changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/db/models/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+import warnings
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import connection, transaction, IntegrityError
+from django.db.models.fields import DateField, FieldDoesNotExist
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.db.models import signals, sql
+from django.dispatch import dispatcher
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+# Used to control how many objects are worked with at once in some cases (e.g.
+# when deleting objects).
+# Pull into this namespace for backwards compatibility
+EmptyResultSet = sql.EmptyResultSet
+class QuerySet(object):
+    "Represents a lazy database lookup for a set of objects"
+    def __init__(self, model=None, query=None):
+        self.model = model
+        self.query = query or sql.Query(self.model, connection)
+        self._result_cache = None
+        self._iter = None
+    ########################
+    ########################
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        """
+        Allows the Queryset to be pickled.
+        """
+        # Force the cache to be fully populated.
+        len(self)
+        obj_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
+        obj_dict['_iter'] = None
+        return obj_dict
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return repr(list(self))
+    def __len__(self):
+        # Since __len__ is called quite frequently (for example, as part of
+        # list(qs), we make some effort here to be as efficient as possible
+        # whilst not messing up any existing iterators against the queryset.
+        if self._result_cache is None:
+            if self._iter:
+                self._result_cache = list(self._iter)
+            else:
+                self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())
+        elif self._iter:
+            self._result_cache.extend(list(self._iter))
+        return len(self._result_cache)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        if self._result_cache is None:
+            self._iter = self.iterator()
+            self._result_cache = []
+        if self._iter:
+            return self._result_iter()
+        # Python's list iterator is better than our version when we're just
+        # iterating over the cache.
+        return iter(self._result_cache)
+    def _result_iter(self):
+        pos = 0
+        while 1:
+            upper = len(self._result_cache)
+            while pos < upper:
+                yield self._result_cache[pos]
+                pos = pos + 1
+            if not self._iter:
+                raise StopIteration
+            if len(self._result_cache) <= pos:
+                self._fill_cache()
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        if self._result_cache is not None:
+            return bool(self._result_cache)
+        try:
+            iter(self).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def __getitem__(self, k):
+        "Retrieve an item or slice from the set of results."
+        if not isinstance(k, (slice, int, long)):
+            raise TypeError
+        assert ((not isinstance(k, slice) and (k >= 0))
+                or (isinstance(k, slice) and (k.start is None or k.start >= 0)
+                    and (k.stop is None or k.stop >= 0))), \
+                "Negative indexing is not supported."
+        if self._result_cache is not None:
+            if self._iter is not None:
+                # The result cache has only been partially populated, so we may
+                # need to fill it out a bit more.
+                if isinstance(k, slice):
+                    if k.stop is not None:
+                        # Some people insist on passing in strings here.
+                        bound = int(k.stop)
+                    else:
+                        bound = None
+                else:
+                    bound = k + 1
+                if len(self._result_cache) < bound:
+                    self._fill_cache(bound - len(self._result_cache))
+            return self._result_cache[k]
+        if isinstance(k, slice):
+            qs = self._clone()
+            if k.start is not None:
+                start = int(k.start)
+            else:
+                start = None
+            if k.stop is not None:
+                stop = int(k.stop)
+            else:
+                stop = None
+            qs.query.set_limits(start, stop)
+            return k.step and list(qs)[::k.step] or qs
+        try:
+            qs = self._clone()
+            qs.query.set_limits(k, k + 1)
+            return list(qs)[0]
+        except self.model.DoesNotExist, e:
+            raise IndexError, e.args
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        self._merge_sanity_check(other)
+        combined = self._clone()
+        combined.query.combine(other.query, sql.AND)
+        return combined
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        self._merge_sanity_check(other)
+        combined = self._clone()
+        combined.query.combine(other.query, sql.OR)
+        return combined
+    ####################################
+    ####################################
+    def iterator(self):
+        """
+        An iterator over the results from applying this QuerySet to the
+        database.
