({5: ["z"], 6: ["w"]}))
+    self.assertEqual(2, table.NumberOfRows())
+    table = DataTable({("a", "number"): {"b": "string", "c": "number"}})
+    self.assertEqual(0, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, [[1, "a"]])
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException,
+                      table.AppendData, {1: ["a", 2]})
+    self.assertEquals(None, table.AppendData({5: {"b": "z", "c": 6},
+                                              7: {"c": 8},
+                                              9: {}}))
+    self.assertEqual(3, table.NumberOfRows())
+  def testToJSCode(self):
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number", "A"), "b", ("c", "timeofday")],
+                      [[1],
+                       [None, "z", time(1, 2, 3)],
+                       [(2, "2$"), "w", time(2, 3, 4)]])
+    self.assertEqual(3, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(("var mytab = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n"
+                      "mytab.addColumn('number', 'A', 'a');\n"
+                      "mytab.addColumn('string', 'b', 'b');\n"
+                      "mytab.addColumn('timeofday', 'c', 'c');\n"
+                      "mytab.addRows(3);\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(0, 0, 1);\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(1, 1, 'z');\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(1, 2, [1,2,3]);\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(2, 0, 2, '2$');\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(2, 1, 'w');\n"
+                      "mytab.setCell(2, 2, [2,3,4]);\n"),
+                     table.ToJSCode("mytab"))
+    table = DataTable({("a", "number"): {"b": "date", "c": "datetime"}},
+                      {1: {},
+                       2: {"b": date(1, 2, 3)},
+                       3: {"c": datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)}})
+    self.assertEqual(3, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(("var mytab2 = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n"
+                      "mytab2.addColumn('datetime', 'c', 'c');\n"
+                      "mytab2.addColumn('date', 'b', 'b');\n"
+                      "mytab2.addColumn('number', 'a', 'a');\n"
+                      "mytab2.addRows(3);\n"
+                      "mytab2.setCell(0, 2, 1);\n"
+                      "mytab2.setCell(1, 1, new Date(1,1,3));\n"
+                      "mytab2.setCell(1, 2, 2);\n"
+                      "mytab2.setCell(2, 0, new Date(1,1,3,4,5,6));\n"
+                      "mytab2.setCell(2, 2, 3);\n"),
+                     table.ToJSCode("mytab2", columns_order=["c", "b", "a"]))
+  def testToJSon(self):
+    # The json of the initial data we load to the table.
+    init_data_json = ("{cols:"
+                      "[{id:'a',label:'A',type:'number'},"
+                      "{id:'b',label:'b',type:'string'},"
+                      "{id:'c',label:'c',type:'boolean'}],"
+                      "rows:["
+                      "{c:[{v:1},,{v:null}]},"
+                      "{c:[,{v:'z'},{v:true}]}"
+                      "]}")
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number", "A"), "b", ("c", "boolean")],
+                      [[1],
+                       [None, "z", True]])
+    self.assertEqual(2, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_json,
+                     table.ToJSon())
+    table.AppendData([[-1, "w", False]])
+    self.assertEqual(3, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_json[:-2] + ",{c:[{v:-1},{v:'w'},{v:false}]}]}",
+                     table.ToJSon())
+    cols_json = ("{cols:"
+                 "[{id:'t',label:'T',type:'timeofday'},"
+                 "{id:'d',label:'d',type:'date'},"
+                 "{id:'dt',label:'dt',type:'datetime'}],")
+    table = DataTable({("d", "date"): [("t", "timeofday", "T"),
+                                       ("dt", "datetime")]})
+    table.LoadData({date(1, 2, 3): [time(1, 2, 3)]})
+    self.assertEqual(1, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(cols_json +
+                     "rows:[{c:[{v:[1,2,3]},{v:new Date(1,1,3)},{v:null}]}]}",
+                     table.ToJSon(columns_order=["t", "d", "dt"]))
+    table.LoadData({date(2, 3, 4): [(time(2, 3, 4), "time 2 3 4"),
+                                    datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)],
+                    date(3, 4, 5): []})
+    self.assertEqual(2, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual((cols_json + "rows:["
+                      "{c:[{v:[2,3,4],f:'time 2 3 4'},{v:new Date(2,2,4)},"
+                      "{v:new Date(1,1,3,4,5,6)}]},"
+                      "{c:[,{v:new Date(3,3,5)},{v:null}]}]}"),
+                     table.ToJSon(columns_order=["t", "d", "dt"]))
+    json = ("{cols:[{id:'a',label:'a',type:'string'},"
+            "{id:'b',label:'b',type:'number'}],"
+            "rows:[{c:[{v:'a1'},{v:1}]},{c:[{v:'a2'},{v:2}]},"
+            "{c:[{v:'a3'},{v:3}]}]}")
+    table = DataTable({"a": ("b", "number")},
+                      {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+    self.assertEqual(3, table.NumberOfRows())
+    self.assertEqual(json,
+                     table.ToJSon())
+  def testCustomProperties(self):
+    # The json of the initial data we load to the table.
