changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
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     1 # LayerMapping -- A Django Model/OGR Layer Mapping Utility
     2 """
     3  The LayerMapping class provides a way to map the contents of OGR
     4  vector files (e.g. SHP files) to Geographic-enabled Django models.
     6  This grew out of my personal needs, specifically the code repetition
     7  that went into pulling geometries and fields out of an OGR layer,
     8  converting to another coordinate system (e.g. WGS84), and then inserting
     9  into a GeoDjango model.
    11  Please report any bugs encountered using this utility.
    13  Requirements:  OGR C Library (from GDAL) required.
    15  Usage: 
    16   lm = LayerMapping(model, source_file, mapping) where,
    18   model:
    19    GeoDjango model (not an instance)
    21   data:
    22    OGR-supported data source file (e.g. a shapefile) or
    23     gdal.DataSource instance
    25   mapping:
    26    A python dictionary, keys are strings corresponding
    27    to the GeoDjango model field, and values correspond to
    28    string field names for the OGR feature, or if the model field
    29    is a geographic then it should correspond to the OGR
    30    geometry type, e.g. 'POINT', 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON'.
    32  Keyword Args:
    33   layer:
    34    The index of the layer to use from the Data Source (defaults to 0)
    36   source_srs:
    37    Use this to specify the source SRS manually (for example, 
    38    some shapefiles don't come with a '.prj' file).  An integer SRID,
    39    a string WKT, and SpatialReference objects are valid parameters.
    41   encoding:
    42    Specifies the encoding of the string in the OGR data source.
    43    For example, 'latin-1', 'utf-8', and 'cp437' are all valid
    44    encoding parameters.
    46   transaction_mode:
    47    May be 'commit_on_success' (default) or 'autocommit'.
    49   transform:
    50    Setting this to False will disable all coordinate transformations.  
    52   unique:
    53    Setting this to the name, or a tuple of names, from the given
    54    model will create models unique only to the given name(s).
    55    Geometries will from each feature will be added into the collection
    56    associated with the unique model.  Forces transaction mode to
    57    be 'autocommit'.
    59 Example:
    61  1. You need a GDAL-supported data source, like a shapefile.
    63   Assume we're using the test_poly SHP file:
    64   >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
    65   >>> ds = DataSource('test_poly.shp')
    66   >>> layer = ds[0]
    67   >>> print layer.fields # Exploring the fields in the layer, we only want the 'str' field.
    68   ['float', 'int', 'str']
    69   >>> print len(layer) # getting the number of features in the layer (should be 3)
    70   3
    71   >>> print layer.geom_type # Should be 3 (a Polygon)
    72   3
    73   >>> print layer.srs # WGS84
    74   GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
    75       DATUM["WGS_1984",
    76           SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
    77       PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
    78       UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
    80  2. Now we define our corresponding Django model (make sure to use syncdb):
    82   from django.contrib.gis.db import models
    83   class TestGeo(models.Model, models.GeoMixin):
    84       name = models.CharField(maxlength=25) # corresponds to the 'str' field
    85       poly = models.PolygonField(srid=4269) # we want our model in a different SRID
    86       objects = models.GeoManager()
    87       def __str__(self):
    88           return 'Name: %s' %
    90  3. Use LayerMapping to extract all the features and place them in the database:
    92   >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
    93   >>> from geoapp.models import TestGeo
    94   >>> mapping = {'name' : 'str', # The 'name' model field maps to the 'str' layer field.
    95                  'poly' : 'POLYGON', # For geometry fields use OGC name.
    96                  } # The mapping is a dictionary
    97   >>> lm = LayerMapping(TestGeo, 'test_poly.shp', mapping) 
    98   >>> # Save the layermap, imports the data. 
    99   Saved: Name: 1
   100   Saved: Name: 2
   101   Saved: Name: 3
   103  LayerMapping just transformed the three geometries from the SHP file from their
   104  source spatial reference system (WGS84) to the spatial reference system of
   105  the GeoDjango model (NAD83).  If no spatial reference system is defined for
   106  the layer, use the `source_srs` keyword with a SpatialReference object to
   107  specify one.
