1 // Some global instances |
2 var tinymce = null, tinyMCEPopup, tinyMCE; |
3 |
4 tinyMCEPopup = { |
5 init : function() { |
6 var t = this, w, ti, li, q, i, it; |
7 |
8 li = ('' + document.location.search).replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'); |
9 q = {}; |
10 for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) { |
11 it = li[i].split('='); |
12 q[unescape(it[0])] = unescape(it[1]); |
13 } |
14 |
15 if (q.mce_rdomain) |
16 document.domain = q.mce_rdomain; |
17 |
18 // Find window & API |
19 w = t.getWin(); |
20 tinymce = w.tinymce; |
21 tinyMCE = w.tinyMCE; |
22 t.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor; |
23 t.params = t.editor.windowManager.params; |
24 t.features = t.editor.windowManager.features; |
25 |
26 // Setup local DOM |
27 t.dom = t.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils', document); |
28 t.dom.loadCSS(t.features.popup_css || t.editor.settings.popup_css); |
29 |
30 // Setup on init listeners |
31 t.listeners = []; |
32 t.onInit = { |
33 add : function(f, s) { |
34 t.listeners.push({func : f, scope : s}); |
35 } |
36 }; |
37 |
38 t.isWindow = !t.getWindowArg('mce_inline'); |
39 t.id = t.getWindowArg('mce_window_id'); |
40 t.editor.windowManager.onOpen.dispatch(t.editor.windowManager, window); |
41 }, |
42 |
43 getWin : function() { |
44 return window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top; |
45 }, |
46 |
47 getWindowArg : function(n, dv) { |
48 var v = this.params[n]; |
49 |
50 return tinymce.is(v) ? v : dv; |
51 }, |
52 |
53 getParam : function(n, dv) { |
54 return this.editor.getParam(n, dv); |
55 }, |
56 |
57 getLang : function(n, dv) { |
58 return this.editor.getLang(n, dv); |
59 }, |
60 |
61 execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val, a) { |
62 a = a || {}; |
63 a.skip_focus = 1; |
64 |
65 this.restoreSelection(); |
66 return this.editor.execCommand(cmd, ui, val, a); |
67 }, |
68 |
69 resizeToInnerSize : function() { |
70 var t = this, n, b = document.body, vp = t.dom.getViewPort(window), dw, dh; |
71 |
72 dw = t.getWindowArg('mce_width') - vp.w; |
73 dh = t.getWindowArg('mce_height') - vp.h; |
74 |
75 if (t.isWindow) |
76 window.resizeBy(dw, dh); |
77 else |
78 t.editor.windowManager.resizeBy(dw, dh, t.id); |
79 }, |
80 |
81 executeOnLoad : function(s) { |
82 this.onInit.add(function() { |
83 eval(s); |
84 }); |
85 }, |
86 |
87 storeSelection : function() { |
88 this.editor.windowManager.bookmark = tinyMCEPopup.editor.selection.getBookmark('simple'); |
89 }, |
90 |
91 restoreSelection : function() { |
92 var t = tinyMCEPopup; |
93 |
94 if (!t.isWindow && tinymce.isIE) |
95 t.editor.selection.moveToBookmark(t.editor.windowManager.bookmark); |
96 }, |
97 |
98 requireLangPack : function() { |
99 var u = this.getWindowArg('plugin_url') || this.getWindowArg('theme_url'); |
100 |
101 if (u && this.editor.settings.language) { |
102 u += '/langs/' + this.editor.settings.language + '_dlg.js'; |
103 |
104 if (!tinymce.ScriptLoader.isDone(u)) { |
105 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + tinymce._addVer(u) + '"></script>'); |
106 tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(u); |
107 } |
108 } |
109 }, |
110 |
111 pickColor : function(e, element_id) { |
112 this.execCommand('mceColorPicker', true, { |
113 color : document.getElementById(element_id).value, |
114 func : function(c) { |
115 document.getElementById(element_id).value = c; |
116 |
117 try { |
118 document.getElementById(element_id).onchange(); |
119 } catch (ex) { |
120 // Try fire event, ignore errors |
121 } |
122 } |
123 }); |
124 }, |
125 |
126 openBrowser : function(element_id, type, option) { |
127 tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); |
128 this.editor.execCallback('file_browser_callback', element_id, document.getElementById(element_id).value, type, window); |
129 }, |
130 |
131 confirm : function(t, cb, s) { |
132 this.editor.windowManager.confirm(t, cb, s, window); |
133 }, |
134 |
135 alert : function(tx, cb, s) { |
136 this.editor.windowManager.alert(tx, cb, s, window); |
137 }, |
138 |
139 close : function() { |
140 var t = this; |
141 |
142 // To avoid domain relaxing issue in Opera |
143 function close() { |
