changeset 1816 07743b5295d3
child 1822 c6bb25fa7f7b
equal deleted inserted replaced
1815:7a9b69f36111 1816:07743b5295d3
     1 #!/usr/bin/python2.5
     2 #
     3 # Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
     4 #
     5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8 #
     9 #
    10 #
    11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15 # limitations under the License.
    17 from __future__ import with_statement
    19 """Google Summer of Code Melange release script.
    21 This script provides automation for the various tasks involved in
    22 pushing a new release of Melange to the official Google Summer of Code
    23 app engine instance.
    25 It does not provide a turnkey autopilot solution. Notably, each stage
    26 of the release process must be started by a human operator, and some
    27 commands will request confirmation or extra details before
    28 proceeding. It is not a replacement for a cautious human
    29 operator.
    31 Note that this script requires:
    32  - Python 2.5 or better (for various language features)
    34  - Subversion 1.5.0 or better (for working copy depth control, which
    35      cuts down checkout/update times by several orders of
    36      magnitude).
    37 """
    39 __authors__ = [
    40     # alphabetical order by last name, please
    41     '"David Anderson" <>',
    42     ]
    44 import functools
    45 import os
    46 import re
    47 import subprocess
    48 import sys
    51 # Default repository URLs for Melange and the Google release
    52 # repository.
    53 MELANGE_REPOS = ''
    54 GOOGLE_SOC_REPOS = ''
    57 # Regular expression matching an apparently well formed Melange
    58 # release number.
    59 MELANGE_RELEASE_RE = re.compile(r'\d-\d-\d{8}')
    62 class Error(Exception):
    63     pass
    66 class SubprocessFailed(Error):
    67     """A subprocess returned a non-zero error code."""
    70 class AbortedByUser(Error):
    71     """The operation was aborted by the user."""
    74 class ObstructionError(Error):
    75     """An operation was obstructed by existing data."""
    78 class ExpectationFailed(Error):
    79     """An unexpected state was encountered by an automated step."""
    82 class FileAccessError(Error):
    83     """An error occured while accessing a file."""
    86 def run(argv, cwd=None, capture=False, split_capture=True, stdin=''):
    87     """Run the given command and optionally return its output.
    89     Note that if you set capture=True, the command's output is
    90     buffered in memory. Output capture should only be used with
    91     commands that output small amounts of data. O(kB) is fine, O(MB)
    92     is starting to push it a little.
    94     Args:
    95       argv: A list containing the name of the program to run, followed
    96             by its argument vector.
    97       cwd: Run the program from this directory.
    98       capture: If True, capture the program's stdout stream. If False,
    99                stdout will output to sys.stdout.
   100       split_capture: If True, return the captured output as a list of
   101                      lines. Else, return as a single unaltered string.
   102       stdin: The string to feed to the program's stdin stream.
   104     Returns:
   105       If capture is True, a string containing the combined
   106       stdout/stderr output of the program. If capture is False,
   107       nothing is returned.
   109     Raises:
   110       SubprocessFailed: The subprocess exited with a non-zero exit
   111                         code.
   112     """
   113     print '\x1b[1m# %s\x1b[22m' % ' '.join(argv)
   115     process = subprocess.Popen(argv,
   116                                shell=False,
   117                                cwd=cwd,
   118                                stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
   119                                stdout=(subprocess.PIPE if capture else None),
   120                                stderr=None)
   121     output, _ = process.communicate(input=stdin)
   122     if process.returncode != 0:
   123         raise SubprocessFailed('Process %s failed with output: %s' %
   124                                (argv[0], output))
   125     if output is not None and split_capture:
   126         return output.strip().split('\n')
   127     else:
   128         return output
   131 def error(msg):
   132     """Print an error message, with appropriate formatting."""
   133     print '\x1b[1m\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m' % msg
   136 def info(msg):
   137     """Print an informational message, with appropriate formatting."""
   138     print '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m' % msg
   141 def confirm(prompt, default=False):
   142     """Ask a yes/no question and return the answer.
   144     Will reprompt the user until one of "yes", "no", "y" or "n" is
   145     entered. The input is case insensitive.
   147     Args:
   148       prompt: The question to ask the user.
   149       default: The answer to return if the user just hits enter.