   108 """
   109 import sys
   110 from datetime import date, datetime
   111 from decimal import Decimal
   112 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
   113 from django.contrib.gis.db.models import GeometryField
   114 from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend
   115 from django.contrib.gis.gdal import CoordTransform, DataSource, \
   116     OGRException, OGRGeometry, OGRGeomType, SpatialReference
   117 from django.contrib.gis.gdal.field import \
   118     OFTDate, OFTDateTime, OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString, OFTTime
   119 from django.contrib.gis.models import GeometryColumns, SpatialRefSys
   120 from django.db import models, transaction
   121 from import USStateField
   123 # LayerMapping exceptions.
   124 class LayerMapError(Exception): pass
   125 class InvalidString(LayerMapError): pass
   126 class InvalidDecimal(LayerMapError): pass
   127 class InvalidInteger(LayerMapError): pass
   128 class MissingForeignKey(LayerMapError): pass
   130 class LayerMapping(object):
   131     "A class that maps OGR Layers to GeoDjango Models."
   133     # Acceptable 'base' types for a multi-geometry type.
   134     MULTI_TYPES = {1 : OGRGeomType('MultiPoint'),
   135                    2 : OGRGeomType('MultiLineString'),
   136                    3 : OGRGeomType('MultiPolygon'),
   137                    }
   139     # Acceptable Django field types and corresponding acceptable OGR
   140     # counterparts.
   141     FIELD_TYPES = {
   142         models.AutoField : OFTInteger,
   143         models.IntegerField : (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
   144         models.FloatField : (OFTInteger, OFTReal),
   145         models.DateField : OFTDate,
   146         models.DateTimeField : OFTDateTime,
   147         models.EmailField : OFTString,
   148         models.TimeField : OFTTime,
   149         models.DecimalField : (OFTInteger, OFTReal),
   150         models.CharField : OFTString,
   151         models.SlugField : OFTString,
   152         models.TextField : OFTString,
   153         models.URLField : OFTString,
   154         USStateField : OFTString,
   155         models.XMLField : OFTString,
   156         models.SmallIntegerField : (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
   157         models.PositiveSmallIntegerField : (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
   158         }
   160     # The acceptable transaction modes.
   161     TRANSACTION_MODES = {'autocommit' : transaction.autocommit,
   162                          'commit_on_success' : transaction.commit_on_success,
   163                          }
   165     def __init__(self, model, data, mapping, layer=0, 
   166                  source_srs=None, encoding=None,
   167                  transaction_mode='commit_on_success', 
   168                  transform=True, unique=None):
   169         """
   170         A LayerMapping object is initialized using the given Model (not an instance),
   171         a DataSource (or string path to an OGR-supported data file), and a mapping
   172         dictionary.  See the module level docstring for more details and keyword
   173         argument usage.
   174         """
   175         # Getting the DataSource and the associated Layer.
   176         if isinstance(data, basestring):
   177             self.ds = DataSource(data)
   178         else:
   179             self.ds = data
   180         self.layer = self.ds[layer]
   182         # Setting the mapping & model attributes.
   183         self.mapping = mapping
   184         self.model = model
   186         # Checking the layer -- intitialization of the object will fail if
   187         # things don't check out before hand.
   188         self.check_layer()
   190         # Getting the geometry column associated with the model (an 
   191         # exception will be raised if there is no geometry column).
   192         self.geo_col = self.geometry_column()
   194         # Checking the source spatial reference system, and getting
   195         # the coordinate transformation object (unless the `transform`
   196         # keyword is set to False)
   197         if transform:
   198             self.source_srs = self.check_srs(source_srs)
   199             self.transform = self.coord_transform()
   200         else:
   201             self.transform = transform
   203         # Setting the encoding for OFTString fields, if specified.
