changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
322:6641e941ef1e 323:ff1a9aa48cfd
     1 from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
     2 from django.db import connection
     3 from django.db.models.query import sql, QuerySet, Q
     5 from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend
     6 from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField, PointField
     7 from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql import AreaField, DistanceField, GeomField, GeoQuery, GeoWhereNode
     8 from django.contrib.gis.measure import Area, Distance
     9 from django.contrib.gis.models import get_srid_info
    10 qn = connection.ops.quote_name
    12 # For backwards-compatibility; Q object should work just fine
    13 # after queryset-refactor.
    14 class GeoQ(Q): pass
    16 class GeomSQL(object):
    17     "Simple wrapper object for geometric SQL."
    18     def __init__(self, geo_sql):
    19         self.sql = geo_sql
    21     def as_sql(self, *args, **kwargs):
    22         return self.sql
    24 class GeoQuerySet(QuerySet):
    25     "The Geographic QuerySet."
    27     def __init__(self, model=None, query=None):
    28         super(GeoQuerySet, self).__init__(model=model, query=query)
    29         self.query = query or GeoQuery(self.model, connection)
    31     def area(self, tolerance=0.05, **kwargs):
    32         """
    33         Returns the area of the geographic field in an `area` attribute on 
    34         each element of this GeoQuerySet.
    35         """
    36         # Peforming setup here rather than in `_spatial_attribute` so that
    37         # we can get the units for `AreaField`.
    38         procedure_args, geo_field = self._spatial_setup('area', field_name=kwargs.get('field_name', None))
    39         s = {'procedure_args' : procedure_args,
    40              'geo_field' : geo_field,
    41              'setup' : False,
    42              }
    43         if
    44             s['procedure_fmt'] = '%(geo_col)s,%(tolerance)s'
    45             s['procedure_args']['tolerance'] = tolerance
    46             s['select_field'] = AreaField('sq_m') # Oracle returns area in units of meters.
    47         elif SpatialBackend.postgis:
    48             if not geo_field.geodetic:
    49                 # Getting the area units of the geographic field.
    50                 s['select_field'] = AreaField(Area.unit_attname(geo_field._unit_name))
    51             else:
    52                 # TODO: Do we want to support raw number areas for geodetic fields?
    53                 raise Exception('Area on geodetic coordinate systems not supported.')
    54         return self._spatial_attribute('area', s, **kwargs)
    56     def centroid(self, **kwargs):
    57         """
    58         Returns the centroid of the geographic field in a `centroid`
    59         attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
    60         """
    61         return self._geom_attribute('centroid', **kwargs)
    63     def difference(self, geom, **kwargs):
    64         """
    65         Returns the spatial difference of the geographic field in a `difference`
    66         attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
    67         """
    68         return self._geomset_attribute('difference', geom, **kwargs)
    70     def distance(self, geom, **kwargs):
    71         """
    72         Returns the distance from the given geographic field name to the
    73         given geometry in a `distance` attribute on each element of the
    74         GeoQuerySet.
    76         Keyword Arguments:
    77          `spheroid`  => If the geometry field is geodetic and PostGIS is
    78                         the spatial database, then the more accurate 
    79                         spheroid calculation will be used instead of the
    80                         quicker sphere calculation.
    82          `tolerance` => Used only for Oracle. The tolerance is 
    83                         in meters -- a default of 5 centimeters (0.05) 
    84                         is used.
    85         """
    86         return self._distance_attribute('distance', geom, **kwargs)
    88     def envelope(self, **kwargs):
    89         """
    90         Returns a Geometry representing the bounding box of the 
    91         Geometry field in an `envelope` attribute on each element of
    92         the GeoQuerySet. 
    93         """
    94         return self._geom_attribute('envelope', **kwargs)
    96     def extent(self, **kwargs):
    97         """
    98         Returns the extent (aggregate) of the features in the GeoQuerySet.  The
    99         extent will be returned as a 4-tuple, consisting of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
   100         """
   101         convert_extent = None
   102         if SpatialBackend.postgis:
   103             def convert_extent(box, geo_field):
   104                 # TODO: Parsing of BOX3D, Oracle support (patches welcome!)
   105                 # Box text will be something like "BOX(-90.0 30.0, -85.0 40.0)"; 
   106                 # parsing out and returning as a 4-tuple.
