changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/template/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+"""Default variable filters."""
+import re
+import random as random_module
+    from functools import wraps
+except ImportError:
+    from django.utils.functional import wraps  # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallback.
+from django.template import Variable, Library
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ungettext
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode, iri_to_uri
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData
+register = Library()
+def stringfilter(func):
+    """
+    Decorator for filters which should only receive unicode objects. The object
+    passed as the first positional argument will be converted to a unicode
+    object.
+    """
+    def _dec(*args, **kwargs):
+        if args:
+            args = list(args)
+            args[0] = force_unicode(args[0])
+            if isinstance(args[0], SafeData) and getattr(func, 'is_safe', False):
+                return mark_safe(func(*args, **kwargs))
+        return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    # Include a reference to the real function (used to check original
+    # arguments by the template parser).
+    _dec._decorated_function = getattr(func, '_decorated_function', func)
+    for attr in ('is_safe', 'needs_autoescape'):
+        if hasattr(func, attr):
+            setattr(_dec, attr, getattr(func, attr))
+    return wraps(func)(_dec)
+# STRINGS         #
+def addslashes(value):
+    """
+    Adds slashes before quotes. Useful for escaping strings in CSV, for
+    example. Less useful for escaping JavaScript; use the ``escapejs``
+    filter instead.
+    """
+    return value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace("'", "\\'")
+addslashes.is_safe = True
+addslashes = stringfilter(addslashes)
+def capfirst(value):
+    """Capitalizes the first character of the value."""
+    return value and value[0].upper() + value[1:]
+capfirst = stringfilter(capfirst)
+_js_escapes = (
+    ('\\', '\\\\'),
+    ('"', '\\"'),
+    ("'", "\\'"),
+    ('\n', '\\n'),
+    ('\r', '\\r'),
+    ('\b', '\\b'),
+    ('\f', '\\f'),
+    ('\t', '\\t'),
+    ('\v', '\\v'),
+    ('</', '<\\/'),
+def escapejs(value):
+    """Backslash-escapes characters for use in JavaScript strings."""
+    for bad, good in _js_escapes:
+        value = value.replace(bad, good)
+    return value
+escapejs = stringfilter(escapejs)
+def fix_ampersands(value):
+    """Replaces ampersands with ``&amp;`` entities."""
+    from django.utils.html import fix_ampersands
+    return fix_ampersands(value)
+fix_ampersands = stringfilter(fix_ampersands)
+def floatformat(text, arg=-1):
+    """
+    Displays a float to a specified number of decimal places.
+    If called without an argument, it displays the floating point number with
+    one decimal place -- but only if there's a decimal place to be displayed:
+    * num1 = 34.23234
+    * num2 = 34.00000
+    * num3 = 34.26000
+    * {{ num1|floatformat }} displays "34.2"
+    * {{ num2|floatformat }} displays "34"
+    * {{ num3|floatformat }} displays "34.3"
+    If arg is positive, it will always display exactly arg number of decimal
+    places:
+    * {{ num1|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.232"
+    * {{ num2|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.000"
+    * {{ num3|floatformat:3 }} displays "34.260"
+    If arg is negative, it will display arg number of decimal places -- but
+    only if there are places to be displayed:
+    * {{ num1|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34.232"
+    * {{ num2|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34"
+    * {{ num3|floatformat:"-3" }} displays "34.260"
+    """
+    try:
+        f = float(text)
+    except (ValueError, TypeError):
+        return u''
+    try:
+        d = int(arg)
+    except ValueError:
+        return force_unicode(f)
+    try:
+        m = f - int(f)
+    except OverflowError:
+        return force_unicode(f)
+    if not m and d < 0:
+        return mark_safe(u'%d' % int(f))
+    else:
+        formatstr = u'%%.%df' % abs(d)
+        return mark_safe(formatstr % f)
+floatformat.is_safe = True
+def iriencode(value):
+    """Escapes an IRI value for use in a URL."""
+    return force_unicode(iri_to_uri(value))
+iriencode.is_safe = True
+iriencode = stringfilter(iriencode)
+def linenumbers(value, autoescape=None):
+    """Displays text with line numbers."""
+    from django.utils.html import escape
+    lines = value.split(u'\n')
+    # Find the maximum width of the line count, for use with zero padding
+    # string format command
+    width = unicode(len(unicode(len(lines))))
+    if not autoescape or isinstance(value, SafeData):
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            lines[i] = (u"%0" + width  + u"d. %s") % (i + 1, line)
+    else:
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            lines[i] = (u"%0" + width  + u"d. %s") % (i + 1, escape(line))
+    return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(lines))
+linenumbers.is_safe = True
+linenumbers.needs_autoescape = True
+linenumbers = stringfilter(linenumbers)
+def lower(value):
+    """Converts a string into all lowercase."""
