changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/conf/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# Default Django settings. Override these with settings in the module
+# pointed-to by the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
+# This is defined here as a do-nothing function because we can't import
+# django.utils.translation -- that module depends on the settings.
+gettext_noop = lambda s: s
+# CORE             #
+DEBUG = False
+# True if BaseHandler.get_response() should propagate raw exceptions
+# rather than catching them.  This is useful under some testing siutations,
+# and should never be used on a live site.
+# Whether to use the "Etag" header. This saves bandwidth but slows down performance.
+USE_ETAGS = False
+# People who get code error notifications.
+# In the format (('Full Name', ''), ('Full Name', ''))
+ADMINS = ()
+# Tuple of IP addresses, as strings, that:
+#   * See debug comments, when DEBUG is true
+#   * Receive x-headers
+# Local time zone for this installation. All choices can be found here:
+# (although not all
+# systems may support all possibilities).
+TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago'
+# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:
+LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
+# Languages we provide translations for, out of the box. The language name
+# should be the utf-8 encoded local name for the language.
+    ('ar', gettext_noop('Arabic')),
+    ('bn', gettext_noop('Bengali')),
+    ('bg', gettext_noop('Bulgarian')),
+    ('ca', gettext_noop('Catalan')),
+    ('cs', gettext_noop('Czech')),
+    ('cy', gettext_noop('Welsh')),
+    ('da', gettext_noop('Danish')),
+    ('de', gettext_noop('German')),
+    ('el', gettext_noop('Greek')),
+    ('en', gettext_noop('English')),
+    ('es', gettext_noop('Spanish')),
+    ('es-ar', gettext_noop('Argentinean Spanish')),
+    ('eu', gettext_noop('Basque')),
+    ('fa', gettext_noop('Persian')),
+    ('fi', gettext_noop('Finnish')),
+    ('fr', gettext_noop('French')),
+    ('ga', gettext_noop('Irish')),
+    ('gl', gettext_noop('Galician')),
+    ('hu', gettext_noop('Hungarian')),
+    ('he', gettext_noop('Hebrew')),
+    ('hr', gettext_noop('Croatian')),
+    ('is', gettext_noop('Icelandic')),
+    ('it', gettext_noop('Italian')),
+    ('ja', gettext_noop('Japanese')),
+    ('ka', gettext_noop('Georgian')),
+    ('ko', gettext_noop('Korean')),
+    ('km', gettext_noop('Khmer')),
+    ('kn', gettext_noop('Kannada')),
+    ('lv', gettext_noop('Latvian')),
+    ('mk', gettext_noop('Macedonian')),
+    ('nl', gettext_noop('Dutch')),
+    ('no', gettext_noop('Norwegian')),
+    ('pl', gettext_noop('Polish')),
+    ('pt', gettext_noop('Portugese')),
+    ('pt-br', gettext_noop('Brazilian Portuguese')),
+    ('ro', gettext_noop('Romanian')),
+    ('ru', gettext_noop('Russian')),
+    ('sk', gettext_noop('Slovak')),
+    ('sl', gettext_noop('Slovenian')),
+    ('sr', gettext_noop('Serbian')),
+    ('sv', gettext_noop('Swedish')),
+    ('ta', gettext_noop('Tamil')),
+    ('te', gettext_noop('Telugu')),
+    ('tr', gettext_noop('Turkish')),
+    ('uk', gettext_noop('Ukrainian')),
+    ('zh-cn', gettext_noop('Simplified Chinese')),
+    ('zh-tw', gettext_noop('Traditional Chinese')),
+# Languages using BiDi (right-to-left) layout
+LANGUAGES_BIDI = ("he", "ar", "fa")
+# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not
+# to load the internationalization machinery.
+USE_I18N = True
+LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME = 'django_language'
+# Not-necessarily-technical managers of the site. They get broken link
+# notifications and other various e-mails.
+# Default content type and charset to use for all HttpResponse objects, if a
+# MIME type isn't manually specified. These are used to construct the
+# Content-Type header.
+# Encoding of files read from disk (template and initial SQL files).
+FILE_CHARSET = 'utf-8'
+# E-mail address that error messages come from.
+SERVER_EMAIL = 'root@localhost'
+# Whether to send broken-link e-mails.
+# Database connection info.
+DATABASE_ENGINE = ''           # 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
+DATABASE_NAME = ''             # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
+DATABASE_USER = ''             # Not used with sqlite3.
+DATABASE_PASSWORD = ''         # Not used with sqlite3.
+DATABASE_HOST = ''             # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
+DATABASE_PORT = ''             # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
+DATABASE_OPTIONS = {}          # Set to empty dictionary for default.
+# Host for sending e-mail.
+EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'
+# Port for sending e-mail.
+# Optional SMTP authentication information for EMAIL_HOST.
+# List of strings representing installed apps.
+# List of locations of the template source files, in search order.
+# List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources.
+# See the comments in django/core/template/ for interface
+# documentation.
+    'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',
+    'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',
+#     'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',
+# List of processors used by RequestContext to populate the context.
