changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/utils/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import re
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
+from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
+# Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
+capfirst = lambda x: x and force_unicode(x)[0].upper() + force_unicode(x)[1:]
+capfirst = allow_lazy(capfirst, unicode)
+def wrap(text, width):
+    """
+    A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in
+    the text. Expects that existing line breaks are posix newlines.
+    """
+    text = force_unicode(text)
+    def _generator():
+        it = iter(text.split(' '))
+        word =
+        yield word
+        pos = len(word) - word.rfind('\n') - 1
+        for word in it:
+            if "\n" in word:
+                lines = word.split('\n')
+            else:
+                lines = (word,)
+            pos += len(lines[0]) + 1
+            if pos > width:
+                yield '\n'
+                pos = len(lines[-1])
+            else:
+                yield ' '
+                if len(lines) > 1:
+                    pos = len(lines[-1])
+            yield word
+    return u''.join(_generator())
+wrap = allow_lazy(wrap, unicode)
+def truncate_words(s, num):
+    "Truncates a string after a certain number of words."
+    s = force_unicode(s)
+    length = int(num)
+    words = s.split()
+    if len(words) > length:
+        words = words[:length]
+        if not words[-1].endswith('...'):
+            words.append('...')
+    return u' '.join(words)
+truncate_words = allow_lazy(truncate_words, unicode)
+def truncate_html_words(s, num):
+    """
+    Truncates html to a certain number of words (not counting tags and
+    comments). Closes opened tags if they were correctly closed in the given
+    html.
+    """
+    s = force_unicode(s)
+    length = int(num)
+    if length <= 0:
+        return u''
+    html4_singlets = ('br', 'col', 'link', 'base', 'img', 'param', 'area', 'hr', 'input')
+    # Set up regular expressions
+    re_words = re.compile(r'&.*?;|<.*?>|(\w[\w-]*)', re.U)
+    re_tag = re.compile(r'<(/)?([^ ]+?)(?: (/)| .*?)?>')
+    # Count non-HTML words and keep note of open tags
+    pos = 0
+    ellipsis_pos = 0
+    words = 0
+    open_tags = []
+    while words <= length:
+        m =, pos)
+        if not m:
+            # Checked through whole string
+            break
+        pos = m.end(0)
+        if
+            # It's an actual non-HTML word
+            words += 1
+            if words == length:
+                ellipsis_pos = pos
+            continue
+        # Check for tag
+        tag = re_tag.match(
+        if not tag or ellipsis_pos:
+            # Don't worry about non tags or tags after our truncate point
+            continue
+        closing_tag, tagname, self_closing = tag.groups()
+        tagname = tagname.lower()  # Element names are always case-insensitive
+        if self_closing or tagname in html4_singlets:
+            pass
+        elif closing_tag:
+            # Check for match in open tags list
+            try:
+                i = open_tags.index(tagname)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                # SGML: An end tag closes, back to the matching start tag, all unclosed intervening start tags with omitted end tags
+                open_tags = open_tags[i+1:]
+        else:
+            # Add it to the start of the open tags list
+            open_tags.insert(0, tagname)
+    if words <= length:
+        # Don't try to close tags if we don't need to truncate
+        return s
+    out = s[:ellipsis_pos] + ' ...'
+    # Close any tags still open
+    for tag in open_tags:
+        out += '</%s>' % tag
+    # Return string
+    return out
+truncate_html_words = allow_lazy(truncate_html_words, unicode)
+def get_valid_filename(s):
+    """
+    Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean
+    filename. Specifically, leading and trailing spaces are removed; other
+    spaces are converted to underscores; and all non-filename-safe characters
+    are removed.
