changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/contrib/formtools/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+FormWizard class -- implements a multi-page form, validating between each
+step and storing the form's state as HTML hidden fields so that no state is
+stored on the server side.
+from django import newforms as forms
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
+from django.template.context import RequestContext
+import cPickle as pickle
+import md5
+class FormWizard(object):
+    # Dictionary of extra template context variables.
+    extra_context = {}
+    # The HTML (and POST data) field name for the "step" variable.
+    step_field_name="wizard_step"
+    # METHODS SUBCLASSES SHOULDN'T OVERRIDE ###################################
+    def __init__(self, form_list, initial=None):
+        "form_list should be a list of Form classes (not instances)."
+        self.form_list = form_list[:]
+        self.initial = initial or {}
+        self.step = 0 # A zero-based counter keeping track of which step we're in.
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "step: %d\nform_list: %s\ninitial_data: %s" % (self.step, self.form_list, self.initial)
+    def get_form(self, step, data=None):
+        "Helper method that returns the Form instance for the given step."
+        return self.form_list[step](data, prefix=self.prefix_for_step(step), initial=self.initial.get(step, None))
+    def num_steps(self):
+        "Helper method that returns the number of steps."
+        # You might think we should just set "self.form_list = len(form_list)"
+        # in __init__(), but this calculation needs to be dynamic, because some
+        # hook methods might alter self.form_list.
+        return len(self.form_list)
+    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Main method that does all the hard work, conforming to the Django view
+        interface.
+        """
+        if 'extra_context' in kwargs:
+            self.extra_context.update(kwargs['extra_context'])
+        current_step = self.determine_step(request, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.parse_params(request, *args, **kwargs)
+        # Sanity check.
+        if current_step >= self.num_steps():
+            raise Http404('Step %s does not exist' % current_step)
+        # For each previous step, verify the hash and process.
+        # TODO: Move "hash_%d" to a method to make it configurable.
+        for i in range(current_step):
+            form = self.get_form(i, request.POST)
+            if request.POST.get("hash_%d" % i, '') != self.security_hash(request, form):
+                return self.render_hash_failure(request, i)
+            self.process_step(request, form, i)
+        # Process the current step. If it's valid, go to the next step or call
+        # done(), depending on whether any steps remain.
+        if request.method == 'POST':
+            form = self.get_form(current_step, request.POST)
+        else:
+            form = self.get_form(current_step)
+        if form.is_valid():
+            self.process_step(request, form, current_step)
+            next_step = current_step + 1
+            # If this was the last step, validate all of the forms one more
+            # time, as a sanity check, and call done().
+            num = self.num_steps()
+            if next_step == num:
+                final_form_list = [self.get_form(i, request.POST) for i in range(num)]
+                # Validate all the forms. If any of them fail validation, that
+                # must mean the validator relied on some other input, such as
+                # an external Web site.
+                for i, f in enumerate(final_form_list):
+                    if not f.is_valid():
+                        return self.render_revalidation_failure(request, i, f)
+                return self.done(request, final_form_list)
+            # Otherwise, move along to the next step.
+            else:
+                form = self.get_form(next_step)
+                current_step = next_step
+        return self.render(form, request, current_step)
+    def render(self, form, request, step, context=None):
+        "Renders the given Form object, returning an HttpResponse."
+        old_data = request.POST
+        prev_fields = []
+        if old_data:
+            hidden = forms.HiddenInput()
+            # Collect all data from previous steps and render it as HTML hidden fields.
+            for i in range(step):
+                old_form = self.get_form(i, old_data)
+                hash_name = 'hash_%s' % i
+                prev_fields.extend([bf.as_hidden() for bf in old_form])
+                prev_fields.append(hidden.render(hash_name, old_data.get(hash_name, self.security_hash(request, old_form))))
+        return self.render_template(request, form, ''.join(prev_fields), step, context)
+    def prefix_for_step(self, step):
+        "Given the step, returns a Form prefix to use."