+# Each one should be a callable that takes the request object as its
+# only parameter and returns a dictionary to add to the context.
+    'django.core.context_processors.auth',
+    'django.core.context_processors.debug',
+    'django.core.context_processors.i18n',
+    '',
+#    'django.core.context_processors.request',
+# Output to use in template system for invalid (e.g. misspelled) variables.
+# URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a
+# trailing slash.
+# Examples: "", "/media/".
+# Default e-mail address to use for various automated correspondence from
+# the site managers.
+DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'webmaster@localhost'
+# Subject-line prefix for email messages send with django.core.mail.mail_admins
+# or ...mail_managers.  Make sure to include the trailing space.
+# Whether to append trailing slashes to URLs.
+# Whether to prepend the "www." subdomain to URLs that don't have it.
+# List of compiled regular expression objects representing User-Agent strings
+# that are not allowed to visit any page, systemwide. Use this for bad
+# robots/crawlers. Here are a few examples:
+#     import re
+#         re.compile(r'^NaverBot.*'),
+#         re.compile(r'^EmailSiphon.*'),
+#         re.compile(r'^SiteSucker.*'),
+#         re.compile(r'^sohu-search')
+#     )
+# Tuple of strings representing allowed prefixes for the {% ssi %} tag.
+# Example: ('/home/html', '/var/www')
+# If this is a admin settings module, this should be a list of
+# settings modules (in the format '') for which this admin
+# is an admin.
+# 404s that may be ignored.
+IGNORABLE_404_STARTS = ('/cgi-bin/', '/_vti_bin', '/_vti_inf')
+IGNORABLE_404_ENDS = ('', '', 'mail.cgi', 'mailform.cgi', 'favicon.ico', '.php')
+# A secret key for this particular Django installation. Used in secret-key
+# hashing algorithms. Set this in your settings, or Django will complain
+# loudly.
+# Path to the "jing" executable -- needed to validate XMLFields
+JING_PATH = "/usr/bin/jing"
+# Absolute path to the directory that holds media.
+# Example: "/home/media/"
+# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT.
+# Example: ""
+# Default formatting for date objects. See all available format strings here:
+# Default formatting for datetime objects. See all available format strings here:
+# Default formatting for time objects. See all available format strings here:
+# Default formatting for date objects when only the year and month are relevant.
+# See all available format strings here:
+# Default formatting for date objects when only the month and day are relevant.
+# See all available format strings here:
+# Do you want to manage transactions manually?
+# Hint: you really don't!
+# The User-Agent string to use when checking for URL validity through the
+# isExistingURL validator.
+from django import get_version
+URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT = "Django/%s (" % get_version()
+# The tablespaces to use for each model when not specified otherwise.
+# List of middleware classes to use.  Order is important; in the request phase,
+# this middleware classes will be applied in the order given, and in the
+# response phase the middleware will be applied in reverse order.
+    'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
+    'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
+#     'django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware',
+#     'django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware',
+    'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
+    'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
+SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'sessionid'                       # Cookie name. This can be whatever you want.
+SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2               # Age of cookie, in seconds (default: 2 weeks).
+SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None                            # A string like "", or None for standard domain cookie.
+SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False                           # Whether the session cookie should be secure (https:// only).
+SESSION_COOKIE_PATH = '/'                               # The path of the session cookie.
+SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = False                      # Whether to save the session data on every request.
+SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = False                 # Whether sessions expire when a user closes his browser.
+SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.db'  # The module to store session data
+SESSION_FILE_PATH = None                                # Directory to store session files if using the file session module. If None, the backend will use a sensible default.
+# CACHE #
+# The cache backend to use.  See the docstring in django.core.cache for the
+# possible values.
+CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem://'
+# COMMENTS         #
+# The profanities that will trigger a validation error in the
+# 'hasNoProfanities' validator. All of these should be in lowercase.
+PROFANITIES_LIST = ('asshat', 'asshead', 'asshole', 'cunt', 'fuck', 'gook', 'nigger', 'shit')
+# The group ID that designates which users are banned.
+# Set to None if you're not using it.
+# The group ID that designates which users can moderate comments.
+# Set to None if you're not using it.
+# The group ID that designates the users whose comments should be e-mailed to MANAGERS.
+# Set to None if you're not using it.
+# The system will e-mail MANAGERS the first COMMENTS_FIRST_FEW comments by each
+# user. Set this to 0 if you want to disable it.
+# A tuple of IP addresses that have been banned from participating in various
+# Django-powered features.
+AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',)
+LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/'
+LOGOUT_URL = '/accounts/logout/'
+LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/profile/'
+# The name of the method to use to invoke the test suite
+TEST_RUNNER = 'django.test.simple.run_tests'
+# The name of the database to use for testing purposes.
+# If None, a name of 'test_' + DATABASE_NAME will be assumed
+# Strings used to set the character set and collation order for the test
+# database. These values are passed literally to the server, so they are
+# backend-dependent. If None, no special settings are sent (system defaults are
+# used).
+# The list of directories to search for fixtures