   151     Returns:
   152       True if the user answered affirmatively, False otherwise.
   153     """
   154     if default:
   155         question = prompt + ' [Yn] '
   156     else:
   157         question = prompt + ' [yN] '
   158     while True:
   159         try:
   160             answer = raw_input(question).strip().lower()
   161         except EOFError:
   162             raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
   163         if not answer:
   164             return default
   165         elif answer in ('y', 'yes'):
   166             return True
   167         elif answer in ('n', 'no'):
   168             return False
   169         else:
   170             error('Please answer yes or no.')
   173 def getString(prompt):
   174     """Prompt for and return a string."""
   175     try:
   176         return raw_input(prompt + ' ').strip()
   177     except EOFError:
   178         raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
   181 def getNumber(prompt):
   182     """Prompt for and return a number.
   184     Will reprompt the user until a number is entered.
   185     """
   186     while True:
   187         value_str = getString(prompt)
   188         try:
   189             return int(value_str)
   190         except ValueError:
   191             error('Please enter a number. You entered "%s".' % value_str)
   194 def getChoice(intro, prompt, choices, done=None, suggest=None):
   195     """Prompt for and return a choice from a menu.
   197     Will reprompt the user until a valid menu entry is chosen.
   199     Args:
   200       intro: Text to print verbatim before the choice menu.
   201       prompt: The prompt to print right before accepting input.
   202       choices: The list of string choices to display.
   203       done: If not None, the list of indices of previously
   204             selected/completed choices.
   205       suggest: If not None, the index of the choice to highlight as
   206                the suggested choice.
   208     Returns:
   209       The index in the choices list of the selection the user made.
   210     """
   211     done = set(done or [])
   212     while True:
   213         print intro
   214         print
   215         for i, entry in enumerate(choices):
   216             done_text = ' (done)' if i in done else ''
   217             indent = '--> ' if i == suggest else '    '
   218             print '%s%2d. %s%s' % (indent, i+1, entry, done_text)
   219         print
   220         choice = getNumber(prompt)
   221         if 0 < choice <= len(choices):
   222             return choice-1
   223         error('%d is not a valid choice between %d and %d' %
   224               (choice, 1, len(choices)))
   225         print
   228 def fileToLines(path):
   229     """Read a file and return it as a list of lines."""
   230     try:
   231         with file(path) as f:
   232             return'\n')
   233     except (IOError, OSError), e:
   234         raise FileAccessError(str(e))
   237 def linesToFile(path, lines):
   238     """Write a list of lines to a file."""
   239     try:
   240         with file(path, 'w') as f:
   241             f.write('\n'.join(lines))
   242     except (IOError, OSError), e:
   243         raise FileAccessError(str(e))
   246 class Paths(object):
   247     """A helper to construct and check paths under a given root."""
   249     def __init__(self, root):
   250         """Initializer.
   252         Args:
   253           root: The root of all paths this instance will consider.
   254         """
   255         self._root = os.path.abspath(
   256             os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root)))
   258     def path(self, path=''):
   259         """Construct and return a path under the path root.
   261         Args:
   262           path: The desired path string relative to the root.
   264         Returns:
   265           The absolute path corresponding to the relative input path.
   266         """
   267         assert not os.path.isabs(path)
   268         return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._root, path))
   270     def exists(self, path=''):
   271         """Check for the existence of a path under the path root.
   273         Does not discriminate on the path type (ie. it could be a
   274         directory, a file, a symbolic link...), just checks for the
   275         existence of the path.
   277         Args:
   278           path: The path string relative to the root.
   280         Returns:
   281           True if the path exists, False otherwise.
   282         """
   283         return os.path.exists(self.path(path))
   286 class Subversion(Paths):
   287     """Wrapper for operations on a Subversion working copy.
   289     An instance of this class is bound to a specific working copy
   290     directory, and provides an API to perform various Subversion
   291     operations on this working copy.
   293     Some methods take a 'depth' argument. Depth in Subversion is a
   294     feature that allows the creation of arbitrarily shallow or deep
   295     working copies on a per-directory basis. Possible values are
   296     'none' (no files or directories), 'files' (only files in .),
   297     'immediates' (files and directories in ., directories checked out
   298     at depth 'none') or 'infinity' (a normal working copy with
   299     everything).