+    return value.lower()
+lower.is_safe = True
+lower = stringfilter(lower)
+def make_list(value):
+    """
+    Returns the value turned into a list.
+    For an integer, it's a list of digits.
+    For a string, it's a list of characters.
+    """
+    return list(value)
+make_list.is_safe = False
+make_list = stringfilter(make_list)
+def slugify(value):
+    """
+    Normalizes string, converts to lowercase, removes non-alpha characters,
+    and converts spaces to hyphens.
+    """
+    import unicodedata
+    value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+    value = unicode(re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower())
+    return mark_safe(re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', value))
+slugify.is_safe = True
+slugify = stringfilter(slugify)
+def stringformat(value, arg):
+    """
+    Formats the variable according to the arg, a string formatting specifier.
+    This specifier uses Python string formating syntax, with the exception that
+    the leading "%" is dropped.
+    See for documentation
+    of Python string formatting
+    """
+    try:
+        return (u"%" + unicode(arg)) % value
+    except (ValueError, TypeError):
+        return u""
+stringformat.is_safe = True
+def title(value):
+    """Converts a string into titlecase."""
+    return re.sub("([a-z])'([A-Z])", lambda m:, value.title())
+title.is_safe = True
+title = stringfilter(title)
+def truncatewords(value, arg):
+    """
+    Truncates a string after a certain number of words.
+    Argument: Number of words to truncate after.
+    """
+    from django.utils.text import truncate_words
+    try:
+        length = int(arg)
+    except ValueError: # Invalid literal for int().
+        return value # Fail silently.
+    return truncate_words(value, length)
+truncatewords.is_safe = True
+truncatewords = stringfilter(truncatewords)
+def truncatewords_html(value, arg):
+    """
+    Truncates HTML after a certain number of words.
+    Argument: Number of words to truncate after.
+    """
+    from django.utils.text import truncate_html_words
+    try:
+        length = int(arg)
+    except ValueError: # invalid literal for int()
+        return value # Fail silently.
+    return truncate_html_words(value, length)
+truncatewords_html.is_safe = True
+truncatewords_html = stringfilter(truncatewords_html)
+def upper(value):
+    """Converts a string into all uppercase."""
+    return value.upper()
+upper.is_safe = False
+upper = stringfilter(upper)
+def urlencode(value):
+    """Escapes a value for use in a URL."""
+    from django.utils.http import urlquote
+    return urlquote(value)
+urlencode.is_safe = False
+urlencode = stringfilter(urlencode)
+def urlize(value, autoescape=None):
+    """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links."""
+    from django.utils.html import urlize
+    return mark_safe(urlize(value, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape))
+urlize.needs_autoescape = True
+urlize = stringfilter(urlize)
+def urlizetrunc(value, limit, autoescape=None):
+    """
+    Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character
+    limit, and adding 'rel=nofollow' attribute to discourage spamming.
+    Argument: Length to truncate URLs to.
+    """
+    from django.utils.html import urlize
+    return mark_safe(urlize(value, trim_url_limit=int(limit), nofollow=True,
+                            autoescape=autoescape))
+urlizetrunc.is_safe = True
+urlizetrunc.needs_autoescape = True
+urlizetrunc = stringfilter(urlizetrunc)
+def wordcount(value):
+    """Returns the number of words."""
+    return len(value.split())
+wordcount.is_safe = False
+wordcount = stringfilter(wordcount)
+def wordwrap(value, arg):
+    """
+    Wraps words at specified line length.
+    Argument: number of characters to wrap the text at.
+    """
+    from django.utils.text import wrap
+    return wrap(value, int(arg))
+wordwrap.is_safe = True
+wordwrap = stringfilter(wordwrap)
+def ljust(value, arg):
+    """
+    Left-aligns the value in a field of a given width.
+    Argument: field size.
+    """
+    return value.ljust(int(arg))
+ljust.is_safe = True
+ljust = stringfilter(ljust)
+def rjust(value, arg):
+    """
+    Right-aligns the value in a field of a given width.
+    Argument: field size.
+    """
+    return value.rjust(int(arg))
+rjust.is_safe = True
+rjust = stringfilter(rjust)
+def center(value, arg):
+    """Centers the value in a field of a given width."""
+    return
+center.is_safe = True
+center = stringfilter(center)
+def cut(value, arg):
+    """
+    Removes all values of arg from the given string.
