1 WebOb Reference |
2 +++++++++++++++ |
3 |
4 .. contents:: |
5 |
6 .. comment: |
7 |
8 >>> from dtopt import ELLIPSIS |
9 |
10 Introduction |
11 ============ |
12 |
13 This document covers all the details of the Request and Response |
14 objects. It is written to be testable with `doctest |
15 <http://python.org/doc/current/lib/module-doctest.html>`_ -- this |
16 effects the flavor of the documentation, perhaps to its detriment. |
17 But it also means you can feel confident that the documentation is |
18 correct. |
19 |
20 This is a somewhat different approach to reference documentation |
21 compared to the extracted documentation for the `request |
22 <class-webob.Request.html>`_ and `response |
23 <class-webob.Response.html>`_. |
24 |
25 Request |
26 ======= |
27 |
28 The primary object in WebOb is ``webob.Request``, a wrapper around a |
29 `WSGI environment <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/>`_. |
30 |
31 The basic way you create a request object is simple enough: |
32 |
33 .. code-block:: |
34 |
35 >>> from webob import Request |
36 >>> environ = {} |
37 >>> req = Request(environ) |
38 |
39 The request object *wraps* the environment; it has very little |
40 internal state of its own. Instead attributes you access read and |
41 write to the environment dictionary. |
42 |
43 You don't have to understand the details of WSGI to use this library; |
44 this library handles those details for you. You also don't have to |
45 use this exclusively of other libraries. If those other libraries |
46 also keep their state in the environment, multiple wrappers can |
47 coexist. Examples of libraries that can coexist include |
48 `paste.wsgiwrappers.Request |
49 <http://pythonpaste.org/class-paste.wsgiwrappers.WSGIRequest.html>`_ |
50 (used by Pylons) and `yaro.Request |
51 <http://lukearno.com/projects/yaro/>`_. |
52 |
53 The WSGI environment has a number of required variables. To make it |
54 easier to test and play around with, the ``Request`` class has a |
55 constructor that will fill in a minimal environment: |
56 |
57 .. code-block:: |
58 |
59 >>> req = Request.blank('/article?id=1') |
60 >>> from pprint import pprint |
61 >>> pprint(req.environ) |
62 {'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:80', |
63 'PATH_INFO': '/article', |
64 'QUERY_STRING': 'id=1', |
66 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', |
67 'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost', |
68 'SERVER_PORT': '80', |
70 'wsgi.errors': <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at ...>, |
71 'wsgi.input': <cStringIO.StringI object at ...>, |
72 'wsgi.multiprocess': False, |
73 'wsgi.multithread': False, |
74 'wsgi.run_once': False, |
75 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', |
76 'wsgi.version': (1, 0)} |
77 |
78 Request Body |
79 ------------ |
80 |
81 ``req.body`` is a file-like object that gives the body of the request |
82 (e.g., a POST form, the body of a PUT, etc). It's kind of boring to |
83 start, but you can set it to a string and that will be turned into a |
84 file-like object. You can read the entire body with |
85 ``req.body``. |
86 |
87 .. code-block:: |
88 |
89 >>> req.body_file |
90 <cStringIO.StringI object at ...> |
91 >>> req.body |
92 '' |
93 >>> req.body = 'test' |
94 >>> req.body_file |
95 <cStringIO.StringI object at ...> |
96 >>> req.body |
97 'test' |
98 |
99 Method & URL |
100 ------------ |
101 |
102 All the normal parts of a request are also accessible through the |
103 request object: |
104 |
105 .. code-block:: |
106 |
107 >>> req.method |
108 'GET' |
109 >>> req.scheme |
110 'http' |
111 >>> req.script_name # The base of the URL |
112 '' |
113 >>> req.script_name = '/blog' # make it more interesting |
114 >>> req.path_info # The yet-to-be-consumed part of the URL |
115 '/article' |
116 >>> req.content_type # Content-Type of the request body |
117 '' |
118 >>> print req.remote_user # The authenticated user (there is none set) |
119 None |
120 >>> print req.remote_addr # The remote IP |
121 None |
122 >>> req.host |
123 'localhost:80' |
124 >>> req.host_url |
125 'http://localhost' |
126 >>> req.application_url |
127 'http://localhost/blog' |
128 >>> req.path_url |
129 'http://localhost/blog/article' |
130 >>> req.url |
131 'http://localhost/blog/article?id=1' |
132 >>> req.path |
133 '/blog/article' |