144 t.editor.windowManager.close(window); |
145 tinymce = tinyMCE = t.editor = t.params = t.dom = t.dom.doc = null; // Cleanup |
146 }; |
147 |
148 if (tinymce.isOpera) |
149 t.getWin().setTimeout(close, 0); |
150 else |
151 close(); |
152 }, |
153 |
154 // Internal functions |
155 |
156 _restoreSelection : function() { |
157 var e = window.event.srcElement; |
158 |
159 if (e.nodeName == 'INPUT' && (e.type == 'submit' || e.type == 'button')) |
160 tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); |
161 }, |
162 |
163 /* _restoreSelection : function() { |
164 var e = window.event.srcElement; |
165 |
166 // If user focus a non text input or textarea |
167 if ((e.nodeName != 'INPUT' && e.nodeName != 'TEXTAREA') || e.type != 'text') |
168 tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); |
169 },*/ |
170 |
171 _onDOMLoaded : function() { |
172 var t = this, ti = document.title, bm, h; |
173 |
174 // Translate page |
175 h = document.body.innerHTML; |
176 |
177 // Replace a=x with a="x" in IE |
178 if (tinymce.isIE) |
179 h = h.replace(/ (value|title|alt)=([^"][^\s>]+)/gi, ' $1="$2"') |
180 |
181 document.dir = t.editor.getParam('directionality',''); |
182 document.body.innerHTML = t.editor.translate(h); |
183 document.title = ti = t.editor.translate(ti); |
184 document.body.style.display = ''; |
185 |
186 // Restore selection in IE when focus is placed on a non textarea or input element of the type text |
187 if (tinymce.isIE) |
188 document.attachEvent('onmouseup', tinyMCEPopup._restoreSelection); |
189 |
190 t.restoreSelection(); |
191 t.resizeToInnerSize(); |
192 |
193 // Set inline title |
194 if (!t.isWindow) |
195 t.editor.windowManager.setTitle(window, ti); |
196 else |
197 window.focus(); |
198 |
199 if (!tinymce.isIE && !t.isWindow) { |
200 tinymce.dom.Event._add(document, 'focus', function() { |
201 t.editor.windowManager.focus(t.id) |
202 }); |
203 } |
204 |
205 // Patch for accessibility |
206 tinymce.each(t.dom.select('select'), function(e) { |
207 e.onkeydown = tinyMCEPopup._accessHandler; |
208 }); |
209 |
210 // Call onInit |
211 // Init must be called before focus so the selection won't get lost by the focus call |
212 tinymce.each(t.listeners, function(o) { |
213 o.func.call(o.scope, t.editor); |
214 }); |
215 |
216 // Move focus to window |
217 if (t.getWindowArg('mce_auto_focus', true)) { |
218 window.focus(); |
219 |
220 // Focus element with mceFocus class |
221 tinymce.each(document.forms, function(f) { |
222 tinymce.each(f.elements, function(e) { |
223 if (t.dom.hasClass(e, 'mceFocus') && !e.disabled) { |
224 e.focus(); |
225 return false; // Break loop |
226 } |
227 }); |
228 }); |
229 } |
230 |
231 document.onkeyup = tinyMCEPopup._closeWinKeyHandler; |
232 }, |
233 |
234 _accessHandler : function(e) { |
235 e = e || window.event; |
236 |
237 if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { |
238 e = e.target || e.srcElement; |
239 |
240 if (e.onchange) |
241 e.onchange(); |
242 |
243 return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e); |
244 } |
245 }, |
246 |
247 _closeWinKeyHandler : function(e) { |
248 e = e || window.event; |
249 |
250 if (e.keyCode == 27) |
251 tinyMCEPopup.close(); |
252 }, |
253 |
254 _wait : function() { |
255 var t = this, ti; |
256 |
257 if (tinymce.isIE && document.location.protocol != 'https:') { |
258 // Fake DOMContentLoaded on IE |
259 document.write('<script id=__ie_onload defer src=\'javascript:""\';><\/script>'); |
260 document.getElementById("__ie_onload").onreadystatechange = function() { |
261 if (this.readyState == "complete") { |
262 t._onDOMLoaded(); |
263 document.getElementById("__ie_onload").onreadystatechange = null; // Prevent leak |
264 } |
265 }; |
266 } else { |
267 if (tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isWebKit) { |
268 ti = setInterval(function() { |
269 if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { |
270 clearInterval(ti); |
271 t._onDOMLoaded(); |
272 } |
273 }, 10); |
274 } else { |
275 window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { |
276 t._onDOMLoaded(); |
277 }, false); |
278 } |
279 } |
280 } |
281 }; |
282 |
283 tinyMCEPopup.init(); |
284 tinyMCEPopup._wait(); // Wait for DOM Content Loaded |