+        """
+        fill_cache = self.query.select_related
+        if isinstance(fill_cache, dict):
+            requested = fill_cache
+        else:
+            requested = None
+        max_depth = self.query.max_depth
+        extra_select = self.query.extra_select.keys()
+        index_start = len(extra_select)
+        for row in self.query.results_iter():
+            if fill_cache:
+                obj, _ = get_cached_row(self.model, row, index_start,
+                        max_depth, requested=requested)
+            else:
+                obj = self.model(*row[index_start:])
+            for i, k in enumerate(extra_select):
+                setattr(obj, k, row[i])
+            yield obj
+    def count(self):
+        """
+        Performs a SELECT COUNT() and returns the number of records as an
+        integer.
+        If the queryset is already cached (i.e. self._result_cache is set) this
+        simply returns the length of the cached results set to avoid multiple
+        SELECT COUNT(*) calls.
+        """
+        if self._result_cache is not None:
+            return len(self._result_cache)
+        return self.query.get_count()
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Performs the query and returns a single object matching the given
+        keyword arguments.
+        """
+        clone = self.filter(*args, **kwargs)
+        num = len(clone)
+        if num == 1:
+            return clone._result_cache[0]
+        if not num:
+            raise self.model.DoesNotExist("%s matching query does not exist."
+                    % self.model._meta.object_name)
+        raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned("get() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s! Lookup parameters were %s"
+                % (self.model._meta.object_name, num, kwargs))
+    def create(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database
+        and returning the created object.
+        """
+        obj = self.model(**kwargs)
+        return obj
+    def get_or_create(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Looks up an object with the given kwargs, creating one if necessary.
+        Returns a tuple of (object, created), where created is a boolean
+        specifying whether an object was created.
+        """
+        assert kwargs, \
+                'get_or_create() must be passed at least one keyword argument'
+        defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {})
+        try:
+            return self.get(**kwargs), False
+        except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+            try:
+                params = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if '__' not in k])
+                params.update(defaults)
+                obj = self.model(**params)
+                return obj, True
+            except IntegrityError, e:
+                return self.get(**kwargs), False
+    def latest(self, field_name=None):
+        """
+        Returns the latest object, according to the model's 'get_latest_by'
+        option or optional given field_name.
+        """
+        latest_by = field_name or self.model._meta.get_latest_by
+        assert bool(latest_by), "latest() requires either a field_name parameter or 'get_latest_by' in the model"
+        assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken."
+        obj = self._clone()
+        obj.query.set_limits(high=1)
+        obj.query.add_ordering('-%s' % latest_by)
+        return obj.get()
+    def in_bulk(self, id_list):
+        """
+        Returns a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with
+        that ID.
+        """
+        assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk"
+        assert isinstance(id_list, (tuple,  list)), \
+                "in_bulk() must be provided with a list of IDs."
+        if not id_list:
+            return {}
+        qs = self._clone()
+        qs.query.add_filter(('pk__in', id_list))
+        return dict([(obj._get_pk_val(), obj) for obj in qs.iterator()])
+    def delete(self):
+        """
+        Deletes the records in the current QuerySet.
+        """
+        assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with delete."
+        del_query = self._clone()
+        # Disable non-supported fields.
+        del_query.query.select_related = False
+        del_query.query.clear_ordering()
+        # Delete objects in chunks to prevent the list of related objects from
+        # becoming too long.
+        while 1:
+            # Collect all the objects to be deleted in this chunk, and all the
+            # objects that are related to the objects that are to be deleted.
+            seen_objs = SortedDict()
+            for object in del_query[:CHUNK_SIZE]:
+                object._collect_sub_objects(seen_objs)
+            if not seen_objs:
+                break
+            delete_objects(seen_objs)
+        # Clear the result cache, in case this QuerySet gets reused.
+        self._result_cache = None
+    delete.alters_data = True
+    def update(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Updates all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given
+        fields to the appropriate values.
+        """
+        query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery)
+        query.add_update_values(kwargs)
+        query.execute_sql(None)
+        transaction.commit_unless_managed()
+        self._result_cache = None
+    update.alters_data = True
+    def _update(self, values):
+        """
+        A version of update that accepts field objects instead of field names.
+        Used primarily for model saving and not intended for use by general
+        code (it requires too much poking around at model internals to be
+        useful at that level).