134 >>> req.path_qs |
135 '/blog/article?id=1' |
136 >>> req.query_string |
137 'id=1' |
138 |
139 You can make new URLs: |
140 |
141 .. code-block:: |
142 |
143 >>> req.relative_url('archive') |
144 'http://localhost/blog/archive' |
145 |
146 For parsing the URLs, it is often useful to deal with just the next |
147 path segment on PATH_INFO: |
148 |
149 .. code-block:: |
150 |
151 >>> req.path_info_peek() # Doesn't change request |
152 'article' |
153 >>> req.path_info_pop() # Does change request! |
154 'article' |
155 >>> req.script_name |
156 '/blog/article' |
157 >>> req.path_info |
158 '' |
159 |
160 Headers |
161 ------- |
162 |
163 All request headers are available through a dictionary-like object |
164 ``req.headers``. Keys are case-insensitive. |
165 |
166 .. code-block:: |
167 |
168 >>> req.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-urlencoded' |
169 >>> req.headers |
170 {'Content-Length': '4', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-urlencoded', 'Host': 'localhost:80'} |
171 >>> req.environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] |
172 'application/x-www-urlencoded' |
173 |
174 Query & POST variables |
175 ---------------------- |
176 |
177 Requests can have variables in one of two locations: the query string |
178 (``?id=1``), or in the body of the request (generally a POST form). |
179 Note that even POST requests can have a query string, so both kinds of |
180 variables can exist at the same time. Also, a variable can show up |
181 more than once, as in ``?check=a&check=b``. |
182 |
183 For these variables WebOb uses a `MultiDict |
184 <class-webob.multidict.MultiDict.html>`_, which is basically a |
185 dictionary wrapper on a list of key/value pairs. It looks like a |
186 single-valued dictionary, but you can access all the values of a key |
187 with ``.getall(key)`` (which always returns a list, possibly an empty |
188 list). You also get all key/value pairs when using ``.items()`` and |
189 all values with ``.values()``. |
190 |
191 Some examples: |
192 |
193 .. code-block:: |
194 |
195 >>> req = Request.blank('/test?check=a&check=b&name=Bob') |
196 >>> req.GET |
197 MultiDict([('check', 'a'), ('check', 'b'), ('name', 'Bob')]) |
198 >>> req.GET['check'] |
199 'b' |
200 >>> req.GET.getall('check') |
201 ['a', 'b'] |
202 >>> req.GET.items() |
203 [('check', 'a'), ('check', 'b'), ('name', 'Bob')] |
204 |
205 We'll have to create a request body and change the method to get |
206 POST. Until we do that, the variables are boring: |
207 |
208 .. code-block:: |
209 |
210 >>> req.POST |
211 <NoVars: Not a POST request> |
212 >>> req.POST.items() # NoVars can be read like a dict, but not written |
213 [] |
214 >>> req.method = 'POST' |
215 >>> req.body = 'name=Joe&email=joe@example.com' |
216 >>> req.POST |
217 MultiDict([('name', 'Joe'), ('email', 'joe@example.com')]) |
218 >>> req.POST['name'] |
219 'Joe' |
220 |
221 Often you won't care where the variables come from. (Even if you care |
222 about the method, the location of the variables might not be |
223 important.) There is a dictionary called ``req.params`` that |
224 contains variables from both sources: |
225 |
226 .. code-block:: |
227 |
228 >>> req.params |
229 NestedMultiDict([('check', 'a'), ('check', 'b'), ('name', 'Bob'), ('name', 'Joe'), ('email', 'joe@example.com')]) |
230 >>> req.params['name'] |
231 'Bob' |
232 >>> req.params.getall('name') |
233 ['Bob', 'Joe'] |
234 >>> for name, value in req.params.items(): |
235 ... print '%s: %r' % (name, value) |
236 check: 'a' |
237 check: 'b' |
238 name: 'Bob' |
239 name: 'Joe' |
240 email: 'joe@example.com' |
241 |
242 Unicode Variables |
243 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
244 |
245 Submissions are non-unicode (``str``) strings, unless some character |
246 set is indicated. A client can indicate the character set with |
247 ``Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf8``, but |
248 very few clients actually do this (sometimes XMLHttpRequest requests |
249 will do this, as JSON is always UTF8 even when a page is served with a |
250 different character set). You can force a charset, which will effect |
251 all the variables: |
252 |
253 .. code-block:: |
254 |
255 >>> req.charset = 'utf8' |
256 >>> req.GET |
257 UnicodeMultiDict([(u'check', u'a'), (u'check', u'b'), (u'name', u'Bob')]) |
