1 Differences Between WebOb and Other Systems |
2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
3 |
4 This document points out some of the API differences between the |
5 Request and Response object, and the objects in other systems. |
6 |
7 .. contents:: |
8 |
9 paste.wsgiwrappers and Pylons |
10 ============================= |
11 |
12 The Pylons ``request`` and ``response`` object are based on |
13 ``paste.wsgiwrappers.WSGIRequest`` and ``WSGIResponse`` |
14 |
15 There is no concept of ``defaults`` in WebOb. In Paste/Pylons these |
16 serve as threadlocal settings that control certain policies on the |
17 request and response object. In WebOb you should make your own |
18 subclasses to control policy (though in many ways simply being |
19 explicit elsewhere removes the need for this policy). |
20 |
21 Request |
22 ------- |
23 |
24 ``body``: |
25 This is a file-like object in WSGIRequest. In WebOb it is a |
26 string (to match Response.body) and the file-like object is |
27 available through ``req.body_file`` |
28 |
29 ``languages()``: |
30 This is available through ``req.accept_language``, particularly |
31 ``req.accept_language.best_matches(fallback_language)`` |
32 |
33 ``match_accept(mimetypes)``: |
34 This is available through ``req.accept.first_match(mimetypes)``; |
35 or if you trust the client's quality ratings, you can use |
36 ``req.accept.best_match(mimetypes)`` |
37 |
38 ``errors``: |
39 This controls how unicode decode errors are handled; it is now |
40 named ``unicode_errors`` |
41 |
42 There are also many extra methods and attributes on WebOb Request |
43 objects. |
44 |
45 Response |
46 -------- |
47 |
48 default ``content_type``: |
49 The base Response object has no default content_type or charset. |
50 You can set ``default_content_type`` in a subclass. |
51 |
52 ``determine_charset()``: |
53 Is now available as ``res.charset`` |
54 |
55 ``has_header(header)``: |
56 Should be done with ``header in res.headers`` |
57 |
58 ``get_content()`` and ``wsgi_response()``: |
59 These are gone; you should use ``res.body`` or ``res(environ, |
60 start_response)`` |
61 |
62 ``write(content)``: |
63 Available in ``res.body_file.write(content)``. |
64 |
65 ``flush()`` and ``tell()``: |
66 Not available. |
67 |
68 There are also many extra methods and attributes on WebOb Response |
69 objects. |
70 |
71 Django |
72 ====== |
73 |
74 This is a quick summary from reading `the Django documentation |
75 <http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/request_response/>`_. |
76 |
77 Request |
78 ------- |
79 |
80 ``encoding``: |
81 Is ``req.charset`` |
82 |
83 ``REQUEST``: |
84 Is ``req.params`` |
85 |
86 ``FILES``: |
87 File uploads are ``cgi.FieldStorage`` objects directly in |
88 ``res.POST`` |
89 |
90 ``META``: |
91 Is ``req.environ`` |
92 |
93 ``user``: |
94 No equivalent (too connected to application model for WebOb). |
95 There is ``req.remote_user``, which is only ever a string. |
96 |
97 ``session``: |
98 No equivalent |
99 |
100 ``raw_post_data``: |
101 Available with ``req.body`` |
102 |
103 ``__getitem__(key)``: |
104 You have to use ``req.params`` |
105 |
106 ``is_secure()``: |
107 No equivalent; you could use ``req.scheme == 'https'``. |
108 |
109 QueryDict |
110 --------- |
111 |
112 QueryDict is the way Django represents the multi-key dictionary-like |
113 objects that are request variables (query string and POST body |
114 variables). The equivalent in WebOb is MultiDict. |
115 |
116 Mutability: |
117 WebOb dictionaries are sometimes mutable (req.GET is, |
118 req.params is not) |
119 |
120 Ordering: |