   301     This class also provides a few static functions that run the 'svn'
   302     tool against remote repositories to gather information or retrieve
   303     data.
   305     Note that this wrapper also doubles as a Paths object, offering an
   306     easy way to get or check the existence of paths in the working
   307     copy.
   308     """
   310     def __init__(self, wc_dir):
   311         Paths.__init__(self, wc_dir)
   313     def _unknownAndMissing(self, path):
   314         """Returns lists of unknown and missing files in the working copy.
   316         Args:
   317           path: The working copy path to scan.
   319         Returns:
   321           Two lists. The first is a list of all unknown paths
   322           (subversion has no knowledge of them), the second is a list
   323           of missing paths (subversion knows about them, but can't
   324           find them). Paths in either list are relative to the input
   325           path.
   326         """
   327         assert self.exists()
   328         unknown = []
   329         missing = []
   330         for line in self.status(path):
   331             if not line.strip():
   332                 continue
   333             if line[0] == '?':
   334                 unknown.append(line[7:])
   335             elif line[0] == '!':
   336                 missing.append(line[7:])
   337         return unknown, missing
   339     def checkout(self, url, depth='infinity'):
   340         """Check out a working copy from the given URL.
   342         Args:
   343           url: The Subversion repository URL to check out.
   344           depth: The depth of the working copy root.
   345         """
   346         assert not self.exists()
   347         run(['svn', 'checkout', '--depth=' + depth, url, self.path()])
   349     def update(self, path='', depth=None):
   350         """Update a working copy path, optionally changing depth.
   352         Args:
   353           path: The working copy path to update.
   354           depth: If set, change the depth of the path before updating.
   355         """
   356         assert self.exists()
   357         if depth is None:
   358             run(['svn', 'update', self.path(path)])
   359         else:
   360             run(['svn', 'update', '--set-depth=' + depth, self.path(path)])
   362     def revert(self, path=''):
   363         """Recursively revert a working copy path.
   365         Note that this command is more zealous than the 'svn revert'
   366         command, as it will also delete any files which subversion
   367         does not know about.
   368         """
   369         run(['svn', 'revert', '-R', self.path(path)])
   371         unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
   372         unknown = [os.path.join(self.path(path), p) for p in unknown]
   374         if unknown:
   375             # rm -rf makes me uneasy. Verify that all paths to be deleted
   376             # are within the release working copy.
   377             for p in unknown:
   378                 assert p.startswith(self.path())
   380             run(['rm', '-rf', '--'] + unknown)
   382     def ls(self, dir=''):
   383         """List the contents of a working copy directory.
   385         Note that this returns the contents of the directory as seen
   386         by the server, not constrained by the depth settings of the
   387         local path.
   388         """
   389         assert self.exists()
   390         return run(['svn', 'ls', self.path(dir)], capture=True)
   392     def copy(self, src, dest):
   393         """Copy a working copy path.
   395         The copy is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
   397         Args:
   398           src: The source working copy path.
   399           dst: The destination working copy path.
   400         """
   401         assert self.exists()
   402         run(['svn', 'cp', self.path(src), self.path(dest)])
   404     def propget(self, prop_name, path):
   405         """Get the value of a property on a working copy path.
   407         Args:
   408           prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
   409           path: The working copy path on which the property is set.
   410         """
   411         assert self.exists()
   412         return run(['svn', 'propget', prop_name, self.path(path)], capture=True)
   414     def propset(self, prop_name, prop_value, path):
   415         """Set the value of a property on a working copy path.
   417         The property change is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
   419         Args:
   420           prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
   421           prop_value: The value that should be set.
   422           path: The working copy path on which to set the property.
   423         """
   424         assert self.exists()
   425         run(['svn', 'propset', prop_name, prop_value, self.path(path)])
   427     def add(self, paths):
   428         """Schedule working copy paths for addition.
   430         The paths are only scheduled for addition, not committed.
   432         Args:
   433           paths: The list of working copy paths to add.
   434         """
   435         assert self.exists()
   436         paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
   437         run(['svn', 'add'] + paths)
   439     def remove(self, paths):
   440         """Schedule working copy paths for deletion.