   204         if encoding:
   205             # Making sure the encoding exists, if not a LookupError
   206             # exception will be thrown.
   207             from codecs import lookup
   208             lookup(encoding)
   209             self.encoding = encoding
   210         else:
   211             self.encoding = None
   213         if unique:
   214             self.check_unique(unique)
   215             transaction_mode = 'autocommit' # Has to be set to autocommit.
   216             self.unique = unique
   217         else:
   218             self.unique = None
   220         # Setting the transaction decorator with the function in the 
   221         # transaction modes dictionary.
   222         if transaction_mode in self.TRANSACTION_MODES:
   223             self.transaction_decorator = self.TRANSACTION_MODES[transaction_mode]
   224             self.transaction_mode = transaction_mode
   225         else:
   226             raise LayerMapError('Unrecognized transaction mode: %s' % transaction_mode)
   228     #### Checking routines used during initialization ####
   229     def check_fid_range(self, fid_range):
   230         "This checks the `fid_range` keyword."
   231         if fid_range:
   232             if isinstance(fid_range, (tuple, list)):
   233                 return slice(*fid_range)
   234             elif isinstance(fid_range, slice):
   235                 return fid_range
   236             else:
   237                 raise TypeError
   238         else:
   239             return None
   241     def check_layer(self):
   242         """
   243         This checks the Layer metadata, and ensures that it is compatible
   244         with the mapping information and model.  Unlike previous revisions,
   245         there is no need to increment through each feature in the Layer.
   246         """
   247         # The geometry field of the model is set here.
   248         # TODO: Support more than one geometry field / model.  However, this
   249         # depends on the GDAL Driver in use.
   250         self.geom_field = False
   251         self.fields = {}
   253         # Getting lists of the field names and the field types available in
   254         # the OGR Layer.
   255         ogr_fields = self.layer.fields
   256         ogr_field_types = self.layer.field_types
   258         # Function for determining if the OGR mapping field is in the Layer.
   259         def check_ogr_fld(ogr_map_fld):
   260             try:
   261                 idx = ogr_fields.index(ogr_map_fld)
   262             except ValueError:
   263                 raise LayerMapError('Given mapping OGR field "%s" not found in OGR Layer.' % ogr_map_fld)
   264             return idx
   266         # No need to increment through each feature in the model, simply check
   267         # the Layer metadata against what was given in the mapping dictionary.
   268         for field_name, ogr_name in self.mapping.items():
   269             # Ensuring that a corresponding field exists in the model
   270             # for the given field name in the mapping.
   271             try:
   272                 model_field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name)
   273             except models.fields.FieldDoesNotExist:
   274                 raise LayerMapError('Given mapping field "%s" not in given Model fields.' % field_name)
   276             # Getting the string name for the Django field class (e.g., 'PointField').
   277             fld_name = model_field.__class__.__name__
   279             if isinstance(model_field, GeometryField):
   280                 if self.geom_field:
   281                     raise LayerMapError('LayerMapping does not support more than one GeometryField per model.')
   283                 try:
   284                     gtype = OGRGeomType(ogr_name)
   285                 except OGRException:
   286                     raise LayerMapError('Invalid mapping for GeometryField "%s".' % field_name)
   288                 # Making sure that the OGR Layer's Geometry is compatible.
   289                 ltype = self.layer.geom_type
   290                 if not (gtype == ltype or self.make_multi(ltype, model_field)):
   291                     raise LayerMapError('Invalid mapping geometry; model has %s, feature has %s.' % (fld_name, gtype))
   293                 # Setting the `geom_field` attribute w/the name of the model field
   294                 # that is a Geometry.
   295                 self.geom_field = field_name
   296                 fields_val = model_field
   297             elif isinstance(model_field, models.ForeignKey):
   298                 if isinstance(ogr_name, dict):
   299                     # Is every given related model mapping field in the Layer?