121 I believe Django does not order the keys fully; MultiDict is a |
122 full ordering. Methods that iterate over the parameters iterate |
123 over keys in their order in the original request. |
124 |
125 ``keys()``, ``items()``, ``values()`` (plus ``iter*``): |
126 These return all values in MultiDict, but only the last value for |
127 a QueryDict. That is, given ``a=1&a=2`` with MultiDict |
128 ``d.items()`` returns ``[('a', '1'), ('a', '2')]``, but QueryDict |
129 returns ``[('a', '1')]`` |
130 |
131 ``getlist(key)``: |
132 Available as ``d.getall(key)`` |
133 |
134 ``setlist(key)``: |
135 No direct equivalent |
136 |
137 ``appendlist(key, value)``: |
138 Available as ``d.add(key, value)`` |
139 |
140 ``setlistdefault(key, default_list)``: |
141 No direct equivalent |
142 |
143 ``lists()``: |
144 Is ``d.dict_of_lists()`` |
145 |
146 The MultiDict object has a ``d.getone(key)`` method, that raises |
147 KeyError if there is not exactly one key. There is a method |
148 ``d.mixed()`` which returns a version where values are lists *if* |
149 there are multiple values for a list. This is similar to how many |
150 cgi-based request forms are represented. |
151 |
152 Response |
153 -------- |
154 |
155 Constructor: |
156 Totally different. The WebOb Response object should probably be |
157 subclassed for direct application use; in WebOb it does not |
158 *prefer* HTML or anything normal web application conventions |
159 |
160 dictionary-like: |
161 The Django response object is somewhat dictionary-like, setting |
162 headers. The equivalent dictionary-like object is |
163 ``res.headers``. In WebOb this is a MultiDict. |
164 |
165 ``has_header(header)``: |
166 Use ``header in res.headers`` |
167 |
168 ``write(content)``: |
169 As ``res.body_file.write(content)`` |
170 |
171 ``flush()``, ``tell()``: |
172 Not available |
173 |
174 ``content``: |
175 Use ``res.body`` for the ``str`` value, ``res.unicode_body`` for |
176 the ``unicode`` value |
177 |
178 Response Subclasses |
179 ------------------- |
180 |
181 These are generally like ``webob.exc`` objects. |
182 ``HttpResponseNotModified`` is ``HTTPNotModified``; this naming |
183 translation generally works. |
184 |
185 CherryPy/TurboGears |
186 =================== |
187 |
188 The `CherryPy request object |
189 <http://www.cherrypy.org/wiki/RequestObject>`_ is also used by |
190 TurboGears 1.x. |
191 |
192 Request |
193 ------- |
194 |
195 ``app``: |
196 No equivalent |
197 |
198 ``base``: |
199 ``req.application_url`` |
200 |
201 ``close()``: |
202 No equivalent |
203 |
204 ``closed``: |
205 No equivalent |
206 |
207 ``config``: |
208 No equivalent |
209 |
210 ``cookie``: |
211 A ``SimpleCookie`` object in CherryPy; a dictionary in WebOb |
212 (``SimpleCookie`` can represent cookie parameters, but cookie |
213 parameters are only sent with responses not requests) |
214 |
215 ``dispatch``: |
216 No equivalent (this is the object dispatcher in CherryPy). |
217 |
218 ``error_page``, ``error_response``, ``handle_error``: |
219 No equivalent |
220 |
221 ``get_resource()``: |
222 Similar to ``req.get_response(app)`` |
223 |
224 ``handler``: |
225 No equivalent |
226 |
227 ``headers``, ``header_list``: |
228 The WSGI environment represents headers as a dictionary, available |
229 through ``req.headers`` (no list form is available in the request). |
230 |
231 ``hooks``: |
232 No equivalent |
233 |
234 ``local``: |
235 No equivalent |
236 |
237 ``methods_with_bodies``: |
238 This represents methods where CherryPy will automatically try to |
239 read the request body. WebOb lazily reads POST requests with the |