   442         The paths are only scheduled for deletion, not committed.
   444         Args:
   445           paths: The list of working copy paths to delete.
   446         """
   447         assert self.exists()
   448         paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
   449         run(['svn', 'rm'] + paths)
   451     def status(self, path=''):
   452         """Return the status of a working copy path.
   454         The status returned is the verbatim output of 'svn status' on
   455         the path.
   457         Args:
   458           path: The path to examine.
   459         """
   460         assert self.exists()
   461         return run(['svn', 'status', self.path(path)], capture=True)
   463     def addRemove(self, path=''):
   464         """Perform an "addremove" operation a working copy path.
   466         An "addremove" runs 'svn status' and schedules all the unknown
   467         paths (listed as '?') for addition, and all the missing paths
   468         (listed as '!') for deletion. Its main use is to synchronize
   469         working copy state after applying a patch in unified diff
   470         format.
   472         Args:
   473           path: The path under which unknown/missing files should be
   474                 added/removed.
   475         """
   476         assert self.exists()
   477         unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
   478         if unknown:
   479             self.add(unknown)
   480         if missing:
   481             self.remove(missing)
   483     def commit(self, message, path=''):
   484         """Commit scheduled changes to the source repository.
   486         Args:
   487           message: The commit message to use.
   488           path: The path to commit.
   489         """
   490         assert self.exists()
   491         run(['svn', 'commit', '-m', message, self.path(path)])
   493     @staticmethod
   494     def export(url, revision, dest_path):
   495         """Export the contents of a repository to a local path.
   497         Note that while the underlying 'svn export' only requires a
   498         URL, we require that both a URL and a revision be specified,
   499         to fully qualify the data to export.
   501         Args:
   502           url: The repository URL to export.
   503           revision: The revision to export.
   504           dest_path: The destination directory for the export. Note
   505                      that this is an absolute path, NOT a working copy
   506                      relative path.
   507         """
   508         assert os.path.isabs(dest_path)
   509         if os.path.exists(dest_path):
   510             raise ObstructionError('Cannot export to obstructed path %s' %
   511                                    dest_path)
   512         run(['svn', 'export', '-r', str(revision), url, dest_path])
   514     @staticmethod
   515     def find_tag_rev(url):
   516         """Return the revision at which a remote tag was created.
   518         Since tags are immutable by convention, usually the HEAD of a
   519         tag should be the tag creation revision. However, mistakes can
   520         happen, so this function will walk the history of the given
   521         tag URL, stopping on the first revision that was created by
   522         copy.
   524         This detection is not foolproof. For example: it will be
   525         fooled by a tag that was created, deleted, and recreated by
   526         copy at a different revision. It is not clear what the desired
   527         behavior in these edge cases are, and no attempt is made to
   528         handle them. You should request user confirmation before using
   529         the result of this function.
   531         Args:
   532           url: The repository URL of the tag to examine.
   533         """
   534         try:
   535             output = run(['svn', 'log', '-q', '--stop-on-copy', url],
   536                          capture=True)
   537         except SubprocessFailed:
   538             raise ExpectationFailed('No tag at URL ' + url)
   539         first_rev_line = output[-2]
   540         first_rev = int(first_rev_line.split()[0][1:])
   541         return first_rev
   543     @staticmethod
   544     def diff(url, revision):
   545         """Retrieve a revision from a remote repository as a unified diff.
   547         Args:
   548           url: The repository URL on which to perform the diff.
   549           revision: The revision to extract at the given url.
   551         Returns:
   552           A string containing the changes extracted from the remote
   553           repository, in unified diff format suitable for application
   554           using 'patch'.
   555         """
   556         try:
   557             return run(['svn', 'diff', '-c', str(revision), url],
   558                        capture=True, split_capture=False)
   559         except SubprocessFailed:
   560             raise ExpectationFailed('Could not get diff for r%d '
   561                                     'from remote repository' % revision)
   564 #
   565 # Decorators for use in ReleaseEnvironment.
   566 #
   567 def pristine_wc(f):
   568     """A decorator that cleans up the release repository."""