   300                     rel_model =
   301                     for rel_name, ogr_field in ogr_name.items(): 
   302                         idx = check_ogr_fld(ogr_field)
   303                         try:
   304                             rel_field = rel_model._meta.get_field(rel_name)
   305                         except models.fields.FieldDoesNotExist:
   306                             raise LayerMapError('ForeignKey mapping field "%s" not in %s fields.' % 
   307                                                 (rel_name, rel_model.__class__.__name__))
   308                     fields_val = rel_model
   309                 else:
   310                     raise TypeError('ForeignKey mapping must be of dictionary type.')
   311             else:
   312                 # Is the model field type supported by LayerMapping?
   313                 if not model_field.__class__ in self.FIELD_TYPES:
   314                     raise LayerMapError('Django field type "%s" has no OGR mapping (yet).' % fld_name)
   316                 # Is the OGR field in the Layer?
   317                 idx = check_ogr_fld(ogr_name)
   318                 ogr_field = ogr_field_types[idx]
   320                 # Can the OGR field type be mapped to the Django field type?
   321                 if not issubclass(ogr_field, self.FIELD_TYPES[model_field.__class__]):
   322                     raise LayerMapError('OGR field "%s" (of type %s) cannot be mapped to Django %s.' % 
   323                                         (ogr_field, ogr_field.__name__, fld_name))
   324                 fields_val = model_field
   326             self.fields[field_name] = fields_val
   328     def check_srs(self, source_srs):
   329         "Checks the compatibility of the given spatial reference object."
   330         if isinstance(source_srs, SpatialReference):
   331             sr = source_srs
   332         elif isinstance(source_srs, SpatialRefSys):
   333             sr = source_srs.srs
   334         elif isinstance(source_srs, (int, basestring)):
   335             sr = SpatialReference(source_srs)
   336         else:
   337             # Otherwise just pulling the SpatialReference from the layer
   338             sr = self.layer.srs
   340         if not sr:
   341             raise LayerMapError('No source reference system defined.')
   342         else:
   343             return sr
   345     def check_unique(self, unique):
   346         "Checks the `unique` keyword parameter -- may be a sequence or string."
   347         if isinstance(unique, (list, tuple)):
   348             # List of fields to determine uniqueness with
   349             for attr in unique: 
   350                 if not attr in self.mapping: raise ValueError
   351         elif isinstance(unique, basestring):
   352             # Only a single field passed in.
   353             if unique not in self.mapping: raise ValueError
   354         else:
   355             raise TypeError('Unique keyword argument must be set with a tuple, list, or string.')
   357     #### Keyword argument retrieval routines ####
   358     def feature_kwargs(self, feat):
   359         """
   360         Given an OGR Feature, this will return a dictionary of keyword arguments
   361         for constructing the mapped model.
   362         """
   363         # The keyword arguments for model construction.
   364         kwargs = {}
   366         # Incrementing through each model field and OGR field in the
   367         # dictionary mapping.
   368         for field_name, ogr_name in self.mapping.items():
   369             model_field = self.fields[field_name]
   371             if isinstance(model_field, GeometryField):
   372                 # Verify OGR geometry.
   373                 val = self.verify_geom(feat.geom, model_field)
   374             elif isinstance(model_field, models.base.ModelBase):
   375                 # The related _model_, not a field was passed in -- indicating
   376                 # another mapping for the related Model.
   377                 val = self.verify_fk(feat, model_field, ogr_name)
   378             else:
   379                 # Otherwise, verify OGR Field type.
   380                 val = self.verify_ogr_field(feat[ogr_name], model_field)
   382             # Setting the keyword arguments for the field name with the
   383             # value obtained above.
   384             kwargs[field_name] = val
   386         return kwargs
   388     def unique_kwargs(self, kwargs):
   389         """
   390         Given the feature keyword arguments (from `feature_kwargs`) this routine
   391         will construct and return the uniqueness keyword arguments -- a subset
   392         of the feature kwargs.
