changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
322:6641e941ef1e 323:ff1a9aa48cfd
     1 """
     2  This overrides the traditional `inspectdb` command so that geographic databases
     3  may be introspected.
     4 """
     6 from import Command as InspectCommand
     7 from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend
     9 class Command(InspectCommand):
    11     # Mapping from lower-case OGC type to the corresponding GeoDjango field.
    12     geofield_mapping = {'point' : 'PointField',
    13                         'linestring' : 'LineStringField',
    14                         'polygon' : 'PolygonField',
    15                         'multipoint' : 'MultiPointField',
    16                         'multilinestring' : 'MultiLineStringField',
    17                         'multipolygon' : 'MultiPolygonField',
    18                         'geometrycollection' : 'GeometryCollectionField',
    19                         'geometry' : 'GeometryField',
    20                         }
    22     def geometry_columns(self):
    23         """
    24         Returns a datastructure of metadata information associated with the
    25         `geometry_columns` (or equivalent) table.
    26         """
    27         # The `geo_cols` is a dictionary data structure that holds information
    28         # about any geographic columns in the database.
    29         geo_cols = {}
    30         def add_col(table, column, coldata):
    31             if table in geo_cols:
    32                 # If table already has a geometry column.
    33                 geo_cols[table][column] = coldata
    34             else:
    35                 # Otherwise, create a dictionary indexed by column.
    36                 geo_cols[table] = { column : coldata }
    38         if == 'postgis':
    39             # PostGIS holds all geographic column information in the `geometry_columns` table.
    40             from django.contrib.gis.models import GeometryColumns
    41             for geo_col in GeometryColumns.objects.all():
    42                 table = geo_col.f_table_name
    43                 column = geo_col.f_geometry_column
    44                 coldata = {'type' : geo_col.type, 'srid' : geo_col.srid, 'dim' : geo_col.coord_dimension}
    45                 add_col(table, column, coldata)
    46             return geo_cols
    47         elif == 'mysql':
    48             # On MySQL have to get all table metadata before hand; this means walking through
    49             # each table and seeing if any column types are spatial.  Can't detect this with
    50             # `cursor.description` (what the introspection module does) because all spatial types
    51             # have the same integer type (255 for GEOMETRY).
    52             from django.db import connection
    53             cursor = connection.cursor()
    54             cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES')
    55             tables = cursor.fetchall();
    56             for table_tup in tables:
    57                 table = table_tup[0]
    58                 table_desc = cursor.execute('DESCRIBE `%s`' % table)
    59                 col_info = cursor.fetchall()
    60                 for column, typ, null, key, default, extra in col_info:
    61                     if typ in self.geofield_mapping: add_col(table, column, {'type' : typ})
    62             return geo_cols
    63         else:
    64             # TODO: Oracle (has incomplete `geometry_columns` -- have to parse
    65             #  SDO SQL to get specific type, SRID, and other information).
    66             raise NotImplementedError('Geographic database inspection not available.')
    68     def handle_inspection(self):
    69         "Overloaded from Django's version to handle geographic database tables."
    70         from django.db import connection
    71         import keyword
    73         geo_cols = self.geometry_columns()
    75         table2model = lambda table_name: table_name.title().replace('_', '')
    77         cursor = connection.cursor()
    78         yield "# This is an auto-generated Django model module."
    79         yield "# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:"
    80         yield "#     * Rearrange models' order"
    81         yield "#     * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True"
    82         yield "# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names."
    83         yield "#"
    84         yield "# Also note: You'll have to insert the output of ' sqlcustom [appname]'"
    85         yield "# into your database."
    86         yield ''
    87         yield 'from django.contrib.gis.db import models'
    88         yield ''
    89         for table_name in connection.introspection.get_table_list(cursor):
    90             # Getting the geographic table dictionary.