   107                 ll, ur = box[4:-1].split(',')
   108                 xmin, ymin = map(float, ll.split())
   109                 xmax, ymax = map(float, ur.split())
   110                 return (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
   111         elif
   112             def convert_extent(wkt, geo_field):
   113                 raise NotImplementedError
   114         return self._spatial_aggregate('extent', convert_func=convert_extent, **kwargs)
   116     def gml(self, precision=8, version=2, **kwargs):
   117         """
   118         Returns GML representation of the given field in a `gml` attribute
   119         on each element of the GeoQuerySet.
   120         """
   121         s = {'desc' : 'GML', 'procedure_args' : {'precision' : precision}}
   122         if SpatialBackend.postgis:
   123             # PostGIS AsGML() aggregate function parameter order depends on the 
   124             # version -- uggh.
   125             major, minor1, minor2 = SpatialBackend.version
   126             if major >= 1 and (minor1 > 3 or (minor1 == 3 and minor2 > 1)):
   127                 procedure_fmt = '%(version)s,%(geo_col)s,%(precision)s'
   128             else:
   129                 procedure_fmt = '%(geo_col)s,%(precision)s,%(version)s'
   130             s['procedure_args'] = {'precision' : precision, 'version' : version}
   132         return self._spatial_attribute('gml', s, **kwargs)
   134     def intersection(self, geom, **kwargs):
   135         """
   136         Returns the spatial intersection of the Geometry field in
   137         an `intersection` attribute on each element of this
   138         GeoQuerySet.
   139         """
   140         return self._geomset_attribute('intersection', geom, **kwargs)
   142     def kml(self, **kwargs):
   143         """
   144         Returns KML representation of the geometry field in a `kml`
   145         attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   146         """
   147         s = {'desc' : 'KML',
   148              'procedure_fmt' : '%(geo_col)s,%(precision)s',
   149              'procedure_args' : {'precision' : kwargs.pop('precision', 8)},
   150              }
   151         return self._spatial_attribute('kml', s, **kwargs)
   153     def length(self, **kwargs):
   154         """
   155         Returns the length of the geometry field as a `Distance` object
   156         stored in a `length` attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   157         """
   158         return self._distance_attribute('length', None, **kwargs)
   160     def make_line(self, **kwargs):
   161         """
   162         Creates a linestring from all of the PointField geometries in the
   163         this GeoQuerySet and returns it.  This is a spatial aggregate
   164         method, and thus returns a geometry rather than a GeoQuerySet.
   165         """
   166         kwargs['geo_field_type'] = PointField
   167         kwargs['agg_field'] = GeometryField
   168         return self._spatial_aggregate('make_line', **kwargs)
   170     def mem_size(self, **kwargs):
   171         """
   172         Returns the memory size (number of bytes) that the geometry field takes
   173         in a `mem_size` attribute  on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   174         """
   175         return self._spatial_attribute('mem_size', {}, **kwargs)
   177     def num_geom(self, **kwargs):
   178         """
   179         Returns the number of geometries if the field is a
   180         GeometryCollection or Multi* Field in a `num_geom`
   181         attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet; otherwise
   182         the sets with None.
   183         """
   184         return self._spatial_attribute('num_geom', {}, **kwargs)
   186     def num_points(self, **kwargs):
   187         """
   188         Returns the number of points in the first linestring in the 
   189         Geometry field in a `num_points` attribute on each element of
   190         this GeoQuerySet; otherwise sets with None.
   191         """
   192         return self._spatial_attribute('num_points', {}, **kwargs)
   194     def perimeter(self, **kwargs):
   195         """
   196         Returns the perimeter of the geometry field as a `Distance` object
   197         stored in a `perimeter` attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   198         """
   199         return self._distance_attribute('perimeter', None, **kwargs)
   201     def point_on_surface(self, **kwargs):
   202         """
   203         Returns a Point geometry guaranteed to lie on the surface of the
   204         Geometry field in a `point_on_surface` attribute on each element
   205         of this GeoQuerySet; otherwise sets with None.
   206         """
   207         return self._geom_attribute('point_on_surface', **kwargs)
   209     def scale(self, x, y, z=0.0, **kwargs):
   210         """
   211         Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the ordinates
   212         with the given x,y,z scale factors.