   393         """
   394         if isinstance(self.unique, basestring):
   395             return {self.unique : kwargs[self.unique]}
   396         else:
   397             return dict((fld, kwargs[fld]) for fld in self.unique)
   399     #### Verification routines used in constructing model keyword arguments. ####
   400     def verify_ogr_field(self, ogr_field, model_field):
   401         """
   402         Verifies if the OGR Field contents are acceptable to the Django
   403         model field.  If they are, the verified value is returned, 
   404         otherwise the proper exception is raised.
   405         """
   406         if (isinstance(ogr_field, OFTString) and 
   407             isinstance(model_field, (models.CharField, models.TextField))): 
   408             if self.encoding:
   409                 # The encoding for OGR data sources may be specified here
   410                 # (e.g., 'cp437' for Census Bureau boundary files).
   411                 val = unicode(ogr_field.value, self.encoding)
   412             else:
   413                 val = ogr_field.value
   414                 if len(val) > model_field.max_length:
   415                     raise InvalidString('%s model field maximum string length is %s, given %s characters.' %
   416                                         (, model_field.max_length, len(val)))
   417         elif isinstance(ogr_field, OFTReal) and isinstance(model_field, models.DecimalField):
   418             try:
   419                 # Creating an instance of the Decimal value to use.
   420                 d = Decimal(str(ogr_field.value))
   421             except:
   422                 raise InvalidDecimal('Could not construct decimal from: %s' % ogr_field.value)
   424             # Getting the decimal value as a tuple.
   425             dtup = d.as_tuple()
   426             digits = dtup[1]
   427             d_idx = dtup[2] # index where the decimal is
   429             # Maximum amount of precision, or digits to the left of the decimal.
   430             max_prec = model_field.max_digits - model_field.decimal_places
   432             # Getting the digits to the left of the decimal place for the 
   433             # given decimal.
   434             if d_idx < 0:
   435                 n_prec = len(digits[:d_idx])
   436             else:
   437                 n_prec = len(digits) + d_idx
   439             # If we have more than the maximum digits allowed, then throw an 
   440             # InvalidDecimal exception.
   441             if n_prec > max_prec:
   442                 raise InvalidDecimal('A DecimalField with max_digits %d, decimal_places %d must round to an absolute value less than 10^%d.' %
   443                                      (model_field.max_digits, model_field.decimal_places, max_prec))
   444             val = d
   445         elif isinstance(ogr_field, (OFTReal, OFTString)) and isinstance(model_field, models.IntegerField):
   446             # Attempt to convert any OFTReal and OFTString value to an OFTInteger.
   447             try:
   448                 val = int(ogr_field.value)
   449             except:
   450                 raise InvalidInteger('Could not construct integer from: %s' % ogr_field.value)
   451         else:
   452             val = ogr_field.value
   453         return val
   455     def verify_fk(self, feat, rel_model, rel_mapping):
   456         """
   457         Given an OGR Feature, the related model and its dictionary mapping,
   458         this routine will retrieve the related model for the ForeignKey
   459         mapping.
   460         """
   461         # TODO: It is expensive to retrieve a model for every record --
   462         #  explore if an efficient mechanism exists for caching related 
   463         #  ForeignKey models.
   465         # Constructing and verifying the related model keyword arguments.
   466         fk_kwargs = {}
   467         for field_name, ogr_name in rel_mapping.items():
   468             fk_kwargs[field_name] = self.verify_ogr_field(feat[ogr_name], rel_model._meta.get_field(field_name))
   470         # Attempting to retrieve and return the related model.
   471         try:
   472             return rel_model.objects.get(**fk_kwargs)
   473         except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   474             raise MissingForeignKey('No ForeignKey %s model found with keyword arguments: %s' % (rel_model.__name__, fk_kwargs))
   476     def verify_geom(self, geom, model_field):
   477         """
   478         Verifies the geometry -- will construct and return a GeometryCollection
   479         if necessary (for example if the model field is MultiPolygonField while
   480         the mapped shapefile only contains Polygons).