+    json = ("{cols:"
+            "[{id:'a',label:'A',type:'number',p:{'col_cp':'col_v'}},"
+            "{id:'b',label:'b',type:'string'},"
+            "{id:'c',label:'c',type:'boolean'}],"
+            "rows:["
+            "{c:[{v:1},,{v:null,p:{'null_cp':'null_v'}}],p:{'row_cp':'row_v'}},"
+            "{c:[,{v:'z',p:{'cell_cp':'cell_v'}},{v:true}]},"
+            "{c:[{v:3},,{v:null}],p:{'row_cp2':'row_v2'}}],"
+            "p:{'global_cp':'global_v'}"
+            "}")
+    jscode = ("var mytab = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n"
+              "mytab.setTableProperties({'global_cp':'global_v'});\n"
+              "mytab.addColumn('number', 'A', 'a');\n"
+              "mytab.setColumnProperties(0, {'col_cp':'col_v'});\n"
+              "mytab.addColumn('string', 'b', 'b');\n"
+              "mytab.addColumn('boolean', 'c', 'c');\n"
+              "mytab.addRows(3);\n"
+              "mytab.setCell(0, 0, 1);\n"
+              "mytab.setCell(0, 2, null, null, {'null_cp':'null_v'});\n"
+              "mytab.setRowProperties(0, {'row_cp':'row_v'});\n"
+              "mytab.setCell(1, 1, 'z', null, {'cell_cp':'cell_v'});\n"
+              "mytab.setCell(1, 2, true);\n"
+              "mytab.setCell(2, 0, 3);\n"
+              "mytab.setRowProperties(2, {'row_cp2':'row_v2'});\n")
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number", "A", {"col_cp": "col_v"}), "b",
+                       ("c", "boolean")],
+                      custom_properties={"global_cp": "global_v"})
+    table.AppendData([[1, None, (None, None, {"null_cp": "null_v"})]],
+                     custom_properties={"row_cp": "row_v"})
+    table.AppendData([[None, ("z", None, {"cell_cp": "cell_v"}), True], [3]])
+    table.SetRowsCustomProperties(2, {"row_cp2": "row_v2"})
+    self.assertEqual(json, table.ToJSon())
+    self.assertEqual(jscode, table.ToJSCode("mytab"))
+  def testToCsv(self):
+    init_data_csv = "\n".join(['"A", "b", "c"',
+                               '1, "", ""',
+                               '"", "zz\'top", true'])
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number", "A"), "b", ("c", "boolean")],
+                      [[(1, "$1")], [None, "zz'top", True]])
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_csv, table.ToCsv())
+    table.AppendData([[-1, "w", False]])
+    init_data_csv = "%s\n%s" % (init_data_csv, '-1, "w", false')
+    self.assertEquals(init_data_csv, table.ToCsv())
+    init_data_csv = "\n".join([
+        '"T", "d", "dt"',
+        '"[1,2,3]", "new Date(1,1,3)", ""',
+        '"time ""2 3 4""", "new Date(2,2,4)", "new Date(1,1,3,4,5,6)"',
+        '"", "new Date(3,3,5)", ""'])
+    table = DataTable({("d", "date"): [("t", "timeofday", "T"),
+                                       ("dt", "datetime")]})
+    table.LoadData({date(1, 2, 3): [time(1, 2, 3)],
+                    date(2, 3, 4): [(time(2, 3, 4), 'time "2 3 4"'),
+                                    datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)],
+                    date(3, 4, 5): []})
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_csv, table.ToCsv(columns_order=["t", "d", "dt"]))
+  def testToTsvExcel(self):
+    table = DataTable({("d", "date"): [("t", "timeofday", "T"),
+                                       ("dt", "datetime")]})
+    table.LoadData({date(1, 2, 3): [time(1, 2, 3)],
+                    date(2, 3, 4): [(time(2, 3, 4), 'time "2 3 4"'),
+                                    datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)],
+                    date(3, 4, 5): []})
+    self.assertEqual(table.ToCsv().replace(", ", "\t").encode("UTF-16LE"),
+                     table.ToTsvExcel())
+  def testToHtml(self):
+    html_table_header = "<html><body><table border='1'>"
+    html_table_footer = "</table></body></html>"
+    init_data_html = html_table_header + (
+        "<thead><tr>"
+        "<th>A</th><th>b</th><th>c</th>"
+        "</tr></thead>"
+        "<tbody>"
+        "<tr><td>'$1'</td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
+        "<tr><td></td><td>'&lt;z&gt;'</td><td>true</td></tr>"
+        "</tbody>") + html_table_footer
+    table = DataTable([("a", "number", "A"), "b", ("c", "boolean")],
+                      [[(1, "$1")], [None, "<z>", True]])
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_html.replace("\n", ""), table.ToHtml())
+    init_data_html = html_table_header + (
+        "<thead><tr>"
+        "<th>T</th><th>d</th><th>dt</th>"
+        "</tr></thead>"
+        "<tbody>"
+        "<tr><td>[1,2,3]</td><td>new Date(1,1,3)</td><td></td></tr>"
+        "<tr><td>'time 2 3 4'</td><td>new Date(2,2,4)</td>"
+        "<td>new Date(1,1,3,4,5,6)</td></tr>"
+        "<tr><td></td><td>new Date(3,3,5)</td><td></td></tr>"