+        """
+        query = self.query.clone(sql.UpdateQuery)
+        query.add_update_fields(values)
+        query.execute_sql(None)
+        self._result_cache = None
+    _update.alters_data = True
+    ##################################################
+    ##################################################
+    def values(self, *fields):
+        return self._clone(klass=ValuesQuerySet, setup=True, _fields=fields)
+    def values_list(self, *fields, **kwargs):
+        flat = kwargs.pop('flat', False)
+        if kwargs:
+            raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to values_list: %s'
+                    % (kwargs.keys(),))
+        if flat and len(fields) > 1:
+            raise TypeError("'flat' is not valid when values_list is called with more than one field.")
+        return self._clone(klass=ValuesListQuerySet, setup=True, flat=flat,
+                _fields=fields)
+    def dates(self, field_name, kind, order='ASC'):
+        """
+        Returns a list of datetime objects representing all available dates
+        for the given field_name, scoped to 'kind'.
+        """
+        assert kind in ("month", "year", "day"), \
+                "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'."
+        assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), \
+                "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'."
+        # Let the FieldDoesNotExist exception propagate.
+        field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name, many_to_many=False)
+        assert isinstance(field, DateField), "%r isn't a DateField." \
+                % field_name
+        return self._clone(klass=DateQuerySet, setup=True, _field=field,
+                _kind=kind, _order=order)
+    def none(self):
+        """
+        Returns an empty queryset.
+        """
+        return self._clone(klass=EmptyQuerySet)
+    ##################################################################
+    ##################################################################
+    def all(self):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet that is a copy of the current one. This allows a
+        QuerySet to proxy for a model manager in some cases.
+        """
+        return self._clone()
+    def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet instance with the args ANDed to the existing
+        set.
+        """
+        return self._filter_or_exclude(False, *args, **kwargs)
+    def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet instance with NOT (args) ANDed to the existing
+        set.
+        """
+        return self._filter_or_exclude(True, *args, **kwargs)
+    def _filter_or_exclude(self, negate, *args, **kwargs):
+        if args or kwargs:
+            assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                    "Cannot filter a query once a slice has been taken."
+        clone = self._clone()
+        if negate:
+            clone.query.add_q(~Q(*args, **kwargs))
+        else:
+            clone.query.add_q(Q(*args, **kwargs))
+        return clone
+    def complex_filter(self, filter_obj):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet instance with filter_obj added to the filters.
+        filter_obj can be a Q object (or anything with an add_to_query()
+        method) or a dictionary of keyword lookup arguments.
+        This exists to support framework features such as 'limit_choices_to',
+        and usually it will be more natural to use other methods.
+        """
+        if isinstance(filter_obj, Q) or hasattr(filter_obj, 'add_to_query'):
+            return self._filter_or_exclude(None, filter_obj)
+        else:
+            return self._filter_or_exclude(None, **filter_obj)
+    def select_related(self, *fields, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select related objects. If
+        fields are specified, they must be ForeignKey fields and only those
+        related objects are included in the selection.
+        """
+        depth = kwargs.pop('depth', 0)
+        if kwargs:
+            raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments to select_related: %s'
+                    % (kwargs.keys(),))
+        obj = self._clone()
+        if fields:
+            if depth:
+                raise TypeError('Cannot pass both "depth" and fields to select_related()')
+            obj.query.add_select_related(fields)
+        else:
+            obj.query.select_related = True
+        if depth:
+            obj.query.max_depth = depth
+        return obj
+    def dup_select_related(self, other):
+        """
+        Copies the related selection status from the queryset 'other' to the
+        current queryset.
+        """
+        self.query.select_related = other.query.select_related
+    def order_by(self, *field_names):
+        """Returns a new QuerySet instance with the ordering changed."""
+        assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken."
+        obj = self._clone()
+        obj.query.clear_ordering()
+        obj.query.add_ordering(*field_names)
+        return obj
+    def distinct(self, true_or_false=True):
+        """
+        Returns a new QuerySet instance that will select only distinct results.
+        """
+        obj = self._clone()
+        obj.query.distinct = true_or_false
+        return obj
+    def extra(self, select=None, where=None, params=None, tables=None,
+            order_by=None, select_params=None):
+        """
+        Add extra SQL fragments to the query.
+        """
+        assert self.query.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot change a query once a slice has been taken"
+        clone = self._clone()
+        clone.query.add_extra(select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by)
+        return clone
+    def reverse(self):
+        """
+        Reverses the ordering of the queryset.