   569     @functools.wraps(f)
   570     def revert_wc(self, *args, **kwargs):
   571         self.wc.revert()
   572         return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
   573     return revert_wc
   576 def requires_branch(f):
   577     """A decorator that checks that a release branch is active."""
   578     @functools.wraps(f)
   579     def check_branch(self, *args, **kwargs):
   580         if self.branch is None:
   581             raise ExpectationFailed(
   582                 'This operation requires an active release branch')
   583         return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
   584     return check_branch
   587 class ReleaseEnvironment(Paths):
   588     """Encapsulates the state of a Melange release rolling environment.
   590     This class contains the actual releasing logic, and makes use of
   591     the previously defined utility classes to carry out user commands.
   593     Attributes:
   594       release_repos: The URL to the Google release repository root.
   595       upstream_repos: The URL to the Melange upstream repository root.
   596       wc: A Subversion object encapsulating a Google SoC working copy.
   597     """
   599     BRANCH_FILE = 'BRANCH'
   601     def __init__(self, root, release_repos, upstream_repos):
   602         """Initializer.
   604         Args:
   605           root: The root of the release environment.
   606           release_repos: The URL to the Google release repository root.
   607           upstream_repos: The URL to the Melange upstream repository root.
   608         """
   609         Paths.__init__(self, root)
   610         self.wc = Subversion(self.path('google-soc'))
   611         self.release_repos = release_repos.strip('/')
   612         self.upstream_repos = upstream_repos.strip('/')
   614         if not self.wc.exists():
   615             self._InitializeWC()
   616         else:
   617             self.wc.revert()
   619             if self.exists(self.BRANCH_FILE):
   620                 branch = fileToLines(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE))[0]
   621                 self._switchBranch(branch)
   622             else:
   623                 self._switchBranch(None)
   625     def _InitializeWC(self):
   626         """Check out the initial release repository.
   628         Will also select the latest release branch, if any, so that
   629         the end state is a fully ready to function release
   630         environment.
   631         """
   632         info('Checking out the release repository')
   634         # Check out a sparse view of the relevant repository paths.
   635         self.wc.checkout(self.release_repos, depth='immediates')
   636         self.wc.update('vendor', depth='immediates')
   637         self.wc.update('branches', depth='immediates')
   638         self.wc.update('tags', depth='immediates')
   640         # Locate the most recent release branch, if any, and switch
   641         # the release environment to it.
   642         branches = self._listBranches()
   643         if not branches:
   644             self._switchBranch(None)
   645         else:
   646             self._switchBranch(branches[-1])
   648     def _listBranches(self):
   649         """Return a list of available Melange release branches.
   651         Branches are returned in sorted order, from least recent to
   652         most recent in release number ordering.
   653         """
   654         assert self.wc.exists('branches')
   655         branches ='branches')
   657         # Some early release branches used a different naming scheme
   658         # that doesn't sort properly with new-style release names. We
   659         # filter those out here, along with empty lines.
   660         branches = [b.strip('/') for b in branches
   661                     if MELANGE_RELEASE_RE.match(b.strip('/'))]
   663         return sorted(branches)
   665     def _switchBranch(self, release):
   666         """Activate the branch matching the given release.
   668         Once activated, this branch is the target of future release
   669         operations.
   671         None can be passed as the release. The result is that no
   672         branch is active, and all operations that require an active
   673         branch will fail until a branch is activated again. This is
   674         used only at initialization, when it is detected that there
   675         are no available release branches to activate.
   677         Args:
   678           release: The version number of a Melange release already
   679                    imported in the release repository, or None to
   680                    activate no branch.
   682         """
   683         if release is None:
   684             self.branch = None
   685             self.branch_dir = None
   686             info('No release branch available')
   687         else:
   688             self.wc.update()
   689             assert self.wc.exists('branches/' + release)
   690             linesToFile(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE), [release])
   691             self.branch = release
   692             self.branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
   693             self.wc.update(self.branch_dir, depth='infinity')
   694             info('Working on branch ' + self.branch)
   696     def _branchPath(self, path):
   697         """Return the given path with the release branch path prepended."""
   698         assert self.branch_dir is not None
   699         return os.path.join(self.branch_dir, path)
   701     #
   702     # Release engineering commands. See further down for their
   703     # integration into a commandline interface.