+    """
+    safe = isinstance(value, SafeData)
+    value = value.replace(arg, u'')
+    if safe and arg != ';':
+        return mark_safe(value)
+    return value
+cut = stringfilter(cut)
+def escape(value):
+    """
+    Marks the value as a string that should not be auto-escaped.
+    """
+    from django.utils.safestring import mark_for_escaping
+    return mark_for_escaping(value)
+escape.is_safe = True
+escape = stringfilter(escape)
+def force_escape(value):
+    """
+    Escapes a string's HTML. This returns a new string containing the escaped
+    characters (as opposed to "escape", which marks the content for later
+    possible escaping).
+    """
+    from django.utils.html import escape
+    return mark_safe(escape(value))
+force_escape = stringfilter(force_escape)
+force_escape.is_safe = True
+def linebreaks(value, autoescape=None):
+    """
+    Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML; a single
+    newline becomes an HTML line break (``<br />``) and a new line
+    followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break (``</p>``).
+    """
+    from django.utils.html import linebreaks
+    autoescape = autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData)
+    return mark_safe(linebreaks(value, autoescape))
+linebreaks.is_safe = True
+linebreaks.needs_autoescape = True
+linebreaks = stringfilter(linebreaks)
+def linebreaksbr(value, autoescape=None):
+    """
+    Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks
+    (``<br />``).
+    """
+    if autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData):
+        from django.utils.html import escape
+        value = escape(value)
+    return mark_safe(value.replace('\n', '<br />'))
+linebreaksbr.is_safe = True
+linebreaksbr.needs_autoescape = True
+linebreaksbr = stringfilter(linebreaksbr)
+def safe(value):
+    """
+    Marks the value as a string that should not be auto-escaped.
+    """
+    from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+    return mark_safe(value)
+safe.is_safe = True
+safe = stringfilter(safe)
+def removetags(value, tags):
+    """Removes a space separated list of [X]HTML tags from the output."""
+    tags = [re.escape(tag) for tag in tags.split()]
+    tags_re = u'(%s)' % u'|'.join(tags)
+    starttag_re = re.compile(ur'<%s(/?>|(\s+[^>]*>))' % tags_re, re.U)
+    endtag_re = re.compile(u'</%s>' % tags_re)
+    value = starttag_re.sub(u'', value)
+    value = endtag_re.sub(u'', value)
+    return value
+removetags.is_safe = True
+removetags = stringfilter(removetags)
+def striptags(value):
+    """Strips all [X]HTML tags."""
+    from django.utils.html import strip_tags
+    return strip_tags(value)
+striptags.is_safe = True
+striptags = stringfilter(striptags)
+# LISTS           #
+def dictsort(value, arg):
+    """
+    Takes a list of dicts, returns that list sorted by the property given in
+    the argument.
+    """
+    var_resolve = Variable(arg).resolve
+    decorated = [(var_resolve(item), item) for item in value]
+    decorated.sort()
+    return [item[1] for item in decorated]
+dictsort.is_safe = False
+def dictsortreversed(value, arg):
+    """
+    Takes a list of dicts, returns that list sorted in reverse order by the
+    property given in the argument.
+    """
+    var_resolve = Variable(arg).resolve
+    decorated = [(var_resolve(item), item) for item in value]
+    decorated.sort()
+    decorated.reverse()
+    return [item[1] for item in decorated]
+dictsortreversed.is_safe = False
+def first(value):
+    """Returns the first item in a list."""
+    try:
+        return value[0]
+    except IndexError:
+        return u''
+first.is_safe = False
+def join(value, arg):
+    """Joins a list with a string, like Python's ``str.join(list)``."""
+    try:
+        data = arg.join(map(force_unicode, value))
+    except AttributeError: # fail silently but nicely
+        return value
+    safe_args = reduce(lambda lhs, rhs: lhs and isinstance(rhs, SafeData),
+            value, True)
+    if safe_args:
+        return mark_safe(data)
+    else:
+        return data
+join.is_safe = True
+def last(value):
+    "Returns the last item in a list"
+    try:
+        return value[-1]
+    except IndexError:
+        return u''
+last.is_safe = True
+def length(value):
+    """Returns the length of the value - useful for lists."""
+    return len(value)
+length.is_safe = True
+def length_is(value, arg):
+    """Returns a boolean of whether the value's length is the argument."""
+    return len(value) == int(arg)
+length_is.is_safe = True
+def random(value):
+    """Returns a random item from the list."""