+        return str(step)
+    def render_hash_failure(self, request, step):
+        """
+        Hook for rendering a template if a hash check failed.
+        step is the step that failed. Any previous step is guaranteed to be
+        valid.
+        This default implementation simply renders the form for the given step,
+        but subclasses may want to display an error message, etc.
+        """
+        return self.render(self.get_form(step), request, step, context={'wizard_error': 'We apologize, but your form has expired. Please continue filling out the form from this page.'})
+    def render_revalidation_failure(self, request, step, form):
+        """
+        Hook for rendering a template if final revalidation failed.
+        It is highly unlikely that this point would ever be reached, but See
+        the comment in __call__() for an explanation.
+        """
+        return self.render(form, request, step)
+    def security_hash(self, request, form):
+        """
+        Calculates the security hash for the given HttpRequest and Form instances.
+        This creates a list of the form field names/values in a deterministic
+        order, pickles the result with the SECRET_KEY setting and takes an md5
+        hash of that.
+        Subclasses may want to take into account request-specific information,
+        such as the IP address.
+        """
+        data = [(, or '') for bf in form] + [settings.SECRET_KEY]
+        # Use HIGHEST_PROTOCOL because it's the most efficient. It requires
+        # Python 2.3, but Django requires 2.3 anyway, so that's OK.
+        pickled = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        return
+    def determine_step(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Given the request object and whatever *args and **kwargs were passed to
+        __call__(), returns the current step (which is zero-based).
+        Note that the result should not be trusted. It may even be a completely
+        invalid number. It's not the job of this method to validate it.
+        """
+        if not request.POST:
+            return 0
+        try:
+            step = int(request.POST.get(self.step_field_name, 0))
+        except ValueError:
+            return 0
+        return step
+    def parse_params(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Hook for setting some state, given the request object and whatever
+        *args and **kwargs were passed to __call__(), sets some state.
+        This is called at the beginning of __call__().
+        """
+        pass
+    def get_template(self, step):
+        """
+        Hook for specifying the name of the template to use for a given step.
+        Note that this can return a tuple of template names if you'd like to
+        use the template system's select_template() hook.
+        """
+        return 'forms/wizard.html'
+    def render_template(self, request, form, previous_fields, step, context=None):
+        """
+        Renders the template for the given step, returning an HttpResponse object.
+        Override this method if you want to add a custom context, return a
+        different MIME type, etc. If you only need to override the template
+        name, use get_template() instead.
+        The template will be rendered with the following context:
+            step_field -- The name of the hidden field containing the step.
+            step0      -- The current step (zero-based).
+            step       -- The current step (one-based).
+            step_count -- The total number of steps.
+            form       -- The Form instance for the current step (either empty
+                          or with errors).
+            previous_fields -- A string representing every previous data field,
+                          plus hashes for completed forms, all in the form of
+                          hidden fields. Note that you'll need to run this
+                          through the "safe" template filter, to prevent
+                          auto-escaping, because it's raw HTML.
+        """
+        context = context or {}
+        context.update(self.extra_context)
+        return render_to_response(self.get_template(self.step), dict(context,
+            step_field=self.step_field_name,
+            step0=step,
+            step=step + 1,
+            step_count=self.num_steps(),
+            form=form,
+            previous_fields=previous_fields
+        ), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+    def process_step(self, request, form, step):
+        """
+        Hook for modifying the FormWizard's internal state, given a fully
+        validated Form object. The Form is guaranteed to have clean, valid
+        data.
+        This method should *not* modify any of that data. Rather, it might want
+        to set self.extra_context or dynamically alter self.form_list, based on
+        previously submitted forms.
+        Note that this method is called every time a page is rendered for *all*
+        submitted steps.
+        """
+        pass
+    # METHODS SUBCLASSES MUST OVERRIDE ########################################
+    def done(self, request, form_list):
+        """
+        Hook for doing something with the validated data. This is responsible
+        for the final processing.
+        form_list is a list of Form instances, each containing clean, valid
+        data.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Your %s class has not defined a done() method, which is required." % self.__class__.__name__)