   213         """
   214         s = {'procedure_fmt' : '%(geo_col)s,%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s',
   215              'procedure_args' : {'x' : x, 'y' : y, 'z' : z},
   216              'select_field' : GeomField(),
   217              }
   218         return self._spatial_attribute('scale', s, **kwargs)
   220     def svg(self, **kwargs):
   221         """
   222         Returns SVG representation of the geographic field in a `svg`
   223         attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   224         """
   225         s = {'desc' : 'SVG',
   226              'procedure_fmt' : '%(geo_col)s,%(rel)s,%(precision)s',
   227              'procedure_args' : {'rel' : int(kwargs.pop('relative', 0)),
   228                                  'precision' : kwargs.pop('precision', 8)},
   229              }
   230         return self._spatial_attribute('svg', s, **kwargs)
   232     def sym_difference(self, geom, **kwargs):
   233         """
   234         Returns the symmetric difference of the geographic field in a 
   235         `sym_difference` attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   236         """
   237         return self._geomset_attribute('sym_difference', geom, **kwargs)
   239     def translate(self, x, y, z=0.0, **kwargs):
   240         """
   241         Translates the geometry to a new location using the given numeric
   242         parameters as offsets.
   243         """
   244         s = {'procedure_fmt' : '%(geo_col)s,%(x)s,%(y)s,%(z)s',
   245              'procedure_args' : {'x' : x, 'y' : y, 'z' : z},
   246              'select_field' : GeomField(),
   247              }
   248         return self._spatial_attribute('translate', s, **kwargs)
   250     def transform(self, srid=4326, **kwargs):
   251         """
   252         Transforms the given geometry field to the given SRID.  If no SRID is
   253         provided, the transformation will default to using 4326 (WGS84).
   254         """
   255         if not isinstance(srid, (int, long)):
   256             raise TypeError('An integer SRID must be provided.')
   257         field_name = kwargs.get('field_name', None)
   258         tmp, geo_field = self._spatial_setup('transform', field_name=field_name)
   260         # Getting the selection SQL for the given geographic field.
   261         field_col = self._geocol_select(geo_field, field_name)
   263         # Why cascading substitutions? Because spatial backends like
   264         # Oracle and MySQL already require a function call to convert to text, thus
   265         # when there's also a transformation we need to cascade the substitutions.
   266         # For example, 'SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(SDO_CS.TRANSFORM( ... )'
   267         geo_col = self.query.custom_select.get(geo_field, field_col)
   269         # Setting the key for the field's column with the custom SELECT SQL to
   270         # override the geometry column returned from the database.
   271         custom_sel = '%s(%s, %s)' % (SpatialBackend.transform, geo_col, srid)
   272         # TODO: Should we have this as an alias?
   273         # custom_sel = '(%s(%s, %s)) AS %s' % (SpatialBackend.transform, geo_col, srid, qn(
   274         self.query.transformed_srid = srid # So other GeoQuerySet methods
   275         self.query.custom_select[geo_field] = custom_sel
   276         return self._clone()
   278     def union(self, geom, **kwargs):
   279         """
   280         Returns the union of the geographic field with the given
   281         Geometry in a `union` attribute on each element of this GeoQuerySet.
   282         """
   283         return self._geomset_attribute('union', geom, **kwargs)
   285     def unionagg(self, **kwargs):
   286         """
   287         Performs an aggregate union on the given geometry field.  Returns
   288         None if the GeoQuerySet is empty.  The `tolerance` keyword is for
   289         Oracle backends only.
   290         """
   291         kwargs['agg_field'] = GeometryField
   292         return self._spatial_aggregate('unionagg', **kwargs)
   294     ### Private API -- Abstracted DRY routines. ###
   295     def _spatial_setup(self, att, aggregate=False, desc=None, field_name=None, geo_field_type=None):
   296         """
   297         Performs set up for executing the spatial function.
   298         """
   299         # Does the spatial backend support this?
   300         func = getattr(SpatialBackend, att, False)
   301         if desc is None: desc = att
   302         if not func: raise ImproperlyConfigured('%s stored procedure not available.' % desc)
   304         # Initializing the procedure arguments. 
   305         procedure_args = {'function' : func}
   307         # Is there a geographic field in the model to perform this 
   308         # operation on?
   309         geo_field = self.query._geo_field(field_name)
   310         if not geo_field:
   311             raise TypeError('%s output only available on GeometryFields.' % func)
   313         # If the `geo_field_type` keyword was used, then enforce that 
   314         # type limitation.
   315         if not geo_field_type is None and not isinstance(geo_field, geo_field_type): 
   316             raise TypeError('"%s" stored procedures may only be called on %ss.' % (func, geo_field_type.__name__)) 
   318         # Setting the procedure args.
