171 }); |
171 }); |
172 } |
172 } |
173 } |
173 } |
174 }; |
174 }; |
175 |
175 |
176 org_home_gmap = new function(){ |
177 // Global variables |
178 var map; |
179 |
180 // HTML div tag where map needs to be inserted |
181 var map_div = "org_home_map"; |
182 |
183 // Geocoder object for obtaining locations from city/country |
184 var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); |
185 |
186 // Lat/lng pairs stored for drawing polylines. |
187 var student_lat = 0; |
188 var student_lng = 0; |
189 var mentor_lat = 0; |
190 var mentor_lng = 0; |
191 |
192 // Setup required icons |
193 var base_icon = new GIcon(); |
194 base_icon.shadow = "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/shadow50.png"; |
195 base_icon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34); |
196 base_icon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34); |
197 base_icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34); |
198 base_icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2); |
199 base_icon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25); |
200 var student_icon = new GIcon(base_icon); |
201 student_icon.image = "http://www.google.com/mapfiles/marker.png"; |
202 var mentor_icon = new GIcon(base_icon); |
203 mentor_icon.image = "/soc/content/images/mentor-marker.png"; |
204 |
205 // Mark mentor marker if he has published the location and call |
206 // drawStudentMarker function. |
207 function drawMarkers(map_elem) { |
208 function iterateStudents(students, mentor_name, mentor_published) { |
209 for (student in students) { |
210 drawStudentMarker(students[student], mentor_name, mentor_published); |
211 } |
212 } |
213 if (map_elem.type == 'mentor') { |
214 geocoder.setBaseCountryCode(map_elem.ccTLD); |
215 geocoder.getLatLng( |
216 map_elem.city, |
217 function(point) { |
218 if (point) { |
219 var marker = new GMarker(point, mentor_icon); |
220 mentor_lat = marker.getPoint().lat(); |
221 mentor_lng = marker.getPoint().lng(); |
222 var html = "<strong>" + map_elem.name + "</strong><br> Mentor"; |
223 GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { |
224 marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); |
225 }); |
226 map.addOverlay(marker); |
227 } else { |
228 mentor_lat = null; |
229 mentor_lng = null; |
230 } |
231 iterateStudents(map_elem.students, map_elem.name, true); |
232 } |
233 ); |
234 } else if (map_elem.type == 'none') { |
235 drawStudentMarker(map_elem.student, map_elem.name, false); |
236 } |
237 } |
238 |
239 // Mark student and enable a popup box upon click |
240 function drawStudentMarker(student, mname, mentor_published) { |
241 geocoder.setBaseCountryCode(student.ccTLD); |
242 geocoder.getLatLng( |
243 student.city, |
244 function(point) { |
245 if (point) { |
246 var marker = new GMarker(point, student_icon); |
247 var html = "<strong>" + student.name + "</strong><br>"; |
248 html += "<a href='"+ student.url + "'>" + student.summary + "</a><br>"; |
249 html += "Mentor: " + mname; |
250 GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { |
251 marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); |
252 }); |
253 student_lat = marker.getPoint().lat(); |
254 student_lng = marker.getPoint().lng(); |
255 map.addOverlay(marker); |
256 } else { |
257 student_lat = null; |
258 student_lng = null; |
259 } |
260 if (mentor_published) { |
261 drawPolyLine(); |
262 } |
263 } |
264 ); |
265 } |
266 |
267 // Draw a polyline between the student and his mentor |
268 drawPolyLine = function() { |
269 var polyline = new GPolyline([ |
270 new GLatLng(mentor_lat, mentor_lng), |
271 new GLatLng(student_lat, student_lng) |
272 ], "#ff0000", 3); |
273 map.addOverlay(polyline); |
274 } |
275 |
276 // Map load function |
277 this.map_load = function(map_data) { |
278 // Check if browser is gmap compatible. |
279 if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { |
280 // Create the map and add small controls |
281 map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div)); |
282 map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); |
283 map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); |
284 |
285 // Set map center and initial zoom level |
286 map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0, 0), 1); |
287 |
288 for (elem in map_data) { |
289 drawMarkers(map_data[elem]) |
290 } |
291 } |
292 } |
293 }; |