   704     #
   705     @pristine_wc
   706     def update(self):
   707         """Update and clean the release repository"""
   708         self.wc.update()
   710     @pristine_wc
   711     def switchToBranch(self):
   712         """Switch to another Melange release branch"""
   713         branches = self._listBranches()
   714         if not branches:
   715             raise ExpectationFailed(
   716                 'No branches available. Please import one.')
   718         choice = getChoice('Available release branches:',
   719                            'Your choice?',
   720                            branches,
   721                            suggest=len(branches)-1)
   722         self._switchBranch(branches[choice])
   724     def _addAppYaml(self):
   725         """Create a Google production app.yaml configuration.
   727         The file is copied and modified from the upstream
   728         app.yaml.template, configure for Google's Summer of Code App
   729         Engine instance, and committed.
   730         """
   731         if self.wc.exists(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')):
   732             raise ObstructionError('app/app.yaml exists already')
   734         yaml_path = self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')
   735         self.wc.copy(yaml_path + '.template', yaml_path)
   737         yaml = fileToLines(self.wc.path(yaml_path))
   738         out = []
   739         for i, line in enumerate(yaml):
   740             stripped_line = line.strip()
   741             if 'TODO' in stripped_line:
   742                 continue
   743             elif stripped_line == '# application: FIXME':
   744                 out.append('application: socghop')
   745             elif stripped_line.startswith('version:'):
   746                 out.append(line.lstrip() + 'g0')
   747                 out.append('# * initial Google fork of Melange ' +
   748                            self.branch)
   749             else:
   750                 out.append(line)
   751         linesToFile(self.wc.path(yaml_path), out)
   753         self.wc.commit('Create app.yaml with Google patch version g0 '
   754                        'in branch ' + self.branch)
   756     def _applyGooglePatches(self):
   757         """Apply Google-specific patches to a vanilla Melange release.
   759         Each patch is applied and committed in turn.
   760         """
   761         # Edit the base template to point users to the Google fork
   762         # of the Melange codebase instead of the vanilla release.
   763         tmpl_file = self.wc.path(
   764             self._branchPath('app/soc/templates/soc/base.html'))
   765         tmpl = fileToLines(tmpl_file)
   766         for i, line in enumerate(tmpl):
   767             if '' in line:
   768                 tmpl[i] = line.replace('/p/soc/', '/p/soc-google/')
   769                 break
   770         else:
   771             raise ExpectationFailed(
   772                 'No source code link found in base.html')
   773         linesToFile(tmpl_file, tmpl)
   775         self.wc.commit(
   776             'Customize the Melange release link in the sidebar menu')
   778     @pristine_wc
   779     def importTag(self):
   780         """Import a new Melange release"""
   781         release = getString('Enter the Melange release to import:')
   782         if not release:
   783             AbortedByUser('No release provided, import aborted')
   785         branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
   786         if self.wc.exists(branch_dir):
   787             raise ObstructionError('Release %s already imported' % release)
   789         tag_url = '%s/tags/%s' % (self.upstream_repos, release)
   790         release_rev = Subversion.find_tag_rev(tag_url)
   792         if confirm('Confirm import of release %s, tagged at r%d?' %
   793                    (release, release_rev)):
   794             # Add an entry to the vendor externals for the Melange
   795             # release.
   796             externals = self.wc.propget('svn:externals', 'vendor/soc')
   797             externals.append('%s -r %d %s' % (release, release_rev, tag_url))
   798             self.wc.propset('svn:externals', '\n'.join(externals), 'vendor/soc')
   799             self.wc.commit('Add svn:externals entry to pull in Melange '
   800                            'release %s at r%d.' % (release, release_rev))
   802             # Export the tag into the release repository's branches
   803             Subversion.export(tag_url, release_rev, self.wc.path(branch_dir))
   805             # Add and commit the branch add (very long operation!)
   806             self.wc.add([branch_dir])
   807             self.wc.commit('Branch of Melange release %s' % release,
   808                            branch_dir)
   809             self._switchBranch(release)
   811             # Commit the production GSoC configuration and
   812             # google-specific patches.
   813             self._addAppYaml()
   814             self._applyGooglePatches()
   816             # All done!