   319         procedure_args['geo_col'] = self._geocol_select(geo_field, field_name, aggregate)
   321         return procedure_args, geo_field
   323     def _spatial_aggregate(self, att, field_name=None, 
   324                            agg_field=None, convert_func=None, 
   325                            geo_field_type=None, tolerance=0.0005):
   326         """
   327         DRY routine for calling aggregate spatial stored procedures and
   328         returning their result to the caller of the function.
   329         """
   330         # Constructing the setup keyword arguments.
   331         setup_kwargs = {'aggregate' : True,
   332                         'field_name' : field_name,
   333                         'geo_field_type' : geo_field_type,
   334                         }
   335         procedure_args, geo_field = self._spatial_setup(att, **setup_kwargs)
   337         if
   338             procedure_args['tolerance'] = tolerance
   339             # Adding in selection SQL for Oracle geometry columns.
   340             if agg_field is GeometryField: 
   341                 agg_sql = '%s' %
   342             else: 
   343                 agg_sql = '%s'
   344             agg_sql =  agg_sql % ('%(function)s(SDOAGGRTYPE(%(geo_col)s,%(tolerance)s))' % procedure_args)
   345         else:
   346             agg_sql = '%(function)s(%(geo_col)s)' % procedure_args
   348         # Wrapping our selection SQL in `GeomSQL` to bypass quoting, and
   349         # specifying the type of the aggregate field.
   350 = [GeomSQL(agg_sql)]
   351         self.query.select_fields = [agg_field]
   353         try:
   354             # `asql` => not overriding `sql` module.
   355             asql, params = self.query.as_sql()
   356         except sql.datastructures.EmptyResultSet:
   357             return None   
   359         # Getting a cursor, executing the query, and extracting the returned
   360         # value from the aggregate function.
   361         cursor = connection.cursor()
   362         cursor.execute(asql, params)
   363         result = cursor.fetchone()[0]
   365         # If the `agg_field` is specified as a GeometryField, then autmatically
   366         # set up the conversion function.
   367         if agg_field is GeometryField and not callable(convert_func):
   368             if SpatialBackend.postgis:
   369                 def convert_geom(hex, geo_field):
   370                     if hex: return SpatialBackend.Geometry(hex)
   371                     else: return None
   372             elif
   373                 def convert_geom(clob, geo_field):
   374                     if clob: return SpatialBackend.Geometry(, geo_field._srid)
   375                     else: return None
   376             convert_func = convert_geom
   378         # Returning the callback function evaluated on the result culled
   379         # from the executed cursor.
   380         if callable(convert_func):
   381             return convert_func(result, geo_field)
   382         else:
   383             return result
   385     def _spatial_attribute(self, att, settings, field_name=None, model_att=None):
   386         """
   387         DRY routine for calling a spatial stored procedure on a geometry column
   388         and attaching its output as an attribute of the model.
   390         Arguments:
   391          att:
   392           The name of the spatial attribute that holds the spatial
   393           SQL function to call.
   395          settings:
   396           Dictonary of internal settings to customize for the spatial procedure. 
   398         Public Keyword Arguments:
   400          field_name:
   401           The name of the geographic field to call the spatial
   402           function on.  May also be a lookup to a geometry field
   403           as part of a foreign key relation.
   405          model_att:
   406           The name of the model attribute to attach the output of
   407           the spatial function to.
   408         """
   409         # Default settings.
   410         settings.setdefault('desc', None)
   411         settings.setdefault('geom_args', ())
   412         settings.setdefault('geom_field', None)
   413         settings.setdefault('procedure_args', {})
   414         settings.setdefault('procedure_fmt', '%(geo_col)s')
   415         settings.setdefault('select_params', [])
   417         # Performing setup for the spatial column, unless told not to.
   418         if settings.get('setup', True):
   419             default_args, geo_field = self._spatial_setup(att, desc=settings['desc'], field_name=field_name)
   420             for k, v in default_args.iteritems(): settings['procedure_args'].setdefault(k, v)
   421         else:
   422             geo_field = settings['geo_field']
   424         # The attribute to attach to the model.
   425         if not isinstance(model_att, basestring): model_att = att
   427         # Special handling for any argument that is a geometry.
   428         for name in settings['geom_args']:
   429             # Using the field's get_db_prep_lookup() to get any needed
   430             # transformation SQL -- we pass in a 'dummy' `contains` lookup.
   431             where, params = geo_field.get_db_prep_lookup('contains', settings['procedure_args'][name])
   432             # Replacing the procedure format with that of any needed 
   433             # transformation SQL.