+        "</tbody>") + html_table_footer
+    table = DataTable({("d", "date"): [("t", "timeofday", "T"),
+                                       ("dt", "datetime")]})
+    table.LoadData({date(1, 2, 3): [time(1, 2, 3)],
+                    date(2, 3, 4): [(time(2, 3, 4), "time 2 3 4"),
+                                    datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)],
+                    date(3, 4, 5): []})
+    self.assertEqual(init_data_html.replace("\n", ""),
+                     table.ToHtml(columns_order=["t", "d", "dt"]))
+  def testOrderBy(self):
+    data = [("b", 3), ("a", 3), ("a", 2), ("b", 1)]
+    description = ["col1", ("col2", "number", "Second Column")]
+    table = DataTable(description, data)
+    table_num_sorted = DataTable(description,
+                                 sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0])))
+    table_str_sorted = DataTable(description,
+                                 sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0]))
+    table_diff_sorted = DataTable(description,
+                                  sorted(sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[1]),
+                                         key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True))
+    self.assertEqual(table_num_sorted.ToJSon(),
+                     table.ToJSon(order_by=("col2", "col1")))
+    self.assertEqual(table_num_sorted.ToJSCode("mytab"),
+                     table.ToJSCode("mytab", order_by=("col2", "col1")))
+    self.assertEqual(table_str_sorted.ToJSon(), table.ToJSon(order_by="col1"))
+    self.assertEqual(table_str_sorted.ToJSCode("mytab"),
+                     table.ToJSCode("mytab", order_by="col1"))
+    self.assertEqual(table_diff_sorted.ToJSon(),
+                     table.ToJSon(order_by=[("col1", "desc"), "col2"]))
+    self.assertEqual(table_diff_sorted.ToJSCode("mytab"),
+                     table.ToJSCode("mytab",
+                                    order_by=[("col1", "desc"), "col2"]))
+  def testToJSonResponse(self):
+    description = ["col1", "col2", "col3"]
+    data = [("1", "2", "3"), ("a", "b", "c"), ("One", "Two", "Three")]
+    req_id = 4
+    table = DataTable(description, data)
+    start_str_default = r"google.visualization.Query.setResponse"
+    start_str_handler = r"MyHandlerFunction"
+    default_params = (r"\s*'version'\s*:\s*'0.6'\s*,\s*'reqId'\s*:\s*'%s'\s*,"
+                      r"\s*'status'\s*:\s*'OK'\s*" % req_id)
+    regex1 = re.compile("%s\(\s*\{%s,\s*'table'\s*:\s*{(.*)}\s*\}\s*\);" %
+                        (start_str_default, default_params))
+    regex2 = re.compile("%s\(\s*\{%s,\s*'table'\s*:\s*{(.*)}\s*\}\s*\);" %
+                        (start_str_handler, default_params))
+    json_str = table.ToJSon().strip()
+    json_response = table.ToJSonResponse(req_id=req_id)
+    match = regex1.findall(json_response)
+    self.assertEquals(len(match), 1)
+    # We want to match against the json_str without the curly brackets.
+    self.assertEquals(match[0], json_str[1:-1])
+    json_response = table.ToJSonResponse(req_id=req_id,
+                                         response_handler=start_str_handler)
+    match = regex2.findall(json_response)
+    self.assertEquals(len(match), 1)
+    # We want to match against the json_str without the curly brackets.
+    self.assertEquals(match[0], json_str[1:-1])
+  def testToResponse(self):
+    description = ["col1", "col2", "col3"]
+    data = [("1", "2", "3"), ("a", "b", "c"), ("One", "Two", "Three")]
+    table = DataTable(description, data)
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(), table.ToJSonResponse())
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(tqx="out:csv"), table.ToCsv())
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(tqx="out:html"), table.ToHtml())
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException, table.ToResponse, tqx="version:0.1")
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(tqx="reqId:4;responseHandler:handle"),
+                      table.ToJSonResponse(req_id=4, response_handler="handle"))
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(tqx="out:csv;reqId:4"), table.ToCsv())
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(order_by="col2"),
+                      table.ToJSonResponse(order_by="col2"))
+    self.assertEquals(table.ToResponse(tqx="out:html",
+                                       columns_order=("col3", "col2", "col1")),
+                      table.ToHtml(columns_order=("col3", "col2", "col1")))
+    self.assertRaises(ValueError, table.ToResponse, tqx="SomeWrongTqxFormat")
+    self.assertRaises(DataTableException, table.ToResponse, tqx="out:bad")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  unittest.main()