    91             geo_table = geo_cols.get(table_name, {})
    93             yield 'class %s(models.Model):' % table2model(table_name)
    94             try:
    95                 relations = connection.introspection.get_relations(cursor, table_name)
    96             except NotImplementedError:
    97                 relations = {}
    98             try:
    99                 indexes = connection.introspection.get_indexes(cursor, table_name)
   100             except NotImplementedError:
   101                 indexes = {}
   102             for i, row in enumerate(connection.introspection.get_table_description(cursor, table_name)):
   103                 att_name, iatt_name = row[0].lower(), row[0]
   104                 comment_notes = [] # Holds Field notes, to be displayed in a Python comment.
   105                 extra_params = {}  # Holds Field parameters such as 'db_column'.
   107                 if ' ' in att_name:
   108                     extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
   109                     att_name = att_name.replace(' ', '')
   110                     comment_notes.append('Field renamed to remove spaces.')
   111                 if keyword.iskeyword(att_name):
   112                     extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
   113                     att_name += '_field'
   114                     comment_notes.append('Field renamed because it was a Python reserved word.')
   116                 if i in relations:
   117                     rel_to = relations[i][1] == table_name and "'self'" or table2model(relations[i][1])
   118                     field_type = 'ForeignKey(%s' % rel_to
   119                     if att_name.endswith('_id'):
   120                         att_name = att_name[:-3]
   121                     else:
   122                         extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
   123                 else:
   124                     if iatt_name in geo_table:
   125                         ## Customization for Geographic Columns ##
   126                         geo_col = geo_table[iatt_name]
   127                         field_type = self.geofield_mapping[geo_col['type'].lower()]
   128                         # Adding extra keyword arguments for the SRID and dimension (if not defaults).
   129                         dim, srid = geo_col.get('dim', 2), geo_col.get('srid', 4326)
   130                         if dim != 2: extra_params['dim'] = dim
   131                         if srid != 4326: extra_params['srid'] = srid
   132                     else:
   133                         try:
   134                             field_type = connection.introspection.data_types_reverse[row[1]]
   135                         except KeyError:
   136                             field_type = 'TextField'
   137                             comment_notes.append('This field type is a guess.')
   139                     # This is a hook for data_types_reverse to return a tuple of
   140                     # (field_type, extra_params_dict).
   141                     if type(field_type) is tuple:
   142                         field_type, new_params = field_type
   143                         extra_params.update(new_params)
   145                     # Add max_length for all CharFields.
   146                     if field_type == 'CharField' and row[3]:
   147                         extra_params['max_length'] = row[3]
   149                     if field_type == 'DecimalField':
   150                         extra_params['max_digits'] = row[4]
   151                         extra_params['decimal_places'] = row[5]
   153                     # Add primary_key and unique, if necessary.
   154                     column_name = extra_params.get('db_column', att_name)
   155                     if column_name in indexes:
   156                         if indexes[column_name]['primary_key']:
   157                             extra_params['primary_key'] = True
   158                         elif indexes[column_name]['unique']:
   159                             extra_params['unique'] = True
   161                     field_type += '('
   163                 # Don't output 'id = meta.AutoField(primary_key=True)', because
   164                 # that's assumed if it doesn't exist.
   165                 if att_name == 'id' and field_type == 'AutoField(' and extra_params == {'primary_key': True}:
   166                     continue
   168                 # Add 'null' and 'blank', if the 'null_ok' flag was present in the
   169                 # table description.
   170                 if row[6]: # If it's NULL...
   171                     extra_params['blank'] = True
   172                     if not field_type in ('TextField(', 'CharField('):
   173                         extra_params['null'] = True
   175                 field_desc = '%s = models.%s' % (att_name, field_type)
   176                 if extra_params:
   177                     if not field_desc.endswith('('):
   178                         field_desc += ', '
   179                     field_desc += ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in extra_params.items()])
   180                 field_desc += ')'
   181                 if comment_notes:
   182                     field_desc += ' # ' + ' '.join(comment_notes)
   183                 yield '    %s' % field_desc
   184             if table_name in geo_cols:
   185                 yield '    objects = models.GeoManager()'
   186             yield '    class Meta:'
   187             yield '        db_table = %r' % table_name
   188             yield ''