   434             old_fmt = '%%(%s)s' % name
   435             new_fmt = where[0] % '%%s'
   436             settings['procedure_fmt'] = settings['procedure_fmt'].replace(old_fmt, new_fmt)
   437             settings['select_params'].extend(params)
   439         # Getting the format for the stored procedure.
   440         fmt = '%%(function)s(%s)' % settings['procedure_fmt']
   442         # If the result of this function needs to be converted.
   443         if settings.get('select_field', False):
   444             sel_fld = settings['select_field']
   445             if isinstance(sel_fld, GeomField) and
   446                 self.query.custom_select[model_att] =
   447             self.query.extra_select_fields[model_att] = sel_fld
   449         # Finally, setting the extra selection attribute with 
   450         # the format string expanded with the stored procedure
   451         # arguments.
   452         return self.extra(select={model_att : fmt % settings['procedure_args']}, 
   453                           select_params=settings['select_params'])
   455     def _distance_attribute(self, func, geom=None, tolerance=0.05, spheroid=False, **kwargs):
   456         """
   457         DRY routine for GeoQuerySet distance attribute routines.
   458         """
   459         # Setting up the distance procedure arguments.
   460         procedure_args, geo_field = self._spatial_setup(func, field_name=kwargs.get('field_name', None))
   462         # If geodetic defaulting distance attribute to meters (Oracle and
   463         # PostGIS spherical distances return meters).  Otherwise, use the
   464         # units of the geometry field.
   465         if geo_field.geodetic:
   466             dist_att = 'm'
   467         else:
   468             dist_att = Distance.unit_attname(geo_field._unit_name)
   470         # Shortcut booleans for what distance function we're using.
   471         distance = func == 'distance'
   472         length = func == 'length'
   473         perimeter = func == 'perimeter'
   474         if not (distance or length or perimeter): 
   475             raise ValueError('Unknown distance function: %s' % func)
   477         # The field's get_db_prep_lookup() is used to get any 
   478         # extra distance parameters.  Here we set up the
   479         # parameters that will be passed in to field's function.
   480         lookup_params = [geom or 'POINT (0 0)', 0]
   482         # If the spheroid calculation is desired, either by the `spheroid`
   483         # keyword or wehn calculating the length of geodetic field, make
   484         # sure the 'spheroid' distance setting string is passed in so we
   485         # get the correct spatial stored procedure.            
   486         if spheroid or (SpatialBackend.postgis and geo_field.geodetic and length): 
   487             lookup_params.append('spheroid') 
   488         where, params = geo_field.get_db_prep_lookup('distance_lte', lookup_params)
   490         # The `geom_args` flag is set to true if a geometry parameter was 
   491         # passed in.
   492         geom_args = bool(geom)
   494         if
   495             if distance:
   496                 procedure_fmt = '%(geo_col)s,%(geom)s,%(tolerance)s'
   497             elif length or perimeter:
   498                 procedure_fmt = '%(geo_col)s,%(tolerance)s'
   499             procedure_args['tolerance'] = tolerance
   500         else:
   501             # Getting whether this field is in units of degrees since the field may have
   502             # been transformed via the `transform` GeoQuerySet method.
   503             if self.query.transformed_srid:
   504                 u, unit_name, s = get_srid_info(self.query.transformed_srid)
   505                 geodetic = unit_name in geo_field.geodetic_units
   506             else:
   507                 geodetic = geo_field.geodetic
   509             if distance:
   510                 if self.query.transformed_srid:
   511                     # Setting the `geom_args` flag to false because we want to handle
   512                     # transformation SQL here, rather than the way done by default
   513                     # (which will transform to the original SRID of the field rather
   514                     #  than to what was transformed to).
   515                     geom_args = False
   516                     procedure_fmt = '%s(%%(geo_col)s, %s)' % (SpatialBackend.transform, self.query.transformed_srid)
   517                     if geom.srid is None or geom.srid == self.query.transformed_srid:
   518                         # If the geom parameter srid is None, it is assumed the coordinates 
   519                         # are in the transformed units.  A placeholder is used for the
   520                         # geometry parameter.
   521                         procedure_fmt += ', %%s'
   522                     else:
   523                         # We need to transform the geom to the srid specified in `transform()`,
   524                         # so wrapping the geometry placeholder in transformation SQL.
   525                         procedure_fmt += ', %s(%%%%s, %s)' % (SpatialBackend.transform, self.query.transformed_srid)
   526                 else:
   527                     # `transform()` was not used on this GeoQuerySet.
