1 import os, unittest |
2 from copy import copy |
3 from datetime import date |
4 from decimal import Decimal |
5 from models import City, County, CountyFeat, Interstate, State, city_mapping, co_mapping, cofeat_mapping, inter_mapping |
6 from django.contrib.gis.utils.layermapping import LayerMapping, LayerMapError, InvalidDecimal, MissingForeignKey |
7 from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource |
8 |
9 shp_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) |
10 city_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'cities/cities.shp') |
11 co_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'counties/counties.shp') |
12 inter_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'interstates/interstates.shp') |
13 |
14 # Dictionaries to hold what's expected in the county shapefile. |
15 NAMES = ['Bexar', 'Galveston', 'Harris', 'Honolulu', 'Pueblo'] |
16 NUMS = [1, 2, 1, 19, 1] # Number of polygons for each. |
17 STATES = ['Texas', 'Texas', 'Texas', 'Hawaii', 'Colorado'] |
18 |
19 class LayerMapTest(unittest.TestCase): |
20 |
21 def test01_init(self): |
22 "Testing LayerMapping initialization." |
23 |
24 # Model field that does not exist. |
25 bad1 = copy(city_mapping) |
26 bad1['foobar'] = 'FooField' |
27 |
28 # Shapefile field that does not exist. |
29 bad2 = copy(city_mapping) |
30 bad2['name'] = 'Nombre' |
31 |
32 # Nonexistent geographic field type. |
33 bad3 = copy(city_mapping) |
34 bad3['point'] = 'CURVE' |
35 |
36 # Incrementing through the bad mapping dictionaries and |
37 # ensuring that a LayerMapError is raised. |
38 for bad_map in (bad1, bad2, bad3): |
39 try: |
40 lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, bad_map) |
41 except LayerMapError: |
42 pass |
43 else: |
44 self.fail('Expected a LayerMapError.') |
45 |
46 # A LookupError should be thrown for bogus encodings. |
47 try: |
48 lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping, encoding='foobar') |
49 except LookupError: |
50 pass |
51 else: |
52 self.fail('Expected a LookupError') |
53 |
54 def test02_simple_layermap(self): |
55 "Test LayerMapping import of a simple point shapefile." |
56 |
57 # Setting up for the LayerMapping. |
58 lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping) |
59 lm.save() |
60 |
61 # There should be three cities in the shape file. |
62 self.assertEqual(3, City.objects.count()) |
63 |
64 # Opening up the shapefile, and verifying the values in each |
65 # of the features made it to the model. |
66 ds = DataSource(city_shp) |
67 layer = ds[0] |
68 for feat in layer: |
69 city = City.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value) |
70 self.assertEqual(feat['Population'].value, city.population) |
71 self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Density'])), city.density) |
72 self.assertEqual(feat['Created'].value, city.dt) |
73 |
74 # Comparing the geometries. |
75 pnt1, pnt2 = feat.geom, city.point |
76 self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.x, pnt2.x, 6) |
77 self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.y, pnt2.y, 6) |
78 |
79 def test03_layermap_strict(self): |
80 "Testing the `strict` keyword, and import of a LineString shapefile." |
81 |
82 # When the `strict` keyword is set an error encountered will force |
83 # the importation to stop. |
84 try: |
85 lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping) |
86 lm.save(silent=True, strict=True) |
87 except InvalidDecimal: |
88 pass |
89 else: |
90 self.fail('Should have failed on strict import with invalid decimal values.') |
91 |
92 # This LayerMapping should work b/c `strict` is not set. |
93 lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping) |
94 lm.save(silent=True) |
95 |
96 # Two interstate should have imported correctly. |
97 self.assertEqual(2, Interstate.objects.count()) |
98 |
99 # Verifying the values in the layer w/the model. |
100 ds = DataSource(inter_shp) |
101 |
102 # Only the first two features of this shapefile are valid. |
103 valid_feats = ds[0][:2] |
104 for feat in valid_feats: |
105 istate = Interstate.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value) |
106 |
107 if feat.fid == 0: |
108 self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Length'])), istate.length) |
109 elif feat.fid == 1: |
110 # Everything but the first two decimal digits were truncated, |
111 # because the Interstate model's `length` field has decimal_places=2. |
112 self.assertAlmostEqual(feat.get('Length'), float(istate.length), 2) |
113 |
114 for p1, p2 in zip(feat.geom, istate.path): |
115 self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[0], p2[0], 6) |
116 self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[1], p2[1], 6) |
117 |
118 def county_helper(self, county_feat=True): |
119 "Helper function for ensuring the integrity of the mapped County models." |
120 |
121 for name, n, st in zip(NAMES, NUMS, STATES): |
122 # Should only be one record b/c of `unique` keyword. |
123 c = County.objects.get(name=name) |
124 self.assertEqual(n, len(c.mpoly)) |
125 self.assertEqual(st, c.state.name) # Checking ForeignKey mapping. |
126 |
127 # Multiple records because `unique` was not set. |
128 if county_feat: |
129 qs = CountyFeat.objects.filter(name=name) |
130 self.assertEqual(n, qs.count()) |
131 |
132 def test04_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk(self): |
133 "Testing the `unique`, and `transform`, geometry collection conversion, and ForeignKey mappings." |
134 # All the following should work. |
135 try: |
136 # Telling LayerMapping that we want no transformations performed on the data. |