+        """
+        clone = self._clone()
+        clone.query.standard_ordering = not clone.query.standard_ordering
+        return clone
+    ###################
+    ###################
+    def _clone(self, klass=None, setup=False, **kwargs):
+        if klass is None:
+            klass = self.__class__
+        c = klass(model=self.model, query=self.query.clone())
+        c.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+        if setup and hasattr(c, '_setup_query'):
+            c._setup_query()
+        return c
+    def _fill_cache(self, num=None):
+        """
+        Fills the result cache with 'num' more entries (or until the results
+        iterator is exhausted).
+        """
+        if self._iter:
+            try:
+                for i in range(num or ITER_CHUNK_SIZE):
+                    self._result_cache.append(
+            except StopIteration:
+                self._iter = None
+    def _merge_sanity_check(self, other):
+        """
+        Checks that we are merging two comparable queryset classes.
+        """
+        if self.__class__ is not other.__class__:
+            raise TypeError("Cannot merge querysets of different types ('%s' and '%s'."
+                    % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
+class ValuesQuerySet(QuerySet):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(ValuesQuerySet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # select_related isn't supported in values(). (FIXME -#3358)
+        self.query.select_related = False
+        # QuerySet.clone() will also set up the _fields attribute with the
+        # names of the model fields to select.
+    def iterator(self):
+        self.query.trim_extra_select(self.extra_names)
+        names = self.query.extra_select.keys() + self.field_names
+        for row in self.query.results_iter():
+            yield dict(zip(names, row))
+    def _setup_query(self):
+        """
+        Constructs the field_names list that the values query will be
+        retrieving.
+        Called by the _clone() method after initialising the rest of the
+        instance.
+        """
+        self.extra_names = []
+        if self._fields:
+            if not self.query.extra_select:
+                field_names = list(self._fields)
+            else:
+                field_names = []
+                for f in self._fields:
+                    if self.query.extra_select.has_key(f):
+                        self.extra_names.append(f)
+                    else:
+                        field_names.append(f)
+        else:
+            # Default to all fields.
+            field_names = [f.attname for f in self.model._meta.fields]
+        self.query.add_fields(field_names, False)
+        self.query.default_cols = False
+        self.field_names = field_names
+    def _clone(self, klass=None, setup=False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Cloning a ValuesQuerySet preserves the current fields.
+        """
+        c = super(ValuesQuerySet, self)._clone(klass, **kwargs)
+        c._fields = self._fields[:]
+        c.field_names = self.field_names
+        c.extra_names = self.extra_names
+        if setup and hasattr(c, '_setup_query'):
+            c._setup_query()
+        return c
+    def _merge_sanity_check(self, other):
+        super(ValuesQuerySet, self)._merge_sanity_check(other)
+        if (set(self.extra_names) != set(other.extra_names) or
+                set(self.field_names) != set(other.field_names)):
+            raise TypeError("Merging '%s' classes must involve the same values in each case."
+                    % self.__class__.__name__)
+class ValuesListQuerySet(ValuesQuerySet):
+    def iterator(self):
+        self.query.trim_extra_select(self.extra_names)
+        if self.flat and len(self._fields) == 1:
+            for row in self.query.results_iter():
+                yield row[0]
+        elif not self.query.extra_select:
+            for row in self.query.results_iter():
+                yield row
+        else:
+            # When extra(select=...) is involved, the extra cols come are
+            # always at the start of the row, so we need to reorder the fields
+            # to match the order in self._fields.
+            names = self.query.extra_select.keys() + self.field_names
+            for row in self.query.results_iter():
+                data = dict(zip(names, row))
+                yield tuple([data[f] for f in self._fields])
+    def _clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        clone = super(ValuesListQuerySet, self)._clone(*args, **kwargs)
+        clone.flat = self.flat
+        return clone
+class DateQuerySet(QuerySet):
+    def iterator(self):
+        return self.query.results_iter()
+    def _setup_query(self):
+        """
+        Sets up any special features of the query attribute.
+        Called by the _clone() method after initialising the rest of the
+        instance.