+    >>> get_valid_filename("john's portrait in 2004.jpg")
+    'johns_portrait_in_2004.jpg'
+    """
+    s = force_unicode(s).strip().replace(' ', '_')
+    return re.sub(r'[^-A-Za-z0-9_.]', '', s)
+get_valid_filename = allow_lazy(get_valid_filename, unicode)
+def get_text_list(list_, last_word=ugettext_lazy(u'or')):
+    """
+    >>> get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+    'a, b, c or d'
+    >>> get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'and')
+    'a, b and c'
+    >>> get_text_list(['a', 'b'], 'and')
+    'a and b'
+    >>> get_text_list(['a'])
+    'a'
+    >>> get_text_list([])
+    ''
+    """
+    if len(list_) == 0: return u''
+    if len(list_) == 1: return force_unicode(list_[0])
+    return u'%s %s %s' % (', '.join([force_unicode(i) for i in list_][:-1]), force_unicode(last_word), force_unicode(list_[-1]))
+get_text_list = allow_lazy(get_text_list, unicode)
+def normalize_newlines(text):
+    return force_unicode(re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', '\n', text))
+normalize_newlines = allow_lazy(normalize_newlines, unicode)
+def recapitalize(text):
+    "Recapitalizes text, placing caps after end-of-sentence punctuation."
+    text = force_unicode(text).lower()
+    capsRE = re.compile(r'(?:^|(?<=[\.\?\!] ))([a-z])')
+    text = capsRE.sub(lambda x:, text)
+    return text
+recapitalize = allow_lazy(recapitalize)
+def phone2numeric(phone):
+    "Converts a phone number with letters into its numeric equivalent."
+    letters = re.compile(r'[A-PR-Y]', re.I)
+    char2number = lambda m: {'a': '2', 'c': '2', 'b': '2', 'e': '3',
+         'd': '3', 'g': '4', 'f': '3', 'i': '4', 'h': '4', 'k': '5',
+         'j': '5', 'm': '6', 'l': '5', 'o': '6', 'n': '6', 'p': '7',
+         's': '7', 'r': '7', 'u': '8', 't': '8', 'w': '9', 'v': '8',
+         'y': '9', 'x': '9'}.get(
+    return letters.sub(char2number, phone)
+phone2numeric = allow_lazy(phone2numeric)
+# From
+# Used with permission.
+def compress_string(s):
+    import cStringIO, gzip
+    zbuf = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', compresslevel=6, fileobj=zbuf)
+    zfile.write(s)
+    zfile.close()
+    return zbuf.getvalue()
+ustring_re = re.compile(u"([\u0080-\uffff])")
+def javascript_quote(s, quote_double_quotes=False):
+    def fix(match):
+        return r"\u%04x" % ord(
+    if type(s) == str:
+        s = s.decode('utf-8')
+    elif type(s) != unicode:
+        raise TypeError, s
+    s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+    s = s.replace('\r', '\\r')
+    s = s.replace('\n', '\\n')
+    s = s.replace('\t', '\\t')
+    s = s.replace("'", "\\'")
+    if quote_double_quotes:
+        s = s.replace('"', '&quot;')
+    return str(ustring_re.sub(fix, s))
+javascript_quote = allow_lazy(javascript_quote, unicode)
+smart_split_re = re.compile('("(?:[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'|[^\\s]+)')
+def smart_split(text):
+    """
+    Generator that splits a string by spaces, leaving quoted phrases together.
+    Supports both single and double quotes, and supports escaping quotes with
+    backslashes. In the output, strings will keep their initial and trailing
+    quote marks.
+    >>> list(smart_split('This is "a person\'s" test.'))
+    ['This', 'is', '"a person\'s"', 'test.']
+    """
+    text = force_unicode(text)
+    for bit in smart_split_re.finditer(text):
+        bit =
+        if bit[0] == '"' and bit[-1] == '"':
+            yield '"' + bit[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\') + '"'
+        elif bit[0] == "'" and bit[-1] == "'":
+            yield "'" + bit[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'").replace("\\\\", "\\") + "'"
+        else:
+            yield bit
+smart_split = allow_lazy(smart_split, unicode)