changeset 257 878f9ec9dd07
child 290 2a92b866ed40
equal deleted inserted replaced
256:101c586ff5c8 257:878f9ec9dd07
     1 {% extends "soc/base.html" %}
     2 {% comment %}
     3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13 limitations under the License.
    14 {% endcomment %}
    15 {% load forms_helpers %}
    16 {% block scripts %}
    17 	<script type="text/javascript" src="/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js"></script>
    18 {% endblock %}
    20 {% block page_title %}
    21 {% if existing_group %}
    22 Site: Modify Existing {% if group_type %}{{ group_type }}{% else %}Group{% endif %}
    23 {% else %}
    24 Site: Create New {% if group_type %}{{ group_type }}{% else %}Group{% endif %}
    25 {% endif %}
    26 {% endblock %}
    27 {% block header_title %}
    28 {% if existing_group %}
    29 Modify Existing {% if group_type %}{{ group_type }}{% else %}Group{% endif %}
    30 {% else %}
    31 Create a New {% if group_type %}{{ group_type }}{% else %}Group{% endif %}
    32 {% endif %}
    33 {% endblock %}
    35 {% block body %}
    36 <p>
    37 <p>
    38 {% block instructions %}
    39 Please use this form to alter {% if group_type %}{{ group_type }}{% else %}Group{% endif %} details.
    40 {% endblock %}
    41 </p>
    42 <form method="POST">
    43  <table>
    44     {% field_as_table_row %}
    45     {% field_as_table_row form.link_name %}
    46     {% field_as_table_row form.short_name %}
    47     {% field_as_table_row form.home_page %}
    48     {% field_as_table_row %}
    49     {% field_as_table_row form.description %}
    50     {% field_as_table_row form.street %}
    51     {% field_as_table_row %}
    52     {% field_as_table_row form.state %}
    53     {% field_as_table_row %}
    54     {% field_as_table_row form.postalcode %}
    55     {% field_as_table_row %}
    56   <tr>
    57    <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
    58   </tr>
    59   <tr>
    60    <td> 
    61     <input style="font-weight: bold" type="submit" value="Save Changes"/></span>
    62    </td>
    63    <td>
    64     <input type="button" onclick="location.href='/'" value="Cancel"/>
    65    </td>
    66    <td>&nbsp;</td>
    67    <td>
    68     {% if submit_message %}<b><i>{{ submit_message }}</i></b>{% endif %}
    69    </td>
    70   </tr>
    71  </table>
    72 </form>
    73 </p>
    74 {% endblock %}