240 correct content type, and no other bodies. |
241 |
242 ``namespaces``: |
243 No equivalent |
244 |
245 ``protocol``: |
246 As ``req.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL']`` |
247 |
248 ``query_string``: |
249 As ``req.query_string`` |
250 |
251 ``remote``: |
252 ``remote.ip`` is like ``req.remote_addr``. ``remote.port`` is not |
253 available. ``remote.name`` is in |
254 ``req.environ.get('REMOTE_HOST')`` |
255 |
256 ``request_line``: |
257 No equivalent |
258 |
259 ``respond()``: |
260 A method that is somewhat similar to ``req.get_response()``. |
261 |
262 ``rfile``: |
263 ``req.body_file`` |
264 |
265 ``run``: |
266 No equivalent |
267 |
268 ``server_protocol``: |
269 As ``req.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL']`` |
270 |
271 ``show_tracebacks``: |
272 No equivalent |
273 |
274 ``throw_errors``: |
275 No equivalent |
276 |
277 ``throws``: |
278 No equivalent |
279 |
280 ``toolmaps``: |
281 No equivalent |
282 |
283 ``wsgi_environ``: |
284 As ``req.environ`` |
285 |
286 Response |
287 -------- |
288 |
289 From information `from the wiki |
290 <http://www.cherrypy.org/wiki/ResponseObject>`_. |
291 |
292 ``body``: |
293 This is an iterable in CherryPy, a string in WebOb; |
294 ``res.app_iter`` gives an iterable in WebOb. |
295 |
296 ``check_timeout``: |
297 No equivalent |
298 |
299 ``collapse_body()``: |
300 This turns a stream/iterator body into a single string. Accessing |
301 ``res.body`` will do this automatically. |
302 |
303 ``cookie``: |
304 Accessible through ``res.set_cookie(...)``, ``res.delete_cookie``, |
305 ``res.unset_cookie()`` |
306 |
307 ``finalize()``: |
308 No equivalent |
309 |
310 ``header_list``: |
311 In ``res.headerlist`` |
312 |
313 ``stream``: |
314 This can make CherryPy stream the response body out directory. |
315 There is direct no equivalent; you can use a dynamically generated |
316 iterator to do something similar. |
317 |
318 ``time``: |
319 No equivalent |
320 |
321 ``timed_out``: |
322 No equivalent |
323 |
324 Yaro |
325 ==== |
326 |
327 `Yaro <http://lukearno.com/projects/yaro/>`_ is a small wrapper around |
328 the WSGI environment, much like WebOb in scope. |
329 |
330 The WebOb objects have many more methods and attributes. The Yaro |
331 Response object is a much smaller subset of WebOb's Response. |
332 |
333 Request |
334 ------- |
335 |
336 ``query``: |
337 As ``req.GET`` |
338 |
339 ``form``: |
340 As ``req.POST`` |
341 |
342 ``cookie``: |
343 A ``SimpleCookie`` object in Yaro; a dictionary in WebOb |
344 (``SimpleCookie`` can represent cookie parameters, but cookie |
345 parameters are only sent with responses not requests) |
346 |
347 ``uri``: |
348 Returns a URI object, no equivalent (only string URIs available). |
349 |
350 ``redirect``: |
351 Not available (response-related). ``webob.exc.HTTPFound()`` can |
352 be useful here. |
353 |
354 ``forward(yaroapp)``, ``wsgi_forward(wsgiapp)``: |
355 Available with ``req.get_response(app)`` and |
356 ``req.call_application(app)``. In both cases it is a WSGI |
357 application in WebOb, there is no special kind of communication; |
358 ``req.call_application()`` just returns a ``webob.Response`` object. |
359 |
360 ``res``: |
361 The request object in WebOb *may* have a ``req.response`` |
362 attribute. |
363 |
364 Werkzeug |
365 ======== |
366 |
367 Probably not that many people know about this library, which is a |
368 offshoot of `Pocoo <http://pocoo.org>`_, and used to go by another |
369 name (Columbrid?) This library is based around WSGI, similar to Paste |
370 and Yaro. |
371 |