137 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False) |
138 |
139 # Specifying the source spatial reference system via the `source_srs` keyword. |
140 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs=4269) |
141 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs='NAD83') |
142 |
143 # Unique may take tuple or string parameters. |
144 for arg in ('name', ('name', 'mpoly')): |
145 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg) |
146 except: |
147 self.fail('No exception should be raised for proper use of keywords.') |
148 |
149 # Testing invalid params for the `unique` keyword. |
150 for e, arg in ((TypeError, 5.0), (ValueError, 'foobar'), (ValueError, ('name', 'mpolygon'))): |
151 self.assertRaises(e, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg) |
152 |
153 # No source reference system defined in the shapefile, should raise an error. |
154 self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping) |
155 |
156 # Passing in invalid ForeignKey mapping parameters -- must be a dictionary |
157 # mapping for the model the ForeignKey points to. |
158 bad_fk_map1 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map1['state'] = 'name' |
159 bad_fk_map2 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map2['state'] = {'nombre' : 'State'} |
160 self.assertRaises(TypeError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map1, transform=False) |
161 self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map2, transform=False) |
162 |
163 # There exist no State models for the ForeignKey mapping to work -- should raise |
164 # a MissingForeignKey exception (this error would be ignored if the `strict` |
165 # keyword is not set). |
166 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name') |
167 self.assertRaises(MissingForeignKey, lm.save, silent=True, strict=True) |
168 |
169 # Now creating the state models so the ForeignKey mapping may work. |
170 co, hi, tx = State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas') |
171 co.save(), hi.save(), tx.save() |
172 |
173 # If a mapping is specified as a collection, all OGR fields that |
174 # are not collections will be converted into them. For example, |
175 # a Point column would be converted to MultiPoint. Other things being done |
176 # w/the keyword args: |
177 # `transform=False`: Specifies that no transform is to be done; this |
178 # has the effect of ignoring the spatial reference check (because the |
179 # county shapefile does not have implicit spatial reference info). |
180 # |
181 # `unique='name'`: Creates models on the condition that they have |
182 # unique county names; geometries from each feature however will be |
183 # appended to the geometry collection of the unique model. Thus, |
184 # all of the various islands in Honolulu county will be in in one |
185 # database record with a MULTIPOLYGON type. |
186 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name') |
187 lm.save(silent=True, strict=True) |
188 |
189 # A reference that doesn't use the unique keyword; a new database record will |
190 # created for each polygon. |
191 lm = LayerMapping(CountyFeat, co_shp, cofeat_mapping, transform=False) |
192 lm.save(silent=True, strict=True) |
193 |
194 # The county helper is called to ensure integrity of County models. |
195 self.county_helper() |
196 |
197 def test05_test_fid_range_step(self): |
198 "Tests the `fid_range` keyword and the `step` keyword of .save()." |
199 |
200 # Function for clearing out all the counties before testing. |
201 def clear_counties(): County.objects.all().delete() |
202 |
203 # Initializing the LayerMapping object to use in these tests. |
204 lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name') |
205 |
206 # Bad feature id ranges should raise a type error. |
207 clear_counties() |
208 bad_ranges = (5.0, 'foo', co_shp) |
209 for bad in bad_ranges: |
210 self.assertRaises(TypeError, lm.save, fid_range=bad) |
211 |
212 # Step keyword should not be allowed w/`fid_range`. |
213 fr = (3, 5) # layer[3:5] |
214 self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, lm.save, fid_range=fr, step=10) |
215 lm.save(fid_range=fr) |
216 |
217 # Features IDs 3 & 4 are for Galveston County, Texas -- only |
218 # one model is returned because the `unique` keyword was set. |
219 qs = County.objects.all() |
220 self.assertEqual(1, qs.count()) |
221 self.assertEqual('Galveston', qs[0].name) |
222 |
223 # Features IDs 5 and beyond for Honolulu County, Hawaii, and |
224 # FID 0 is for Pueblo County, Colorado. |
225 clear_counties() |
226 lm.save(fid_range=slice(5, None), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[5:] |
227 lm.save(fid_range=slice(None, 1), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[:1] |
228 |
229 # Only Pueblo & Honolulu counties should be present because of |
230 # the `unique` keyword. |
231 qs = County.objects.all() |
232 self.assertEqual(2, qs.count()) |
233 hi, co = tuple(qs) |
234 hi_idx, co_idx = tuple(map(NAMES.index, ('Honolulu', 'Pueblo'))) |
235 self.assertEqual('Pueblo', co.name); self.assertEqual(NUMS[co_idx], len(co.mpoly)) |
236 self.assertEqual('Honolulu', hi.name); self.assertEqual(NUMS[hi_idx], len(hi.mpoly)) |
237 |
238 # Testing the `step` keyword -- should get the same counties |
239 # regardless of we use a step that divides equally, that is odd, |
240 # or that is larger than the dataset. |
241 for st in (4,7,1000): |
242 clear_counties() |
243 lm.save(step=st, strict=True) |
244 self.county_helper(county_feat=False) |
245 |
246 def suite(): |
247 s = unittest.TestSuite() |
248 s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(LayerMapTest)) |
249 return s |