   817             info('Melange release %s imported and googlified' % self.branch)
   819     @requires_branch
   820     @pristine_wc
   821     def cherryPickChange(self):
   822         """Cherry-pick a change from the Melange trunk"""
   823         rev = getNumber('Revision number to cherry-pick:')
   824         bug = getNumber('Issue fixed by this change:')
   826         diff = self.wc.diff(self.upstream_repos + '/trunk', rev)
   827         if not diff.strip():
   828             raise ExpectationFailed(
   829                 'Retrieved diff is empty. '
   830                 'Did you accidentally cherry-pick a branch change?')
   831         run(['patch', '-p0'], cwd=self.wc.path(self.branch_dir), stdin=diff)
   832         self.wc.addRemove(self.branch_dir)
   834         yaml_path = self.wc.path(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml'))
   835         out = []
   836         updated_patchlevel = False
   837         for line in fileToLines(yaml_path):
   838             if line.strip().startswith('version: '):
   839                 version = line.strip().split()[-1]
   840                 base, patch = line.rsplit('g', 1)
   841                 new_version = '%sg%d' % (base, int(patch) + 1)
   842                 message = ('Cherry-picked r%d from /p/soc/ to fix issue %d' %
   843                            (rev, bug))
   844                 out.append('version: ' + new_version)
   845                 out.append('# * ' + message)
   846                 updated_patchlevel = True
   847             else:
   848                 out.append(line)
   850         if not updated_patchlevel:
   851             error('Failed to update Google patch revision')
   852             error('Cherry-picking failed')
   854         linesToFile(yaml_path, out)
   856         info('Check the diff about to be committed with:')
   857         info('svn diff ' + self.wc.path(self.branch_dir))
   858         if not confirm('Commit this change?'):
   859             raise AbortedByUser('Cherry-pick aborted')
   860         self.wc.commit(message)
   861         info('Cherry-picked r%d from the Melange trunk.' % rev)
   863     MENU_ORDER = [
   864         update,
   865         switchToBranch,
   866         importTag,
   867         cherryPickChange,
   868         ]
   870     MENU_STRINGS = [d.__doc__ for d in MENU_ORDER]
   872     MENU_SUGGESTIONS = {
   873         None: update,
   874         update: cherryPickChange,
   875         switchToBranch: cherryPickChange,
   876         importTag: cherryPickChange,
   877         cherryPickChange: None,
   878         }
   880     def interactiveMenu(self):
   881         done = []
   882         last_choice = None
   883         while True:
   884             # Show the user their previously completed operations and
   885             # a suggested next op, to remind them where they are in
   886             # the release process (useful after long operations that
   887             # may have caused lunch or an extended context switch).
   888             if last_choice is not None:
   889                 last_command = self.MENU_ORDER[last_choice]
   890             else:
   891                 last_command = None
   892             suggested_next = self.MENU_ORDER.index(
   893                 self.MENU_SUGGESTIONS[last_command])
   895             try:
   896                 choice = getChoice('Main menu:', 'Your choice?',
   897                                    self.MENU_STRINGS, done=done,
   898                                    suggest=suggested_next)
   899             except (KeyboardInterrupt, AbortedByUser):
   900                 info('Exiting.')
   901                 return
   902             try:
   903                 self.MENU_ORDER[choice](self)
   904             except Error, e:
   905                 error(str(e))
   906             else:
   907                 done.append(choice)
   908                 last_choice = choice
   911 def main(argv):
   912     if not (1 <= len(argv) <= 3):
   913         print ('Usage: [release repos root URL] '
   914                '[upstream repos root URL]')
   915         sys.exit(1)
   917     release_repos, upstream_repos = GOOGLE_SOC_REPOS, MELANGE_REPOS
   918     if len(argv) >= 2:
   919         release_repos = argv[1]
   920     if len(argv) == 3:
   921         upstream_repos = argv[2]
   923     info('Release repository: ' + release_repos)
   924     info('Upstream repository: ' + upstream_repos)
   926     r = ReleaseEnvironment(os.path.abspath('_release_'),
   927                            release_repos,
   928                            upstream_repos)
   929     r.interactiveMenu()
   932 if __name__ == '__main__':
   933     main(sys.argv)