258 |
259 If you always want ``str`` values, you can use ``req.str_GET`` |
260 and ``str_POST``. |
261 |
262 Cookies |
263 ------- |
264 |
265 Cookies are presented in a simple dictionary. Like other variables, |
266 they will be decoded into Unicode strings if you set the charset. |
267 |
268 .. code-block:: |
269 |
270 >>> req.headers['Cookie'] = 'test=value' |
271 >>> req.cookies |
272 UnicodeMultiDict([(u'test', u'value')]) |
273 >>> req.charset = None |
274 >>> req.cookies |
275 {'test': 'value'} |
276 |
277 Modifying the request |
278 --------------------- |
279 |
280 The headers are all modifiable, as are other environmental variables |
281 (like ``req.remote_user``, which maps to |
282 ``request.environ['REMOTE_USER']``). |
283 |
284 If you want to copy the request you can use ``req.copy()``; this |
285 copies the ``environ`` dictionary, and the request body from |
286 ``environ['wsgi.input']``. |
287 |
288 The method ``req.remove_conditional_headers(remove_encoding=True)`` |
289 can be used to remove headers that might result in a ``304 Not |
290 Modified`` response. If you are writing some intermediary it can be |
291 useful to avoid these headers. Also if ``remove_encoding`` is true |
292 (the default) then any ``Accept-Encoding`` header will be removed, |
293 which can result in gzipped responses. |
294 |
295 Header Getters |
296 -------------- |
297 |
298 In addition to ``req.headers``, there are attributes for most of the |
299 request headers defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification. These |
300 attributes often return parsed forms of the headers. |
301 |
302 Accept-* headers |
303 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
304 |
305 There are several request headers that tell the server what the client |
306 accepts. These are ``accept`` (the Content-Type that is accepted), |
307 ``accept_charset`` (the charset accepted), ``accept_encoding`` |
308 (the Content-Encoding, like gzip, that is accepted), and |
309 ``accept_language`` (generally the preferred language of the client). |
310 |
311 The objects returned support containment to test for acceptability. |
312 E.g.: |
313 |
314 .. code-block:: |
315 |
316 >>> 'text/html' in req.accept |
317 True |
318 |
319 Because no header means anything is potentially acceptable, this is |
320 returning True. We can set it to see more interesting behavior (the |
321 example means that ``text/html`` is okay, but |
322 ``application/xhtml+xml`` is preferred): |
323 |
324 .. code-block:: |
325 |
326 >>> req.accept = 'text/html;q=0.5, application/xhtml+xml;q=1' |
327 >>> req.accept |
328 <MIMEAccept at ... Accept: text/html;q=0.5, application/xhtml+xml> |
329 >>> 'text/html' in req.accept |
330 True |
331 |
332 There's three methods for different strategies of finding a match. |
333 First, when you trust the server's preference over the client (a good |
334 idea for Accept): |
335 |
336 .. code-block:: |
337 |
338 >>> req.accept.first_match(['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']) |
339 'text/html' |
340 |
341 Because ``text/html`` is at least *somewhat* acceptible, it is |
342 returned, even if the client says it prefers |
343 ``application/xhtml+xml``. If we trust the client more: |
344 |
345 .. code-block:: |
346 |
347 >>> req.accept.best_match(['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']) |
348 'application/xhtml+xml' |
349 |
350 If we just want to know everything the client prefers, in the order it |
351 is preferred: |
352 |
353 .. code-block:: |
354 |
355 >>> req.accept.best_matches() |
356 ['application/xhtml+xml', 'text/html'] |
357 |
358 For languages you'll often have a "fallback" language. E.g., if there's |
359 nothing better then use ``en-US`` (and if ``en-US`` is okay, ignore |
360 any less preferrable languages): |
361 |
362 .. code-block:: |
363 |
364 >>> req.accept_language = 'es, pt-BR' |
365 >>> req.accept_language.best_matches('en-US') |
366 ['es', 'pt-BR', 'en-US'] |
367 >>> req.accept_language.best_matches('es') |
368 ['es'] |
369 |
370 Conditional Requests |
371 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
372 |
373 There a number of ways to make a conditional request. A conditional |
374 request is made when the client has a document, but it is not sure if |
375 the document is up to date. If it is not, it wants a new version. If |