372 This is take from the `wrapper documentation |
373 <http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/documentation/wrappers>`_. |
374 |
375 Request |
376 ------- |
377 |
378 path: |
379 As ``req.path_info`` |
380 args: |
381 As ``req.GET`` |
382 form: |
383 As ``req.POST`` |
384 values: |
385 As ``req.params`` |
386 files: |
387 In ``req.POST`` (as FieldStorage objects) |
388 data: |
389 In ``req.body_file`` |
390 |
391 Response |
392 -------- |
393 |
394 response: |
395 In ``res.body`` (settable as ``res.body`` or ``res.app_iter``) |
396 status: |
397 In ``res.status_int`` |
398 mimetype: |
399 In ``res.content_type`` |
400 write(data): |
401 With ``res.body_file.write(data)`` |
402 |
403 Zope 3 |
404 ====== |
405 |
406 From the Zope 3 interfaces for the `Request |
407 <http://apidoc.zope.org/++apidoc++/Interface/zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest/index.html>`_ |
408 and `Response |
409 <http://apidoc.zope.org/++apidoc++/Interface/zope.publisher.interfaces.http.IHTTPResponse/index.html>`_. |
410 |
411 Request |
412 ------- |
413 |
414 ``locale``, ``setupLocale()``: |
415 This is not fully calculated, but information is available in |
416 ``req.accept_languages``. |
417 |
418 ``principal``, ``setPrincipal(principal)``: |
419 ``req.remote_user`` gives the username, but there is no standard |
420 place for a user *object*. |
421 |
422 ``publication``, ``setPublication()``, |
423 These are associated with the object publishing system in Zope. |
424 This kind of publishing system is outside the scope of WebOb. |
425 |
426 ``traverse(object)``, ``getTraversalStack()``, ``setTraversalStack()``: |
427 These all relate to traversal, which is part of the publishing |
428 system. |
429 |
430 ``processInputs()``, ``setPathSuffix(steps)``: |
431 Also associated with traversal and preparing the request. |
432 |
433 ``environment``: |
434 In ``req.environ`` |
435 |
436 ``bodyStream``: |
437 In ``req.body_file`` |
438 |
439 ``interaction``: |
440 This is the security context for the request; all the possible |
441 participants or principals in the request. There's no |
442 equivalent. |
443 |
444 ``annotations``: |
445 Extra information associated with the request. This would |
446 generally go in custom keys of ``req.environ``, or if you set |
447 attributes those attributes are stored in |
448 ``req.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs']``. |
449 |
450 ``debug``: |
451 There is no standard debug flag for WebOb. |
452 |
453 ``__getitem__(key)``, ``get(key)``, etc: |
454 These treat the request like a dictionary, which WebOb does not |
455 do. They seem to take values from the environment, not |
456 parameters. Also on the Zope request object is ``items()``, |
457 ``__contains__(key)``, ``__iter__()``, ``keys()``, ``__len__()``, |
458 ``values()``. |
459 |
460 ``getPositionalArguments()``: |
461 I'm not sure what the equivalent would be, as there are no |
462 positional arguments during instantiation (it doesn't fit into |
463 WSGI). Maybe ``wsgiorg.urlvars``? |
464 |
465 ``retry()``, ``supportsRetry()``: |
466 Creates a new request that can be used to retry a request. |
467 Similar to ``req.copy()``. |
468 |
469 ``close()``, ``hold(obj)``: |
470 This closes resources associated with the request, including any |
471 "held" objects. There's nothing similar. |
472 |
473 Response |
474 -------- |
475 |
476 ``authUser``: |
477 Not sure what this is or does. |
478 |
479 ``reset()``: |
480 No direct equivalent; you'd have to do ``res.headers = []; |
481 res.body = ''; res.status = 200`` |
482 |