+    return random_module.choice(value)
+random.is_safe = True
+def slice_(value, arg):
+    """
+    Returns a slice of the list.
+    Uses the same syntax as Python's list slicing; see
+    for an introduction.
+    """
+    try:
+        bits = []
+        for x in arg.split(u':'):
+            if len(x) == 0:
+                bits.append(None)
+            else:
+                bits.append(int(x))
+        return value[slice(*bits)]
+    except (ValueError, TypeError):
+        return value # Fail silently.
+slice_.is_safe = True
+def unordered_list(value, autoescape=None):
+    """
+    Recursively takes a self-nested list and returns an HTML unordered list --
+    WITHOUT opening and closing <ul> tags.
+    The list is assumed to be in the proper format. For example, if ``var``
+    contains: ``['States', ['Kansas', ['Lawrence', 'Topeka'], 'Illinois']]``,
+    then ``{{ var|unordered_list }}`` would return::
+        <li>States
+        <ul>
+                <li>Kansas
+                <ul>
+                        <li>Lawrence</li>
+                        <li>Topeka</li>
+                </ul>
+                </li>
+                <li>Illinois</li>
+        </ul>
+        </li>
+    """
+    if autoescape:
+        from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
+        escaper = conditional_escape
+    else:
+        escaper = lambda x: x
+    def convert_old_style_list(list_):
+        """
+        Converts old style lists to the new easier to understand format.
+        The old list format looked like:
+            ['Item 1', [['Item 1.1', []], ['Item 1.2', []]]
+        And it is converted to:
+            ['Item 1', ['Item 1.1', 'Item 1.2]]
+        """
+        if not isinstance(list_, (tuple, list)) or len(list_) != 2:
+            return list_, False
+        first_item, second_item = list_
+        if second_item == []:
+            return [first_item], True
+        old_style_list = True
+        new_second_item = []
+        for sublist in second_item:
+            item, old_style_list = convert_old_style_list(sublist)
+            if not old_style_list:
+                break
+            new_second_item.extend(item)
+        if old_style_list:
+            second_item = new_second_item
+        return [first_item, second_item], old_style_list
+    def _helper(list_, tabs=1):
+        indent = u'\t' * tabs
+        output = []
+        list_length = len(list_)
+        i = 0
+        while i < list_length:
+            title = list_[i]
+            sublist = ''
+            sublist_item = None
+            if isinstance(title, (list, tuple)):
+                sublist_item = title
+                title = ''
+            elif i < list_length - 1:
+                next_item = list_[i+1]
+                if next_item and isinstance(next_item, (list, tuple)):
+                    # The next item is a sub-list.
+                    sublist_item = next_item
+                    # We've processed the next item now too.
+                    i += 1
+            if sublist_item:
+                sublist = _helper(sublist_item, tabs+1)
+                sublist = '\n%s<ul>\n%s\n%s</ul>\n%s' % (indent, sublist,
+                                                         indent, indent)
+            output.append('%s<li>%s%s</li>' % (indent,
+                    escaper(force_unicode(title)), sublist))
+            i += 1
+        return '\n'.join(output)
+    value, converted = convert_old_style_list(value)
+    return mark_safe(_helper(value))
+unordered_list.is_safe = True
+unordered_list.needs_autoescape = True
+# INTEGERS        #
+def add(value, arg):
+    """Adds the arg to the value."""
+    return int(value) + int(arg)
+add.is_safe = False
+def get_digit(value, arg):
+    """
+    Given a whole number, returns the requested digit of it, where 1 is the
+    right-most digit, 2 is the second-right-most digit, etc. Returns the
+    original value for invalid input (if input or argument is not an integer,
+    or if argument is less than 1). Otherwise, output is always an integer.
+    """
+    try:
+        arg = int(arg)
+        value = int(value)
+    except ValueError:
+        return value # Fail silently for an invalid argument
+    if arg < 1:
+        return value
+    try:
+        return int(str(value)[-arg])
+    except IndexError:
+        return 0
+get_digit.is_safe = False
+# DATES           #
+def date(value, arg=None):
+    """Formats a date according to the given format."""
+    from django.utils.dateformat import format
+    if not value:
+        return u''
+    if arg is None:
+        arg = settings.DATE_FORMAT
+    return format(value, arg)
+date.is_safe = False
+def time(value, arg=None):
+    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
+    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
+    if value in (None, u''):
+        return u''
+    if arg is None:
+        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
+    return time_format(value, arg)
+time.is_safe = False
+def timesince(value, arg=None):
+    """Formats a date as the time since that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")."""