376 the document is up to date then it doesn't want to waste the |
377 bandwidth, and expects a ``304 Not Modified`` response. |
378 |
379 ETags are generally the best technique for these kinds of requests; |
380 this is an opaque string that indicates the identity of the object. |
381 For instance, it's common to use the mtime (last modified) of the file, |
382 plus the number of bytes, and maybe a hash of the filename (if there's |
383 a possibility that the same URL could point to two different |
384 server-side filenames based on other variables). To test if a 304 |
385 response is appropriate, you can use: |
386 |
387 .. code-block:: |
388 |
389 >>> server_token = 'opaque-token' |
390 >>> server_token in req.if_none_match # You shouldn't return 304 |
391 False |
392 >>> req.if_none_match = server_token |
393 >>> req.if_none_match |
394 <ETag opaque-token> |
395 >>> server_token in req.if_none_match # You *should* return 304 |
396 True |
397 |
398 For date-based comparisons If-Modified-Since is used: |
399 |
400 .. code-block:: |
401 |
402 >>> from webob import UTC |
403 >>> from datetime import datetime |
404 >>> req.if_modified_since = datetime(2006, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) |
405 >>> req.headers['If-Modified-Since'] |
406 'Sun, 01 Jan 2006 12:00:00 GMT' |
407 >>> server_modified = datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) |
408 >>> req.if_modified_since and req.if_modified_since >= server_modified |
409 True |
410 |
411 For range requests there are two important headers, If-Range (which is |
412 form of conditional request) and Range (which requests a range). If |
413 the If-Range header fails to match then the full response (not a |
414 range) should be returned: |
415 |
416 .. code-block:: |
417 |
418 >>> req.if_range |
419 <Empty If-Range> |
420 >>> req.if_range.match(etag='some-etag', last_modified=datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0)) |
421 True |
422 >>> req.if_range = 'opaque-etag' |
423 >>> req.if_range.match(etag='other-etag') |
424 False |
425 >>> req.if_range.match(etag='opaque-etag') |
426 True |
427 |
428 You can also pass in a response object with: |
429 |
430 .. code-block:: |
431 |
432 >>> from webob import Response |
433 >>> res = Response(etag='opaque-etag') |
434 >>> req.if_range.match_response(res) |
435 True |
436 |
437 To get the range information: |
438 |
439 >>> req.range = 'bytes=0-100' |
440 >>> req.range |
441 <Range ranges=(0, 99)> |
442 >>> cr = req.range.content_range(length=1000) |
443 >>> cr.start, cr.stop, cr.length |
444 (0, 99, 1000) |
445 |
446 Note that the range headers use *inclusive* ranges (the last byte |
447 indexed is included), where Python always uses a range where the last |
448 index is excluded from the range. The ``.stop`` index is in the |
449 Python form. |
450 |
451 Another kind of conditional request is a request (typically PUT) that |
452 includes If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since. In this case you are saying |
453 "here is an update to a resource, but don't apply it if someone else |
454 has done something since I last got the resource". If-Match means "do |
455 this if the current ETag matches the ETag I'm giving". |
456 If-Unmodified-Since means "do this if the resource has remained |
457 unchanged". |
458 |
459 .. code-block:: |
460 |
461 >>> server_token in req.if_match # No If-Match means everything is ok |
462 True |
463 >>> req.if_match = server_token |
464 >>> server_token in req.if_match # Still OK |
465 True |
466 >>> req.if_match = 'other-token' |
467 >>> # Not OK, should return 412 Precondition Failed: |
468 >>> server_token in req.if_match |
469 False |
470 |
471 For more on this kind of conditional request, see `Detecting the Lost |
472 Update Problem Using Unreserved Checkout |
473 <http://www.w3.org/1999/04/Editing/>`_. |
474 |
475 Calling WSGI Applications |
476 ------------------------- |
477 |
478 The request object can be used to make handy subrequests or test |
479 requests against WSGI applications. If you want to make subrequests, |
480 you should copy the request (with ``req.copy()``) before sending it to |
481 multiple applications, since applications might modify the request |
482 when they are run. |
483 |
484 There's two forms of the subrequest. The more primitive form is |