   481         """
   482         if self.make_multi(geom.geom_type, model_field):
   483             # Constructing a multi-geometry type to contain the single geometry
   484             multi_type = self.MULTI_TYPES[geom.geom_type.num]
   485             g = OGRGeometry(multi_type)
   486             g.add(geom)
   487         else:
   488             g = geom
   490         # Transforming the geometry with our Coordinate Transformation object,
   491         # but only if the class variable `transform` is set w/a CoordTransform 
   492         # object.
   493         if self.transform: g.transform(self.transform)
   495         # Returning the WKT of the geometry.
   496         return g.wkt
   498     #### Other model methods ####
   499     def coord_transform(self):
   500         "Returns the coordinate transformation object."
   501         try:
   502             # Getting the target spatial reference system
   503             target_srs = SpatialRefSys.objects.get(srid=self.geo_col.srid).srs
   505             # Creating the CoordTransform object
   506             return CoordTransform(self.source_srs, target_srs)
   507         except Exception, msg:
   508             raise LayerMapError('Could not translate between the data source and model geometry: %s' % msg)
   510     def geometry_column(self):
   511         "Returns the GeometryColumn model associated with the geographic column."
   512         # Getting the GeometryColumn object.
   513         try:
   514             db_table = self.model._meta.db_table
   515             geo_col = self.geom_field
   516             if == 'oracle':
   517                 # Making upper case for Oracle.
   518                 db_table = db_table.upper()
   519                 geo_col = geo_col.upper()
   520             gc_kwargs = {GeometryColumns.table_name_col() : db_table,
   521                          GeometryColumns.geom_col_name() : geo_col,
   522                          }
   523             return GeometryColumns.objects.get(**gc_kwargs)
   524         except Exception, msg:
   525             raise LayerMapError('Geometry column does not exist for model. (did you run syncdb?):\n %s' % msg)
   527     def make_multi(self, geom_type, model_field):
   528         """
   529         Given the OGRGeomType for a geometry and its associated GeometryField, 
   530         determine whether the geometry should be turned into a GeometryCollection.
   531         """
   532         return (geom_type.num in self.MULTI_TYPES and 
   533                 model_field.__class__.__name__ == 'Multi%s' % geom_type.django)
   535     def save(self, verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False, 
   536              progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False):
   537         """
   538         Saves the contents from the OGR DataSource Layer into the database
   539         according to the mapping dictionary given at initialization. 
   541         Keyword Parameters:
   542          verbose:
   543            If set, information will be printed subsequent to each model save 
   544            executed on the database.
   546          fid_range:
   547            May be set with a slice or tuple of (begin, end) feature ID's to map
   548            from the data source.  In other words, this keyword enables the user
   549            to selectively import a subset range of features in the geographic
   550            data source.
   552          step:
   553            If set with an integer, transactions will occur at every step 
   554            interval. For example, if step=1000, a commit would occur after 
   555            the 1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
   557          progress:
   558            When this keyword is set, status information will be printed giving 
   559            the number of features processed and sucessfully saved.  By default, 
   560            progress information will pe printed every 1000 features processed, 
   561            however, this default may be overridden by setting this keyword with an 
   562            integer for the desired interval.
   564          stream:
   565            Status information will be written to this file handle.  Defaults to 
   566            using `sys.stdout`, but any object with a `write` method is supported.
   568          silent:
   569            By default, non-fatal error notifications are printed to stdout, but 
   570            this keyword may be set to disable these notifications.
   572          strict:
   573            Execution of the model mapping will cease upon the first error 
   574            encountered.  The default behavior is to attempt to continue.
   575         """
   576         # Getting the default Feature ID range.
   577         default_range = self.check_fid_range(fid_range)
   579         # Setting the progress interval, if requested.
   580         if progress:
   581             if progress is True or not isinstance(progress, int):
   582                 progress_interval = 1000
   583             else:
   584                 progress_interval = progress
   586         # Defining the 'real' save method, utilizing the transaction 
   587         # decorator created during initialization.