483 ``setCookie(name, value, **kw)``: |
484 Is ``res.set_cookie(...)``. |
485 |
486 ``getCookie(name)``: |
487 No equivalent. Hm. |
488 |
489 ``expireCookie(name)``: |
490 Is ``res.delete_cookie(name)``. |
491 |
492 ``appendToCookie(name, value)``: |
493 This appends the value to any existing cookie (separating values |
494 with a colon). WebOb does not do this. |
495 |
496 ``setStatus(status)``: |
497 Availble by setting ``res.status`` (can be set to an integer or a |
498 string of "code reason"). |
499 |
500 ``getHeader(name, default=None)``: |
501 Is ``res.headers.get(name)``. |
502 |
503 ``getStatus()``: |
504 Is ``res.status_int`` (or ``res.status`` to include reason) |
505 |
506 ``addHeader(name, value)``: |
507 Is ``res.headers.add(name, value)`` (in Zope and WebOb, this does |
508 not clobber any previous value). |
509 |
510 ``getHeaders()``: |
511 Is ``res.headerlist``. |
512 |
513 ``setHeader(name, value)``: |
514 Is ``res.headers[name] = value``. |
515 |
516 ``getStatusString()``: |
517 Is ``res.status``. |
518 |
519 ``consumeBody()``: |
520 This consumes any non-string body to turn the body into a single |
521 string. Any access to ``res.body`` will do this (e.g., when you |
522 have set the ``res.app_iter``). |
523 |
524 ``internalError()``: |
525 This is available with ``webob.exc.HTTP*()``. |
526 |
527 ``handleException(exc_info)``: |
528 This is provided with a tool like ``paste.exceptions``. |
529 |
530 ``consumeBodyIter()``: |
531 This returns the iterable for the body, even if the body was a |
532 string. Anytime you access ``res.app_iter`` you will get an |
533 iterable. ``res.body`` and ``res.app_iter`` can be interchanged |
534 and accessed as many times as you want, unlike the Zope |
535 equivalents. |
536 |
537 ``setResult(result)``: |
538 You can achieve the same thing through ``res.body = result``, or |
539 ``res.app_iter = result``. ``res.body`` accepts None, a unicode |
540 string (*if* you have set a charset) or a normal string. |
541 ``res.app_iter`` only accepts None and an interable. You can't |
542 update all of a response with one call. |
543 |
544 Like in Zope, WebOb updates Content-Length. Unlike Zope, it does |
545 not automatically calculate a charset. |
546 |
547 |
548 mod_python |
549 ========== |
550 |
551 Some key attributes from the `mod_python |
552 <http://modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/pyapi-mprequest-mem.html>`_ |
553 request object. |
554 |
555 Request |
556 ------- |
557 |
558 ``req.uri``: |
559 In ``req.path``. |
560 |
561 ``req.user``: |
562 In ``req.remote_user``. |
563 |
564 ``req.get_remote_host()``: |
565 In ``req.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']`` or ``req.remote_addr``. |
566 |
567 ``req.headers_in.get('referer')``: |
568 In ``req.headers.get('referer')`` or ``req.referer`` (same pattern |
569 for other request headers, presumably). |
570 |
571 Response |
572 -------- |
573 |
574 ``util.redirect`` or ``req.status = apache.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY``: |
575 |
576 .. code-block:: |
577 |
578 from webob.exc import HTTPMovedTemporarily() |
579 exc = HTTPMovedTemporarily(location=url) |
580 return exc(environ, start_response) |
581 |
582 ``req.content_type = "application/x-csv"`` and |
583 ``req.headers_out.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;filename=somefile.csv'): |
584 |
585 .. code-block:: |
586 |
587 res = req.ResponseClass() |
588 res.content_type = 'application/x-csv' |
589 res.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;filename=somefile.csv') |
590 return res(environ, start_response) |