+    from django.utils.timesince import timesince
+    if not value:
+        return u''
+    if arg:
+        return timesince(arg, value)
+    return timesince(value)
+timesince.is_safe = False
+def timeuntil(value, arg=None):
+    """Formats a date as the time until that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")."""
+    from django.utils.timesince import timesince
+    from datetime import datetime
+    if not value:
+        return u''
+    if arg:
+        return timesince(arg, value)
+    return timesince(, value)
+timeuntil.is_safe = False
+# LOGIC           #
+def default(value, arg):
+    """If value is unavailable, use given default."""
+    return value or arg
+default.is_safe = False
+def default_if_none(value, arg):
+    """If value is None, use given default."""
+    if value is None:
+        return arg
+    return value
+default_if_none.is_safe = False
+def divisibleby(value, arg):
+    """Returns True if the value is devisible by the argument."""
+    return int(value) % int(arg) == 0
+divisibleby.is_safe = False
+def yesno(value, arg=None):
+    """
+    Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally) None,
+    returns one of those strings accoding to the value:
+    ==========  ======================  ==================================
+    Value       Argument                Outputs
+    ==========  ======================  ==================================
+    ``True``    ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``yeah``
+    ``False``   ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``no``
+    ``None``    ``"yeah,no,maybe"``     ``maybe``
+    ``None``    ``"yeah,no"``           ``"no"`` (converts None to False
+                                        if no mapping for None is given.
+    ==========  ======================  ==================================
+    """
+    if arg is None:
+        arg = ugettext('yes,no,maybe')
+    bits = arg.split(u',')
+    if len(bits) < 2:
+        return value # Invalid arg.
+    try:
+        yes, no, maybe = bits
+    except ValueError:
+        # Unpack list of wrong size (no "maybe" value provided).
+        yes, no, maybe = bits[0], bits[1], bits[1]
+    if value is None:
+        return maybe
+    if value:
+        return yes
+    return no
+yesno.is_safe = False
+# MISC            #
+def filesizeformat(bytes):
+    """
+    Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 KB, 4.1 MB,
+    102 bytes, etc).
+    """
+    try:
+        bytes = float(bytes)
+    except TypeError:
+        return u"0 bytes"
+    if bytes < 1024:
+        return ungettext("%(size)d byte", "%(size)d bytes", bytes) % {'size': bytes}
+    if bytes < 1024 * 1024:
+        return ugettext("%.1f KB") % (bytes / 1024)
+    if bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
+        return ugettext("%.1f MB") % (bytes / (1024 * 1024))
+    return ugettext("%.1f GB") % (bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
+filesizeformat.is_safe = True
+def pluralize(value, arg=u's'):
+    """
+    Returns a plural suffix if the value is not 1. By default, 's' is used as
+    the suffix:
+    * If value is 0, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "0 votes".
+    * If value is 1, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "1 vote".
+    * If value is 2, vote{{ value|pluralize }} displays "2 votes".
+    If an argument is provided, that string is used instead:
+    * If value is 0, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "0 classes".
+    * If value is 1, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "1 class".
+    * If value is 2, class{{ value|pluralize:"es" }} displays "2 classes".
+    If the provided argument contains a comma, the text before the comma is
+    used for the singular case and the text after the comma is used for the
+    plural case:
+    * If value is 0, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "0 candies".
+    * If value is 1, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "1 candy".
+    * If value is 2, cand{{ value|pluralize:"y,ies" }} displays "2 candies".
+    """
+    if not u',' in arg:
+        arg = u',' + arg
+    bits = arg.split(u',')
+    if len(bits) > 2:
+        return u''
+    singular_suffix, plural_suffix = bits[:2]
+    try:
+        if int(value) != 1:
+            return plural_suffix
+    except ValueError: # Invalid string that's not a number.
+        pass
+    except TypeError: # Value isn't a string or a number; maybe it's a list?
+        try:
+            if len(value) != 1:
+                return plural_suffix
+        except TypeError: # len() of unsized object.
+            pass
+    return singular_suffix
+pluralize.is_safe = False
+def phone2numeric(value):
+    """Takes a phone number and converts it in to its numerical equivalent."""
+    from django.utils.text import phone2numeric
+    return phone2numeric(value)
+phone2numeric.is_safe = True
+def pprint(value):
+    """A wrapper around pprint.pprint -- for debugging, really."""
+    from pprint import pformat
+    try:
+        return pformat(value)
+    except Exception, e:
+        return u"Error in formatting: %s" % force_unicode(e, errors="replace")
+pprint.is_safe = True
+# Syntax: register.filter(name of filter, callback)
+register.filter('slice', slice_)