485 this: |
486 |
487 .. code-block:: |
488 |
489 >>> req = Request.blank('/') |
490 >>> def wsgi_app(environ, start_response): |
491 ... start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) |
492 ... return ['Hi!'] |
493 >>> req.call_application(wsgi_app) |
494 ('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')], ['Hi!']) |
495 |
496 Note it returns ``(status_string, header_list, app_iter)``. If |
497 ``app_iter.close()`` exists, it is your responsibility to call it. |
498 |
499 A handier response can be had with: |
500 |
501 .. code-block:: |
502 |
503 >>> res = req.get_response(wsgi_app) |
504 >>> res |
505 <Response ... 200 OK> |
506 >>> res.status |
507 '200 OK' |
508 >>> res.headers |
509 HeaderDict([('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) |
510 >>> res.body |
511 'Hi!' |
512 |
513 You can learn more about this response object in the Response_ section. |
514 |
515 Thread-local Request Wrappers |
516 ----------------------------- |
517 |
518 You can also give the ``Request`` object a function to get the |
519 environment. This can be used to make a single global request object |
520 dynamic. An example: |
521 |
522 .. code-block:: |
523 |
524 >>> import threading |
525 >>> import webob |
526 >>> environments = threading.local() |
527 >>> def get_environ(): |
528 ... return environments.environ |
529 >>> def set_thread_environ(environ): |
530 ... environments.environ = environ |
531 >>> request = webob.Request(environ_getter=get_environ) |
532 >>> set_thread_environ({'SCRIPT_NAME': '/test'}) |
533 >>> request.script_name |
534 '/test' |
535 |
536 Ad-Hoc Attributes |
537 ----------------- |
538 |
539 You can assign attributes to your request objects. They will all go |
540 in ``environ['webob.adhoc_attrs']`` (a dictionary). |
541 |
542 .. code-block:: |
543 |
544 >>> req = Request.blank('/') |
545 >>> req.some_attr = 'blah blah blah' |
546 >>> new_req = Request(req.environ) |
547 >>> new_req.some_attr |
548 'blah blah blah' |
549 >>> req.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'] |
550 {'some_attr': 'blah blah blah'} |
551 |
552 Response |
553 ======== |
554 |
555 The ``webob.Response`` object contains everything necessary to make a |
556 WSGI response. Instances of it are in fact WSGI applications, but it |
557 can also represent the result of calling a WSGI application (as noted |
558 in `Calling WSGI Applications`_). It can also be a way of |
559 accumulating a response in your WSGI application. |
560 |
561 A WSGI response is made up of a status (like ``200 OK``), a list of |
562 headers, and a body (or iterator that will produce a body). |
563 |
564 Core Attributes |
565 --------------- |
566 |
567 The core attributes are unsurprising: |
568 |
569 .. code-block:: |
570 |
571 >>> from webob import Response |
572 >>> res = Response() |
573 >>> res.status |
574 '200 OK' |
575 >>> res.headerlist |
576 [('Content-Length', '0')] |
577 >>> res.body |
578 '' |
579 |
580 You can set any of these attributes, e.g.: |
581 |
582 .. code-block:: |
583 |
584 >>> res.status = 404 |
585 >>> res.status |
586 '404 Not Found' |
587 >>> res.status_int |
588 404 |
589 >>> res.headerlist = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] |
590 >>> res.body = 'test' |
591 >>> print res |
592 404 Not Found |
593 Content-type: text/html |
594 Content-Length: 4 |
596 test |
597 >>> res.body = u"test" |
598 Traceback (most recent call last): |
599 ... |
600 TypeError: You cannot set Response.body to a unicode object (use Response.unicode_body) |
601 >>> res.unicode_body = u"test" |
602 Traceback (most recent call last): |
603 ... |
604 AttributeError: You cannot access Response.unicode_body unless charset is set |
605 >>> res.charset = 'utf8' |
606 >>> res.unicode_body = u"test" |
607 >>> res.body |
608 'test' |
609 |
610 You can set any attribute with the constructor, like |
611 ``Response(charset='utf8')`` |
612 |
613 Headers |
614 ------- |
615 |
616 In addition to ``res.headerlist``, there is dictionary-like view on |
617 the list in ``res.headers``: |
618 |
619 .. code-block:: |
620 |
621 >>> res.headers |
622 HeaderDict([('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf8'), ('Content-Length', '4')]) |
623 |
624 This is case-insensitive. It can support multiple values for a key, |
625 though only if you use ``res.headers.add(key, value)`` or read them |