+        """
+        self.query = self.query.clone(klass=sql.DateQuery, setup=True)
+ = []
+        self.query.add_date_select(self._field.column, self._kind, self._order)
+        if self._field.null:
+            self.query.add_filter(('%s__isnull' %, True))
+    def _clone(self, klass=None, setup=False, **kwargs):
+        c = super(DateQuerySet, self)._clone(klass, False, **kwargs)
+        c._field = self._field
+        c._kind = self._kind
+        if setup and hasattr(c, '_setup_query'):
+            c._setup_query()
+        return c
+class EmptyQuerySet(QuerySet):
+    def __init__(self, model=None, query=None):
+        super(EmptyQuerySet, self).__init__(model, query)
+        self._result_cache = []
+    def count(self):
+        return 0
+    def delete(self):
+        pass
+    def _clone(self, klass=None, setup=False, **kwargs):
+        c = super(EmptyQuerySet, self)._clone(klass, **kwargs)
+        c._result_cache = []
+        return c
+    def iterator(self):
+        # This slightly odd construction is because we need an empty generator
+        # (it raises StopIteration immediately).
+        yield iter([]).next()
+# QOperator, QNot, QAnd and QOr are temporarily retained for backwards
+# compatibility. All the old functionality is now part of the 'Q' class.
+class QOperator(Q):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        warnings.warn('Use Q instead of QOr, QAnd or QOperation.',
+                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+        super(QOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+QOr = QAnd = QOperator
+def QNot(q):
+    warnings.warn('Use ~q instead of QNot(q)', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+    return ~q
+def get_cached_row(klass, row, index_start, max_depth=0, cur_depth=0,
+        requested=None):
+    """
+    Helper function that recursively returns an object with the specified
+    related attributes already populated.
+    """
+    if max_depth and requested is None and cur_depth > max_depth:
+        # We've recursed deeply enough; stop now.
+        return None
+    restricted = requested is not None
+    index_end = index_start + len(klass._meta.fields)
+    obj = klass(*row[index_start:index_end])
+    for f in klass._meta.fields:
+        if (not f.rel or (not restricted and f.null) or
+                (restricted and not in requested) or f.rel.parent_link):
+            continue
+        if restricted:
+            next = requested[]
+        else:
+            next = None
+        cached_row = get_cached_row(, row, index_end, max_depth,
+                cur_depth+1, next)
+        if cached_row:
+            rel_obj, index_end = cached_row
+            setattr(obj, f.get_cache_name(), rel_obj)
+    return obj, index_end
+def delete_objects(seen_objs):
+    """
+    Iterate through a list of seen classes, and remove any instances that are
+    referred to.
+    """
+    ordered_classes = seen_objs.keys()
+    ordered_classes.reverse()
+    for cls in ordered_classes:
+        seen_objs[cls] = seen_objs[cls].items()
+        seen_objs[cls].sort()
+        # Pre notify all instances to be deleted
+        for pk_val, instance in seen_objs[cls]:
+            dispatcher.send(signal=signals.pre_delete, sender=cls,
+                    instance=instance)
+        pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in seen_objs[cls]]
+        del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)
+        del_query.delete_batch_related(pk_list)
+        update_query = sql.UpdateQuery(cls, connection)
+        for field in cls._meta.fields:
+            if field.rel and field.null and in seen_objs:
+                update_query.clear_related(field, pk_list)
+    # Now delete the actual data
+    for cls in ordered_classes:
+        seen_objs[cls].reverse()
+        pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in seen_objs[cls]]
+        del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)
+        del_query.delete_batch(pk_list)
+        # Last cleanup; set NULLs where there once was a reference to the
+        # object, NULL the primary key of the found objects, and perform
+        # post-notification.
+        for pk_val, instance in seen_objs[cls]:
+            for field in cls._meta.fields:
+                if field.rel and field.null and in seen_objs:
+                    setattr(instance, field.attname, None)
+            dispatcher.send(signal=signals.post_delete, sender=cls,
+                    instance=instance)
+            setattr(instance,, None)
+    transaction.commit_unless_managed()
+def insert_query(model, values, return_id=False, raw_values=False):
+    """
+    Inserts a new record for the given model. This provides an interface to
+    the InsertQuery class and is how is implemented. It is not
+    part of the public API.
+    """
+    query = sql.InsertQuery(model, connection)
+    query.insert_values(values, raw_values)
+    return query.execute_sql(return_id)