changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/db/models/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+"Utilities for loading models and the modules that contain them."
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+import sys
+import os
+import threading
+__all__ = ('get_apps', 'get_app', 'get_models', 'get_model', 'register_models',
+        'load_app', 'app_cache_ready')
+class AppCache(object):
+    """
+    A cache that stores installed applications and their models. Used to
+    provide reverse-relations and for app introspection (e.g. admin).
+    """
+    # Use the Borg pattern to share state between all instances. Details at
+    #
+    __shared_state = dict(
+        # Keys of app_store are the model modules for each application.
+        app_store = {},
+        # Mapping of app_labels to a dictionary of model names to model code.
+        app_models = {},
+        # Mapping of app_labels to errors raised when trying to import the app.
+        app_errors = {},
+        # -- Everything below here is only used when populating the cache --
+        loaded = False,
+        handled = {},
+        postponed = [],
+        nesting_level = 0,
+        write_lock = threading.RLock(),
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
+    def _populate(self):
+        """
+        Fill in all the cache information. This method is threadsafe, in the
+        sense that every caller will see the same state upon return, and if the
+        cache is already initialised, it does no work.
+        """
+        if self.loaded:
+            return
+        self.write_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self.loaded:
+                return
+            for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
+                if app_name in self.handled:
+                    continue
+                self.load_app(app_name, True)
+            if not self.nesting_level:
+                for app_name in self.postponed:
+                    self.load_app(app_name)
+                self.loaded = True
+        finally:
+            self.write_lock.release()
+    def load_app(self, app_name, can_postpone=False):
+        """
+        Loads the app with the provided fully qualified name, and returns the
+        model module.
+        """
+        self.handled[app_name] = None
+        self.nesting_level += 1
+        mod = __import__(app_name, {}, {}, ['models'])
+        self.nesting_level -= 1
+        if not hasattr(mod, 'models'):
+            if can_postpone:
+                # Either the app has no models, or the package is still being
+                # imported by Python and the model module isn't available yet.
+                # We will check again once all the recursion has finished (in
+                # populate).
+                self.postponed.append(app_name)
+            return None
+        if mod.models not in self.app_store:
+            self.app_store[mod.models] = len(self.app_store)
+        return mod.models
+    def app_cache_ready(self):
+        """
+        Returns true if the model cache is fully populated.
+        Useful for code that wants to cache the results of get_models() for
+        themselves once it is safe to do so.
+        """
+        return self.loaded
+    def get_apps(self):
+        "Returns a list of all installed modules that contain models."
+        self._populate()
+        # Ensure the returned list is always in the same order (with new apps
+        # added at the end). This avoids unstable ordering on the admin app
+        # list page, for example.
+        apps = [(v, k) for k, v in self.app_store.items()]
+        apps.sort()
+        return [elt[1] for elt in apps]
+    def get_app(self, app_label, emptyOK=False):
+        """
+        Returns the module containing the models for the given app_label. If
+        the app has no models in it and 'emptyOK' is True, returns None.
+        """
+        self._populate()
+        self.write_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
+                if app_label == app_name.split('.')[-1]:
+                    mod = self.load_app(app_name, False)
+                    if mod is None:
+                        if emptyOK:
+                            return None
+                    else:
+                        return mod
+            raise ImproperlyConfigured, "App with label %s could not be found" % app_label
+        finally:
+            self.write_lock.release()
+    def get_app_errors(self):
+        "Returns the map of known problems with the INSTALLED_APPS."
+        self._populate()
+        return self.app_errors
+    def get_models(self, app_mod=None):
+        """
+        Given a module containing models, returns a list of the models.
+        Otherwise returns a list of all installed models.
+        """
+        self._populate()
+        if app_mod:
+            return self.app_models.get(app_mod.__name__.split('.')[-2], {}).values()
+        else:
+            model_list = []
+            for app_entry in self.app_models.itervalues():
+                model_list.extend(app_entry.values())
+            return model_list
+    def get_model(self, app_label, model_name, seed_cache=True):
+        """
+        Returns the model matching the given app_label and case-insensitive
+        model_name.
+        Returns None if no model is found.
+        """
+        if seed_cache:
+            self._populate()
+        return self.app_models.get(app_label, {}).get(model_name.lower())
+    def register_models(self, app_label, *models):
+        """
+        Register a set of models as belonging to an app.
+        """
+        for model in models:
+            # Store as 'name: model' pair in a dictionary
+            # in the _app_models dictionary
+            model_name = model._meta.object_name.lower()
+            model_dict = self.app_models.setdefault(app_label, {})
+            if model_name in model_dict:
+                # The same model may be imported via different paths (e.g.
+                # appname.models and project.appname.models). We use the source
+                # filename as a means to detect identity.
+                fname1 = os.path.abspath(sys.modules[model.__module__].__file__)
+                fname2 = os.path.abspath(sys.modules[model_dict[model_name].__module__].__file__)
+                # Since the filename extension could be .py the first time and
+                # .pyc or .pyo the second time, ignore the extension when
+                # comparing.
+                if os.path.splitext(fname1)[0] == os.path.splitext(fname2)[0]:
+                    continue
+            model_dict[model_name] = model
+cache = AppCache()
+# These methods were always module level, so are kept that way for backwards
+# compatibility.
+get_apps = cache.get_apps
+get_app = cache.get_app
+get_app_errors = cache.get_app_errors
+get_models = cache.get_models
+get_model = cache.get_model
+register_models = cache.register_models
+load_app = cache.load_app
+app_cache_ready = cache.app_cache_ready