626 with ``res.headers.getall(key)``. |
627 |
628 Body & app_iter |
629 --------------- |
630 |
631 The ``res.body`` attribute represents the entire body of the request |
632 as a single string (not unicode, though you can set it to unicode if |
633 you have a charset defined). There is also a ``res.app_iter`` |
634 attribute that reprsents the body as an iterator. WSGI applications |
635 return these ``app_iter`` iterators instead of strings, and sometimes |
636 it can be problematic to load the entire iterator at once (for |
637 instance, if it returns the contents of a very large file). Generally |
638 it is not a problem, and often the iterator is something simple like a |
639 one-item list containing a string with the entire body. |
640 |
641 If you set the body then Content-Length will also be set, and an |
642 ``res.app_iter`` will be created for you. If you set ``res.app_iter`` |
643 then Content-Length will be cleared, but it won't be set for you. |
644 |
645 There is also a file-like object you can access, which will update the |
646 app_iter in-place (turning the app_iter into a list if necessary): |
647 |
648 .. code-block:: |
649 |
650 >>> res = Response(content_type='text/plain') |
651 >>> f = res.body_file |
652 >>> f.write('hey') |
653 >>> f.write(u'test') |
654 Traceback (most recent call last): |
655 . . . |
656 TypeError: You can only write unicode to Response.body_file if charset has been set |
657 >>> f.encoding |
658 >>> res.charset = 'utf8' |
659 >>> f.encoding |
660 'utf8' |
661 >>> f.write(u'test') |
662 >>> res.app_iter |
663 ['hey', 'test'] |
664 >>> res.body |
665 'heytest' |
666 |
667 Header Getters |
668 -------------- |
669 |
670 Like Request, HTTP response headers are also available as individual |
671 properties. These represent parsed forms of the headers. |
672 |
673 Content-Type is a special case, as the type and the charset are |
674 handled through two separate properties: |
675 |
676 .. code-block:: |
677 |
678 >>> res = Response() |
679 >>> res.content_type = 'text/html' |
680 >>> res.charset = 'utf8' |
681 >>> res.content_type |
682 'text/html' |
683 >>> res.headers['content-type'] |
684 'text/html; charset=utf8' |
685 >>> res.content_type = 'application/atom+xml' |
686 >>> res.content_type_params |
687 {'charset': 'utf8'} |
688 >>> res.content_type_params = {'type': 'entry', 'charset': 'utf8'} |
689 >>> res.headers['content-type'] |
690 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf8; type=entry' |
691 |
692 Other headers: |
693 |
694 .. code-block:: |
695 |
696 >>> # Used with a redirect: |
697 >>> res.location = 'http://localhost/foo' |
698 |
699 >>> # Indicates that the server accepts Range requests: |
700 >>> res.accept_ranges = 'bytes' |
701 |
702 >>> # Used by caching proxies to tell the client how old the |
703 >>> # response is: |
704 >>> res.age = 120 |
705 |
706 >>> # Show what methods the client can do; typically used in |
707 >>> # a 405 Method Not Allowed response: |
708 >>> res.allow = ['GET', 'PUT'] |
709 |
710 >>> # Set the cache-control header: |
711 >>> res.cache_control.max_age = 360 |
712 >>> res.cache_control.no_transform = True |
713 |
714 >>> # Used if you had gzipped the body: |
715 >>> res.content_encoding = 'gzip' |
716 |
717 >>> # What language(s) are in the content: |
718 >>> res.content_language = ['en'] |
719 |
720 >>> # Seldom used header that tells the client where the content |
721 >>> # is from: |
722 >>> res.content_location = 'http://localhost/foo' |
723 |
724 >>> # Seldom used header that gives a hash of the body: |
725 >>> res.content_md5 = 'big-hash' |
726 |
727 >>> # Means we are serving bytes 0-500 inclusive, out of 1000 bytes total: |
728 >>> # you can also use the range setter shown earlier |
729 >>> res.content_range = (0, 499, 1000) |
730 |
731 >>> # The length of the content; set automatically if you set |
732 >>> # res.body: |
733 >>> res.content_length = 4 |
734 |
735 >>> # Used to indicate the current date as the server understands |
736 >>> # it: |
737 >>> res.date = datetime.now() |
738 |
739 >>> # The etag: |
740 >>> res.etag = 'opaque-token' |
741 >>> # You can generate it from the body too: |
742 >>> res.md5_etag() |
743 >>> res.etag |
744 '1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg' |
745 |
746 >>> # When this page should expire from a cache (Cache-Control |
