changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
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322:6641e941ef1e 323:ff1a9aa48cfd
     1 from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry, LinearRing, Polygon, Point
     2 from import GoogleMapException
     3 from math import pi, sin, cos, log, exp, atan
     5 # Constants used for degree to radian conversion, and vice-versa.
     6 DTOR = pi / 180.
     7 RTOD = 180. / pi
     9 class GoogleZoom(object):
    10     """
    11     GoogleZoom is a utility for performing operations related to the zoom
    12     levels on Google Maps.
    14     This class is inspired by the OpenStreetMap Mapnik tile generation routine
    15     ``, and the article "How Big Is the World" (Hack #16) in
    16     "Google Maps Hacks" by Rich Gibson and Schuyler Erle.
    18     `` may be found at:
    21     "Google Maps Hacks" may be found at
    22     """
    24     def __init__(self, num_zoom=19, tilesize=256):
    25         "Initializes the Google Zoom object."
    26         # Google's tilesize is 256x256, square tiles are assumed.
    27         self._tilesize = tilesize
    29         # The number of zoom levels
    30         self._nzoom = num_zoom
    32         # Initializing arrays to hold the parameters for each one of the 
    33         # zoom levels.
    34         self._degpp = [] # Degrees per pixel
    35         self._radpp = [] # Radians per pixel
    36         self._npix  = [] # 1/2 the number of pixels for a tile at the given zoom level
    38         # Incrementing through the zoom levels and populating the parameter arrays.
    39         z = tilesize # The number of pixels per zoom level.
    40         for i in xrange(num_zoom):
    41             # Getting the degrees and radians per pixel, and the 1/2 the number of
    42             # for every zoom level.
    43             self._degpp.append(z / 360.) # degrees per pixel
    44             self._radpp.append(z / (2 * pi)) # radians per pixl
    45             self._npix.append(z / 2) # number of pixels to center of tile
    47             # Multiplying `z` by 2 for the next iteration.
    48             z *= 2
    50     def __len__(self):
    51         "Returns the number of zoom levels."
    52         return self._nzoom
    54     def get_lon_lat(self, lonlat):
    55         "Unpacks longitude, latitude from GEOS Points and 2-tuples."
    56         if isinstance(lonlat, Point):
    57             lon, lat = lonlat.coords
    58         else:
    59             lon, lat = lonlat
    60         return lon, lat
    62     def lonlat_to_pixel(self, lonlat, zoom):
    63         "Converts a longitude, latitude coordinate pair for the given zoom level."
    64         # Setting up, unpacking the longitude, latitude values and getting the
    65         # number of pixels for the given zoom level.
    66         lon, lat = self.get_lon_lat(lonlat)
    67         npix = self._npix[zoom]
    69         # Calculating the pixel x coordinate by multiplying the longitude value
    70         # with with the number of degrees/pixel at the given zoom level.
    71         px_x = round(npix + (lon * self._degpp[zoom]))
    73         # Creating the factor, and ensuring that 1 or -1 is not passed in as the 
    74         # base to the logarithm.  Here's why:
    75         #  if fac = -1, we'll get log(0) which is undefined; 
    76         #  if fac =  1, our logarithm base will be divided by 0, also undefined.
    77         fac = min(max(sin(DTOR * lat), -0.9999), 0.9999)
    79         # Calculating the pixel y coordinate.
    80         px_y = round(npix + (0.5 * log((1 + fac)/(1 - fac)) * (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom])))
    82         # Returning the pixel x, y to the caller of the function.
    83         return (px_x, px_y)
    85     def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
    86         "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
    87         if len(px) != 2:
    88             raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')
    90         # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
    91         npix = self._npix[zoom]
    93         # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
    94         lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]
    96         # Calculating the latitude value.
    97         lat = RTOD * ( 2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix)/ (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)
    99         # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
   100         return (lon, lat)
   102     def tile(self, lonlat, zoom):
   103         """
   104         Returns a Polygon  corresponding to the region represented by a fictional
   105         Google Tile for the given longitude/latitude pair and zoom level. This
   106         tile is used to determine the size of a tile at the given point.
   107         """
   108         # The given lonlat is the center of the tile.
   109         delta = self._tilesize / 2
   111         # Getting the pixel coordinates corresponding to the
   112         # the longitude/latitude.
   113         px = self.lonlat_to_pixel(lonlat, zoom)
   115         # Getting the lower-left and upper-right lat/lon coordinates
   116         # for the bounding box of the tile.
   117         ll = self.pixel_to_lonlat((px[0]-delta, px[1]-delta), zoom)
   118         ur = self.pixel_to_lonlat((px[0]+delta, px[1]+delta), zoom)
   120         # Constructing the Polygon, representing the tile and returning.
   121         return Polygon(LinearRing(ll, (ll[0], ur[1]), ur, (ur[0], ll[1]), ll), srid=4326)
   123     def get_zoom(self, geom):
   124         "Returns the optimal Zoom level for the given geometry."
   125         # Checking the input type.
   126         if not isinstance(geom, GEOSGeometry) or geom.srid != 4326:
   127             raise TypeError('get_zoom() expects a GEOS Geometry with an SRID of 4326.')
   129         # Getting the envelope for the geometry, and its associated width, height
   130         # and centroid.
   131         env = geom.envelope
   132         env_w, env_h = self.get_width_height(env.extent)
   133         center = env.centroid
   135         for z in xrange(self._nzoom):
   136             # Getting the tile at the zoom level.
   137             tile_w, tile_h = self.get_width_height(self.tile(center, z).extent)
   139             # When we span more than one tile, this is an approximately good
   140             # zoom level.
   141             if (env_w > tile_w) or (env_h > tile_h):
   142                 if z == 0: 
   143                     raise GoogleMapException('Geometry width and height should not exceed that of the Earth.')
   144                 return z-1
   146         # Otherwise, we've zoomed in to the max.
   147         return self._nzoom-1
   149     def get_width_height(self, extent):
   150         """
   151         Returns the width and height for the given extent.
   152         """
   153         # Getting the lower-left, upper-left, and upper-right
   154         # coordinates from the extent.
   155         ll = Point(extent[:2])
   156         ul = Point(extent[0], extent[3])
   157         ur = Point(extent[2:])
   158         # Calculating the width and height.
   159         height = ll.distance(ul)
   160         width  = ul.distance(ur)
   161         return width, height