   528                     procedure_fmt  = '%(geo_col)s,%(geom)s'
   530                 if geodetic:
   531                     # Spherical distance calculation is needed (because the geographic
   532                     # field is geodetic). However, the PostGIS ST_distance_sphere/spheroid() 
   533                     # procedures may only do queries from point columns to point geometries
   534                     # some error checking is required.
   535                     if not isinstance(geo_field, PointField): 
   536                         raise TypeError('Spherical distance calculation only supported on PointFields.')
   537                     if not str(SpatialBackend.Geometry(buffer(params[0].wkb)).geom_type) == 'Point':
   538                         raise TypeError('Spherical distance calculation only supported with Point Geometry parameters')
   539                     # The `function` procedure argument needs to be set differently for
   540                     # geodetic distance calculations.
   541                     if spheroid:
   542                         # Call to distance_spheroid() requires spheroid param as well.
   543                         procedure_fmt += ',%(spheroid)s'
   544                         procedure_args.update({'function' : SpatialBackend.distance_spheroid, 'spheroid' : where[1]})
   545                     else:
   546                         procedure_args.update({'function' : SpatialBackend.distance_sphere})
   547             elif length or perimeter:
   548                 procedure_fmt = '%(geo_col)s'
   549                 if geodetic and length:
   550                     # There's no `length_sphere`
   551                     procedure_fmt += ',%(spheroid)s'
   552                     procedure_args.update({'function' : SpatialBackend.length_spheroid, 'spheroid' : where[1]})
   554         # Setting up the settings for `_spatial_attribute`.
   555         s = {'select_field' : DistanceField(dist_att),
   556              'setup' : False, 
   557              'geo_field' : geo_field,
   558              'procedure_args' : procedure_args,
   559              'procedure_fmt' : procedure_fmt,
   560              }
   561         if geom_args: 
   562             s['geom_args'] = ('geom',)
   563             s['procedure_args']['geom'] = geom
   564         elif geom:
   565             # The geometry is passed in as a parameter because we handled
   566             # transformation conditions in this routine.
   567             s['select_params'] = [SpatialBackend.Adaptor(geom)]
   568         return self._spatial_attribute(func, s, **kwargs)
   570     def _geom_attribute(self, func, tolerance=0.05, **kwargs):
   571         """
   572         DRY routine for setting up a GeoQuerySet method that attaches a
   573         Geometry attribute (e.g., `centroid`, `point_on_surface`).
   574         """
   575         s = {'select_field' : GeomField(),}
   576         if
   577             s['procedure_fmt'] = '%(geo_col)s,%(tolerance)s'
   578             s['procedure_args'] = {'tolerance' : tolerance}
   579         return self._spatial_attribute(func, s, **kwargs)
   581     def _geomset_attribute(self, func, geom, tolerance=0.05, **kwargs):
   582         """
   583         DRY routine for setting up a GeoQuerySet method that attaches a
   584         Geometry attribute and takes a Geoemtry parameter.  This is used
   585         for geometry set-like operations (e.g., intersection, difference, 
   586         union, sym_difference).
   587         """
   588         s = {'geom_args' : ('geom',),
   589              'select_field' : GeomField(),
   590              'procedure_fmt' : '%(geo_col)s,%(geom)s',
   591              'procedure_args' : {'geom' : geom},
   592             }
   593         if
   594             s['procedure_fmt'] += ',%(tolerance)s'
   595             s['procedure_args']['tolerance'] = tolerance
   596         return self._spatial_attribute(func, s, **kwargs)
   598     def _geocol_select(self, geo_field, field_name, aggregate=False):
   599         """
   600         Helper routine for constructing the SQL to select the geographic
   601         column.  Takes into account if the geographic field is in a
   602         ForeignKey relation to the current model.
   603         """
   604         # If this is an aggregate spatial query, the flag needs to be
   605         # set on the `GeoQuery` object of this queryset.
   606         if aggregate: self.query.aggregate = True
   608         # Is this operation going to be on a related geographic field?
   609         if not geo_field in self.model._meta.fields:
   610             # If so, it'll have to be added to the select related information
   611             # (e.g., if 'location__point' was given as the field name).
   612             self.query.add_select_related([field_name])
   613             self.query.pre_sql_setup()
   614             rel_table, rel_col = self.query.related_select_cols[self.query.related_select_fields.index(geo_field)]
   615             return self.query._field_column(geo_field, rel_table)
   616         else:
   617             return self.query._field_column(geo_field)