747 >>> # often works better): |
748 >>> import time |
749 >>> res.expires = time.time() + 60*60 # 1 hour |
750 |
751 >>> # When this was last modified, of course: |
752 >>> res.last_modified = datetime(2007, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) |
753 |
754 >>> # Used with 503 Service Unavailable to hint the client when to |
755 >>> # try again: |
756 >>> res.retry_after = 160 |
757 |
758 >>> # Indicate the server software: |
759 >>> res.server = 'WebOb/1.0' |
760 |
761 >>> # Give a list of headers that the cache should vary on: |
762 >>> res.vary = ['Cookie'] |
763 |
764 Note in each case you can general set the header to a string to avoid |
765 any parsing, and set it to None to remove the header (or do something |
766 like ``del res.vary``). |
767 |
768 In the case of date-related headers you can set the value to a |
769 ``datetime`` instance (ideally with a UTC timezone), a time tuple, an |
770 integer timestamp, or a properly-formatted string. |
771 |
772 After setting all these headers, here's the result: |
773 |
774 .. code-block:: |
775 |
776 >>> for name, value in res.headerlist: |
777 ... print '%s: %s' % (name, value) |
778 content-type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf8; type=entry |
779 location: http://localhost/foo |
780 Accept-Ranges: bytes |
781 Age: 120 |
782 Allow: GET, PUT |
783 Cache-Control: max-age=360, no-transform |
784 Content-Encoding: gzip |
785 Content-Language: en |
786 Content-Location: http://localhost/foo |
787 Content-MD5: big-hash |
788 Content-Range: bytes 0-500/1000 |
789 Content-Length: 4 |
790 Date: ... GMT |
791 ETag: ... |
792 Expires: ... GMT |
793 Last-Modified: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 12:00:00 GMT |
794 Retry-After: 160 |
795 Server: WebOb/1.0 |
796 Vary: Cookie |
797 |
798 You can also set Cache-Control related attributes with |
799 ``req.cache_expires(seconds, **attrs)``, like: |
800 |
801 .. code-block:: |
802 |
803 >>> res = Response() |
804 >>> res.cache_expires(10) |
805 >>> res.headers['Cache-Control'] |
806 'max-age=10' |
807 >>> res.cache_expires(0) |
808 >>> res.headers['Cache-Control'] |
809 'max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store' |
810 >>> res.headers['Expires'] |
811 '... GMT' |
812 |
813 You can also use the `timedelta |
814 <http://python.org/doc/current/lib/datetime-timedelta.html>`_ |
815 constants defined, e.g.: |
816 |
817 .. code-block:: |
818 |
819 >>> from webob import * |
820 >>> res = Response() |
821 >>> res.cache_expires(2*day+4*hour) |
822 >>> res.headers['Cache-Control'] |
823 'max-age=187200' |
824 |
825 Cookies |
826 ------- |
827 |
828 Cookies (and the Set-Cookie header) are handled with a couple |
829 methods. Most importantly: |
830 |
831 .. code-block:: |
832 |
833 >>> res.set_cookie('key', 'value', max_age=360, path='/', |
834 ... domain='example.org', secure=True) |
835 >>> res.headers['Set-Cookie'] |
836 'key=value; Domain=example.org; Max-Age=360; Path=/; secure;' |
837 >>> # To delete a cookie previously set in the client: |
838 >>> res.delete_cookie('bad_cookie') |
839 >>> res.headers['Set-Cookie'] |
840 'bad_cookie=; Max-Age=0; Path=/;' |
841 |
842 The only other real method of note (note that this does *not* delete |
843 the cookie from clients, only from the response object): |
844 |
845 .. code-block:: |
846 |
847 >>> res.unset_cookie('key') |
848 >>> res.unset_cookie('bad_cookie') |
849 >>> print res.headers.get('Set-Cookie') |
850 None |
851 |
852 Binding a Request |
853 ----------------- |
854 |
855 You can bind a request (or request WSGI environ) to the response |
856 object. This is available through ``res.request`` or |
857 ``res.environ``. This is currently only used in setting |
858 ``res.location``, to make the location absolute if necessary. |
859 |
860 Response as a WSGI application |
861 ------------------------------ |
862 |
863 A response is a WSGI application, in that you can do: |
864 |
865 .. code-block:: |
866 |
867 >>> req = Request.blank('/') |
868 >>> status, headers, app_iter = req.call_application(res) |
869 |
870 A possible pattern for your application might be: |
871 |
872 .. code-block:: |
873 |
874 >>> def my_app(environ, start_response): |
875 ... req = Request(environ) |
876 ... res = Response() |
877 ... res.content_type = 'text/plain' |