   588         @self.transaction_decorator
   589         def _save(feat_range=default_range, num_feat=0, num_saved=0):
   590             if feat_range:
   591                 layer_iter = self.layer[feat_range]
   592             else:
   593                 layer_iter = self.layer
   595             for feat in layer_iter:
   596                 num_feat += 1
   597                 # Getting the keyword arguments
   598                 try:
   599                     kwargs = self.feature_kwargs(feat)
   600                 except LayerMapError, msg:
   601                     # Something borked the validation
   602                     if strict: raise
   603                     elif not silent: 
   604                         stream.write('Ignoring Feature ID %s because: %s\n' % (feat.fid, msg))
   605                 else:
   606                     # Constructing the model using the keyword args
   607                     is_update = False
   608                     if self.unique:
   609                         # If we want unique models on a particular field, handle the
   610                         # geometry appropriately.
   611                         try:
   612                             # Getting the keyword arguments and retrieving
   613                             # the unique model.
   614                             u_kwargs = self.unique_kwargs(kwargs)
   615                             m = self.model.objects.get(**u_kwargs)
   616                             is_update = True
   618                             # Getting the geometry (in OGR form), creating 
   619                             # one from the kwargs WKT, adding in additional 
   620                             # geometries, and update the attribute with the 
   621                             # just-updated geometry WKT.
   622                             geom = getattr(m, self.geom_field).ogr
   623                             new = OGRGeometry(kwargs[self.geom_field])
   624                             for g in new: geom.add(g) 
   625                             setattr(m, self.geom_field, geom.wkt)
   626                         except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   627                             # No unique model exists yet, create.
   628                             m = self.model(**kwargs)
   629                     else:
   630                         m = self.model(**kwargs)
   632                     try:
   633                         # Attempting to save.
   635                         num_saved += 1
   636                         if verbose: stream.write('%s: %s\n' % (is_update and 'Updated' or 'Saved', m))
   637                     except SystemExit:
   638                         raise
   639                     except Exception, msg:
   640                         if self.transaction_mode == 'autocommit':
   641                             # Rolling back the transaction so that other model saves
   642                             # will work.
   643                             transaction.rollback_unless_managed()
   644                         if strict: 
   645                             # Bailing out if the `strict` keyword is set.
   646                             if not silent:
   647                                 stream.write('Failed to save the feature (id: %s) into the model with the keyword arguments:\n' % feat.fid)
   648                                 stream.write('%s\n' % kwargs)
   649                             raise
   650                         elif not silent:
   651                             stream.write('Failed to save %s:\n %s\nContinuing\n' % (kwargs, msg))
   653                 # Printing progress information, if requested.
   654                 if progress and num_feat % progress_interval == 0:
   655                     stream.write('Processed %d features, saved %d ...\n' % (num_feat, num_saved))
   657             # Only used for status output purposes -- incremental saving uses the
   658             # values returned here.
   659             return num_saved, num_feat
   661         nfeat = self.layer.num_feat
   662         if step and isinstance(step, int) and step < nfeat:
   663             # Incremental saving is requested at the given interval (step) 
   664             if default_range: 
   665                 raise LayerMapError('The `step` keyword may not be used in conjunction with the `fid_range` keyword.')
   666             beg, num_feat, num_saved = (0, 0, 0)
   667             indices = range(step, nfeat, step)
   668             n_i = len(indices)
   670             for i, end in enumerate(indices):
   671                 # Constructing the slice to use for this step; the last slice is
   672                 # special (e.g, [100:] instead of [90:100]).
   673                 if i+1 == n_i: step_slice = slice(beg, None)
   674                 else: step_slice = slice(beg, end)
   676                 try:
   677                     num_feat, num_saved = _save(step_slice, num_feat, num_saved)
   678                     beg = end
   679                 except:
   680                     stream.write('%s\nFailed to save slice: %s\n' % ('=-' * 20, step_slice))
   681                     raise
   682         else:
   683             # Otherwise, just calling the previously defined _save() function.
   684             _save()