878 ... parts = [] |
879 ... for name, value in sorted(req.environ.items()): |
880 ... parts.append('%s: %r' % (name, value)) |
881 ... res.body = '\n'.join(parts) |
882 ... return res(environ, start_response) |
883 >>> req = Request.blank('/') |
884 >>> res = req.get_response(my_app) |
885 >>> print res |
886 200 OK |
887 content-type: text/plain |
888 Content-Length: 394 |
890 HTTP_HOST: 'localhost:80' |
891 PATH_INFO: '/' |
892 QUERY_STRING: '' |
894 SCRIPT_NAME: '' |
895 SERVER_NAME: 'localhost' |
896 SERVER_PORT: '80' |
898 wsgi.errors: <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at ...> |
899 wsgi.input: <cStringIO.StringI object at ...> |
900 wsgi.multiprocess: False |
901 wsgi.multithread: False |
902 wsgi.run_once: False |
903 wsgi.url_scheme: 'http' |
904 wsgi.version: (1, 0) |
905 |
906 Exceptions |
907 ========== |
908 |
909 In addition to Request and Response objects, there are a set of Python |
910 exceptions for different HTTP responses (3xx, 4xx, 5xx codes). |
911 |
912 These provide a simple way to provide these non-200 response. A very |
913 simple body is provided. |
914 |
915 .. code-block:: |
916 |
917 >>> from webob.exc import * |
918 >>> exc = HTTPTemporaryRedirect(location='foo') |
919 >>> req = Request.blank('/path/to/something') |
920 >>> print str(req.get_response(exc)).strip() |
921 307 Temporary Redirect |
922 content-type: text/html |
923 location: http://localhost/path/to/foo |
924 Content-Length: 126 |
926 307 Temporary Redirect |
928 The resource has been moved to http://localhost/path/to/foo; you should be redirected automatically. |
929 |
930 Note that only if there's an ``Accept: text/html`` header in the |
931 request will an HTML response be given: |
932 |
933 .. code-block:: |
934 |
935 >>> req.accept += 'text/html' |
936 >>> print str(req.get_response(exc)).strip() |
937 307 Temporary Redirect |
938 content-type: text/html |
939 location: http://localhost/path/to/foo |
940 Content-Length: 270 |
942 <html> |
943 <head> |
944 <title>307 Temporary Redirect</title> |
945 </head> |
946 <body> |
947 <h1>307 Temporary Redirect</h1> |
948 The resource has been moved to <a href="http://localhost/path/to/foo">http://localhost/path/to/foo</a>; |
949 you should be redirected automatically. |
952 </body> |
953 </html> |
954 |
955 |
956 This is taken from `paste.httpexceptions |
957 <http://pythonpaste.org/module-paste.httpexceptions.html>`_, and if |
958 you have Paste installed then these exceptions will be subclasses of |
959 the Paste exceptions. |
960 |
961 Note that on Python 2.4 and before, new-style classes could not be |
962 used as exceptions. ``Response`` objects must be new-style classes, |
963 so this causes a bit of a conflict. The base class |
964 ``webob.exc.HTTPException`` *is* an exception, so you can catch that, |
965 and it *is* a WSGI application. But you may not be able to use |
966 Response methods. You can always get ``obj.exception`` to get an |
967 exception that you can raise, and ``obj.wsgi_response`` to get the |
968 ``Response`` object that you can use. |
969 |
970 Conditional WSGI Application |
971 ---------------------------- |
972 |
973 The Response object can handle your conditional responses for you, |
974 checking If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since, and Range/If-Range. |
975 |
976 To enable this you must create the response like |
977 ``Response(conditional_request=True)``, or make a subclass like: |
978 |
979 .. code-block:: |
980 |
981 >>> class AppResponse(Response): |
982 ... default_content_type = 'text/html' |
983 ... default_conditional_response = True |
984 >>> res = AppResponse(body='0123456789', |
985 ... last_modified=datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC)) |
986 >>> req = Request.blank('/') |
987 >>> req.if_modified_since = datetime(2006, 1, 1, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) |
988 >>> req.get_response(res) |
989 <Response ... 304 Not Modified> |
990 >>> del req.if_modified_since |
991 >>> res.etag = 'opaque-tag' |
992 >>> req.if_none_match = 'opaque-tag' |
993 >>> req.get_response(res) |
994 <Response ... 304 Not Modified> |
995 >>> del req.if_none_match |
996 >>> req.range = (1, 5) |
997 >>> result = req.get_response(res) |
998 >>> result.headers['content-range'] |
999 'bytes 1-6/10' |
1000 >>> result.body |
1001 '1234' |